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Realistic or Modern Bad Boys, Good Lips ♥ {closed for the moment}


? ? ? A roleplay for bad boys and all the girls that love them ? ? ?


Write in first person.

Fill out a sign-up and then I'll tell you when you can start

Character development is encouraged.

You can have more than one character but don't be excessive.

Males in this RP must be
bad boys. The guys all hang out with each other & they're in the same crew.

In need of girl characters as well!

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"Where the fuck are these dudes?" I groan to myself, peering at my watch. It's like 3:00 so they should be outta school by now. Not that I would know, I hardly even go to that hellhole. Shit is a waste of time if you ask me. It's not like they teach you anything useful, just stupid shit that you won't even need in real life. Nah, I'm good. The only thing school is good for is the hoes.

Speaking of that, where
are the hoes? I chuckle to myself, taking a pull from my cigarette. Whatever, it's not like the bitches in this city are anything special. I've already fucked most of them. Living in this lame ass town you don't come across anybody worthwhile anyway.

"Hey, you got some weed?" a kid suddenly walks up and asks me.

I'm sitting in my usual spot at the park, minding my own damn business and smoking a cigarette. What, do I look like a drug dealer or something? I peer around and make sure nobody's looking. Well, the kid's in luck because that's exactly what I am. "Yeah, what do you need?" I ask him quickly.

"Umm, just a blunt right now."

"Where's the money?" I demand and the kid starts digging around in his pockets. "Make it quick," I order, checking my surroundings. The last thing I need is to get busted cuz some kid can't find his fucking wallet. He finally pulls out a ten dollar bill and I snatch it away. I hand him a little baggie of bud and wave him off. "Alright, you can get the fuck away from me now."

Yeah, I know. Selling drugs isn't the best line of work but shit, who else is gonna pay the bills? Damn sure not my alcoholic ass mother. The only thing she'll pay for is a bottle of beer. And I haven't seen my dad since God knows when, so that bastard is definitely outta the question. The only thing I have is my little sister and
somebody has to take care of her, right? But man, whatever. I don't wanna talk about my fucked up family. The only thing I'm worried about are my slow ass homies right now. Man, where the hell are these dudes?

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I made my way home from school. My idiot brother texted me last minute saying he couldn't pick me up so now I have to walk. I fixed my dress and pulled my phone and headphones out of my bag. I hated the majority of the songs on my phone, mainly because they were all picked by my mom, but she hasn't figured out how to work Pandora yet.

I picked my favorite station and what amazing luck my song was the first one. I really don't care what people think, so I started singing. I know I can so no one should be complaining. I had to walk through the park, only because it was somehow quicker, at least that's what my brother said. Why I decided to listen to him I'm not sure. The park has always been weird to me, I try to avoid it at all costs. There are always weird things going on, people probably selling drugs and it's the place all the guys seem to go to find girls to take home.

I've never been afraid of people, only if they have some type of weapon on them, even then I'm really not that scared, just uncomfortable. I kept singing along with the music still not caring who was listing. I held my head up high as I walked into the "bad' part of the park as my mother called it.

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Speaking of hoes....I notice some redhead chick walking towards me, singing loud as fuck. What the hell is her deal? If she didn't actually sound so good I'd probably be pissed. Not to mention, she's kinda cute too so I guess I'll let her slide.

She walks past and stares straight ahead like she's too scared to look me or some shit. I chuckle. "Don't worry, sweetheart, I don't bite." But she keeps on walking right past me. Wait... hold the fuck up. Did this bitch just ignore me? I mean, I know she has headphones on and all but still.
Nobody ignores Lynx and gets away with it. I hop up from my spot on the bench and catch up with her, spinning her around by her arm and snatching those headphones right out her ear. "Yo, I know you heard me talking to you."

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I walk with my little sister's hand in my hand, it was sweaty and sticky as hell. I see a girl getting hurt by some guy. He looked totally badass. I didn't want Lily to see it, so I scoop her up in my arms and sing softly in her ear, gently placing her head into the crook between my neck and shoulder blade.

"Lily, honey, don't look to the right. Okay?" I whisper. She nods her 4 year old head.

"Okay," she says. I quickly try to walk by him, hoping he doesn't bother me.

@Ash Boogie @Tsiwentiio

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Just as I snatch off her headphones, I notice a second chick walking up the path with a little girl in her arms. Another redhead. Hmm...today is definitely my lucky day. But I notice she has the same nervous expression on her face, like I'm just gonna reach out and kidnap her or some shit. What the fuck is up with these girls? I mean...I'm mean but I'm not
that mean. "Relax, ladies, it's not like I'm a serial killer or something," I joke, holding up my hands in mock innocence.

@sparknight @Tsiwentiio
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I jump as the boy turns around, staring into my eyes. "I never thought you were." I said quietly. I dart my eyes around, spotting my aunt.

"Go over to Auntie. She's going to take you home while I deal with this man. Okay?" I whisper to Lily, pointing towards my aunt, Brenda. She waves as I send Lily over to her. I turn back to the guy.

"Are those headphones your property?" I ask him, putting my hands on my hips. "If not, you have no right to touch them." I say to him. Another one comes bounding up. Gosh, they're more of these fuckfaces?

@Ash Boogie @Tsiwentiio @Physiicz
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I walk slowly into the park noticing Lynx with two red heads. I smile to myself and start jogging. I catch up to Lynx "Damn dude you already getting the babes? But fuck bro that ones about four, ain't she a little young for ya?" I ask him before slipping out a packet of Redwood original. I put the cigarette in my mouth and light it.​
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Yep I'm going to die was the firs thing I thought of when this guy turned me around, any type of confidence I thought it had went right out the window once her started talking to me. I really didn't know how to respond, this dude could kill me right here if he wanted to. He towered over me making him seem even more intimidating than his actual appearance.

Thankfully he got distracted when another girl with a young child walked by, that was my chance I could run, but nope I can't, I feel like I'm glued to this spot. I tried really hard to not burst out into tears, so playing a funny video in my head always seems to do the trick. I looked down and grabbed a section of hair, my favorite section, its so soft, and started laughing a little. Then someone else came over and now I got even more nervous.




What the fuck? Why is she laughing? "Bitch why you laughing?" I asked revealing a butterfly knife. I only wanted to scare her. I flipped the knife doing a few nifty tricks with it. I then grabbed my cigarette with the other hand and blew smoke in her face
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Oh damn. This guy has got some knife shit going on. "Put the knife down." I say firmly. "You aren't going to hurt her. No one is going to hurt ANYBODY." I say, knowing I was probably making a mistake.​

My car engine sounds like it's going to explode when I pull into a parking space before shutting it off, "Piece of shit," I mutter as I get out and look over to see Lynx talking to a girls. I light my cigarette while slamming the car door and begin to walk over to them. No need to lock the thing, nothing worth stealing anyways. As I'm getting closer another girl shows up at the same time as Ash, the dumbass pulled out his butterfly knife in the middle of the fuckin park, What's that idiot thinking? Cops are gonna roll up if someone see that shit.

"Yo, Ash!" I say as I get nearer, "Put that shit away, man, someone's gonna bring the blues and you know I can't deal with that right now."
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I laugh then I return the cigarette to my mouth before noticing a voice. I turn around and realise how stupid I was actually being. I flick the knife and put it back in my in my pocket. "Aight bro"

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"My bad, Miss Fiesty," I say to the second chick, giving her a wink and dropping the headphones. Ha, maybe she's not so scared of me after all. The other one is just standing there like she's scared to move. "Who the fuck are you two anyway? I've never even seen you around guys around here before."

Suddenly, I notice Ash walking up. He 200 pounds of pure muscle so you definitely don't wanna mess with him. Luckily he's my homie so I don't have to worry about shit like that that.

"Damn dude, you already getting the babes?" he asks me.

"Bro, I don't even know these chicks," I say, dapping him up. "They just came outta nowhere. I was sitting here waiting on your slow ass. Where the fuck is everybody at?" Then I notice him pull his butterfly knife out, swiveling it around. I know he wouldn't seriously hurt them, Ash just likes fucking with people. Especially scared little girls. "Chill before they call the cops on you," I tell him, laughing it off.

I hear the second chick sternly tell him to put it down. Damn, this girl is kinda outspoken, unlike the other one who's still just standing there like she's frozen or some shit. "What's your deal?" I ask her.

Then I spot my other homie Cal walking up, ordering Ash to put the knife down too. "What's up, Cal? This dude Ash is fucking crazy," I greet him, dapping him up and shaking my head. I guess Cal is the mature one out of our crew. He prefers to just let things slide, unless some shit pops off, then he gets crazy just like the rest of us.

Ash finally decides to take somebody's advice for once and puts the knife back in his pocket. Bout time. I'm trynna mack on these chicks and he's gonna fucking scare them away. "Anyway," I say, turning back to the girls. "You guys wanna come to a party tonight or what?"

@Physiicz @Sha @Tsiwentiio

(Sorry I was typing when yall all started responding lol. As far as turns, let's try to keep some order. Let everybody respond first so things don't get jumbled up)
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I looked over to the girl who seemed to be trying to calm the situation down, thank god she was here or else my little life probably would have been over. I once again tried to act tough, but then someone ELSE came over, I pulled my hair so it covered my eyes. All three of the guys looked as if they could eat me for breakfast, the fact that I had amazing smelling perfume on probably wasn't helping much. Once the second guy put the knife down I lowered my hands and my hair fell onto my shoulders. Something that took me completely by surprise was that he wanted us to go to a party, I didn't really know how to respond, I didn't even know their names.​



What the hell? They just met us and they want us to go to a party? Dang, these fuckers are desperate. I dart my eyes back and forth from each of the three boys. For all I know, they could be muders. Or even worse, rapers. I don't know if I should go. My dad would mind.. But then again, there is the safety issue... "What makes you think I am interested in going to your hella lame party." I sneer.​

@Ash Boogie @Tsiwentiio @Sha @Physiicz

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Della Sloane •

"Jay we told the guys that we would meet them at the park now get your ass out here" I yelled through my brothers door. He was getting high, I could smell it the moment I stepped into the hallway, but it's not like our parents cared so it's not a big deal. I sigh, hitting the door once more before it opened and a wiff of weed smoke came out with him. "Well finally. Come on" I growl as I grab my brothers arm. He's such a brat.

When we reach them park I watch as Ash takes out his knife on a few girls and shake my head jogging up to Lynx "hey, sorry we're late, Jay wanted to get a little high." I say in an annoyed tone, glancing back at Jay who is now ogling the girls. He's always had a thing for red heads. Loser. "Don't worry girls, the only reason Ash pulls a knife on people is if he feels threatened by them. You could probably beat him up" I wink at the girls before looking back at Lynx with a small smile.


Jay Sloane •

I growl as my sister bangs on my door. Can't I get high in peace? The next time she bangs on the door I'm going to freak "f*ck sakes I'm coming!" So I finish up my joint and put it out before leaving my room then being dragged to the park.

When we arrive I notice two, very hot, red heads standing there. "Hey girls" I feel my sexy smirk rise on my lips as so step up to the one with blood red hair, checking her out. I can feel glare my sister is giving me without even looking at her.

((I'm completely lost so bear with me xD ))
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Ash put the knife away. Taking another drag from my cig I glance around to see if anyone noticed, but the park wasn't that crowded and everyone seemed to be minding their own business - lucky break I guess. Lynx said whattup.

"Yea, you're tellin' me, shit," I respond returning daps and laughing lightly. Then he asked them to come to the party tonight. One of them got real defensive real quick, I looked at her and raised an eyebrow before taking another drag before I hear Della show up and scold Ash - what else is new. Without wasting a second Jay starts blatantly checking out the girls, can't say I blame him, if I were ripped I'd be doing the same thing, "Whattups Slows," I said nodding my head to the Sloane siblings with a laugh. Then I turned to Lynx, "Whose party we crashing tonight, anyway?"
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"What?" I say to the guy that raised his eyebrow. "You don't expect me to be defensive when I meet a group of people that could possible be gang-bangers or rapers?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.​


Man this chick has a serious attitude problem. "It's just gonna be a regular party. Drugs, drinking, the usual. And trust me, nobody's gonna rape you. I mean, unless you like shit like that." I give her a wink. "Cal's got a car, we can pick you guys up tonight."

Then suddenly I tense up when I spot the Sloane siblings walk up. Me and Della, we kinda got something going on. She's not my girl or nothing, we just mess around sometimes. I've been knowing her and Jay since I was like ten, so I guess you can say we've been cool for a minute. Della hangs with my sister Lola too and we all grew up on the bad side of town. She's really the only girl that understands me.

"What's up losers?" I greet them, dapping Jay up and giving Della a slight hug. I mean, I care about Della and all but at the end of the day I'm single and I don't need her fucking up my opportunities with other chicks. "You punks coming to the party tonight?"

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"Fine. I'll come. Here is my address." I growl, writing down my address and slipping it into his palm. "I've got to get back home, pick me up at 10:00." With that, I start walking home.

(Can we pretend it's time already? @Tsiwentiio @Ash Boogie @Sha )​
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I have always been terrible at noticing if a guy was every trying to flirt with me, but this guy made it perfectly clear. Plus having a short dress and heels on was not helping me at all, I deliberated for a moment after the girl that had been standing up to the guys gave them her address. I decided to give in, I reached into my bag and neatly wrote my address down along with name, it seemed weird but it couldn't get any stranger at this point. "I go too" I said in the cute voice that I grew to accept.

The girl hands Lynx her address and starts walking away, "What, you don't have a name?" I say with smoke coming out of my mouth as I flick my cigarette onto the grass.

Before I knew it the other girl began writing her address down too, "Talk about a 180," I thought, "Whatever, cool with me, there can never be too many babes - especially when I'm wasted."
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Cal picked me up around ten and of course we went to go pick up the cute little redheads we met earlier. I wonder if they're the kind of girls that have to be back home at a certain time. If so, they came with the wrong dudes cuz we don't end up leaving parties til the morning. I don't even know where the fuck Ash is tonight but whatever, more bitches for me.

We all walk in and I can feel the music vibrate in my chest. This shit is packed. Various scenes in the room reveal beer bongs, shots of alcohol being thrown back, lap dances and every example of drug intake that someone can fathom. Hell yeah, this is definitely my type of party! Of course I'm here to have a good time but I'm also here to make money too. Business over pleasure, ya know? Parties are the best cuz everyone's already so high and wasted that they just wanna get even more fucked up. It's the best place to find new customers so I look around the room over the crowd, squinting to make out faces in the smoky haze, and that's when I see her...



"What the fuck are you doing here?" Lynx demands the minute he sees me, rushing across the room and pulling me away from some guy I was talking to. He snatches the cigarette out my hand and starts smoking it himself. "I thought I told you I don't want you coming to shit like this. Where's mom?"

"Ugh, chill out. I'm not a baby anymore," I groan, rolling my eyes. My brother just doesn't want to let me grow the fuck up. But I guess I can't really blame him. Our dad was never around when we were little. In fact, I hardly even remember the guy so Lynx stepped into that "fatherly" role from a young age. Not to mention our mom is so drunk all the time that she doesn't even pay any attention to me. My brother is the only person that'll keep my head on straight.

"Mom was passed out when I left the house," I shrug. I look across the hazy room, the air clouded from drugs and cigarettes, and I suddenly spot Cal in the crowd.
Who the fuck are those redhead girls he's with? I think jealously. Ugh, I've always had a crush on my brother's friend but I know Lynx would kill me if I acted on it. He doesn't want me talking to any guys, much less his own boys. Shit. Knowing how overprotective he is I probably won't be having any fun at this party tonight.

@Tsiwentiio turn.
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