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Realistic or Modern ▌バキューン !!! ▌ ▌ʙᴀᴋʏᴜ▬ɴ


schaden f r e u d e


summery of the last installment goes in here

APRIL - 2017

The time has come, once again, to introduce the new students of 2017! Everyone is excited (or not) about the start of the new school year. Graduates disappeared and new powers have shifted for the better (or worse). Go meet your new kohais and get ready to say goodbye to your senpais! This is the year for 3rd years to leave a lasting impression before passing the torch to the next generation. DON'T BE LATE!


Oniyuri Club Rush

All students of Oniyuri High School will be divided and separated into the number of clubs on dangerous. It’s considered the most dangerous times for the campus.

Kigiku Hell Week

For all incoming freshman, it’s considered the worst time on campus. They all learn that there is only one person in charge at the school.

Ajisai’s Salt-fest

Practically a week-long riot, this is the time many of the freshman learn that they aren’t hot shit anymore and have their dreams crushed. This is considered the busiest times for the toughest students on campus.

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It was your average morning for the city of Sen’iki. The Bullet Time transit was in full force. The roads were packed. Everyone was going about their average morning commute… and school. After the long winter break and the anti-climatic incomplete cliffhanger conclusion of the School Wars, the start of the new year begins. Graduates are forced out of their comfort zones and are now full-fledged adults (despite how terrifying the idea is). Replacing them are the new generation of students, including the potential high school freshmen that believe things will be the same. But, they’re wrong.

Take Momosakura. A simple high school student with dreams of being an ane. No real life goals, but to be a mistress for the toughest man in the world. She had her whole life planned out in her pink-haired head. She was even going to bring her future husbando his lunch. But, too little too late. Someone took a whiff and wanted what she’s packing. There’s no exceptions in the battle of bento. She was defeated. Tattered apron floating away as the punks stole her lunch box and left her to rot.

Who knows who else would wind up like this student? … figuring out the hard way that naked apron isn’t the best dress option.



"Well that's unfortunate...wouldn't let that shit happen to me dooooooooooe." As the blue-haired youth brought his bike to a stand still in the parking lot, the news of the slaughtered young woman would spread across the campus like wildfire. Of course it was nothing new, but hey...she was like, ACTUALLY dead. That sort of news kinda spreads pretty easy. Though, when you've been going at this for two years and starting your third it was pretty easy to get used to it. Even now, after the students talk about how this pink-haired chick got bento-jacked and left for dead, they immediately move on to trying to figure out their class schedules and which ones they have together. Many are excited to have math classes. Many dread the thought of gym and know to skip, as is common practice given the demon lurking there.

As for Kazuma, he just wanted to glide through this last year and get on with his life. He had done enough punching and getting punched for a few life times, and he wasn't exactly to keen on keeping that lifestyle up just for some school. Once he graduated, he had to put a lot of thought into his gang. He had to start becoming more serious in figuring out how they were going to thrive in this crazy world. Kazuma has thought of quite a few things. Lending services to some Yakuza around here being one, getting more involved in street races being another, or running some form of business. Worst comes to worst, Karasu may get disbanded. But that was a far off thought. He didn't want to disband his little tight nit group of misfits. The ones that were still here are the ones who have been here forever.

And many of them were starting to pour into the parking lot right now to take up space and loiter, making sure no other cars were going to be in or around their spots nearest the school itself. That was always the signature Karasu territory. People could shit in and out all they wanted to...just don't cause any trouble.

"Augh...I really wish I was the one that jacked that girl's bento. I'm starving in this camp." Kazuma complained as he went to taking his spot on the bench by the parking lot, kicking up a leg and laying himself back against it. The perfect way to start the new year...same way he started every year.

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<span style="font-size:12px;">Today was just another day for her a she went about her usual routine. Up by five in the morning preparing breakfast not only for her father but for herself and the motley crew that she associated with. Granted she was only really concerned about one person in particular getting fed but his gang had taken her under their wing more or less and it simply wouldn't be right to leave them hanging. On top of breakfast she prepared quite a few bento boxes and one extra for a little experiment she'd been contemplating over break. By six she was in her little garden tending to her assorted plants that she'd taken to starting up, choosing flora that could start sprouting in the winter and flourish as the season progressed into something warmer. Six thirty came around and she was showered and dressed, neatly packing the breakfast burrito and bento boxes away to begin her day. With a quick good morning and goodbye kiss to her fathers cheek she was out the door and peddling away on her way to school by the time her wrist watch read seven with her precious cargo in the front basket of her bike. In the past she had her fair share of run-ins with individuals that wanted to steal her lunch but all of that became a thing of the past partly because she could peddle faster than those ruffians and partly because Kazuma made it a point to beat the asses of anyone who stole food that was intended for him. You DID NOT get in between him and his food and get away with it. </span>





<span style="font-size:12px;">It was eight o'clock when she pulled into the parking lot of the school and already things were a buzz with the recent death of a young girl. While not surprised in the slightest, she still couldn't help but feel bad for the girl. Sure things had gotten pretty bad before but she couldn't ever recall someone actually dying. A sigh left her lips and she shook her head. No sense in dwelling on it. Nothing could be changed. What was done was done and there was nothing anyone could do about it...not even her. She couldn't bring people back to life...that wasn't her gift. Pulling up next to a familiar bike, she dismounted, gathered her things and headed on over to the bench on which her friend lounged. <span style="color:#008080;"><strong>"Good morning."</strong></span> As per usual her tone was cheerfully lyrical and right on cue without needing to be prompted she had his breakfast burrito pressed to his mouth before he could whine about how hungry he was. His bento box was placed in his lap before she started handing out the rest to the others finally leaving her with just two. <span style="color:#008080;"><strong>"First day of school and already there is something to talk about. Sometimes I wonder why I even dare to hope for a change."</strong></span> She rolled her eyes in mild annoyance as if to drive her point home. <span style="color:#008080;"><strong>"Oh well. How was your break?"</strong></span></span>

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“Ugh, are we almost there….I’m getting all stuffy back here” The blonde complained as she stopped poking at the screen of her phone, opting to stare out the tinted window instead. Images blurred past her, but every time they stopped at a light or a road sign she could still see the stares that her transportation was getting. Afterall, a White Lincoln town car wasn’t exactly something people in the inner city saw very often.. However these people acted as if they hadn’t seen anything like it at all. Maybe it was a good thing her father had insisted on the town car instead of the limo.

“Just a few more block’s Miss” a voice came from the front of the car.

Heaving an exaggerated sigh Yuuki just slumped into her seat, “Well..Drive faster or something” she whined. “Of course” the driver quickly complied to the teenage girls whims, as usual. Telling Yuuki Yoshimaru no was not part of the job description. She had to admit she was getting a little fidgety as they drew closer to her destination. And in all honesty, she should be a little nervous, after all…today was her first day at the very rowdy Oniyuri High school. Now, Yuuki was a very privileged girl, living in luxury, able to do or buy whatever she wanted…any woman or girl would love a life like that. So why in the WORLD was a she of all people heading to Oniyuri?

Well according to Yuuki’s parents, it was to bring a little more class to the public schools, and show that the wealthy Yoshimaru family cared about the education plights of the lower middle class. Yeah, well that was how it look to the media, but for the blonde, there was ulterior motives. And one of those was to surpass Hideki Nishimura of Ajisai Tech…who just so happened to be her estranged older sister. Yes, Hideki was in actuality Hideki Juri Yoshimaru, the eldest daughter of the prestigious family. However a few years ago Hideki had abandoned the family to pursue a 'simpler' life...or so she claimed.

Yuuki could never understand it, why on earth would she leave, she had everything! Well apparently that had been the problem, Hideki didn't want everything handed to her...she wanted to work for what she got...well whatever the reason it was all nonsense in Yuuki's mind. All she knew was that even with Hideki gone she still felt like she was living in her raven haired sisters shadow. And that was what was she was here for, to step out of her sisters shadow and also knock her off her pedestal. Time to prove she didn't need her older sister anymore!

Finally the town car turned a corner, and Oniyui suddenly came into sight. The car stopped right in front, drawing attention of course. This was the type of Vehicle that was seen at Kigiku, not Oniyuri...unless it was driven by someone who boosted it of course.

Yuuki remained seated until her driver came around to the passengers side door and opened it for her. She then elegantly slid out of the vehicle, she didn't have a school uniform yet, so she took the liberty of picking out her own. She straightened the scarf around her neck and gave her long blonde hair a single flip, just because she was going to a ruffian school didn't mean she had to dress like one afterall. Looking about the outside of the campus the driver just grimaced “Your father stressed that I ask if this is really what you want”

Yuuki just shouldered her designer leather handbag and then brushed a strand of hair behind her ear “Of course it is” she insisted before starting to walk across the yard. There seemed to be people fighting nearby already, but that was to be expected in a place such as this. Everyone fought, that is what they did her, garner reputations and make each other stronger. Everyone wanted to be the best, and Yuuki was no different. On the outside Yuuki seemed calm and collected, her head held high and a sort of determination in her steps. Although in all honesty she was so nervous she felt like she was gonna puke. Was this really a good idea? What did she really hope to accomplish!

No...she couldn't think like that. She was here, she couldn't turn back now because she was afraid of what people would think. All her life she had hid behind Hideki and let her fight the battles, and then Hideki left, leaving Yuuki to fend for herself. Hideki clearly didn't need her so she needed to prove to her raven haired sister that now...she was the one that wasn't needed. Looking about her Yuuki couldn’t help but scoff. “You would think with the sizable donation my parents made to this place they would have straightened it up before I got here, I mean honestly…talk about a lack of class” Yuuki complained, wrinkling her nose distastefully.

Location: Oniyuri Campus

Company: No One at the Moment

Thinking: "don't throw up!"
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From Home to rail to KIGIKU!


Dumb Shit Lover Boy

Her break was shit. That is how it was.

One thing she thought in life that would be sweet and dreamy that only existed in stupid romance novels and those Japanese dramas ended up being a complete nightmare. First love is such full of complete crap and it is stinking up her life with its aroma. Though right now, it was depriving her of sleep and filling her head with the most asinine yet the most catchy lyrics.

She gripped the pillow over her head.

She was going to go insane.

No. No. She wasn’t going to stand for this. She got from her bed, walked to the window, pull the curtains just slightly, opened the window and yell out from the frame,
“SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO TO SCHOOL!” She then slammed the window shut.

Just outside was a man by the name of Banjaku, Dokusou. This young man of seventeen with a he calls a beauty of a pompadour with a electric guitar that he has attached to speakers. For about fifteen minutes, he has been serenading to Esper because he felt that was the most romantic thing ever. He felt that waking up a girl on the morning of her first day of school of this year was somehow gonna make her think he is some sort of hero. Why has no one stopped him? Cause her brother is probably laughing his ass off and deciding this was a good alarm clock. Plus, no harm was done, because her parents were already up and left the house.

And why does this young man infatuated with her? Esper has no freakin’ clue. None.

But let’s go back in time where they meet. It was a late night and Banjaku’s band had performed their last song after the giddy and respectful Japanese crowd clapped. In the back of the crowd, there was raw pure violence. There in her most vicious form was La Mera Mera, punching the shit out of some man. She stood there, body tense and filled with fury as she punched the man under her as she clenched his collar shirt. Her right foot was on the body of another man and the left firmly against the ground. Around her were other bodies as some people watched in shock and some other ganguro girls laughed and took pictures at the men’s clear plight. La Mera Mera screamed out a flurry of spanish curses with her face just filled with rage that people could almost see the cake layered makeup almost just almost slosh off. With one final raise of her first, she sent a final punch and reel back with her dyed amber mane of hair push back her shoulders. Her mouth opened wide as she snorted loud and hard, gathering the snot and saliva before spitting the most disgusting looking loogie in this man’s face.

Banjaku Duko dropped his mic and turned to his band mate and friend, Hajime with a look of awe. He then declared, "... I am in love!”

Hajime was just surveying the scene as such violence was not really all that new to him. It was what was producing the violence that was horrifying, “...with that?!”

Doku looked back as Esper towered over the body of men and kick a man in the ribs, “Isn't she wonderful?” Hearts could be seen floating around him.

Hajime looked at his friend for a long moment before turning to the possibly young woman who had so much makeup on her face that anyone could swear that was bound to be something terrible underneath. So far her outer behavior was not helping, “...can I advise you not to do this?

Doku suddenly spoke out in a jovial voice, “TRUE LOVE!” His other band-mates just stared in horror.

Hajime’s only rebuttal was, “I'm going to piss…” He had put up his white flag and would be unzipping his pants soon.

AND this is how it all started. All that Esper knew is that day she was forced to see this “awesome cool band” that she grew to hate and ended up beating the living shit out of some jerks who decided that she and her friends were providing some late night services. Of course, she acted and she had no regrets. Somehow, she ended up with the annoying lead singer of said band following her like a lost puppy, declaring about first love. To be honest, she did not believe in it. She did not feel no spark and no connection. This guy was crazy and annoying.

As she started to get ready for school, she realized the problem of having this young man waiting for her. Nope, he didn’t need to know which school she went to and ruining her cover. She is going to have to out as La Mera Mera and put a jacket over the top of her uniform. Quickly as possible, she went on a painstaking to put on that make-up, quickly dyeing her hair in temporary amber color and added over the top glittering accessories. She got her duffel bag, backpack and headed down the stairs. Her brother opened his mouth to greet her before she flipped him off for not taking care of the jerk outside who woke her up and shoved a quick granola bar into her mouth, grabbing her lunch bag before she stepped outside.

Her second words to her so called lover boy was,
“Go fuck yourself!” She shoved passed him and kicked one of his speakers as she raced towards the train station. At least she wasn’t late, but she suppose arriving to school as La Mera Mera will be...interesting.
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Spiral Park was bustling with activity this morning, kids walking just about everywhere, heading to their first day of school for the year. A tall dark haired girl walked quietly amongst them, lost in her own train of thought. She was a pretty girl sure, but not the sort to turn heads...she was simple looking, dressed in a pair of slim fitting dark jeans, scuffed black military boots and a white tank top. Hideki Nishimura wasn't exactly the fashionable type, and clearly not the sort to actually wear a school uniform. Try to get her to wear a skirt to school, I dare you...

Another summer gone, and another school year had begun, but it all seemed like a blur to Hideki. It felt like she had blinked and the entire break had passed her by. Although that really shouldn't have been entirely surprising considering she worked two jobs. By day she worked at an old resale book shop, and by night she was a waitress at a local dance club. Needless to say her freetime was stretched thin, but hey she made enough to rent a shitty little house in Spiral park as well as feed herself and all her furry companions.

Anyways, no free time pretty much meant she had hardly kept in touch with anyone since the last school year ended. Although to be honest it wasn't like she had a long list of friends to call up anyways. However there had been buzz about her going around since the end of last year. All thanks to the fight between herself and the previous self proclaimed king of Ajisai, upperclass man and leader of a gang called Datenshi...Hyoukyo. Anyways long story short, there was an ex lover spat that damaged a good portion of the gym. And rumor had it that Hideki in fact...killed her ex, then afterwards used her resolve to restart his heart. Were the rumors true? No one knew, because as soon as the school year ended Hyoukyo split town and the Datenshi disbanded...

but people still speculated about the truth.

Thankfully however the news of some girl getting killed over a Bento box had captured most people attention, so when Hideki walked up to Ajisai tech that morning no one even batted an eye at her. Despite being a powerful upperclassmen people really paid her no mind most of the time. Hideki had always been the type of girl who tried to fly under the radar and keep to herself. She didn't need added distractions disrupting her training or studies

Shouldering her grey weathered rucksack the tall girl strode across the lawn of the school. Bright green eyes glanced about, taking in familiar faces, as well as studying those of the new enrollees. Most people considered new students fresh meat, so it probably wouldn't be more then a few seconds before punches began to fly. The first week of school here was usually pretty chaotic, new students were usually pretty eager to prove themselves and garner some sort of recognition or respect. And the others, well they liked to crush the hopefuls before they got too big for their boots. Ajisai was definitely a dog eat dog institution, and the feeding were about to begin...

Location: Ajisai Campus Lawn

Company: No One

Thinking: Just need to get to class before some freshmen tries something stupid

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"Gou...Gou! GOU! Wake up!"

Boof! Boof boof!

The sound of a thick textbook hitting the spot on the sheets where his head was caused him to stir, but hardly kept him from waking up. After a few more impacts of blunt trauma against the side of his head, Gou reached up to tug the covers down just enough to reveal his blue eyes, looking up at the boy before him. "Michio? You should be resting, not hitting me with a book." Gou attempted to reprimand his younger brother, but given his less than authoritative tone accompanied by the fact he wasn't going to move or do anything to harm him, all Michio could do was shake his head at him.

"I've rested enough already. And you need to stop resting. You have school. And mom made breakfast like 30 minutes ago so it's probably ice cold." Michio said, hitting him with the book again to make sure he wouldn't fall asleep mid-sentence. Gou had a habit of doing that, especially when he knew he had to wake up. "You'd think I was the younger brother at this rate..." Michio sighed as he shook his head, starting to walk out of the room. After a minute Gou finally sat up, revealing his black hair with half of it done in a braided fashion as he stretched and yawned.

"It's probably thanks to him I've got such a hard head to begin with." Gou stated blandly as he threw the blankets off of his body and stood up, stretching again. "Clothes, clothes...where are my clothes?" He opened up a drawer and started shifting through it, pulling out a pair of black jeans and a button up black shirt with a striped design. He only buttoned it up enough to cover about half of his chest and looked around on the floor for his boots, sliding his socked feet into them as he grabbed his studded jacket and pulled it on. Sweeping his lengthy black hair back, he pulled his hood up as he started out of his room and toward the stairs, only to be stopped by Michio.

"Did you brush your teeth?" He asked, watching as Gou's eyes slowly shifted to the side to avoid his gaze.

"Yes..." His lie was obvious only to Michio at this point, his poker face was still astounding regardless of his habits. That didn't stop Michio from hitting him with the book again though.

"Go brush your teeth."


Some five minutes later and having finally brushed his teeth, Gou made his way downstairs to see a plate of eggs and bacon already ready for him, though he had to microwave it. After pulling it out and giving it a taste, he grumbled and wavered his hand at his mouth. "Ah! Hot!" He said, eventually managing to cool down the food in his mouth and then proceeding to eat the rest on his plate. Once he was finished with breakfast he ran back up the stairs to find Michio in his room, sitting at his desk and proceeding to start his studies. He was homeschooled after all, this would be his first day as well. "I'm going to school! You be good, I'll bring you home a souvenir!"

"Your souvenirs are always something crazy...last time you brought me some guys tooth."

"I know! But I'm thinking today I can find some tasteful panties!"

"Please don'-"



Disregarding his brothers words Gou was already frolicking out the door as fast as he could. He had to commute across town to Ajisai, after all. Some days that felt like a plane, train, and an automobile away!



location: AJISAIxxwith: HIDEKI xxhealth: 100%xxoutfit: 깡패

씨발! Feels good, man!

Best way to wake up in the morning was always to kick a punching bag for a few hundred kicks, after preforming a normal workout beforehand. Normal as in something the Marines would do, if they were still in boot camp. He might be able to be kicked out of the North Korean military, but he sure couldn’t stop acting like he wasn’t with them anymore. Now sufficiently sweaty and done with morning training, he gave the punching bag one last kick, this time sending it careening across the room and crashing into the wall, falling into the pile where the rest of his training gear was. He had to get in even better shape than he was in, if he was going to continue his career of smacking the shit out of everyone that looked at him funny.

First week back at Ajisai and there were already rumors circulating around about what people did and how terrible the new people were. Hwa didn’t care about all that nonsense. The only thing he wanted to know is if they were strong or not. Plopping down on the floor, he grabbed a set of white rolls of bandages, wrapping the middle of his feet to keep them taut and ready for action at any time. That and it looked cool; he might’ve been in the military but he was still a teen, dammit. Doing so to both feet, he popped up like a rabbit, bounding off across to the bathroom on the other side. Not only was he going to be ready to fight at any time, but he was also going to look the part of someone who was a high echelon. How? Through street wear. But first things first, shower time. Smelling like straight ass only worked on some to scare them.

Yo, ‘Ji. Don’t sweat rent, I got you.” The elderly Japanese man that owned the building Hwa was renting only waved him off, knowing very well that the kid didn’t, nor would he ever have the rent money. The only reason he was being allowed to stay there was as an unofficial guard, scaring off anything from thugs to debt collectors. It was hard to get money from a man with someone who only got stronger the more police you sent after them living on the property.

Whistling softly, Hwa plugged in a set of earphones, cycling through his expansive music collection until he got to a song that he felt like listening to. Almost immediately, he sang the song, more or less quiet as he made his way down to his school. He got a few looks from people on the street, a few even laughing at someone who was vocally singing a song and bobbing his head to the beat. That mockery lasted a good minute, until he kicked a can at someone who stared for just long enough to catch his attention. Chumps.

Ajisai stood tall in the distance, looming over, not in height, but in the tension in the air. The school decided by the student body to be the most brutal of the trio, it certainly had that feel to it every time someone stepped on the campus. Glaring was the most popular result, closely followed by someone running up and trying to bully someone into a fight, or just sucker punching them.

Home sweet home~” Pleased with the campus lifestyle, he pulled the headphones from off the top of his head, allowing them to wrap around his neck, before fishing out a small object from inside of his backpack. It was a hackey sack. Said what one would about folks at hackey sack and he would agree almost 99% of the time. The 1% he didn’t agree was when they said a general statement about how it was useless. Nah, it had uses. It was a nice training tool to keep his feet agile and could be used wherever he wanted to use it. Tossing it to his feet, he kicked it around a few times, managing to walk normally by kicking it just high enough in the air to give him time to walk for a bit before having to do it again. Only when he stopped did he do it less so.

First person for him to encounter was the ever lovable Hideki. She was a sight for sore eyes, complete with the porcupine aura that scared the living hell out of anyone that wanted to get close to her. It was everyone’s best interest not to talk to her –

Oh-fuckin’-hayo.” Hwa cared not for the spookiness of an aura. It only attracted him more, like a suicidal magnet. Giving a small wave, he whistled at all the people walking around, shrugging as a few stared. “Ready to cull the meek?” Finally he was a 2nd year. Time for him to fight the babies!


씨발 = Fuck

'Ji = Shortened Hara Buh Ji = Grandpa

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Looks like this is it. The beginning of the end, as it were...

It was a fair bit before the start of the day when Ryuji Kuronue arrived at the gates of Oniyuri, a fairly common occurrence when the weather was nice. Days like this were perfect for riding to school on his motorcycle, but if he wanted to beat the traffic it meant having to come by early; not necessarily a bad thing in his eyes, most students did not bother to show up too terribly early, so he found it somewhat refreshing to walk around the grounds for a bit in what he could describe as relative peace. As he had mentally noted, this year would be his third and final year at the school, thus he was rapidly approaching the time when it would be his last real walk around as a student. To him, it was more than just graduating that he was focused on... if he had any other goal in mind, it was to have his ideals carried on after he left the school; perhaps not in the way he himself had done, for even now he had yet to run into anyone quite like himself in not only physical strength, but the ideology of walking a neutral path in a school full of delinquent gangs to stand up for those who would normally be forced into one of the many factions.
That's right... next week will be my last Club Rush too... wonder what they'll try this time.

A faint smirk came over the giant's usually stoic features as he recalled how drastically the playing field had changed between his first and second years when it came to the Club Rush. The first year had left the entire school in shock at how any club that tried forcibly recruiting him found themselves decimated, revealing that he had no intentions of taking over the school, yet also not being used as a weapon for any of the groups in particular. When Club Rush came around for his second year, the ritual was similar enough, but it felt to Ryuji that fighting him had become more of a test of loyalty to one's crew, if not outright hazing, as it tended to be people who were newer to the clubs that were sent to "recruit" him; a sign that if nothing else the new club leaders had learned from the past. Regardless, Ryuji was all but certain his last run of what he considered to be a gauntlet where most people found it to be more akin to a week in Hell would wind up a little more interesting, if only because he, as far as he was aware, might not necessarily be standing quite alone. Despite his usual nature of remaining as distant from others as one could be at Oniyuri, he had towards the end of the school season wound up with a potential follower, or at least a self-proclaimed one if nothing else. That is, of course, if she was still as persistent about wanting to walk along his path as before... it certainly was not a path one would recommend in Oniyuri, to be sure.

Upon reaching the front of the school once again, having completed a short walk around a portion of the campus in the quiet time he had before people began showing up, he looked around, before placing a hand to the back of his neck. Although nobody could mistake his size and stature, his hair would look different than the
spiked style people had grown accustomed to, now left to flow freely about. Doesn't look like she's around... perhaps she felt she wasn't as ready as she thought... he mused, before turning his head to the sound of a car pulling up, followed by a voice that he could only describe as unfamiliar, and somewhat grating.

“You would think with the sizable donation my parents made to this place they would have straightened it up before I got here, I mean honestly…talk about a lack of class”

Ryuji paused for a second, before proceeding past the gates while shaking his head, deciding he did not particularly want to get involved with... that... if there was no need to. Nothing good could come out of a conversation with that attitude. Whoever she thought she was, she had better have the skill to match that mouth if she was going to last at Oniyuri.
... Unless that's some sort of front, they'll eat her alive here... hopefully she won't end up like that girl they found this morning. He thought sadly as he started heading deeper into the main campus of the school.

Location: Oniyuri - Front Gates

Company: Nobody-ish

Just gonna get to class now...

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<strong>"Apresse-se Fifi , você fon't quer se atrasar no seu primeiro dia de escola."</strong> 





A sigh left her lips as she stood beneath the hot water that poured from the shower head above her. Her father's voice sounded from behind the door, muffled by the man-made downpour. No of course she didn't want to be late on her first day but she couldn't help but drag her feet. Ordinarily she wouldn't be so anxious but now that she was in an entirely different area with an entirely different culture she couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive. During the winter break she had been given time to get acclimated to her new home and she'd heard more than a mouthful about the schools of the area, especially the one in which she was now enrolled in. The schools she'd been to were pretty bad in their own right but if the rumors were true about this place, it made what she'd already dealt with look like a god damned stroll through the park.





<strong>"Fifi -"</strong>





<span style="color:#B22222;"><strong>"I'll be out in a second!"</strong></span>





With another sigh, she cut off the water feeling she'd thoroughly cleansed herself from the grit and sweat over her early morning workout. She stepped out of the shower, dried herself off and wrapped the towel around herself before exiting the bathroom and returning to her room to finish preparing herself for her day. As the subject of uniforms had never been brought up she and her family were left to assume that students were free to dress however they felt appropriate which was fine by her. It meant she didn't have to rush home to change her clothes before working out. She spent ten minutes blow drying her hair before rummaging through her drawers for a clean set of underwear and bra. Once those were on she slipped herself into a clean pair of spandex jogging pants that stopped just above the knee and throwing on an asymmetric top that hung off her left shoulder exposing the strap of the black sports bra underneath. Next came the ankle socks and running shoes before she went running out of her room grabbing a ponytail holder and slipping it on her left wrist while grabbing her grey book bag and slinging it over her right shoulder. She had wasted too much time as it was, so she didn't bother with making herself breakfast. Instead she opted for grabbing a banana and eating it on her way to school. She thanks every single deity out there that she lived two blocks away from the school otherwise she would be screwed. She still hadn't gotten used to the public transportation and considering how crowded they often were she doubted she'd ever make a habit of using them. Having all those bodies packed that closely together in one spot never did sit well with her. She needed room to move...room to breathe.





Taking a bite out of her banana she looked over her schedule and quirked a brow. Gym was her first class of the day? What sort of nonsense was that? Did they expect her to go to the rest of her classes smelling like gym socks and broken dreams? Nah. They probably had showers or something. At least she hoped they did. Smelling of sweat didn't particularly bother her but she was fond of good hygiene. Shrugging it off she then proceeded to look through the rest of her schedule. It looked normal enough so she didn't have much of an issue. Soft murmurs caught her attention and she looked up just in time to see a few of the students talking about someones death...over a bento box. She searched her memory trying to remember where she'd heard that word before and she practically balked at the realization. Some chick was killed over a fucking lunchbox?! What the fucking hell kind of place was this? She had already been on her guard but now even more so. <span style="color:#B22222;"><strong>"Just keep cool and no one should bother you."</strong></span> She muttered the reminder to herself. She knew well enough that if you were overly avoidant of others, trouble would find you. It made you look weak. It made you look like an easy target. She also knew that she couldn't just exude confidence either. It would be taken as a challenge. She would simply need to find a happy medium so she could blend in...or so she hoped.

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There were few sensations in this world that really brought about a thrill to her. One of them was the sharp feeling of air flowing into lungs set on fire from effort. Another was that sting that bit at her knuckles as her fist met with the side of some punk's face. Yet another was the blunt pain that came along with taking a blow to her body. A strange and rather masochistic list of favorites, but that was the way that this young woman lived her life. When you chose the path of making your body both a wall and a weapon for the sake of others, you either became numb to such stimuli or you learned to look forward to it. Anything less than that was a sign of weakness that the streets would pounce upon without a second thought. No, that couldn't happen. There were too many names depending upon her to make it out alive.

First thing in the morning was where she got her fill of one of them. In fact, at the moment her entire body was like a screaming symphony as both her lungs and muscles beseeched her brain; begging and pleading for her to stop. She'd admit that the idea was quite appealing. She had been going at her workout for nearly two hours now; a half hour over what she usually stopped herself at. Sit-ups, push-ups, shadow boxing, breathe, repeat. It was a cycle that she went through three times, but this morning was a bit different for the British gal. Today was going to be her first day as the new kid at Ajisai Technical. This wasn't just the usual first day at a new school jitters though. This place was rumored to be tough; tougher than the punks she butted heads with in the alleyways of Yorkshire. There was some semblance of nervousness, but for the most part there was something else keeping her up: anticipation. To keep her mind off of things she had decided to start up her morning ritual early. It did end up helping some, but at the same time it was really beating her body up.

"Shuddup ya bloody muscles,"

she growled from between clenched teeth, the act of speaking being labored.

"This ain't nuthin'. Stop bein'... such pussies...!"

Each muscle in her arms flexed and defined as she pushed herself back up from her position parallel to the ground. At the same time her emerald orbs flickered over to the clock on the nightstand next to her bed. Shit, it was already that time? This time a hiss escaped her, and with a push and a hop she was back up on her feet. She didn't want to, but it was time for her to get ready for school.

"Tch... Still gotta take a shower an' get me some tea."

Turning a bit to take a step, Chaeli snatched up the hand towel that had been tossed onto her bed. With it she did a precursory wipe across her face, chest and arms, clearing them of the droplets of sweat that had been developing during her workout. From there she simply tossed it onto the floor and headed towards the bathroom.


After a shower and copious amounts of breakfast tea, Chaeli tossed her things on fast enough, grabbed up her backpack and was shoe'd up and out the door in no time. Though the school was full of delinquents and future criminals, it looked like Ajisai still attempted to conduct itself civilly in some aspects by sending her a uniform. Admirable, but there was no way she was wearing a skirt. She wasn't in no manga where she was going to be kicking someone in the face while flashing her bloomers. Instead she tossed it to the side, grabbed a pair of pants that went


well with the jacket, and topped it off with one of a plethora of shirts she owned with the Union Jack design printed onto it. It was the first day after all, and Chaeli wasn't the kind of gal to hide things about herself. She was going in hard and loud.

Y'know, if she actually got there.

The week before -- after having gone through the last of a string of tests for the upcoming school year -- her uncle approached her with a bit of a "Good Job" gift. The damn rich bastard had too many friends in too many places, but once she laid eyes on the shoes she was holding up she held her judgement as well. It would seem that he had chatted with a fellow that was a part of... some... electronics entertainment company... or something... Chaeli didn't care to memorize the name. Anyways, Crim had spoken to him, complained some about Chaeli's tendency to do "flips and foolery" off of ledges, and in turn his friend gave him a pair of skates his company was working on. They were motorized inline skates, controlled by pressure one put on the front part of the shoe to dictate how fast and how slow one wanted to go. They also had the cool ability to retract the wheels into the shoe for normal everyday use! And as such the Sky Treads were bestowed upon our heroine, and like hell she wasn't going to use them to get to school all the damn time.

All the way to her destination Chaeli wove little stunts into her journey. Quick hops off sidewalk corners, short grinding on the edge of flower beds, or even just doing lazy circles in between. She got in as much as she could amongst the bustling bodies on the sidewalks. Chaeli wasn't a fan of stop and go and stop again. It broke her flow, and that was something Chaeli liked having go her way. What she didn't pay attention to was where exactly her flow that day was leading her. Yeah, her uncle had given her a wristwatch with a GPS system build in due to how terrible her sense of direction tended to be. Was she using it? Naaah, fuck that. She could find her way on her own.

After nearly an hour of wandering here and there and back over here, Chaeli glanced up to find herself finally approaching a school. Images from memory recalled themselves to the front of her mind, twisting like Tetris blocks in an attempt to fit the scenery before her. In the end there was no match, but the raven-haired delinquent had reached a decision before then. The air smelled too fresh; much fresher than the brooding scent she got from when she stepped foot on Ajisai's campus with her uncle weeks before. Her gaze floated over from the front gates to the large plate next to it.

This did absolutely nothing for her 'cause fuck if she could read kanji.

Chaeli let out a low growl of irritation, one hand shoving its way into one of her pants pockets.

"Fuck. If this ain't it, th' fuck am I?"

If she wasn't at the school she was suppose to be at, then this counted as unknown hostile territory, right? Among the talk of Ajisai's inner turmoils she had caught word of fighting between schools. Chaeli was ready to stand her ground at her new school, but she had no intention of starting some intercampus incident on day one. Maybe day three. Not day one.

As she fished the map of Sen'iki out of her pocket, Chaeli's eyes started sliding around to take in her surroundings. She didn't want some punks jumping her without her knowing, and with her fine ass being on potential enemy home turf, she wasn't going to take any chance. This looked pretty clear though. As far as she could see there was only a small leak of students. Amongst them was some gal who was looking at the school like it had just talked shit about her mother, and what she could only describe as a flesh golem lumbering his way past the gates. Chaeli gave a grumble.

"Good so far,"

she muttered to herself, her hands uncrumpling the map before attempting to open it.

"Gonna find where th' right school is an' be on my bloody merry way."

She paused for a moment.

"... Possible poor choice o' words."

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Naruko Tennomaru


She bowed low three times, the incense sticks clutched in her hands. She straightened up, and placed the burning sticks into the jar in front of the sealed vase. They didn’t keep pictures of the people whose ashes were stored inside, and she had long since forgotten their faces, but their names remained burned into her mind. Akamichi Tohru, and Honda Sasagaki. The offerings made, she bent down and picked up the tennis ball, mold already taking its hold of its synthetic fibre, and placed it on the altar, stuffing a piece of paper under it so it wouldn’t roll off again. That done, she slung her sword over her shoulder, and picked up her school bag with the twin lunchboxes that she had made. Another year in Oniyuri began. I’m going out! she called behind her shoulder, and without waiting for a reply, she opened the gates of her mansion, and headed out. She didn’t bother locking the gate. Only fools would think of entering a mansion with the name “Tennomaru” embossed on a silver plate tacked outside without invitation.

She had stopped being the talk of the town ever since the first half of her year here, and became more of a household name amongst the librarians and cafe baristas instead. After all, there were more interesting things to talk about. Political scandals, government corruption, and, as of late, it seems, people dying.
“Word on the mouths of the kids is that they found some chick dead.” Her father always referred to his underlings as his kids, just as she called them her brothers. “How sad.” Her father had delivered the news and his sentiments with about as the same amount of sorrow as he had when he commented on the rainclouds coming over the horizon the other day.

“Oh dear. What a pity.” Her mother had responded with as much pity as she did when she realised that she had to gather in the clothes before the rain started. It was clear that they didn't care too much, as her father immediately started to talk about the stocks while her mother gossiped away.

And curiously, she, too, felt nothing. Naruko Tennomaru just didn’t care. It was sad, yes, that someone had to die. But that was just it. She was not worthy of living. She was weak. Or she was stupid. Either way, she was too weak to fight off whoever had attacked her, and too weak to survive a simple robbing. And she was too stupid to be prepared, and too stupid to drop her goods and run. If she had simply just given what her aggressor wanted, she would still be living to tell the horrible tale. And who the heck thought dressing in just an apron was a good fashion choice? It was only just pure luck they hadn’t taken more than her lunchbox. Speaking of lunchboxes, her hand tightened around her own. One of them was for herself. The other was, of course, for the one man she cared about. If anyone had the gall to try to take the latter, they’d be welcome to. Only after they took an express trip to hell first. The contents were simple. Deep fried chicken pieces, neatly cut prawn tempura, and rice garnished with sesame, partitioned between each with a single plastic leaf. This was, after all, her senior’s last year in Oniyuri. Every day she spent with him was less for him, and more for her. She hated losing people. There was no more time to dwell on this, however, as she soon found herself looking at the school’s open gates.

Oniyuri High wasn’t what she called a cesspool of the worst. It had a library, and it had teachers capable of teaching those in the class who weren’t mucking about in the back rows, so it probably seemed better than it looked from outside. However, Naruko still couldn’t hide her cringing expression when she took a good look at the school from outside the gates. It wasn’t dilapidated. It just looked horrible. Compared to the neat and tidy way her father kept his lighter collection, and how spick and span the house looked when her mother, with whatever magical powers she had over the mop and broom, walked past, the school was a dump. She just couldn’t accustom herself to the flaking paint and the grime-caked walls.

That’s what you get for being such a spoiled kid, Naru-chan. were her father’s words. He meant it as a joke, and there was no acid in his words when he said that. Considering right after, he produced one of those expensive flan desserts you could only find in Tokyo city centre, shipped over after his boss had ordered one too much for his restaurant business. She bit her lower lip. He was right, though. She was too spoiled. She was only about to mull over it, before her eyes skipped past the blonde chick (had she seen her before? Probably not.) and some gaijin (she was absolutely sure she had never seen that one before), and landed right on Ryuji Kuronue.

Senpai, you’re here! She brushed past the blonde chick, and approached the giant of a man. He was an entire foot and a half taller than she was: her head barely reached his chin. She bowed in greeting, almost reverently, before straightening up again, brushing one of her twintails over her shoulder. What time’s your lunch today? Maybe we could eat together before the afternoon classes?

Addressing: @Rion Galford

Mentions: @Suzuki Mine @Ryoshosen
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Location: Kigiku Institution.

There went the alarm of his clock. Ringing loudly so that it would feel like his ears could burst because of the noise coming from it. He frowned as he looked at the object in question. Slamming the thing to a silence as he groaned in his bed. Not feeling like going through that hellish school again. He knew very well how things went but he wondered who would be on the lead this year. Another rich guy or was it still the same one as last year. He got a headache from only thinking about it, blocking it out of his system as he was pretty sure it wouldn’t be him. He almost rolled out of his bed and crawled towards his closet. Almost swearing as he smacked the door against his knee. Kicking the wooden thing in the process. After that, he rummaged through his clothes and took out the ones that he needed, wearing it with some struggles. He had bags under his eyes which he needed to conceal which he did in the bathroom together with all the other stuff so he wouldn’t look like a slug. Placing his hands on the edge of the sink when he was done and looked in the mirror. His facial expression needed some improvement but he was fine with it since it was only school that he had to go to.

Once he went downstairs and retreated to the kitchen, his siblings were already there, showing off their new stuff to each other. How disgusting. He wished they would just blew up right then and there. That would be quite the sight. A nice one on top of it. He wouldn’t need to care about their nagging anymore if that were to ever happen. But once they caught sight of him, you could see the disgust in their eyes, he was looking the same way as them though. They would only get along in public so nobody would harass the family. He had tried it before but his parents went on quite the rampage after they stopped it or covered it up. He didn’t care. The only thing that he did know was that they absolutely detested to be looked down upon. For Ryoichi it was more to his advantage at school. The less they expected, the more surprised they would be.

Luckily, they only gave him a nasty glare before resuming with whatever they were doing again. Ryoichi just ignored their behaviour and made himself a sandwich before going outside. The chauffeur was already waiting for him, greeting politely. Actually that man was the only one in this household that would be nice to him, and of course the maids. He couldn’t really complain about having nobody so that was something. He huffed as he got into the car, stuffing his sandwich into his mouth as he sat in the backseat. Staring out of the window once the motor of the car started. It was not that long of a drive but it was far enough. If he would need to go on foot he would be on his way for almost an hour or so. With the car it was half of it. Lucky. Well, it would also be troublesome if he got spotted on the streets and that he would need to run to school. He had gone through it once and he had learned his lesson really well.

Before he even realized it completely, the car came to a halt. The driver was bringing his attention back to earth and he laughed awkwardly at the sudden space out. Once he got out of the car, he was met with the enormous school that was full with stuck up brats who got whatever they wanted. Mostly by riding the coat of their family. Fantastic really. They only amplified his annoyance throughout the year. Sometimes he would just go away for a couple of days for a concert that he had to give and he really treasured those moments. Those moments that he did not have to be bothered with anyone.

Ryoichi ran a hand through his hair and swung his backpack on his shoulder before walking inside. Avoiding those who he did not know like the pest and made his way to the inside of the school. The school was way to clean and it even smelled good. What the hell was even up with that. His earphones were plugged in so he could listen to the music while walking. He sat down on one of the staircases and let himself relax for the upcoming school day. This place was going to get on a roll soon enough and he didn’t know if he was ready to go through all of that once again.


If not for the fact the young man was a late arrival to school, chances are people would have thought Kizu was the slayer of Momosakura. It was easy to tell the man was none too pleased with that woman around no matter where they were. She made bentos...that was pretty much her only use. Other than that she was an annoyance. She kept the 'Lord of Panties' rumors at bay however, but now that she was gone they would certainly be in full swing again. As long as Kizu didn't have to hear it he doubted he would care much.

Slowly but surely the demon of the gym would make his way onto campus. As soon as he walked through the front gate of the school, an odd silence fell over the crowds of students that had gathered there. He was like a walking plague, but what else was expected? As long as you didn't make yourself an annoyance and stayed out of his way you were safe...but the problem was he would find an excuse to put people in his way just to move them out of his way. These next few weeks were always the most interesting to say the least. The freshmen and transfers had no clue that the recreational facilities were off limits. Most people simply skipped gym, but they didn't know any better. That meant they would get a life lesson in 'boundaries' and how not to cross them.

As he walked through the crowds making their murmurs about Momosakura and how he was likely the assailant he paid them no mind. He certainly felt some odd sense of relief at her recent passing, but other than that he kept a steel expression. The shades on his face only assisted in hiding that gleam in his eyes. Hell, with news like that he might not try to kill anyone today.

...ah, who was he kidding...there was always some fool at Oniyuri.

Fortunately for everyone there were no particular targets of his aggression. Everyone seemed pretty weak, but that was how the first day went. Those who could actually hold their own would appear, but until then he would make himself scarce. Kicking in the doors to the gym, he would inspect it with a slow glance from his left to his right, seeing that nobody was present. As it should be. Finally, he started toward the bleachers and walked up to the very top, taking his seat at the highest mark and setting his back against the wall from there. And so begins his last year of high school at Oniyuri.




Kuronue-san @Rion Galford

New student Lost too? Uniform looks off
@Suzuki Mine

Lost Pretty Blonde student??


@x x x swagK1NG

“Hello, my name is Tachibana, Marika. Welcome to Oniyuri, how can I help you?” This cheerful greeting came from the very petite Oniyuri Student council's officer of general affairs who just happened to making her way past the entrance. In her arms where papers and rolled up posters of different kinds that seemed to just make the already small young woman look even smaller. Despite this, she stared up at the blonde young woman with welcoming and warm large eyes with a smile to match after giving a polite bow of her head after her greeting. She looked over the blonde woman, taking a note of her lovely dress and guessing that she possibly did not have her uniform, yet. However, she did note the clothing looked rather expensive, but kept it in the back of her mind. Her eyes then travel to the other two who she recognized. One was too big to miss and he was well known in school as well as his female companion. However, her eyes caught sight of a figure in the distance. Another new face?

“Umm…” Marika moved onto her toes as she adjusted as silence fell over the crowds of students. Her eyes went to the very form that was Ken’o-san. She felt that hand that was clinging to her skirt pull a bit and her cheek redden just slightly. She turned back, “Yuusei!” And there was the oddity. There right behind Marika was a little boy who possibly did not look older than three years old. He has Marika’s same big brown wide eyes, but he had a rather big smile. He was neatly dressed and was holding a teddy bear in one hand and wearing a backpack. It seemed today he decided that he was not going to day-care, but to spend time with his sister. School rules be damned, but really it was the only way Marika was going to get him to stay at daycare the rest of the year. Luckily today, the school would end early and she won’t feel as guilty.

After people watch Ken’o move to his usual setting, Marika smiled at the blonde,
“I can help you find where you need to go if you need to as well as get your new uniform.” She stepped to the side and called out to the students, “Class arrangements have been set up!” She pointed to the board that some students were crowding around.” Remember you will meet with your homeroom teacher and we leave early today!” At the announcement of freedom by noon, the students gave a cheer from both delinquents and more diligent students alike that was the rather diverse community of Oniyuri.

Her eyes came to the blonde young woman,
“So my offer still stands. Excuse me for one moment.” Marika made her way past the blonde and moved to the person who as she could gather was from a different school. Marika smiled at the stranger, looking over her jacket. Her younger brother was behind her was staring longingly at the gym, but kept quiet and let go of his sister skirt. Marika studied the person and smiled, “Um, are you lost? I can help you really quickly.” She spoke lowly only for the person in front of her to hear, “You aren’t at the right school. No worries. I can help you find your way to it.” She looked at the crumpled paper which she can only assume was a map. She started to set her things out and pull out a pen, but waited for the person to give her permission to do so.

Meanwhile, Yuusei had already vanished Marika’s side and went towards the gym. The boy moved quickly, getting a few stares here and there, but no one bothered him. He managed to push the door of the gym open. With a heavy thug, the teddy bear was place by the boy’s bathroom. The boy put his backpack down and entered the boy’s bathroom,
“Potty time, Teddy! Pee god said no peeing in pants.” And with a quick unzip, the little boy peed in the urinal because he was big enough not to wear diapers and not pee his pants.
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Fortunately, although Ryuji had caught a glimpse of some other new faces beside the one who looked too rich to be here, before he could turn his attention to the one person who perhaps looked even more out of place than the rich girl, none other than Marika had passed by him, in typical upbeat fashion as she set to work trying to take care of the new folks. Definitely for the best; I'd probably wind up scaring the both of them away, heh... A brief but fairly deep chuckle escaped him before continuing on, intent on heading to the main auditorium for the beginning-of-year meeting.

As he continued past the gate, paying no real mind to anyone else, Ryuji finally paused as he heard another familiar voice from nearby.
Senpai, you’re here! There she is...

Turning in the direction of the voice, Ryuji calmly smiled and gave a slight bow of his own at the one who, near the end of last year, stated she had wanted to follow down his path. Of course, the statement had been rather surprising to him, especially from someone who he had not known a whole lot about other than what he had learned about the Tennomaru family in general, but with this being his last year he felt it was a good a start as any, if she was really serious about it at least. Thus, he had given her the break to really think about if this was the path she wanted to walk, as it certainly would be one of more resistance than joining literally any other gang in Oniyuri. And yet, here she was...

"Hey there, Naruko." He replied, before she brought up his lunch time. "Hm? Let me check here..." He said, reaching into the pocket of his uniform jacket and taking out a paper with his schedule. "Huh, that's odd-- oh, right." He muttered, before pocketing the schedule. This week was a little different, given that the schools let out a fair bit earlier than they would once classes really got started. "Short days this week, so I'll probably just get lunch on my way out." He added, before noticing not one, but two boxes in Naruko's hands, and while it was easy for one to assume that Ryuji followed the stereotype of a powerful but dim giant at first glance, it was fairly clear what was likely intended by the second box. For me...? Maybe she really is serious about this follower thing...

However, just because Ryuji saw what was likely being planned did not mean he could not have a sense of humor about it and play like he was not aware, soon crossing his arms.
"Looks like you're more than prepared, though. Two lunches a day and some solid training, you may really end up being a giant of your own before the year's out!" He said jokingly, before giving a short laugh.

Location: Oniyuri

Company: Naruko

First day back and I've already got a follower. Not a bad start!

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Having given herself the little pep-talk she began walking once again. She figured it would be best to follow the herd of students that were making their way inside. They seemed to know where they should go. Then again asking would be a good idea too considering some of the very students she was following were starting to branch off into what she thought may be cliques and she wasn't too keen on the idea of potentially being late to where she was expected to be because she got herself lost. She hummed lightly to herself as she scanned the area for someone she could possibly ask for directions that wouldn't be too inconvenienced by her query. They all seemed to be so enthralled in their chatter she didn't really have the heart to break them from it even if it was for a few minutes. Finally her eyes landed on a tank or rather a student that was built like one. She had to admit at first glance it was definitely imposing but something about his stance told her he wasn't a threat...at least for now. The sight of the female in his company holding two boxes only made her feel that much more assured of her synopsis. After readjusting her hold on the strap of her book bag, she quickened her pace coming in on the tail end of their current conversation. <span style="color:#B22222;"><strong>"Excuse me."</strong></span> She paused momentarily to give the two time to register her presence before continuing. <span style="color:#B22222;"><strong>"I uh...don't mean to interrupt but would either one of you be able to point me in the right direction?"</strong></span> She looked down at her schedule. Sure gym was her first class of the day but there was a notice that she was to gather with the other students in the auditorium for a meeting of some sort. <span style="color:#B22222;"><strong>"I'm looking for the auditorium."</strong></span>





She couldn't help but feel a bit rude for not introducing herself first before asking for assistance but depending on how well this interaction went, she could always rectify that. As she waited for an answer, her thoughts began to drift off to her pen-pal Sita. She'd seen him briefly over the winter break and had his help getting acclimated as much as possible before school started. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd run into him today. The chances were about 50/50 if you factored in the classes. Then again she didn't know if they had any advanced classes and if he could possibly be in them which would make seeing him during school hours less likely. Having a familiar face around certainly would help the day go by faster and a lot smoother but if she couldn't hang with him, she'd just have to suck it up and keep it moving.

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location: ONIYURIxxwith: MARIKA + CHAELI xxhealth: 100%xxoutfit: uniform


Who needed normal alarms when he could enjoy the subtle sweet sounds of a car reeving as well as a classic Eurobeat song? Rolling over in his bed, his hand hanging off the end of it and draped down to the floor, he heavily weighed if it would be a terrible idea not to go to school on the first day of the new year. On one hand, he would be missing out on all the wonderful things that came with being a 3rd year. On the other hand, he had stayed up for a long time the night prior, working on a new formula to produce an herbal concoction to help his inability to stay focused in class in the early mornings. Irony at its finest. It wasn’t until the song came on again that he felt the need to actually move, slapping the snooze button once again and sliding off the end of the bed, collapsing onto the floor. Mornings were never a time to be joyful, no matter how much he looked to the next day. Opting to roll along the floor to his bathroom instead of actually using his legs, he picked up his towel and new set of clothes, both of which he put on the floor the night before, knowing full well he was going to not leave the ground. Shifting his body to enable him to get into the bathroom, he wormed his way in, closing the door behind him and preforming his morning rituals.

Showered and dressed, he sat down at his breakfast table, munching on a piece of toast and staring intently at the television that sat on his countertop. Nothing was really happening in terms of news for the morning, and with traffic being not terrible, he didn’t have to worry about it; that being said, he immediately turning it to a nature channel, some show about African dogs and how they were communal. As if on cue, a small yip to the side of him, followed by soft thumps as paws ran across the hardwood floor. Hopping onto his lap, the small
canine tried to take a bite of the toast, only for it to be lifted out of the way. “Settle down, you can’t have this.” Whining commenced, but with a pat on the head and a piece of his sausage, the pup was quieted. Somehow, he managed to get a jackal pup through Japanese customs, though he had a bit of a trump card in that regard. As it was something he needed based on his religious practices as a native Ainu, they were very hard pressed to say no, so they didn’t. Win-win for him.

Giving the critter a pat on the head, he placed him back in his enclosed area, checking his water and food levels before opening a window on the other side of the room. “
Stay good. Remember to use the pad if you have to use the bathroom.” A bark was his answer, which was good enough for him. Sita grabbed his car keys, checking his outfit in a mirror near the front door, and venturing out of his home. A nice little flat, it was the best he could do with the amount of money he made and the money he could make. Sitting in the front of his home, parked in the driveway, was his pride and joy: a burnt orange, with a bit of dark accessories Mazda RX-7. A beep from his keys unlocked the doors, sliding into the driver’s seat, placing his backpack next to him and turning the engine over. Before the dew was able to leave the car as it moved, he was down the street and already driving off to school.

3rd year at Oniyuri already. Huh. That meant he was going to have to deal with both 1st and 2nd years from then on, as the unofficial guide to where they shouldn’t go and who they shouldn’t mess with. Or try to, as most of them didn’t listen to him once he told them. Sure, they all went into the gym and ended up leaving in a stretcher, but they had to learn their lesson. Parking next to the large garage that was dedicated as the area for the Automotive Club, he hopped out and locked his car, shouldering his backpark. Didn’t Fifi start school? Well, every school in the city started on the same day. Did she end up going to Kigiku or Ajisai? Huh. That would be interesting. Flipping out his phone, he scrolled through the short list of names before coming upon the one he wanted. Did he want to message her? Last time he did, she ended up starting a howl for him. Sighing and shaking his head, his thumb danced over the letters.



mornin’. howse the first day of school for you?

which one did you end up going to?

Looking up from his phone as he pressed send, Sita stared at the pair across from him. One of them was Marika, he could smell her from where he stood. But the other? It took a second but he knew that uniform top. “
Ajisai is about thirty miles that way.” Approaching the two, he nodded his head in the western direction, yawning immediately after. “Marika, how was summer?” He never really talked to her on a casual level, but hey, gotta start on a good foot for a new school year. He sniffed the air, trying to find out if he could smell anyone else nearby he knew. Mostly it was 1st years, so definitely new scents, as well as the Ajisai student in front of him.

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A sudden exchange of words and an increase of noise drew Chaeli's attention from her map and back to her surroundings. Not like she had really allowed herself to lose track of what was going on around her, just that she had been looking away for a few seconds. Apparently that had been enough for her to miss the amount of students that had suddenly filtered on in. She blinked some, shook her head and then blinked some more. Nope, there were definitely way more students now than there had been when she first arrived. Her expression became a mixture of irritation and concern.

"Bloody 'ell. 'Ow long was I lookin' away for? It was like... three fuckin' seconds..."


Um, are you lost? I can help you really quickly.


At first she hadn't actually thought she was being spoken to. Having been in the country for a whole month had yet to help her learn much of the native language. The training regiment her uncle had her under could easily be blamed for that. It was when the same voice spoke again, and was rather tell-tale of being directed towards her, did Chaeli focus her attention upon the source. Now it wasn't very well known around Sen'iki just yet, but Chaeli had been living a rather dangerous lifestyle prior to her enrollment at Ajisai; one that made it to where she took encounters as hostile until proven otherwise. When she turned to face whoever was talking she straightened up, her gaze fixed into a stare that was meant to intimidate. Dominance, submission, confidence, status, intent; the first meeting of eyes was a very important and decisive thing. This instance was no different. Though...

It was kinda made moot when she realized there was nothing at her eye level to glare at.

Not wanting to lose the mental momentum she had built up for this single stare, Chaeli threw it around a couple more times. Left, right, forward, up, behind. Nope, nothing. She still felt a presence nearby though. There was a pause, then a sudden spark in her mind made her whirl around.


From her original stance Chaeli's eyes fell, expecting to find something lying in wait to spring on her with how long it had taken her to catch on. She would find no such thing there though. Instead she found cascading milk chocolate adorning the top of a small girl's head; a


small girl's head.

For a bit Chaeli just stared at her, somewhat struck dumb by the lack of a punch to the face, just watching her put her things down. What was she doing? Was she lost? Did she need some help? She bet the people watching her were just fucking off somewhere. Or maybe... Did she go to this school? She wore a uniform similar to the others around there, but she was just so small, even by Japanese standards. Maybe she was a fairy? Fairies sometimes likes to take on the form of humans to blend in and cause mischief, so maybe-

Her train of thought was cut when she saw her reach for something. Instinctively Chaeli brought a hand up, ready to block if she chose to strike out at her. What was she going to bring out? A weapon? The British brawler tensed a bit as her eyes searched for some sign of anything threatening on her person. What it ended up being was... a pen. A simple plastic pen. Slowly Chaeli's hand dropped, her eyes drifting to the map that was still held in it. It was a little more crumpled than it had been, but only where her grip had tightened on it. Chaeli looked at it, the girl, and then back to the map before a light bulb flickered on in her head.

"Maybe... Is she...?"

Once more she looked to the girl, and for the first time Chaeli's eyes met the large brown pools that were looking so expectant at her and the map. Slowly her mind reeled back through the recent events. The hushed talking, the pen, the look.

She was trying to help her out without drawing too much attention.

As this thought settled Chaeli felt an emotion bubbling up inside of her: embarrassment. Here she had been telling herself she didn't want to cause an incident on another campus on the first day, but there she was, ready to throw out death glares and trade blows. Her open hand brought its heel against her forehead, then Chaeli drew in a slow breath as she pushed her fingers through her short black hair.

"Chill, Chaeli. You're actin' all addled."

Releasing the rest of her breath, Chaeli gave a somewhat sheepish smile and held her map out to the girl (fairy?).


Thank you.


Her Japanese was elementary at best, but at least she knew how to say that.

"Ajisai is about thirty miles that way."

Okay, Chaeli's Japanese was shit, but she was able to pick out the name of her school in what was said at the very least. Though more subdued than before, Chaeli turned to look in the direction of the new voice, her eyes narrowed into a subtle challenge. This time the one approaching was some guy in a red track jacket; one hell of a clash between the uniform proper of the girl (fairy?) she was speaking to. She caught the jerk of his head in the pretty much opposite direction she had been traveling, then watched as he started speaking to the girl (fairy?). Chaeli let out a low growl.

"Oi, it's fuckin' rude t' cut in on a talk."

She gave a huff in his direction, then turned her attention back to the girl (fairy?!). Damn, just like that her cool-headedness was beginning to slip. She kind of wanted to see if this girl-fairy was actually what she thought she might be, but it would be best if she got on her way. She was getting off pretty damn easy so far. She didn't want to push her luck further than necessary.

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Ah, right on time for his usual ramblings would be Sasha, who so recklessly pressed the breakfast burrito to the lips of the young man. Looking down at the phallic burrito being placed to his lips, he immediately shot a glare to the rest of his group who was chuckling, silencing their nonsense as he took the food from her hands. "Hrmph..." Growling at them lightly, he took a bite of the burrito and looked back at Sasha. She was lucky the two go way back or else he would give her a good whopping. Nobody just puts long, cylindrical objects to his mouth and gets away with it. At least her intentions were good...it was food after all, no point to get uppity about it.

"Morning, I guess. Just don't keep doing that nonsense..." He said with a roll of his eyes as he chewed the burrito, swallowing a bite and taking another bite soon after. This wouldn't be the first time something like this slipped her mind, but perhaps it was a bit different for ladies. Especially when most of your student body, in their delinquent ways, took pride in doing such acts. Perhaps most was the wrong term, but hey, there were plenty who were willing. Hormones were in the air, everyone's genitals were running wild!

Nodding lightly at her words, Kazuma sat up on the bench and looked in her direction.
"Yeah, it's no different than any other day here. Only real difference is someone got jacked for a damn lunchables and left for dead. That's a pretty new low, but I guess we should be pretty proud of that as far as reputations go." Yeah, it was a pretty good way to put the other schools on notice. It was a big old "we're out here killing people for food, step your game up" sign that they would have to respond to. Of course he expected Ajisai to get into some silly business sooner or later. But for now it seemed Oniyuri set the pace. As he kept eating the burrito, he shrugged his shoulders again. "Break was break. What can I say? Rode bikes, got money, did what I wanted. Didn't do anything extravagant like travel the world." He stretched and groaned a bit, releasing a satisfied sigh when he felt his back crack from the small amount of exercise.


<img class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/TIzM8uR.png&key=137ad22bf14f55ce3138ed9e8633305d0d02c38ccbc7052d51a8fc13e6385781" alt="TIzM8uR.png" /></p>




<span style="font-size:12px;">The shift in his mood was immediately noticed. At first she was puzzled about the reason but when he glared at the members of his gang causing them to stifle their light chuckling she could help but roll her eyes. Really? It was a god damned burrito. Children. The whole lot of them. She could tell Kazuma was contemplating their history and weighing his options on teaching her a lesson for old times sake. In the beginning of their friendship she would have been worried that a beating would come but she wasn't too worried about it now. Sure he was definitely stronger than her but she was no push over. She could certainly defend herself. Besides if he did take arms up against her over something so juvenile, she knew exactly how to get back at him. She did make his food after all and with the freshest ingredients. Moral of the story, do not piss off a girl that knew her plants. She'd have him feeling like he was shitting out his organs if she needed to. She shrugged off his little command, paying him no real heed. Instead she took the open opportunity to take a jab at the others. <span style="color:#008080;"><strong>"My bad. Didn't think your crew fantasied about eating dick so much that they'd automatically compare the two situations."</strong></span> She twirled around on her heel blowing raspberries at the others, still retaining her sweet demeanor. </span>





<span style="font-size:12px;">After her little quip she became silent, easily falling into their regular routine of listening to whatever her had to say or felt like talking about in that moment. He spoke only truth. This was no different than any other day save for one minor detail, though when he mentioned taking some form of pride in it she couldn't help but wrinkle her nose in disgust. Killing someone or something was nothing to be proud of. Win a battle? Sure. Beat and adversary at something? Sure. Killing? No. There was nothing to be proud of. Still he had a point that it would send a message and put them on top when it came to their reputation. His point was very valid. Didn't mean she had to agree or like it though. If the challenge was accepted that just meant more drama and the continuation of this pointless feud shared between the schools. Sighing she plopped down on the bench, taking her spot beside him as per usual. She checked her wrist watch for a moment to keep track of time. They still had a little bit to go before they were expected to be in the auditorium. </span>





<span style="font-size:12px;">The regaling of his break made her groan with envy. If only break was nothing more than just break for her. Someone dropped the ball on automatically passing her for gym considering the special circumstances of why she couldn't attend and her father wasn't too happy about it.<span style="color:#008080;"><strong>"Lucky you. I got to visit family in Vegas for a little bit before my father put me through his own personalized boot camp. Just picture it. Weighted ankle bands, wrist bands and belt and having to run around in the desert on a course he set up until he said you could take a break. It was magical!"</strong></span> The last comment alone was just oozing with sarcasm. Still she couldn't deny that it did her some good. Her leg strength increased and her butt did get more plump from all the squats and crawling she had to do on that course. <span style="color:#008080;"><strong>"So will I be seeing you in class today..."</strong></span> The bento box she'd placed in his lap was snatched up in her grasp within an instant. It was her leverage against him. Go to class or not food. <span style="color:#008080;"><strong>"...or nah?"</strong></span></span>

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Italics -Engrish

New student Lost too? Uniform looks off @Suzuki Mine


Lost Pretty Blonde student??

@x x x swagK1NG

Her body visibly tensed at the stranger sudden burst at what sounded like English as she finally turned her eyes down towards her. This was not the first time where some people could not...find her despite her being right in front of them. Her shoulders fell once the girl seemed to also relax. Marika just offered her smile and pen. Once again, Marika learned the English words and translating them in her mind. Her English was not bad at all, but it was by no means on par with natural english speakers despite her high grades on the class. To her, this person just sounded confused, but Marika’s intentions were very much well translated as she was handed the map.

Taking the map, Marika already assumed the situation, realizing that kanji may not be this person’s strength. She traced her finger over the route in which the student would take and realized a solution. Marika started to write down each part of the path in numbers from step one to so on. She also drew easy and recognizable landmarks that she was sure this person would not mistaken or get confused by on route to school. She was careful in her drawing, trying not to draw to hard wrote “left” and “right” in English.

As she scribbling away on the map, she caught a familiar voice approach them both. Marika looked up only to see a well known upperclassman and suddenly the stranger snapped at him. Marika gave out a nervous laugh,
“Sita-san. Good morning. It was good. I hope it was the same for you.” She gave a formal bow to him, “Don’t mind this student. Their are just lost. They mean no trouble.” She turned to the stranger with a smile and spoke in English slowly, “He is my uppercrassmen. Say-ing herro. I hope this map wirr halp.” Her cheeks visibly redden a bit realizing that her English was not perfect sounding like in some dramas she watched. She, however, bravely offered the map to the stranger, “You are at Oniyuri school. You must go to Ajisai. Ita goes from one to ten. Prease hurry. Good Ruck.” She gave a bows and let the map be taken away from her.

She bend to take her things pushing it to one arm and without thinking held her hand out for Yuusei to take, but she didn’t feel him take it. Marika’s eyes widen and looked around her,
“Yuusei?...Yuusei?!” She called out, “Ah...Ah! Yuusei!” She called out, “Where did he go? I do told him to not stray far from me!!” Panic was quickly overcame her and she looked at Sita, “Y-You didn’t see a little boy with me, did you?! Did you happen to see where he ran off to?!” She looked at him desperate for answers.


Meanwhile, Yuusei had already pulled up his pants, zipped them up and button them before looked up at the counter, wondering how he was going to reach to the sink. The young boy, however, figured the best action was what any three year old would think to do: climb. Yuusei looked along the counter of sinks and figured where it meet the wall is where he can pull himself up on. Yuusei stared for a moment and walked to the corner. He crouched low and then jumped. His arms caught the ledge. He groaned and had his left foot hit the side of the corner of the wall where it meet the counter of the sinks. He groaned again and hoisted himself on the counter. He looked around where he can soap and pushed the soap dispenser, proceeding to wash his hands and sang the

After drying and throwing away the hand towel, Yuusei proceeded outside of the bathroom. He picked up teddy bear and his backpack. He figured he had not been gone long as he walked down to the larger part of the gym. He saw the basketball hoop. He dropped his backpack, but kept his teddy beside him. He stepped carefully in and looked around, not bothering to look up at the bleachers. The patter of his running feet echoed throughout the gym,
“Where is the ball?” He raced to the middle of the court, “Teddy, stay here.” He instructed it just like his sister would him and then looked around. A door caught his eyes and went to go open it, hoping it where all the balls where.



As Hideki walked across the quad her Cell phone vibrated in her back pocket. It was weird, usually the only people who ever called her on this phone was work, and both her bosses knew she was in school so they wouldn't have bothered. So when Hideki turned to look at the name flashing across the screen the blood in her veins ran cold...no call from her father was ever a good call. She stood still for a moment staring at the incoming call, contemplating whether she should risk answering or not. In the end she decided that on today of all days, it just wasn't worth it. If it was important her would leave a message but odds are it was the usual attempt to guilt her back into coming home.

At this point in her life Hideki couldn't imagine going back. Maybe it would be different if the family ideals were different, and Hideki had more control of her own life. However in the Yoshimura fasmily, that wasn;t the case. Even though she was the oldest child, she wouldn't be groomed to inherit the business, no rather she would be used as a pawn to marry off to create better business deals with other corresponding business families. Hideki absolutley refused to be used as some sort of bartering chip...and so, at Ajisai Tech she remained. Finally the phone stopped ringing and Hideki felt like she could breathe freely again. Quietly she splipped the phone back into her pocket.

In this place she was Hideki Nishimura, she had no relation to the Yoshimura name as far as anyone knew or cared. And she'd rather keep it that way, to avoid any annoyances.


Speaking of annoyances a voice called from over the quad, and Hideki watched as a boy with a head of green hair come waltzing over. Hwa was basically what you could call a pain in Hideki's side, while she tolerated his presence it hardly meant that she didn't want to kick his face in most of the time. Especially when she came home from a long day of work to find him squatting in her home and trying to teach her dogs to fetch him beer from her fridge. There was no point in changing the locks, he always found a way in no matter what.
“Ready to cull the meek?” Hwa said with a fair amount of gusto ignoring the unamused glare for the dark haired girl beside him. Well at least one of them was excited to put all the lower classmen in their places. Hideki on the other hand couldn't care less about squashing the dreams of wannabe delinquents.

"You are free to purge whatever freshmen that comes your way, just leave me out of it Hwa" She didn't need him dragging her into any of the hierarchy squabbles that would be taking place for the rest of the week. He already declared his intentions one night after having a few too many beers to dethrone the king of Ajisai. Although the chances of Hwa beating Gou were pretty slim, even Hideki hadn't ever legitimately beaten him. Although at the same time she couldn't remember the last time they had actually had a friendly fight with one another.

Somewhere off to their right there was already a squabble taking place. Looked like a few freshmen had tried to jump an older boy all at once. They quickly learned that there wasn't safety in numbers like they may have thought.
"Salt week is so irritating" Hideki grumbled, okay so she was a bit of a grouch at times. However this was her third time dealing with the week long chaos, and after a while it got old. Especially when you had kids who thought so highly of themselves that they probably believed they could shit gold bricks bugging you every god damn minute of the day. And everytime it ended the same...the infirmary was pretty busy at the beginning of the year.

Location: Ajisai Campus Lawn

Company: Hwa

Thinking: Lets see who he picks a fight with first


"You can go now! I hardly need you walking me to the front gates...you are a driver not a bodyguard" Yuuki turned around and stomped her foot and puffed her cheeks for good measure. A tell tale sign that she was irritated with someone or something. Right now it was the driver that still seemed to be following behind her like a creepy old man. However despite her urging him to go, he remained and instead attempted to plead his case with her "But young miss, there was a girl found this morning I just want to make sure youu-" he tried to explain but Yuuki was quick to cut him off. "Yes yes, I know all about that" she said, waving her hand at him "...but I can't find my classes just fine on my own" he didn't look convinced "Shoo" she finally said, making sure to give him a tone that indicated that she was serious. Knowing he wasn't going to get thru to the stubborn girl he merely bowed to her before wishing her a good day and returning to the car.

"Honestly" she whispered once he had gone, "Acting as if I've never sat foot outside the house on my own before" she scoffed. Although in reality she did usually have an escort of some sort, if it wasn't one of her fathers employees then at least she was normally with friends. This was the first time she had been truly all on her own. And to make matters worse, the incident that her driver had spoken of chilled her to the very bone. Yes just this morning she learned of the murder, and truthfully she had almost cancelled this entire endeavor. However if there was one thing she wasn't...it was a quitter, so she had put on her brave face and kept her chin up despite her ever decreasing odds.

Taking a deep breath the blonde glanced around her, clutching the handles of her bag tightly in front of her as if she was holding on for dear life. All around her people stared, it was like they had never seen the likes of her before, and well, maybe they hadn't. Although if there was one thing this campus had, it was diversity. It had everything from hulking giants, to tiny school girls passing out knowledge and flyers.
“Senpai, you’re here!” someone yelled brushing so closely to her that she and the other girl bumped arms. Glowering Yuuki just turned, seeing the girl run to the rather...impressive hulking figure not far from where she stood. She examined them for a moment, that was what she needed...a teacher. Or...at least someone she could sucker into keeping her relatively unscathed while she figured things out.

Eventually yuuki snapped out of her thoughtful haze, quickly reverting to her primadonna ways
"Watch where you're going! have you no manners at all!" she hurrumphed before flipping a strand a blonde hair dramatically over one shoulder and walking in the other direction....or at least she would have kept walking if a rather cheery girl hadn't stepped into her path. “Hello, my name is Tachibana, Marika. Welcome to Oniyuri, how can I help you?” she chirped “I can help you find where you need to go if you need to as well as get your new uniform! Class arrangements have also been set up!” she went on and one, as Yuuki stared at her unblinking.

She was quite the perky character, not the type of person Yuuki had expected to see here.
"I'm fine on the uniform front, I made my own" she said a twinkle in her eye, yeah there was no way she was going to wear a uniform...and if she did, there were gonna be some alterations. She needed some way to accessorize. Anyways Yuuki walked to the board the girl had pointed towards as she excused herself...for some reason that had to do with the little boy she had been with. Why on earth was there a child even here? Seemed ill advised....

Location: Oniyuri Campus

Company: ...Marika until she went looking for Yuusei

Thinking: "now where the hell do I go!"

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