Ban the person above you for any reason.

Banned for not letting cellists into marching band
Banned for thinking that cellists are even allowed in colorguard.
Banned for assuming that the cellists even want the flag and would rather march with a cello but can’t because its the size of the cellist
Banned for assuming that if we needed the cello sound we couldn't just set them up in pit but we don't cause that'd be too many low voices.
Also banned for assuming we don't have a rising 9th grader who mains cello but marches a Sousa
Banned for assuming we’d like to be put in a pit and have the band up above take all of the credit for our beautiful sounds
Banned also for thinking that marching band doesn’t need low voices because those trumpets need a chill pill and a mute
Banned for thankfully agreeing with me but even being in a band with those elephant sounds in the first place
Banned for assuming me and one other clarinet played louder than 10 trumpets during concert season cause said trumpets didn't practice enough
Banned for thinking that cellists aren’t needed in any sense like my teacher
Banned for assuming I don't know how nice it is to have strings cause holy hell can we woodwinds not sure like that and the brass just sounds muddy
Banned for being completely right and even allowing me to agree with you
Banned for being my new best friend because relatable
Banned for being musicians in highschool/college and making this all about that for the last page and a half. Also for all being so damn American, because half of what you talk about doesn't apply to the rest of the world. Although some countries are now implementing a number of extra curricular activities in the style of the states because the oversaturation of US media is making kids from the rest of the world think their school experience is "wrong", despite extra curricular activities not counting towards much of anything in our education systems.
Banned for banning me from my skulls. They are all rightfully mine and I will do with them as I please
Banned for being too cute
banned for thinking im good when im just beginning

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