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Fantasy Bad Blood

Ungifted ;-;

✨im on display for all you fu**ers to see✨
Muse A and Muse B have had a roller-coaster type of relationship for a few years. One day, they’re up. They’re laughing and happy, looking forward to their future. The next day, they’re down. Yelling and crying, threatening to call it quits. They’ve been in a relationship for so long that they’ve become comfortable in this toxic pattern. It doesn’t make much sense to outsiders why they bother continuing on together, but they can’t honestly imagine being without one another. One day, after a particularly explosive fight with Muse A, Muse Bstorms off. Muse A lets Muse B go, knowing that it’s only a matter of time before Muse B comes back and they make up. Only, days go by, and then weeks, then a year and Muse B doesn’t return. Muse Ahas a hard time dealing with the unexplained disappearance, but gradually learns to move on, even though they occasionally wonder what ever happened to Muse B. When Muse A least expects it, Muse B shows up at their door in the middle of the night, begging for Muse A to invite them in. Muse A is stunned to see Muse B after so long, and startled because Muse B seems different somehow, but nevertheless, Muse A invites Muse B inside to talk. Muse B tries to break it as gently as possible – that night they stormed off over a year ago, they were attacked by a vampire and now Muse B is one. Muse A doesn’t believe it, until Muse B shows them. Muse B promises that they won’t hurt Muse A and that they’ve only stayed away so long because they wanted to be able to control their bloodlust before coming back. Muse B has had time to reflect on how much they need Muse A in their life and how much better their relationship could be now because they’re hell-bent on making up for all of the bad times they used to have and they have an eternity to do so. Muse Amust decide if they can trust Muse B at all, especially after Muse A accidentally witnesses Muse B feeding on someone.
1. Muse A and Muse B’s relationship is romantic.
2. Muse A and Muse B’s relationship is purely platonic.
3. Muse A struggles with whether to stake Muse B or not.

Sorry for the Muses xD.
Hewwo:3 I'm Elizabeth!
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