Badly Describe a Game Here

That one game where you:

Make peace negotiations with a tank

Steal the enemy's plane

Crash your jet on purpose into enemies

Roleplay ISIS

Play Angry birds with military vehicles.

- Battlefield 4
Go from town-to-town playing cards while your daughter's life is in danger.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

PayDay 2
A cop commits crimes while playing dress up.
-Lego City Undercover
Whoops! You have to put the CD in your computer!

- Lego Island
Bang Bang Shoot Shoot Bullet Bullet Gun Pow Zap Pow.
-Any First Person Shooter
World of Warcraft: Single Player Edition.

The Elder Scrolls, 1-5.
agresive bisexual with daddy issues gets his mommy back while re-uniting the inventors of the gay, a rock and his simp, and some theater kids

Crazy cat lady saves the day.

- Gravity Rush
Politics: The Game
-Triangle Strategy

A man decides that everybody else is too ugly to live. It's up to five teenagers and a hot college professor with a sexy theme to stop him.
-Pokemon Y
The one time you left a friend group and then came back to everyone fighting
-- Dragon Age 2
Head out on an epic quest to save the galaxy before getting distracted as somebody asks you to do something they could probably do themselves.
-Mass Effect Trilogy
Bisexual college girl with time powers repeatedly fails to stop her childhood friend from getting killed

-Life is Strange
that one time an eldritch murder cult made you come to terms with change.
-- Night in the Woods
A man must resurrect people who are literally incapable of staying alive.
-Ghost Trick
The Sims except it's 50 million times harder and there's blood.
This used to be about dinosaurs.
-Ark: Survival Evolved

Doggo possesses other animals to help some random spirit thing find a place.
-Lost Ember

Gacha waifu collector but on the switch.
-Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Something something Jaws Unleashed something something

Angry Australian survives in post apocalyptic Australia by destroying cars. Oh and there's some weird creature who can strangely fix your car from any state.
-Mad Max

-Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
weld hot glue various flavors of Hotwheels together in order to build the super-uber-epic vehicle of your dreams, and cry when some asshat with a shotgun blows out your tires.

Spend the first 30 minutes figuring out how the hell to crouch.
-Alien: Isolation

Space legs, guns, and literally nothing works.
-Elite Dangerous: Odyssey

Granite and Slate.
-Deep Rock Galactic

Overwatch Battlegrounds.
-Apex Legends

Please god jesus christ just let me sleep
-LSD Dream Emulator
Send a man into the stratosphere by stabbing him through the neck.
-Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Anime Dark Souls.
-Code VEIN

Pollution the game

Throw a teapot denser then a black hole at the Earth and watch it explode in real time.
-Universe Sandbox

-Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey
Commit Homicide on a galactic scale.
Solar Smash.

Go from killing bloops, to bloop god, to skin wall god to squid god.

Either battle rainbow god, photoshop’s final form or the funny bone man.

Try to cure an aggressive alien skin disease. Gain a new appreciation for Oxygen. Experience thalassophobia.

Become desensitised to all forms of visual noise while you figure out what the hell your HUD is doing… but good?
Cruelty Squad.

You’re a thirsty robot with a tendency for extreme violence.

Cry about robots with more personality then your player character.
Titanfall 2 (campaign)

Spend half the time in loading screens, spend the other half getting curb-stomped by exploiters.
Titanfall 2 (multiplayer)

Like first party multiplayer, but not bad.
Titanfall 2 (Northstar Client)
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