• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Bad Boy x Good Girl anyone? (*´꒳`*)

Good Vibes


What's goin' on, darlin's? c:

So I've just been chillin' and listening to the Arctic Monkeys and thought - hey - why not roleplay! I've taken a rather long hiatus from the forums, so I'd love to get back on and have some fun.

I've recently watched Grease again for the forty millionth time and I thought, hey, how much freakin' fun would it be to roleplay some BB x GG! c:

I'd love to roleplay the girl in the relationship and I don't really have a plot in mind so hopefully we can both work together to figure it out!

Before I finish this up I have a few rules or two to go over. If you're still interested feel free to PM me!

Please be Advanced, I feel like I might be turned people away with this rule, I'm sorry, but one-liners and just a few simple sentences aren't all that fun to me. I love to put thought into my posts and give them some meat, and it's really disappointing to put all that work in for only a few sentences reply. This being said, my minimum to a post would be nine+ lines to a paragraph. A sample post would be much appreciated when you claim. c: but this goes with saying that just because you give me a sample post does not mean I will 100% accept it. As this is my thread, I have the right to decline.

  • Characters can be issues sometimes, I know. First let's start when characters. Please do not make a two-dimensional character, they are utterly boring and it's difficult to roleplay with such lackluster. Give them feeling, quirks, oddities, normalities. No - his hair was dark brown and his eyes were blue. That's no fun. ^^

  • Follow the forums rules! It's not that difficult! The terms are often blatantly obvious loves. c;
Yikes, sorry I haven't replied yet! My alerts have been being kinda funky lately so I didn't see your post. ^_^ ' if you'd still like to roleplay just PM me and we can start discussing!<3
[QUOTE="Good Vibes]
Yikes, sorry I haven't replied yet! My alerts have been being kinda funky lately so I didn't see your post. ^_^ ' if you'd still like to roleplay just PM me and we can start discussing!<3

I PMed you

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