• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ▌バキューン !!! ▌ ▌ʙᴀᴋʏᴜ▬ɴ




Nao Aoyama


Jack Frost




Kigiku Institution, 2nd year


Student Council - Vice President





110 lbs


a brief paragraph of what your character looks like. what is their hair color? eye color? do they have any scars and/or birthmark that stand out? did they find someone to get some ink or piercings from? do they change appearances when using their resolve? the image of a character is required in this section as well. hotlink the image via:



minimum of 2 paragraphs, this section can be written any way you like (with your comfort zone for this section). the 2 paragraph comes in from one route of breaking it up between "good traits" and "bad traits" (as a head's up). for me, I personally like taking personality terms and describing how it fits my character. for those going that route, the minimum paragraphs is 4 (two good traits and two bad traits).


minimum of 2 paragraphs, describe your character's past. how did they become the person they are? how did they get into their affiliated groups? how did they discover their resolve and train it? how did they pick up their other skills? what kind of family do they have? what ridiculous situations have formed their reputation and who they are (as well)?



B, Banchou


Absolute Zero: Ice Manipulation.

what is your character's power/ability? you are free to add/stack sub-abilities on to their resolve as long as it makes sense to the core of their power. feel free to link references from superpower wiki for further references or examples of how their resolve works via youtube videos. you are free to be as detailed as you like in this section and write them as you see fit. go all fucking out.


what combat skills does your character have? what kind of martial arts do they know? what underhanded tactics do they use? same as the above, feel free to go all out and link references to the material. skills and resolve should make sense with one another!


everyone should have some sort of weakness one way or another. the only type I will not accept as main weaknesses "health based" ones. there needs to be a weaknesses that is a great flaw and a possible character or two can come in to mess it up (for those underdog fights). weaknesses should include skills as well as resolve in this section.


weapons should make sense for the age group, skills, class, and resolve of a character. feel free to link images of what they look like.



skills and interest outside of fighting


what does your character like?


what does your character dislike?


all great character's have a theme song. what's your character's theme song?

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Hajime Mouaku


Haji, that damn pissing guy




Ajisai 2nd Year


No affiliations really...but he's in a band though!





159 lbs.


Hajime Mouaku

The first thing people would notice would be that burgundy/reddish tint of hair on his head, spiked up in every which direction in a messy and unkempt way. But anyway, that's pretty much his most defining feature. His skin isn't necessarily pale but from the looks of it he can stand to spend a bit more time in the sun. His eyes are a blue hue, though he wears an eyepatch over one eye just for the hell of it really. He doesn't actually need it. Standing relatively tall for his age, he's likely to grow quite a few more inches before he reaches his maximum. His body type is more lithe than athletic, he's actually pretty normal compared to most of his other classmates.



Hajime is...well. He's actually really damn normal. He's got a few quirks, but people do and that's what makes everyone different. But as far as the three schools go and how delinquency is set up, he's actually rather tame. He doesn't go out and start fights, he doesn't smoke and he doesn't drink and he doesn't do anything that could cause a problem normally. Well...except this one thing he does. Which is basically him taking a piss wherever he sees fit. Whether it's behind a dumpster, on the side of a building, off a rooftop, into a window, out of a window, on the train, in an elevator, it really doesn't matter to him. It's just something he does.

One strange thing about him is the fact he can get riled up over things nobody would really care about. This normally wouldn't be a problem if his rank wasn't brought into question, but he can actually be much more intimidating than people are lead to believe. Perhaps one of his better feats was actually getting a Yakuza mook to flinch when he gave him a glare. All because he didn't pick up after his dog. And you best believe he picked up after his dog after that.


Unfortunately, Hajime is the result of a one night stand of a particularly bad villain with some lady he managed to court out of her panties. Yes, a villain. Like superheroes and supervillains villain. His father didn't actually have superpowers, however. He was simply the best at just doing what he wanted, nothing was impossible. Of course he doesn't keep in touch, but Hajime can't say he really cares. If anything it's actually expected of him, especially knowing the man's reputation. He went off back to where he came from to continue living his life, leaving his mother with a newborn son.

The apple still doesn't fall far from the tree, however. Like his father, Hajime also seemed to be dangerously normal. There were times when his strength was brought into question in a lot of different ways. But that's not what's really important. What is is that his habits seemed to form at a young age when he had to pee. He didn't ask the teacher if he could go, he just picked a corner and let it rip. This is a habit that has persisted well into his older years. That seems to be what people remember him for the most. Nobody really saw him as a threat or an ally and so he doesn't have many fight stories. There are rumors of off-screen curbstomps but no solid evidence that he did it.

During the later years of his middle school days Hajime met another child named Dokusou Banjaku, and the two became fast friends. After which they started a band together. While they achieved mild fame for their throwback jams, the rest of the band always question Doku for his choices...and his personality...and his whole life. Sadly they don't all attend the same schools and so they usually commute across town to meet up for practice. Whereas Doku goes to Oniyuri, the other two belong to Kigiku, and Hajime attends Ajisai.

He doesn't add anything to the power struggle of the school to say the least, though it's rumored that his pissing habit is one of the reasons the last school war was left incomplete. His impressive member seemed to kill any momentum and the will to fight in others and ended the violence prematurely. For the moment that seems to be his claim to fame...no telling if that'll work twice however.



F-rank Delinquent? It really depends on how he feels some days. Refer to
this and some of this.


Badass Normalcy - Hajime, strangely enough, has no powers. If one could gauge his resolve, they'd read a straight up zero on him. There is an absolute lack of anything special about him. However, this makes his feats of strength and skill even harder to believe. While he truly can just be a generic mook in any given situation, it truly does depend on how he feels any given day. Some days he's just not feeling it. Some days he might just be enough to give a B-rank delinquent a run for his money.


Hajime has never been bad at fighting. It comes naturally to him. He has no skills or abilities that set him apart from others, but somehow he just does it better than others do.


He's just a normal guy, so his weaknesses are super normal. That being said, injuring him can be a feat above most people's output. Of course, having an eyepatch on does mess with his depth perception and give him a blind spot.


He doesn't fight often so he doesn't use any weapons. His proficiency with weapons is another thing altogether however.



Hajime is skilled in quite a few instruments just like the lead bandmate of the band, though he plays bass guitar to fill a spot and secondary vocals. He enjoys going to the arcade and gaming at home if the first is out of the question. He still holds the highest score in "Rock Hero", the song based game. He also has a knack for cooking. While it's not necessarily a hobby or a talent, it's been noted that his endowments are actually very impressive. Not the size more than the shape. The reason why anyone would know is because he's normally found when he's trying to take a piss, or can often be found doing that when something serious is happening or about to happen.


+ Breakfast Food (Aunt Jemima is his dream woman, and he loves pancakes and sausage)

+ Playing in his band

+ Downing 2 Liter bottles of soda in one sitting

+ Admiring himself in a mirror

+ Hula Hoops

+ Sophisticated nude art pieces

+ Slither.io

+ Might be a bit of a chubby chaser

+ Intellectual bathroom conversation


- When his toast falls with the butter/jelly side down

- Flat booty's

- Being held up from taking a piss

- The government and many of their issues

- When pet owners don't pick up after their pet

- People who leave the toilet seat up or don't lift it when they piss

- Nikki Minaj




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Efigenia Castellanos


Fifi - only those she considers close friends are allowed to call her this but considering those people in Greece no one calls her this now.

Nia - because this is the closest anyone is probably going to get to saying her name.

Vixen - an old nickname given to her by her old school mates because of how wild she can be when she throws down.




Oniyuri 3rd


No clubs or affiliations yet.



5'8" (172.72 cm)


180 lbs (90 kg)


Lets Play

A tall glass of water is what many have described her as. While intense training have trimmed away any unnecessary body fat from her form, time has also took the adorable features she once held as a child and molded her into the curvaceous and thick young woman she is today. Like her mother and father, her skin is a tanned, from years of spending her youth running around in the sun. Her chocolate brown hair is wild and voluminous, tumbling to the small of her back giving her a more feral look. She has almond shaped eyes however like her father the inner and outer canthi are elongated. Her eyes are framed by long, feathery lashes that give her that half-mast look. Her irises are shining emeralds that transition into a dark brown the closer it gets to her pupils, emitting a faint yet haunting glow beneath the shadow of her lashes. The bridge of her nose is thin yet defined, her nose ending in a small, graceful curve.



In essence, she bases her life off of humility. She is gentle, considerate, kind and gracious, putting others before herself. Such attributes does not mean that she thinks less of herself because she does not. She just thinks of herself less. She understands and fully accepts the fact that everything isn't about her. When it comes to a broken spirit she is a true nurturer.To the natural mind, that which is broken is unfit for use and should be thrown away; but to Efigenia, brokenness is of high value. A broken spirit quickly recognizes conscience violations as a result of a clear, soft conscience. It quickly discerns what is amiss, like a broken bone out of joint, and quickly makes an adjustment. When meeting her, someone would assume that she is a bit of a broken spirit herself. She will gratefully and graciously receive second chances as well as give them. As she interprets it, we are all failures – well, at least all the best of us! People fear failure and think failure is a stigma, that it is final. But it’s not. Failure is the school for humility. It sets up a second chance to do things differently. Efigenia is unnaturally calm and no where near as reactive as the average individual. Where criticism, accusations and slander is involved she does not take it personally. Instead she views it as testing what buttons are still active in your carnal nature or a means of improving her character as an individual and she makes no effort to vindicate herself because she knows that her actions will speak volumes in comparison to the words others will speak about her.

Aside from her humility and humble nature, she is a quiet and reserved individual who is more interested in security and peaceful living. She has a strongly-felt internal sense of duty, which lends her a serious air and the motivation to follow through on tasks. Organized and methodical in her approach, she can generally succeed at any task which she undertakes. She is very loyal, faithful, and dependable. She places great importance on honesty and integrity. Efigenia tends to believe in laws and traditions, and expects the same from others. She is not comfortable with breaking laws or going against the rules, however if she is able to see a good reason for stepping outside of the established mode of doing things, she will support that effort.


Her early years of life started and were spent in Agrinio, Greece. Her father Alekos was a renowned boxer and one of the best in the town she grew up in and her mother was a teacher at the very school that she attended. For all intent and purposes she had a pretty good life. She never really needed or wanted for anything. That's not to say she was spoiled. Her parents made it a point to teach her the value of hard work early on in her life. In her youth she was much smaller than the other children her age and found herself being bullied quite often especially by the boys. Tired of being pushed around she asked her father to teach her how to defend herself and that's exactly what he did but only after she promised him that she would never allow her skills to be used to bully others and to never, ever be the one to throw the first punch. It was from that moment on that her training began. She would rise before the sun and rest hours after it set only to start the cycle anew the next day. Needless to say she was bullied no more and things continued to be as right as rain. Yet that was only meant to last for a time. In the fourth grade she became an orphan when her parents were killed in an automobile accident. She was assigned to a foster family and was able to finish her elementary years in Greece in relative happiness but at the end of her fifth grade year she was adopted and being hauled off to Brazil.

While this new family wasn't bad they weren't necessarily good either. They clothed her, fed her and not once lay a hand on her. They did however verbally abuse to her a degree. When she did not act like the pristine and pageant loving princess that her new mother so adored about her other daughters for she was shunned, regarded as ugly and called an animal. Her new father however took interest in her. She was like the son he never had. He encouraged the drive in her to become better and paid for her to receive further training in the skills her father had already trained her in and gave her additional lessons in a new form of fighting to that she could be more versatile. It kept her fairly defended when she entered middle school but no matter how much better one became there would always be someone who would be better and that came in the form of Aloisio. He was the resident bully and the one that ran the school. If he didn't like the way you looked or you didn't give him what he wanted he made sure you paid for it.

Much to her chagrin he both liked her and wanted her. Puppy love is what people called it but she wanted no parts in any of it. All she cared about was her education and training. Her lack of interest was not appreciated and he made it a point to make her years there a living hell. Her second year of middle school was when things changed. She discovered something about herself that she never would have fathomed happening. It was on a trip to the zoo that she got both the scare and surprise of her life. Alosio and a group of his buddies cornered her and dragged her off from the rest of the student. It took a bit of effort on their part but with a bit of luck the managed to throw her into the enclosure snow leopard and her landing was far from graceful. She landed hard, cracking her head against the ground. Dazed and in pain she curled in on herself and cried all the tears and anguish she'd been holding in for all the years. The death of her parents, her adopted mothers scornful looks and lashing tongue, the never ending violence from Alosio all came crashing in. But in this moment of extreme vulnerability came a new strength and determination to become stronger. When she opened her eyes she found herself staring right into the gaze of the snow leopard that watched her some paces away and she felt a connection and a need to be wild. She became more aware of her surroundings and the calls of the animals that were in the zoo and then she became increasingly aware of that deplorable laughter.

Soon enough she was up on her feet and scaling the wall of the enclosure. When he got out, she came charging for her tormentor and the ground rumbled with every step that she took. Distance closed, she slammed her frame into his carrying him six feet before dropping him down and beating the fear of god into him. It took three adults to pry her off of him and two more to hold her down as she screamed, hissed and spat like the wild animal she looked like. After that middle school was completed without incident. Highschool was just another battlefield but she was more patient and skilled. She was able to hold her own without having the use of her gift. However come the end of her third year her now father received a promotion and his job required that he and the family move to Japan. Now here she is left to face an entirely new challenge.



D Delinquent


Faunal Imitation

Her power comes from the power of the very animals that we take for granted. If she wishes it she has the option to run like an ostrich, swing like a monkey, sprint like a cheetah, move like a cat, take the strength of an ant, track like a dog, hide like a turtle, constrict like a snake, etc. If she wants to be a real troll she'll combine a few attributes together.

Faunal Assimilation

Where there are individuals that can just blend in with a crowd of people and go unnoticed, she can and has done this with animals. Taking her to the zoo when she was a child was a complete nightmare.


Pankration - techniques from boxing and wrestlingbut also other types, such as kicking and holds, locks and chokes on the ground. The only things not acceptable were biting and gouging out the opponent's eyes. The term comes from the Greek παγκράτιον[paŋkrátion], literally meaning "all of might" fromπᾶν (pan-) "all" and κράτος (kratos) "strength, might, power".

Capoeira - a brazilian martial art that combines the element of dance, acrobatics and music.


Those that surpass her in experience and strength of course are her weakness. That is just the natural order of things and is to be expected. Her resolves also serves as a weakness as it can dwindle down her stamina especially when she combines the abilities of multiple animals at one time but it also dwindles her ability to make rational decisions. She becomes more feral and acts strictly on instinct which if done right can be used against her.


She has no need for weapons when she can be one.



She is quite talented when it comes to dancing. Any beat you throw at her she can come up with some form of trendy dance to go along with it. Her hobbies including painting and crochet.


Boxing/Kick boxing







Moonlit strolls







Loud Mouths

Unwanted Attention

Pointless Chatter





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WIP #1, YO + power concentration = Dis + Dis + Dis



first, middle (optional), & last name goes here


a general list of nicknames and aliases your character goes by




Kigiku Institute, 3rd Year


Student Council - Treasurer/Secretary

Archery Club - President



feet & inches (optional cm)


lbs (optional kg)


a brief paragraph of what your character looks like. what is their hair color? eye color? do they have any scars and/or birthmark that stand out? did they find someone to get some ink or piercings from? do they change appearances when using their resolve? the image of a character is required in this section as well. hotlink the image via: [/FONT][URL="the_image_link"][FONT=Catamaran]text to make the link appear[/FONT][/URL][FONT=Catamaran]



minimum of 2 paragraphs, this section can be written any way you like (with your comfort zone for this section). the 2 paragraph comes in from one route of breaking it up between "good traits" and "bad traits" (as a head's up). for me, I personally like taking personality terms and describing how it fits my character. for those going that route, the minimum paragraphs is 4 (two good traits and two bad traits).


minimum of 2 paragraphs, describe your character's past. how did they become the person they are? how did they get into their affiliated groups? how did they discover their resolve and train it? how did they pick up their other skills? what kind of family do they have? what ridiculous situations have formed their reputation and who they are (as well)?



A rank, Shabazo


what is your character's power/ability? you are free to add/stack sub-abilities on to their resolve as long as it makes sense to the core of their power. feel free to link references from superpower wiki for further references or examples of how their resolve works via youtube videos. you are free to be as detailed as you like in this section and write them as you see fit. go all fucking out.


what combat skills does your character have? what kind of martial arts do they know? what underhanded tactics do they use? same as the above, feel free to go all out and link references to the material. skills and resolve should make sense with one another!


everyone should have some sort of weakness one way or another. the only type I will not accept as main weaknesses "health based" ones. there needs to be a weaknesses that is a great flaw and a possible character or two can come in to mess it up (for those underdog fights). weaknesses should include skills as well as resolve in this section.


weapons should make sense for the age group, skills, class, and resolve of a character. feel free to link images of what they look like.



skills and interest outside of fighting


what does your character like?


what does your character dislike?


all great character's have a theme song. what's your character's theme song?

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WIP #2 + power concentration = Dis



first, middle (optional), & last name goes here


a general list of nicknames and aliases your character goes by




Oniyuri High School, 2nd Year


is there a club, sport, or group that your character affiliates themselves with in or out of their school?



feet & inches (optional cm)


lbs (optional kg)


a brief paragraph of what your character looks like. what is their hair color? eye color? do they have any scars and/or birthmark that stand out? did they find someone to get some ink or piercings from? do they change appearances when using their resolve? the image of a character is required in this section as well. hotlink the image via: [/FONT][URL="the_image_link"][FONT=Catamaran]text to make the link appear[/FONT][/URL][FONT=Catamaran]



minimum of 2 paragraphs, this section can be written any way you like (with your comfort zone for this section). the 2 paragraph comes in from one route of breaking it up between "good traits" and "bad traits" (as a head's up). for me, I personally like taking personality terms and describing how it fits my character. for those going that route, the minimum paragraphs is 4 (two good traits and two bad traits).


minimum of 2 paragraphs, describe your character's past. how did they become the person they are? how did they get into their affiliated groups? how did they discover their resolve and train it? how did they pick up their other skills? what kind of family do they have? what ridiculous situations have formed their reputation and who they are (as well)?



Lazy C rank, Banchou


what is your character's power/ability? you are free to add/stack sub-abilities on to their resolve as long as it makes sense to the core of their power. feel free to link references from superpower wiki for further references or examples of how their resolve works via youtube videos. you are free to be as detailed as you like in this section and write them as you see fit. go all fucking out.


what combat skills does your character have? what kind of martial arts do they know? what underhanded tactics do they use? same as the above, feel free to go all out and link references to the material. skills and resolve should make sense with one another!


everyone should have some sort of weakness one way or another. the only type I will not accept as main weaknesses "health based" ones. there needs to be a weaknesses that is a great flaw and a possible character or two can come in to mess it up (for those underdog fights). weaknesses should include skills as well as resolve in this section.


weapons should make sense for the age group, skills, class, and resolve of a character. feel free to link images of what they look like.



skills and interest outside of fighting


what does your character like?


what does your character dislike?


all great character's have a theme song. what's your character's theme song?

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Chuunibyou In Progress



no slide



128 lbs.





Hisana was born as the second daughter to the head of Hi-ko, an all female gang based in Kagoshima Prefecture in Kyushu, Japan, headed by the fearsome Akahana. They've claimed the nearby Sakurajima as their HQ, where it's rumored that they harness the power of the active lava flows within the volcano to forge their armor and weaponry. In reality, they're just a bunch of badass rowdy women who like blacksmithing. They also took an oath to never get married, but that didn't keep some of them from taking a man to bed whenever they wanted.


B or C-rank Delinquent [Will decide once powers/story are more developed]


Inner World

Fueled by and fueling Hisana's fantasy delusions, this gal's resolve is capable of enveloping a large area and bring it into her own tailor-made world. Any injuries sustained by thought brought into this world carry over into the outside world.

  • Edgy Protag Logic

    All that talk she does about having demonic power? Yeah, those powers are real here. While within her projected world, Hisana is stronger, faster and more durable than she would be outside. She's also capable of recovering quickly when knocked down and out, allowing her to get back up and continue fighting. And to top it all off, she totes can use her Black Nightmare Hellfire ability to actually summon pillars of intense flames.


    If some poor soul actually plays along with Hisana's delusions enough, she can choose to write them in as allies of hers in the fight against the enemy! They don't get the physical buffs that Hisana does, but they get the benefits of the Lives system.
  • I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again!

    Hisana and any named allies are given a set of Lives at the beginning of the scenario, Hisana getting five while her allies get three. If Hisana is on her own, she gets seven Lives. Anytime either Hisana or one of her allies gets knocked out for more than a minute, they'll be brought back to the state they were in at the beginning of the scenario and a life will be consumed. Once all Lives are used up the person will be transported to the Waiting Room until Game Over initiates.

I Am The Rules!

Within Hisana's Inner World there is always a scenario in place. That scenario has a set of rules written up just for it, and in order to escape the world she has created and return to the other, one must succeed in completing the scenario. Each scenario is different with each use of Inner World, but a handful of them remain constant and unspoken:

1. All that are pulled in retain the ability to use their Resolve, though their capabilities are cut in half (the exception being Hisana and any she has designated as allies).

2. In order to use one's Resolve and techniques involving their Resolve, they must dramatically announce the name of their move while doing so. Failure to do so will result in a penalty.

3. Anyone that is knocked out (except Hisana) is transported into the Waiting Room, where they'll remain until someone meets the prerequisites for Reviving them.

4. The more you get into character, the more favor you'll gain.

5. Any attempt at breaking the rules will be met with a penalty. If one person accumulates three penalties, they're sent directly to the Waiting Room and lose their chance of getting Revived.

6. If all members on one side end up in the Waiting Room, Game Over initiates.

Where's Your Plot Armor Now?!

If someone breaks one of the rules of either Hisana's world or scenario, the offender will be issued a penalty; something that hinders the progress and/or weakens the person in question. This can be anything from losing a weapon/item, or breaking a limb due to falling rubble. Failure to accept a penalty (i.e. dodging, blocking, nullifying, etc.) results in a double penalty.

Game Over


  • Title Here

  • Title Here

  • Title Here

  • Title Here


  • Title Here

  • Title Here

  • Title Here

  • Title Here











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Cassius Beinknout Munebags


Cash, Bank




Kigiku - 3rd Year


Ex-Student Council President

Target of Affection for the "Cassius Fan Club"

Leader of a Secret Organization ready to overthrow Evangeline





174 lbs.


Cassius Munebags

The definition pretty boy as one might expect to find in Kigiku. Despite his age he maintains both an air of maturity as well as an appearance of spry youthfulness. The boy is tall, though pale, but very handsome, and that vibrant blond hair of his is often the talk of the town with how luscious and flowing it appears daily. Hi eyes are a golden brown which hold an almost unreal intensity as if hiding something behind them. When not dressed in the typical Kigiku uniform he can often be seen wearing various high end designer suits and tuxedos.



Cassius is a very cordial person on the outside. He is very welcoming, and while his expression is normally stern he always has a shoulder to lean on and an open ear. These are the traits which made him a fantastic President in his time. He promised change when it was needed and always delivered. However, everything changed when Evangeline showed up.

Now, Cassius' once optimistic and friendly personality is replaced by bitterness and passive aggressive tendencies. While he still walks the halls with some air of being approachable, one look behind his eyes shows that the light that was once there is being diminished. All he thinks about is getting back to where he once was and once again establishing the proper order of the school. At the same time he must reclaim his honor and position by any means necessary.


Cassius wasn't always the man you see before you. Born to the Munebags family, who have had their hand in many of the worlds banks since banking was even a thing, he was always taught to be upright and just. However, he was also taught that a man's honor and respect were of the highest things one could have. To be without them was simply to be a shell of your former self, a shamed thing. With these ideals instilled within him at a young age, he went on to make his parents proud.

Time and time again, Cassius proved his worth. When it came to his academics he always came out with perfect scores. When it came to sports he always came out as the MVP. When it came to tutelage he would soon have as much knowledge as his teachers. No matter what it came to he never settled for anything less than perfection or being the first in line. As expected, when he came to high school it was the same way.

At Kigiku, he was quick to become Student Council president in his first year, running with much opposition but his charismatic nature as well as his name brought him a long way. However, Kigiku would also be the first taste of failure. During the school wars, which was a new concept to him. He wasn't sure how victory was achieved nor how they could come to an agreement...these delinquents were not the negotiating sort, after all. Perhaps victory was not supposed to be achieved, the thrill of war and fighting was a win in itself. That's the excuse that Cassius made for himself, after all.

However, his next failure would come in the form of a freshman during his second year at the institute. Evangeline Devereux, the name was familiar to all but he didn't think much of it. Not until she began storming from club to club taking names as if it were nothing. She was a force to be reckoned with. As if that weren't bad enough, she even took to fighting the Student Council head on! She was a woman who would get her way no matter what. Unfortunately for Cassius, he would have loved to keep his position but fate wasn't going to allow it. Instead of ending in bloodshed, he reluctantly took the route of a treaty. In the end, the only thing he got to keep to his name was a system where he could change some of the things in the school while Evangeline took over and changed everything else.

This was not the school he'd grown accustomed to...this was not the school he was the president of! Feeling shamed and his honor stripped, Cassius slowly began to change his ways. During the rest of his second year he had become something of an anomaly. Many would note that he hadn't changed much...some say he actually changed quite a lot. Perhaps it's just his aura. Regardless, come the start of his third year Cassius will indeed be wiping the smear from his name before graduation. He doesn't care who gets harmed while on his way to greatness once more. And perhaps maybe he's just getting started.



-A (Negative A) Rank Shabazo


Anti-God - Once upon a time, Cassius used to be a beakon of light and justice in the walls of Kigiku. During the school wars he was like a valiant knight, clad in an aura of shimmering gloriousness. However, after his failure to keep his position as Student Council President and with the way things spiraled out of control, his Resolve, as well, corrupted. Proving that Resolves could not only evolve but even shift and change, what was once a beacon of right has become the vanguard of negativity. Anti-God is the embodiment of his negativity, hence why even his rank is negative. His power, without even trying, is highly destructive. But let's face it, he is now an element of chaos in an otherwise 'peaceful' world. The contact of an negative element against a positive one is often times cataclysmic. In fact, the only thing keeping him from -S rank would be his lack of absolute control over his power, but seeing as it was only acquired after reaching rock bottom as opposed to his normal resolve that's only expected.

Inverted Occupation - Anti-God is a power of opposites and opposing forces. If a God can make all things possible, an Anti-God can cause impossibilities. To say the least, these abilities work in quite the same ways. If god can make everlasting life possible, then an Anti-God just has to make dying an impossibility. If god's are creators, than obviously Anti-God is the opposite, a "Destroyer". If God made water liquid, an Anti-God could liquify earth into mud, or even something more weak and soupy. Really, the only limitation on this ability would be an optimistic thinker who doesn't think of impossibilities, or of limitations on a positive trait. In the same vein, this can work in altering the abilities of those around him. With a touch, an individual who's abilities persist around anger will instead cause his powers to work only in calm. A man who can forcefully strengthen himself can only forcefully weaken himself. If an individual uses fire, he will be forced to use ice. If someone can heal wounds, they will be forced to put someone in immense pain or even reopen sealed wounds. Of course this strange altering of powers can not only create problems for the individual, but lack of control can cause them to also go haywire. Over a short amount of time the negativity will obviously reverse itself, but in the meantime Cassius has no problems actually beating his opposition.

Riot Starter - When conjuring his black energy, the explosive substance detonates on contact with anything it touches that isn't Cassius. Unfortunately this means air as well, and that being said it has a very short fuse before detonation when it leaves his hand. Strangely enough, because this explosive Resolve only explodes against a 'positive source', someone affected by his prior power to make them negative will actually become immune to all damage.

Dead Man's Hand - With two black aces and two black eights from his card deck and often one random card turned upside down (though normally a face card, particularly something ironic, say, if he's about to strike a fool he'd use a Joker for their downfall), he will toss these cards out in a fan to strike his intended target fatally.


Frugality - Or lack thereof. Cassius, like many at Kigiku, isn't above bribing and paying his way to the top. Sometimes money just makes life so much simpler. Why cause trouble yourself when you can pay off some thugs and have them take the fall as well? Nobody would believe a well to do citizen like Cassius would ever get involved with ruffians.

Kickboxing - While Cassius has a nice amount of training in many contact martial arts sports, he seems to favor the raw speed and power of mixing Savate and Muay Thai. Using his limbs like lethal weapons but preferring to kick something for lack of wanting to actually touch something filthy with his hands is part of his reasoning.

Slight of Hand - A bit of unseen pocket sand never hurt anyone...except his opponent. This is all about survival and ensuring his, after all. If he just so happens to cut someone with a card from his sleeve then that's their fault.


Thought Process - As a man who was always told "you can do anything" and "don't give up", the remnants of his heroic personality are the only things limiting him. Even now, the idea of overthrowing Evangeline to
better himself and the school is a limitation. If he could just get rid of the last bits of light in the cloud of darkness, he could be an unstoppable force.


Mainly, Cassius relies on a silver tongue, some post-it notes, or a bit of money to get the job done. When worst comes to worst he can concentrate a little better with a deck of cards, imbuing them with his Riot Starter ability to give them an explosive edge a la Gambit. While it's a bit less fatal than the raw energy, it has a further travel distance.



Cassius has always had a knack for public speaking and charismatic motivation, thus he can be quite persuasive. He's also relatively good at parlor tricks, mostly card tricks and things of that nature. One of his hobbies and as part of the terms of Evangeline taking over his position, he is able to leave post-it notes around the school of things which need immediate fixing. He tends to go through hundreds of these things a day, even on things nobody else would notice.


+ Power

+ Order

+ Respect

+ Wealth


- Evangeline

- Chaos

- When things are out of whack

- Delinquency


all great character's have a theme song. what's your character's theme song?

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Shinobu Hattori


Just Shinobu




1st Year - Oniyuri









Shinobu has hair as white as frost and eyes burning with passion, which both helps him when he wants to be noticed and hurts him whenever he didn't want to be. As a shinobi, it was usually a bad thing. Standing six feet, due to his family intrabreeding with a non-Japanese lineage a few generations ago, he towers over his older family, which worries him if he'll become a proficient ninja with his height. His clothing isn't as ninja-y as people might expect, looking more along the lines of someone that wants to be a shinobi but is probably too used to reading manga. Good, let them think that. It only makes it easier for him to slip under their defenses.



. . .

Shinobu doesn’t find the need to always add his own two cents to a conversation, preferring to stay quiet and out of the way. When it does come down to it, however, he will speak his mind, though it is likely in as few words as someone can get out of him. There are special occasions when he’ll speak more freely, most of them involving him after he has had a sip of his clan’s sake, age limit be damned.

It will be done.

He’s a man of his word, as few as they are. If he says he’ll get across the ocean and fetch an olive oil bottle from Greece, he’ll do it, even if he’ll have to expend his finances. It’s ironic, since many people believe that ninja are less trustworthy, since they’re assassins in the night. He’s quite loyal to those he forms contracts with. However, there is a hierarchy of contract; it’s either one person pays more to get precedence or they form it first. If someone tells him to kill someone else and the other person wants to kill the first person, first person’s contract is going to go through first, though if there is a dead drop instead of payment on completion, he’ll still finish the second contract. Maybe.

Your shoulder is three degrees lower. Why?

Talk about observant. Shinobu has spent many long hours studying the small intricacies of the human body and applying them to the normal people he meets every day. After applying them against the model, he can memorize how their body is when they’re “relaxed”. The first time he sees something is off, he’ll generally ask, to see if he can’t help in one way or another.

Honor is for fools. Power is key.

As the samurai were their main enemy in the feudal era, Shinobu has taken that stance one step further, proclaiming the act of Bushido, or anything honor that could limit oneself, as something not worth doing. Honor would not help keep oneself out of the gutter, hungry and alone. Power, on the other hand, would. And the most powerful power of the current age is wealth, which he acquires through being hired by people and forming contracts.


Everyone knows about the Hattori clan. It doesn’t matter if they’re from Japan or not, they’re basically the most famous shinobi clan of all time. Shinobu is from that clan, though it’s better to say his ancestors were; a few generations back, his family moved away from the main branch, creating a side branch of the Hattori, based on the children produced by the mixed race breeding. That would be his branch. Although they aren’t pure Hattori, they still hold the ninja-lineage in their blood. In a world that cares more about guns than anything else, they’re few in quantity, but high in quality. While almost every Hattori were shinobi or informants for them, not all of them could perform the art of shinobi magic, ninjutsu to all those that knew the name fiction calls it. Shinobu, as his father had, was able to access his resolve to use this magical art, putting him a caliber above those born in the same generation.

His resolve activated at a young age, not that he knew what it was other than having happened when he was playing a game of tag with the other children. He would find himself in one place before appearing in another. Once he was retrieved, his parents knew immediately that he would have to be honed in this resolve if they wanted him to become a superior ninja. It was at age seven that his training began, shuttled away to a mountain across the country, deep in the wilderness. He spent much of his childhood and teen years honing skills that would enable him to become useful to his clan, bringing in income while keeping his honor strong. It was so much talk of honor that made him curious what they thought of honor. For the Hattori, he learned, the clan’s honor was the most important thing, even to the point where they had to sacrifice themselves if it meant they could keep their honor. It was the honor that made them famous and able to provide for themselves, even in the day when shinobi weren’t necessary. His father, he who was mentoring his child on his resolve, saw it as the opposite, an unnecessary thing. Why would shinobi want to be in the center of attention? So he taught Shinobu about the anti-honor code, that honor could make them as weak as the samurai.

It didn’t take long until he found the strength to overcome the imaginary boundary of honor that hovered over him. He cut the head off of the serpent, his clan’s belief dead inside him, even as he put on a mask to appreciate the “honor” they had. Returning down the side of the mountain, he moved away from his home, to a retreat that was more common when shinobi were required to lay low from authorities after committing a crime.



D-Rank Banchou


SHINOBI MAGIC || The latest heir of a clan of shinobi, Shinobu was granted the knowledge and ability to preform arts and magics that the ninja have done for years, both in reality and of myth.

  • > Flash Step: Using the chi in his legs, he can propel himself quickly across a surface, bounding with large steps, making afterimages when he moves. He can increase his speed dramatically the more chi he uses to fuel it, though he'll end up more fatigued afterwards from the strain.

    Substitution: Prior to being hit with an ability, he can change his position with anything else, from dummy to another person.

    Water/Wallrunning: Using his chi, he can stick to a surface, enabling him to run on top of things that wouldn't normally support his weight.

    Unnoticibility: The strongest of all his abilities, unless he wants to be noticed, he won't be noticed. He can slip by behind the crowd and disappear without a trace.


Ninjutsu: The practice of mastering the eighteen disciplines of the Bujinkan:

Seishinteki kyōyō (spiritual refinement)

Taijutsu (unarmed combat)

Kenjutsu (sword techniques)

Bōjutsu (stick and staff techniques)

Sōjutsu (spear techniques)

Naginatajutsu (naginata techniques)

Kusarigamajutsu (kusarigama techniques)

Shurikenjutsu (throwing weapons techniques)

Kayakujutsu (pyrotechnics)

Hensōjutsu (disguise and impersonation)

Shinobi-iri (stealth and entering methods)

Bajutsu (horsemanship)

Sui-ren (water training)

Bōryaku (tactics)

Chōhō (espionage)

Intonjutsu (escaping and concealment)

Tenmon (meteorology)

Chi-mon (geography)

Kuji-Kiri (Esoteric Hand-Seal Practice)

Adopted Muscle Memory: Only by watching someone else preform a move, due to the control he has over his body, he can replicate it to similar results, so long as it doesn't involve a resolve or is a higher strength than he has.

Absolute Assassination: Given enough time and enough resources, he will find a way to kill something, no matter what it is. It might not be the person itself, as they are immortal, but he'll find a way.

Body Language Analysis: By watching what his opponent is doing and the flex of their muscles, he can generally guess what they're going to do before they act it out. It works for non-combative situations as well, though, as it is a guess, it's not always perfect.

Trained Body: Years spent honing his body and having perfect muscle control have given him the chance to commit feats that astound, or would astound if not for the resolve feats going out. Scaling skyscrapers, sneaking into a building unseen or heard, those are just a few examples.

Escape Artistry: As he is a master of trapping someone, he knows how to escape them, most of the time. Unless it's something new, then he has no idea.

Stealth Tactics: He can take down people with precision as to not alert anyone else of his presence, even if the victim struggles. He also can bait people with what they want, usually leading them into a trap.


For all his abilities and skills, as a ninja, he isn't someone that can fight on the front line. Nine times out of ten, if he's caught, he'll run away, effectively losing his fight. In the one time he'll fight, he can be easily overpowered by someone that's strong enough or fast enough to catch him.


A ninjato, as it is his trademark, is what he normally carries around, as well as a few handheld weapons. His home holds even more weapons, an entire large room filled with them.



Cooking: Not that he has a family that loves to eat, but as he's the youngest in the household, he's expected to use all that youthful energy and feed his elders. So, he's picked up quite a large repertoire of recipes over the years, mainly of Japanese food, more modern and those older than he should care to learn.

Meterology: All he has to do is take one look outside and he can guess what the weather is going to be like for the next few days. It's not uncommon for people to ask him if they should bring a jacket for the next day, if it's going to be cold.


> Zen mentality

> Candlelight

> Spending time with his clan's animals

> Being hired

> Ice cream


> People bound to worthless honor

> Disruptions to nature

> Pickles

> Ninja Manga

> Asking if he's an actual ninja



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Harumi Arashi


Mimi - She only allows close friends, family and one summon to regard her by this nickname as this nickname was given to her as a term of endearment. Her mother had wanted to call her mini when she was born because of her size but mistakenly said Mimi and it stuck.


16 but appears to be around eight years of age.


Kijiku 2nd year


Secretary to Cassius and for a Secret Organization ready to overthrow Evangeline





58 lbs



My summon and I

Harumi has a lithe, graceful frame and she's elegant in appearance. Though she has a doll like face framed with shoulder length curly bond hair. Her skin has a pure and peaceful warm glow to her. Though not sickly thin she looks like if you reached to embrace her she would simply shatter. She has a very sweet and pleasant smell to her. Maybe that of vanilla and strawberries. Her skin is of a creamy pale china doll, but carries a rosy hue. When the moonlight hits her, she shimmers.

She has the eyes of a doe; wide and inquisitive behind long lashes.They are deep icy blue pools with a mix of green bordering the iris and pupil. Their gaze is gentle, soul piercing, and warm. Sympathetic, full of compassion and very expressive. However there is a tinge of sorrow held within them.





She sees inefficiency not just as a problem in its own right, but as something that pulls time and energy away from all her future goals, an elaborate sabotage consisting of irrationality and laziness. She makes it a priority to root out such behavior wherever she goes.

Direct and Honest

She trusts facts far more than abstract ideas or opinions. Straightforward statements and information are king, and she returns the honesty (whether it's wanted or not).


Seeing things to completion borders on an ethical obligation for her. Tasks aren't simply abandoned because they've become difficult or boring – she takes them up when they are the right thing to do, and they will be finished so long as they remain the right thing to do even if the action to gain the good outcome is bad.


She can share another persons feeling quite easily. So easily in fact that if you were to tell her that your heart is broken, she just might place a hand over her own and stare at you in sadness with eyes brimmed with tears. Being this empathetic is emotionally draining for her and often requires her to take a step back to seclude herself from all interaction as a way to detox and focus.

Short Temper

Do not push her buttons for her anger is explosive. She has played for a fool numerous times because of her outward appearance and she will tolerate it no longer. She has very little tolerance for insubordination of any form. If she has given you an order it is best that it is followed as those orders were given to her by none other than Cassius and she will not allow anyone to make her appear incompetent to the very student that had been nothing but kind to her from the very beginning. She'll also not tolerate any offenses targeted specifically toward her. Her sensitivity on certain issues are the driving force to her anger.


Harumi was born with an ultra-rare genetic condition, for which doctors have no discernible explanation, which keeps her from physically aging or rather has exponentially slowed down that process. At three years of age she still retained the skin of a new born babe and she only weighed 11 lbs which had her parents caring for her nearly the same as the day she was born. Her parents were beside themselves with grief already coming to terms that their daughter would be stuck in perpetual infancy until the day she died. However the doctors saw her as something more and wished to study her further to better understand the aging process and figure out how to slow it if not stop it completely. They way they saw it she was a living cure to aging and a possible gateway to obtaining immortality. For years she was surrounded by medical staff, constantly running their tests, poking and prodding her with needles and a plethora of other medical tools. At the time she could not vocalize her resentment but she fully understood what was happening. While her body was slow to grow, her mind still matured at a regular rate if not someone delayed. At the age of eight she was roughly the size of a two year old and was still learning to walk on her own. She'd been held back in the venture due to her parents constantly carting her around.

It was around this time in her life when she first encountered the nine year old Cassius as her father was a colleague of his. First appearances led the young boy to believe that his parents had set him a play date with an infant. Of course no nine year old boy would want to be stuck with the duty of baby sitting but when her age was mentioned and her condition explained Cassius was quite accommodating. In fact that was when his road into becoming a chivalrous gentleman began. He played with her, conversed with her and treated her as if she were just another girl running about. Through him she found a sense of normalcy and because of him she found her ability to walk. Her speech improved as well now that she wasn't constantly being spoon fed baby talk. He gave her the intellectual nourishment she needed to develop and thrive mentally. Cassius was her first true best friend and continued to be such through the passing years. He was her voice of reason when she wanted to rebel just as she was for him. He became the anchor she could always rely on.

The two were separated for a time when illness took her which left her to be home schooled during her last years of elementary school and all throughout middle school. She thought herself blessed when she saw him again during her first year of being enrolled in Kijiku. He was her shield from those that would bully her and the one to comfort her with pats atop her head. Ordinarily such acts was anger her as she felt patronized but she knew when it came from him it was a means to comfort her. Unfortunately, such a comforting act would be the start of a every frightening experience for her. An unfortunate student thought he could get away with such a stunt and he paid dearly for it. Mind clouded with discomfort and wanting to escape the source one of her hidden abilities surfaced. From a portal of darkness a large clawed hand reached out and attacked the offender breaking his arm, collar bone and four ribs.

Frightened and confused she fled and sequestered herself in the females restroom. There was nothing her peers could do to calm her and nothing the staff could do to convince her to come out. The situation being spread on the lips of the student body finally reached Cassius' ears and he came to assist. Finally after hours of effort put in by everyone else, he was able to get her to come out within a matter of minutes. She ran to him in tears, wrapping her small arms around his waist and holding on tight as if afraid he would vanish if she let go. With relative ease he managed to guide her away from the gaze of the others and arranged to have her in classes close by his own should anything happen he could be there to assist. As the year progressed, he assisted her in honing her skills and on the side she dove in to text on the occult and studied demonology to get a better understanding of her strange abilities. When she finally began to feel like she was in control something else surfaced.

One night she awoke from a nightmare to discover that she was no longer in her room. She was in a field of a place that was foreign and yet so familiar. Like a distant memory or dream. She roamed around and saw the faces of people she knew but she knew something was wrong when she saw herself, a more confident version of herself. It took some time for her to find her way back but when she did she was bombarded with questions. While she thought she'd been gone for no more than two hours at best, she'd in actually had been missing for a week. Not wanting to tell her parents what had occurred, she played it off as if she was in her room the entire time. They summed her week of missing to having slept walked. Through practice she was able to master her plane walking and Cassius was the first to learn the truth when she took him to a world he'd described during their childhood.

It was an act that became a habit in her attempts to help Cassius in times of stress or when he needed to escape having his clothes ripped from his person by his rabid fan girls. These travels also became more frequent when Cassius was dethroned from his prestigious position of Student Council President. It pained her to see him slowly turn into the very monster he once fought so hard to keep out of this school so to help remind him of who he once was and to remind him that she will always remain by his side she takes him to these escapes. While she will always regard him as her best friend, that isn't the only reason why she puts so much effort into his happiness. She'll likely never admit it due to her own insecurities but she has come to love him.



B - banchou


Planes Walking - can travel to other planes of existence, myriads of different realities all simultaneously coexisting within the same expanded cosmology. Planes are often multi-layered and likely endless in number, though they are usually organized into local cosmologies centered on a prime nexus plane.

Dimensional Replication - power to tap into its genetic signature across other dimensions, bending reality in order to transport those who share the same bio-patterns into ones home-reality.

Summoning - can transport person, creature, or object of choice by means of teleportation, dimensional travel, portal creation or some other way. This may also result from a previous summoning contract, which creates a connection between the summon and summoner.

Possession - can possess or take over the body of any living being, whether sentient or not, by stealing their motor functions and senses.


She has been trained in basic self defense methods. Kick to the shin, knee or foot to the groin, fingers to the eyes and fist to the throat. It will do no real damage but it's enough to buy her time to put some distance between she and her attacker.


Physical - due to her stature, she has about as much strength of an average eight year old girl. Anyone can physically over power her with relative ease.

Planes Walking - access to some planes are restricted and so require specific conditions or an extra share of energy to access. She runs a high risk of being trapped within the planes due to something called
Realm closure. Said abilitiy provides no protectiong from the planes, only travel.

Dimensional Replication - some versions of herself might be rebellious and down right evil further adding to a current problem. Cohesion and teamwork is needed so summoning a version with leadership skills is highly suggested though may not work if your looking for brute strength. Needs mastery of the power in order to distinguish other versions through the entirety of the multiverse.

Summoning - usually temporary unless summoned entity uses the summoner as a tether to remain in this realm. This tether can bring about untimely death as it leeches off the summoners life source. Summoned creatures may have to find their own way back, which is likely to cause problems. Summoning immensely large/heavy targets take a mental toll and will leave summoner disoriented for a number of days. Summoning may not grant control over the summoned being. Summoned entities may become uncontrollable and put the summoner and everyone else in the vicinity in danger. May require a contract to summon specific entities. May require approval of the entity if they are sentient. Summoning certain entities may require a sacrifice, such as blood, wealth or life. Certain symbols, carvings and/or ceremonies may be needed to summon. Must require knowledge of what is to be summoned to actually summon it. Certain temporal/spacial limitations/restrictions may prevent/complicate summoning.

Possession - overtaken host may be able to fight back for their body. Need to focus to return to original body. May be overpowered by the host, placing the inhabitant in a sleep-like state. Has to touch the target for transfer to be made. Only works with one body at a time for low level users. Depending on host's will power and strength, may only be able to use another's body with the host's permission. Can be
exorcised from the host. May be banished through Purification. Needs to switch bodies often in order to preserve their life. May kill the host in the process by "crushing" them from the inside. Will die if the host is killed. The inhabitant's actual body is vulnerable to attack and the inhabitant may die or become trapped in the host if the possessor's body is damaged/destroyed beyond repair. Users of Indomitable Will are either resistant or immune. May not have control over the host body, but simply influence the host with Mind Control. User may cause damage to the host (sheer power, physiology rejection, etc.). Cannot possess those with Possession Immunity.





Her talents lay in singing and dancing. More specifically opera and ballet. Her hobbies include archery, studying magic, the occult and demonology.


-Plane traveling


-Social gatherings






-Romance novels

-Event planning


-Being treated like a child

-Being dressed like a doll

-Not being taken seriously

-Being stared at

-Bitter foods

-Being confined or hovered over unless needed

-Her child-like appearace

-Getting dirty

-Germs (no joke, she freaks out)


-Being alone



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