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Realistic or Modern Bad Boys, Good Lips ♥ (OPEN)

Winter Parsons

Age- 18

Height- 5'7"

Weight- 130

Personality: she's tough, flirty, has slight anger problems, kinda reserved sometimes

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.4ab93ac7beb47062db56b229f48566aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.4ab93ac7beb47062db56b229f48566aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Her and her brother Axel are twins and have been though everything together. Her drunk of parents aren't usually around so her and her brother sell drugs and other things under the radar. She's kinda always been taking care of her brother since he started to drink heavily taking a couple hits so he won't get in a lot of trouble.

Axel Parsons


Height- 6,3"

Weight- 190

Apperence:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.39799490dd45261458fc2e0ebbfe5787.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76705" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.39799490dd45261458fc2e0ebbfe5787.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: aggressive, easily angered, artistic, protective

Bio: He runs his and his sisters drug dealing gig and can usually be found drunk. He has a soft spot for his sister and will protect her at all costs. He also enjoys painting and sketching.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/pink2.jpg.5904fd27eada807706a62af0a5469fc2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/pink2.jpg.5904fd27eada807706a62af0a5469fc2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




I am a sweet troublemaker, If i get caught don't plan on catching me. I

have been called unlovable, and i believe it. So i guess you could call me insecure, hell you can call me what ever you want. Like i give a damn.


My father through me out of the house after his second wife, my step mother claimed that i was a bad influence on her precious children. Like their any god damn better than i am. My mother died of cancer and the rest of my family live all over. I create graffiti all over, but mostly where people don't want it. I respect other artists and never enter their territory. I am bound to my own ways and fine with it. Try to fix me, it'll only break me more. That's all i have to say about my shitty life. So thank you for reading, i hope you found my misery entertaining. Everyone else does, so it's alright laugh.


5 feet





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Mandy Parrish




Mandy is a very open-minded individual, often blunt and saying whatever is on her mind, as long as she views it as respectful. Shes a straight A student, always focusing on her school work and school activities. Mandy is slightly social, more often kept to herself and prefers to be alone than with other people. She considers herself a feminist, and gets highly offended when involved in sexism. Mandy has no problem being around males, but gets a tad bit flustered when talking to them, especially if she find them attractive.


She was born in an upper class family, of two very wealthy lawyers. With that advantage, Mandy meets

a lot of people that are in trouble with the law, and is very ''righteous'', and strongly believes in justice.

Due to being an only child, her parents are very protective of her and strongly judgmental about who she hangs out with.




134 lbs

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@incrusade @Mel you guys are both accepted but you'll have to wait til tomorrow, it's a little crowded right now =\ can you guys just read through everything & catch up?
Ash Boogie]@incrusade [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18968-mel/ said:
@Mel[/URL] you guys are both accepted but you'll have to wait til tomorrow, it's a little crowded right now =\ can you guys just read through everything & catch up?
i read everything and got caught up. tell me when u change the scene (when the party ends and everyone is walking back home, or like, its the next day at school) just tag me and ill post.

(Yay for diversity

xD )

Kurumi ?? Hayashi ?


Height - 5'0" || Weight - 110 lbs.

Age || 18

Gender || Female

|| Hobbies ||

- Singing

- Cooking

- Dressing up

Personality || Kurumi is a bit ditzy. She doesn't understand English fluently yet so she may ask someone to clarify something. Aside from being a little "slow", she's really sweet. She's also outgoing and braver than most. However, she often doesn't think things through before acting which can get her in some tight spots. She's sensitive as well. Americans, especially the tougher ones, are people she finds rather fascinating.

History || Kurumi lived in Japan up until about a couple months ago. She'd only recently moved to town about a week before. In Japan, she's a somewhat well known singer and actor and she had a fast paced life. Because of this, she is often drawn to parties and social events.

Other || Kurumi is really into her styles. She has hundreds of different combinations involving crazy hats, wigs, and outfits.​
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Rami.jpg.d889162ebaab4401958992eff22f8a77.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76870" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Rami.jpg.d889162ebaab4401958992eff22f8a77.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Aaron Prince




Aaron is a person who's more inclined to being modest and subtle rather than wild and free. However, he is also someone who could be incredibly unpredictable especially when the situation calls for it. Inevitably he is a good person at heart, but is sometimes clouded by the fact that he is loved by many.





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(Just in case it was okay and since I had nothing better to do... I promise this is the last one and I won't use them all at once.)

Conrad "Conner" Sullivan

"Baby face"


Height - 5'7" || Weight - 117 lbs.

Age || 17

Gender || Male

Personality || From the first look at Conner, it would seem like he really doesn't belong with the group. He's smart enough and kind enough to others. He even looks soft which is why he acquired the name "Baby face", though this is mostly an insult, people tend to call him that. The thing that sets Conner apart from the goody goody look he has going on is his temper. If he does lose it, he can go from quiet and gentle to on top of someone and beating the shit out of them in less than a second. He doesn't really have an in between either. And when Conner does go after someone, if nobody pulls him away, he may very well end up killing them. He may not look it, but he's a hell of a fighter.

History || Conner didn't start developing his angry side or quick temper until about thirteen. He used to be very introverted and never told anyone how he felt. Then one day, when someone called one of his best friends a slut, he blacked out and later found himself in handcuffs. The guy that said it, had to get reconstructive plastic surgery on his nose. He spent a few months in a juvenile detention center and was later diagnosed with being Bi-Polar to an extreme degree. He gets pills to help but he just ends up selling them all for a quick buck. "Medicine is for fucking wuss's anyway."

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Seokjin (Jin) Park


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    Full Name:

    Park, Seokjin


    Jin - Angel - Innocent Boy








    100% South Korean


    Works at a music store downtown.


    Music, writing, fighting, surfing, partying, drinking, concerts


    Can speak English, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese fluently.

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