Ban the person above you for any reason.

First, I ban myself for not getting that you've been joking around like a boss this whole time. Now I ban you for asking me to forgive you.

Yaoke... I ban you for ninjaing me. I ban myself for not remembering my identity of ramen, and I ban both myself and Yaoke for breaking the rules of banning the person above themselves.
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I'm banning Dream for being ramen, that hasn't entered my mouth and can type. I'm also banning myself for not seeing that Dream is a very skilled ramen which can type, round of applause for Dream.

I'm also banning Yaoke for making me a nickname that's good and I like.
Jetty, you have been banned by moi, DreamBeat, for not understanding my brilliance and not eating me already. My noodle "fingers" are typing a response just for you. Halfway across the galaxy.
That's really nice of your fingers, but anyway, may I eat you now? *Opens my mouth, as wide as I can* "Ahhhh"

Also, I'm banning you for talking french. And calling me Jetty, I didn't give you permission to use that, now did I? I'm also banning you typing halfway across the galaxy and making me discover that the internet has become high quality since you receive this halfway through the galaxy.
I ban you all for... uh... typing???

Nah, I ban Jetty for not approving of me calling Jetty Jetty(I'm psychic!), and Dream for having "Beat" at the end of Dream's name.

Let confusion reign.
Ahh!! Don't eat me! Don't eat me!! Banned because I can talk in what minuscule French I know (> :D ) I also ban you for trying to eat me!
Banned because I find your reason to ban to not have any correlation with anyone in this thread >.< But that's okay. Since you can ban for whatever reason you want.
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I ban you for using French! According to Google Translate...

Are you Senegalaise? I villain now, but I go for a walk.

You is bàn!

당신은 금지 돼었습니다! Du-dun!!

EDIT: You... You ninjad me!!! Banned! @An Unknown Person
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I ban all of you because I want to, and I ban myself for not understanding BBcode after I literally read the whole Guide 5x. And for the record, I ban Dream for not volunteering to be my food.
I ban you for having the anime I got my childhood toy from as your profile picture.

I also ban Jetty (HAHAHA!!) for not knowing to how BB Code. Start simple, and you'll get used to it. It took me a little while. I started with HEADERS.
Banned for asking why I'm using a translator...

Translated: Why are you using a translator !!

@Yaoke Saint Did I ninja you??

@Jet Valentine I'm sorry... I ban you for using d-bags to use as an insult (or whatever you're using it as since it's not offensive) because I know what it's used for, and it's... I don't like it.

I BAN ALL OF YOU! For responding so fast. My noodle fingers can't keep up.

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