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Fantasy Bad Beasts Rising Characters



Ten Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
PLEASE NOTE: This RP will be a mature take on the wizarding world and will explore themes of violence, gore, politics, radicalisation and possible mature romantic themes so you are advised to proceed with this in mind.

I will be accepting applications until Wednesday 31st January. Good luck!


Accepted characters will receive a 'heart' If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

P.S. Making multiple characters is not necessary but preferred if you feel able to :)

Qualifying to become an auror is incredibly rare amongst wizards and witches, and in order to qualify one must have attained five N.E.W.Ts of no less than Exceeds Expectations or the equivalent in their country of origin. Across the board, the Auror Training program lasts three years and students are taught in Concealment and Disguises, Stealth and Tracking, Poisons and Antidotes, Curse Breaking, Memory Charms, Practical Defence, Dark Magic Tracing and Magical Law and Jurisprudence.

Your 'rookie' auror can be at any stage of their training and must have a unique specialism (e.g. a particular proclivity for memory charms, occlumency etc.). The same applies to veteran aurors with regards to specialist talent.
































Current Roster

VETERANS (5 of 6)
Alexa Chen
Saga Lindqvist
Väinö Järvinen
Archer Hightower
Sylvester Selwyn

ROOKIES (5 of 6)
Leandra Goldstein
Patrick Warbeck
Fable Dupont
Zackary Greenview
Sebastian Black

DARK WIZARDS (6 of 12)
Verona De Fontenelle
Corinth Flint
Devon Porter
Pyotr Mikhailov
Jolie Hayle
Artemisia Súileabháin
Cordelia Greengrass

OUTCASTS (2 of 8)
Somnus Featherwright (werewolf)
Filluk GripLock II (goblin)


Bad Beasts Rising

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♡design by clan ize, coded by uxie♡
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    FC: Asa Butterfield


    Corinth Flint grew up lonely, abused and hated by his parents. Corinth was born to Elizabeth Fawley and Elijah Flint, both squibs shunned by their pureblood elitist family and members of the famed Sacred Twenty-Eight. The pair grew up living as muggles and had expected their son to be a squib too. Much to their horror, Corinth began showing signs of magic from as early as three years old. Enraged and openly jealous of their child, the pair treated him with utter contempt from the day he showed signs of magic.

    His mother especially went to great lengths to squash the magic out of him, locking him in a dark room with one meal a day and encouraging his father to give him lashings if he did any accidental magic of any kind.

    Corinth grew to despise his parents and the more they suppressed him, the stronger his power grew in an unexplainable way that was incredibly dangerous. All his pent up rage and suppressed magic would form a black energy which would take him over and destroy whatever his anger was directed at.

    The day of Corinth's eleventh birthday, was the day he completely lost control. He had made a pin cushion move of it's own will without meaning to and his father lost his temper, lashing out to beat him.

    The strange energy took control, and though Corinth does not remember anything, he knows he killed his parents that day and does not regret it. Unfortunately he still has no way of controlling his unstable power manifestation, but he has run away from the hell that was his home and is looking for a home among the dark wizards who wish to serve wizard kind by destroying those that wish to shut them down.

    He is absolutely devoted to Clarion Morningstar and is devoted to his cause, He wants no more than to continue his great work and gain a wand. He has told no one that his murdered parents were squibs and likely never will.


    Corinth has never had much of a chance to form his own identity. For most of his life he has known nothing but misery and was told that he was scum for being magical. He is proud of the fact he wields magic and has a fascination with the power it implies. With power he will never have to be trampled on again and that is what he would like more than anything in the world.

    Corinth is a resourceful boy, devoted to the point of obsession to the things he believes in and though he can be remorseless, the fact is, he is a child and is incredibly hurt and vulnerable, looking for someone to care for him and see his potential. He is also compassionate to those that he cares about, though he is mistrustful. At times he is conflicted about killing non-purebloods, but his fanatical love of The Morningstar clouds his better judgement. With an obvious thirst for knowledge and a desperate longing for a normal childhood, he can be at times insatiably curious, but never boisterous.

    Corinth was taught to be neither seen nor heard and so he is shy and anxious around new people with a particular wariness of women. He is also malleable, easy to take advantage of and naïve. Cor has an unhealthy attraction to power but a small yet developed conscience. Perhaps there is true hope for him yet.

    If Corinth looked in the Mirror of Erised, he would see himself ruling the wizarding world alongside his idol Clarion Morningstar.
    Corinth has uncanny talent for non-verbal, wandless magic though it is completely unstable as of now.

    CLARION MORNINGSTAR- The Morningstar found Corinth personally, taking him under his wing as his surrogate son and preparing him to carry out his legacy once he is gone. Corinth adores him and would do anything he asks.


    ELIJAH FLINT- Father
    ELIZABTH FLINT (Nee Fawley)-Mother
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Somnus Featherwright

#auror sided werewolf

#conan gray

♡coded by uxie♡

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"I like Tinkering and fixing things... It's what I do." ~ Patrick Aka Tinker
John Francis Daley








Pear, Snallygaster Heartstring, 10'5 (Slightly Yielding)

Rookie Auror/New Recruit

Healing- Patrick always found a knack for mending, tinkering with things and healing too. Although not all those things were related it did provide a connection of sorts to him that just helped somehow.

Dueling- He's one that actually really enjoyed dueling. Got rather good at it too.... Maybe there was something inherently passed down onto him and just runs in the blood, maybe? But nonetheless he always found a growing and capable skill in dueling whether it was with swords ala fencing as a kid in Seattle or magic. He just always proved rather good.

Transfiguration- In part due to his healing magic specialty and need for a deeper knowledge and ability in transfiguration. Patrick does have a advanced level knowledge and ability though mainly uses the conjuration school of it truth be told.

Charms- Perhaps his best skill overall and most adept at using would be Charms. It's almost a natural and preferred method and form of magic for Patrick.

Adept-Noteworthy Skills or traits-
Physical Combat- By no means his greatest or close to best area of expertise. But over the years through both finding a need and perhaps, again, could maybe be a inherited trait perhaps. But Patrick through much effort and will has become a somewhat adept at fisticuffs using mainly a boxers style when needing to engage in such fights. Due to not being the most physically athletic or gifted individual in the world and knowing his limits even if he's not one to give up easily. Patrick prefers to limit the need to physically engage someone rather preferring to use his wit and finesse over trying to match brute strength for strength when clearly he'd most often be outmatched thus his fighting style, heart and use of finesse tactics to overcome.

Potions- Again perhaps not his greatest skill yet does have noteworthy ability in the field of Potions, antidotes and poisons when need be. Largely thanks to his work in studying and practicing healing magic, herbology and the relation to potions, ingredients and etc. Patrick, while not one to at first think of using poisons against someone with his personality being that of a healer and such. Not a trickster rogue at heart (Although how cool would that be?!) as such as one might be considered. He does have the knowledge and ability to make use of such things and Alchemy as well to some degree, due to the closely connected nature that ties the two together, surely and indeed. Overall a useful and known skill in his arsenal.

Ilvermony *School* N.E.W.T.S; Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology, D.A.D.A

Student-Adventurer (Novice)


Born to Rachel Olivia Bones and Zacharias F Warbeck. A squib from Seattle Washington that's truly related to the Bones Wizarding family in the UK despite the surface level doubts of it all. Rachel is considered a muggle woman with a loving and very mature outlook on life and a wisdom beyond her years. She knew as well as Zacharias that it was merely a whirlwind romance that was never meant to last... That it was best to keep it that way and not pursue a long term relationship even if the care for one another was still there. She could sense he was still troubled by something and wasn't own fit nor ready to help him deal with it in order for them to have a chance. And Zacharias was all too agreeable and aware of it himself. Still though.... Together, they brought unto this world one Patrick Fletcher Warbeck.... A young and ever curious boy even to the point of always wondering where his middle name 'Fletcher' came from believing there must of been a connection to someone or something and that it couldn't just be a random selection that didn't go deeper. And while he couldn't think of any pro athlete that played for Seattle or any other team that might have been it least not for the most part or anyone else it may connect to... Rachel never said a word of it really, always denied it but left it at that, knowing full well her sons love for puzzles and mysteries his pursuit to keep searching for clues.... She didn't want him to ever lose that love and curiosity. So she always denied but never went further then that even if a truth existed, one that may involve a simple mistake and misunderstanding years ago when time came for his birth certificate.... It was meant to be 'Fetch' named after his father, who's middle name was oddly, remarkably and very ironically named Fetch and for reasons that were never made clear to him or any other. So, the never feeling the mistake wasn't too much to let live and leaving it as Fletcher, the name stuck and so remained his middle name.

Growing up a diehard sports fan of mostly Seattle teams. While still a tad on the nerdy side and having taken fencing lessons too amongst others. Patrick or Patty as he and others may be heard calling him for short was always a bit unique and had much to overcome in his life whether it was at school, making friends, family and those relationships with his estranged parts of his family not to mention the occasions of clumsy, physically not too impressive times that never really helped him any. Point was he grew up with plenty of his challenges to overcome in life as did many others really, well, everyone truly. It's made him into a resilient young wizard if filled with both painful and fond memories.

At the age of perhaps a eleven he was alerted to his magical gifts and their need to be trained properly. Well, he was kinda already aware of them but always chalked them up to charma and odd occurrences that just simply would happen to him or around him at different times in his life. Never could he imagine anything more happening to him... It was too magical and fanciful to be real. But it was. Thus began his journey to Ilvermony and all the required steps that led up to it... Luckily he knew some people that could help him with that ..... Placed in the house of Pukwudgie the house of Healers. Patrick's journey through school began and future all but set.....

He was a wizard....

While the lad didn't have the easiest of times at Ilvermony, he did have a knack for certain things often those that could almost relate to him and his tinkering hobbies. But still he found himself a place at Ilvermony and made some truly wonderful friends that he wouldn't know where he'd be now if not for them. He'd hate to really think about it really.... Life savers the lot of them. Not to mention had to be very patient, understanding and forgiving folks to last as long as they did around him.

By the time he graduated school Patrick had been set on becoming an adventurer, he always did love adventures and such tales so why go on one himself and make it a journey to work on himself and his shortcomings, areas of weakness all around? To which he would do. Knowing full well his father was a name he may never live up to as an Auror or wizard if he didn't least not in his mind and he'd assume many others too if they knew of the man or his many years of service. He also knew his elder brother was rather capable in his own right if far less known and not one seeking the honorable spotlight but rather of a more flamboyant and flare driven kind where his talents brought him both trouble and riches... Fairly won of course but still... Questionable and trouble attracting sorts.... Though he was more popular with the ladies like their father then Patrick could ever claim. Though in a way they were both finesse adept and all three shared a skill for dueling. Never ones to fear a fight.

unso Patrick in short went on a years long or so journey before returning to join the Aurora. He'd follow in his father's footsteps while hopefully not spilling the beans on family secrets he's learned or become to nerve racking to be around to last long in the Aurors office.


Bubbly, Energetic, overly optimistic and panic prone is the nutshell description for Patrick Fletcher Warbeck. But he's loveable too perhaps in his own way. He is also quite fearful of clowns and small, dark and tight spaces.... Did I mention that claustrophobia yet? No? Ok. He's a mess when you see or know the chaotic thoughts and list of things that can bring him into a state of panic. A very organized and tidy person with a need for structure to truly and more easily survive. Loves a good puzzle. Mysteries too. Always looking to make his family proud and friends smile. never wanting to let anyone down especially those close to him.

Some could say he's like a curious puppy. Perhaps it could be true and ok, very likely and highly accurate too. But never discount his heart and love or the will to stand and fight for what he believes til the very end if need be. A warm hearted and loving soul that is brave yet kind. Sensitive yes, but still deep down he's got a warriors heart and a wisdom to come I'm sure. He's just smart enough and witty enough to get by while capable of providing some laughs

Witty & Intelligent- While his mannerisms and prone to panic nature wouldn't always suggest this... Patrick is a rather intelligent and witty young wizard. He's almost had to be with his physical stature not being the most impressive and appearing rather weak to some of not perhaps many. But a solid improviser a trait he's picked up over time in his journey to better himself and evolve as a both a man and wizard. Patrick does possess and can display remarkable intelligence and wit that further aids his moments of improvisation on the spot.

Observant- A love for mysteries and needing, believing in everything must have a deeper connection and answers below the surface. Patrick is and sorta always been a rather keen and observant young man not always the most aware of how others might see him or why they might treat him as they do.... Though in most cases, yes, just not all as seen in some realizations and reflections he can have at random times and moments. Conversations too. But still a keen observer if he does say in his own right.

Strong Heart & Will- He's a optimistic and bubbly, energetic sort always looking for answers and making people smile. Good first impressions and lasting ones are always a goal for him. But deep down, he's truly a resilient young man in large part and in thanks to his heart and will that just won't let him give up easily. He's always looking to make his family proud, live up to his father's name especially when following in his footsteps. While never wanting to let down his friends, ever... They've always been there for him and he'd never do any less. So he fights through all his shortcomings, disadvantages and the jokes about him to show he's not going down that easily no matter what you do to him. (Sticks & Stones and all that as they say.... Who's kidding who here.... Words can still hurt.)

Naive- Many wonderful qualities about this young man, however, at the same time he's also incredibly naive and perhaps overly influenced by his optimism and wanting to see the good in everything and one. This could overshadow his wit and intelligence at times even leading to people being unable to his smarts and cleverness. Yet he is while on the other side of that very coin, he's very naive and it can and at times has cost him dearly. Including many misinterpreted sarcasms and prank invites that have caused him many embarrassing moments growing up as well as painful memories. But it's just.... He's always looking for the good in people and wanting to be liked and fit in. It can be very difficult to just give up... You know? Giving up on the good in this world, it just..... Like not believing in hope and wanting more out of this world? To grow and evolve as people.... Become more accepting and loving... Peace and love over hate and evil... Is that really that impossible? So Patrick struggles through determined to prove there is still good out there. It's all still worth fighting for.

Physically not that Impressive- He's of almost average height, somewhat average weight... if needing maybe a few more pounds at least to reach the average and healthy weight for his size. Not overly athletic or physically gifted in strength by any means. Just maybe average all around. While he's got heart and knows his limits... He can only overcome so much before simply meeting his match and falling to the superior opposition.

Sensitive & Prone to Panic- He's okay at putting on facades and hiding his pain. But he's still a very sensitive and emotional person, when he does recognize what others say about him or to him or how they see him overall... It does hurt. He does quietly feel and hurt from such things when alone. He's almost very prone to panic sometimes over very small, less important things and details. But he is a detailed person that lives in a world of organization and tidy, well kept spaces and belongings. (Don't get him started on his collections and their care.... Please?!? You'll thank me later.) So panicking happens and sometimes can happen alot. A world without coffee? No way can't be possible for this kid from Seattle. Who's overly hyped, energetic and bubbly personality probably doesn't need coffee at all.... Actually probably could do with out it really. But that's in part why he took a adventurous journey after school to better himself and work on these things. Learn better adapt, improvise and overcome it all. Still though, his sensitive, panic prone nature amongst other traits could make him a prime target for legillimens and rather weak in Occlumency for his own good despite past efforts to help improve them. He only improved maybe a little so far... Likely would require much more to be effective.

Naive, sensitive and panic prone will make for a fatal combination. Physically not the most impressive one either doesn't help. If Patrick doesn't continue and achieve success in his path to grow and become more capable and more aware, less naive, etc. he could find himself not long for this world given the chosen path he has since undertaken and determined to make happen.

Relationships & Family- (To Date)
Leandra "Lea" Goldstein: 'Oh, Lea? She's a gem and definite bestie! I don't think I would have made it through school without her. A very talented witch too.'

Zacharias F Warbeck: 'Yeah, that's my dad. Hopefully I can make him proud some day and live up to the family name. We have a kind of estranged relationship you might say... I mean he's a good guy just... Well guess you can say troubled and has seen things I suppose. Even before he became an Auror... Guess that's why he retired recently.... He won't respond to my questions about it all though. Just says it's his problem not mine. But that's pops for you. Also have been told he's got a rather nice if deep singing voice too. Sadly don't think deep voices are inherited like that.... Opinions differ on my singing too. '

Rachel Olivia Bones: 'Mom? Oh, yeah, she may or may not be related to the wizarding family of the same name. Couldn't say for sure, if so I guess she is considered a... What was it... Always seemed harsh to me... Squib was it? Either way a magical mother even if she's non magical in the wizarding world sense of it all. Sweetest mom ever too!'

Antoine Z Warbeck: 'Oh yeah, that's my brother, well, half-brother really, but I don't see him as such. He's my brother in every sense of the word and meaning. We also have a kind of estranged relationship, a work in progress really.... In fact, he and our father are also sharing that same kind of relationship. Family trait I guess? I don't know really. Deep down though I know they care about each other and me too. Antoine and I are also very different, practically polar opposites of each other. Like our dad he attended Hogwarts, also was in Ravenclaw too. like our father, Though don't mention it. He might secretly be proud of it all but that connection and common ground with our pops is a sore subject with him. But as different as we are I'm sure we have similarities too. He's a wandering freelancer sort of wizard going all over the UK and a charmer with flare and style. Skill. And while we have our differences.... I still love him.... He's my brother and always will be.'

(Would update over time if relationships develop and/or become revealed.)

+Seattle Seahawks (Diehard fan)
+Seattle Storm (Same)
+Seattle Mariners (Same)
+Seattle Kraken (Same)
+Seattle Sounders FC (Same)
+OL Reign (Same)
+Oklahoma City Thunder (Formerly the Seattle Super Sonics... A love/Hate fandom due to their relocation years ago.)
+Montreal Canadians (Second favorite hockey team behind his hometown Kraken. though it dates back further with Montreal for obvious reasons known to sports fans)
+Kenmare Kestrels (Quidditch)
+Dundalk FC (Irish premier league)
+Sci-fi & Fantasy
+COFFEE (Did you really think I'd leave out Coffee? NO WAY! Always a top fave.)

-Oklahoma City Thunder (Again a love/hate fandom... Roots for the Raptors as his second favorite NBA team.)
-Bullying/Abuse of any kind (Although, who doesn't?)
-Being told he cannot or won't succeed at something
-Being Underestimated (Opposite to his bestie. He dislikes it due to how he wishes to be seen as more then what others might with his traits and stature.)

Physical Build:
Height: 5'11
Weight: 147
Body Shape: Slim, mildly athletic and fit

D.O.B: December 8th 2005
Sign: Sagittarius
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Current Day: Aka Cillian Murphy FCoppenhiemer_0001_Cillian murphy TCDPEBL_EC017.jpgOlder Pyotr "Mirror of Erised reflection" aka Jeff Bridges FC article-1332695-0BF7E7D8000005DC-841_306x423.jpg
Click Tab
No. 1370
Artist: helenpeanut
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Hi there! Thanks for applying but I can’t access the documents to read the applications. Could you either make them accessible or post them as plain text here? Also please feel free to join the discord chat if you have any questions

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Hi there! Thanks for applying but I can’t access the documents to read the applications. Could you either make them accessible or post them as plain text here? Also please feel free to join the discord chat if you have any questions

Oh I just fixed it! Sorry, totally slipped my mind
Auror Profile

Väinö Järvinen





Zodiac sign:

Blood Status: Half-Blood
Race/Being: Part Troll

14' Vine, Unicorn Hair
Flexibility: unyielding

Veteran or New Recruit:
Veteran Auror
Allegiance/Freelance: Ministry of Magic and Government

Specialist Area: Physical Combat, Dueling, Charms (Specifically; Defensive based are his specialty & signature)

N.E.W.T'S Earned: Charms, D.A.D.A, Transfigurations, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination
School: Durmstrang Institute

Former Occupation: Freelancer & Wanderer in care of the magical creatures and their natural habitats. Along with advanced religion based studies and historical locations search- His own inspirations and desires never a paying gig for any of the above in his wandering/freelance days.


Background & Historical Knowledge:

An orphaned child to some adventurous and curious Järvinen witch or wizard with a very open mind where love and other such matters may reside though Väinö is yet to know what parent is which to this day..... He doesn't really wish to know either.... Disturbing thoughts and images it may bring and a unknown troll parent of the opposing gender he'd imagine and has come to understand. Yet not many answers to such questions for further certainty and clarity. Only that he was a half-blood wizard of mixed breed left orphaned near at birth and left in the care of the Arcanus Circus of all places and folk..... Truly a curious and interesting parent or parents he must of had while full of wonder and hysterical results.

Named Väinö, a child cared for by the aging but wise and religiously devoted man that was no priest, yet amongst their kind of the circus he practically was and seen as such. The man was called Igor, not his true name but that was long since forgotten and everyone seemed to simply call him Igor or even father Igor by some. Amongst other varying nicknames and the like. A wise and religiously knowledgeable man that raised, cared for and taught Väinö all that he knew and could pass on while ensuring his life wouldn't be so lonely and devoid of love and family. Väinö always greatly admired, appreciated and loved the old man.

He came to accept and enjoy while learning much during his time with his makeshift and adopted family that has taken him in from seemingly birth. A Finnish of origin and proud young child he was and became.... Always curious and open of mind, desires to learn and overcome his trollish ways and stereotypes. He was determined to become a greater being for it and for his people and kind..... The misunderstood.

Eventually his magical talents became evident and too much for an aging Igor to manage alone. The traveling Arcanus Circus assured him it was best to attend Durmstrang Institute for magical studies and wizardry to further his teachings and control over his gifts. Thus he attended Durmstrang Institute where he faced many challenges as a part troll and half blood, especially his mixed breed status. It was a struggle to overcome and even more great was his struggles to retain control and practice his kinder side of faiths and teachings.... To resist temptation to harm physically those who'd dare try him with such bullying and tease of prejudices and bias. And so further did he delve into studies both magical, muggle and certainly religious alongside some parts of history where it interested him.

Never the most popular at Durmstrang, but capable he proved and some talents come to be revealed over the years. A care for magical creatures and understanding of them especially so..... He always felt a kinship of sorts and understanding that went beyond he could ever have expected or others perhaps as well. A natural talent and gift perhaps? A way of communicating without truly being able to speak in their respective tongue or truly know what they might say and mean through their own speech yet just simply..... He somehow managed through other means.

Väinö would later finish his schooling at Durmstrang Institute and leave school for a wanderers path. Intending to serve the old gods, his faith and most certainly nature alongside the creatures of this world both magical and non-magical as they might be. A freelancing naturalist and protector who'd shield the creatures and their natural habitats from those who'd seek to do them wrong and harm. This later would come to reach the attention of and ultimately change the course of his story and perceived destiny

The ministry of magic, the Aurors and the Department of the regulation and control of Magical Creatures would all come to encounter this man and after a few related such encounters they shaped his future by recruiting him to the ministry. A indirect path perhaps to the Aurors, but one that was his path and received training that led him to the Aurors he is today. Years later it may be now.....

Persona: Väinö Järvinen~ A staunch protector of nature and all things where it concerns it, especially where creatures whether magical or not are concerned. It's heavily advised to respect all such creatures and their natural habitat in his presence or risk facing his tempered wrath or unleashed at that pending your decisions and person....

A surprisingly keen and observant man, ever listening even when it does not concern him. Aware when it does seem he is from any viewpoint and awareness level. Yet doesn't pry or tend to spy with such things, private matters remain private even if the gossip is juicy. He's not one to overstep, he's merely and constantly aware of his surroundings and the voices that may accompany it.

Much like his keen ways, his appearance gives off a certain aloofness and dimwitted man not knowing of the refined ways and modern thinking of men and women whether they be wizard or muggle. This appearance is merely a useful guise, he's more keen and intelligent then he appears even if he's far from the smartest or most wise of men and wizard. He is just enough in intelligence, awareness, wisdom and common sense to surpass plenty expectations of him while his instincts and survival knowledge is rather sharp and extensive. He's not without his areas of expertise after all just as any other would possess so does he.... The old gods and religion being amongst them. Oh yes!

He's a kind man, simple in life and how he's dressed. Intolerant of racial bias and prejudices though he's learned it best to restrain himself to mere grunts, scoffs and noticable eye rolls when in the presence of it... Best not tempt him by making him a direct target or cross any lines with another either. Words are words but bones can be broken.... He doesn't mind getting physical to make his point when necessary. Even if temptation and his troll blood can become too.... Strong at times to maintain control of his temper and potential outbursts. Simply put the sort of man who'd you look up on and see the words in his eyes and in his face

"Try me, please..... Unleash the fire in my blood as it boils so hot beneath this fleshy surface... just once, I ask of you this... Make my day fun!" - All the While his eyes become wild in stare and presence seemingly closes in
Väinö in short isn't afraid of a fight nor does he necessarily need his wand and magic to win. Some might say he enjoys the physicality and release from it all that he gets after so much time and energy spent containing himself and keeping control of his temper, moments of desired outbursts when enraged. A little wild perhaps? But truly he's a kind man and devoted to some degree to the old gods and religion. He's a man of whom offers respect to those worthy and respects all things where it must be shown such as nature, the dead with it's various proper respects and the like. Amongst others as well that have earned or have received it from him in whatever manner that may be.

A final note of Väino would be this- He's very aware of the Stereotypes out in the world, especially where his kind are involved that being trolls and part trolls. He knows his appearance and willingness to get dirty alongside them only add to this advantage in his mind..... Yes, he will play dumb and play out for you this stereotypical reality you live in partly for his own amusement and his own eventual turning of the tide against you. Not all trolls are so dumb and incapable of thought or tactics. Nor are they incapable of bathing and maintaining good hygiene.....

Overall a proud and kind man that's very loyal and protective to those who've earned it and have become his kin. Whether it be friend, blood or special/romantic to him.

Incredible strength of mind and body
Unwavering courage
Noble of heart and loyalty

Poor temper and risk of outbursts
°A naturalist and perhaps to some degree herbology.... But very poor as a potions master. He's not a magical healer or antidote specialist thus his knowledge may prove lesser than your average Auror.

°His empathy towards Werewolves and other magical beings/creatures is great. He finds difficulty in harming fatally any such being yet, if he must, he will... even while hesitation may loom over him.
°Can become overconfident at times which could lead to his downfall if used against him wisely.

Fatal Flaw: The empathy towards other beings and creatures especially those misunderstood or greatly effected by their own blood and racial being in this harsh world of wizards and muggles. Magical or not can become at times a point of issue for him and his responsibilities as an Auror even while a veteran he is.... Furthermore, his temper and overconfidence can lead to his own mistakes and shortcomings thus leading him to his own undoing. If pressed and triggered enough to awaken temptation beyond his powers of control and restraint.


Weight: 240
Body Type: Muscular/Strong build

Parents; Unknown Järvinen & Unknown Troll
Father figure; Igor -(An old and wise wizard from his childhood growing up within the Arcanus circus. He long had forgotten his own name but answered to Igor by all that came to call him as such and knew him. Suspected nordic origins however.... Tutored and cared for the young Väinö. A overall caring and devoted man of religion.)
Family; All those from his Arcanus circus upbringing.... Too many to name. Isn't fully aware of and knowing to his blood family other than his name and being part troll and a half-blood wizard.
Friends; Likely fellow Aurors or enthusiasts in shades fields of passion and interests. Though very likely to be determined and revealed over time....

Hobbies/Hidden talents:
- Religious artifacts & Studies (Historical locations especially)
- Poetry
- Nordic History & Languages

- Mystery Novels

Theme- ....🤔

Name: Artemisia Verona Súileabháin
Nickname: Arte or Sia ( if you even dare to call her that)
Age: 34
Face Claim: Katie McGrath
Sexuality: pansexual
Nationality: Irish


House: Former Slytherin/ Hogwarts Alumni
Wand: Wood Acacia
Core Veela Hair
Flexability Quite Bendy
Size About 13 inches
Manufacturer Violetta Beauvais

Favorite Class: Alchemy and Potions
Least Favorite Class: Astronomy
Boggart: Disapproval stares from everyone she ‘cares’ about
Patronus: Albatross - There's no way a Dementor will mess with you if your Patronus is an albatross. One flap of its 11 ft wingspan is enough to beat even the most determined Dementor flying toward you! Their ability to glide for hours without needing to use any energy means your albatross Patronus will always be ready to fight for you at a moment's notice. You've got yourself a true battle-ready Patronus!


Pet: A bat named Thumble : small brown fruit bat

Blood Status: Pure Blood
Parents: Antares and Honora Súileabháin ( Father is Irish Mother is British )
Siblings: none
Other Family: none
Friends: open to all

Important Details
Appearance: dark curly hair, blue eyes, fair complexion, curvy figure

Personality: Serious, Stern, Blunt, Unwavering, Mysterious, Intelligent, Proud, Dutiful
Those are some of the words to describe this beautiful woman. She knows she is alluring and will use it to her advantage if need be. She is very serious about her jobs and duties and is unwavering to get them done in a befitting manner of a lady of her status. She takes being a Pureblood of one of the most prestigious gaelic origins very strict. She is very intelligent and would love to hold intellectual conversations. Though she can be very blunt when she speaks to people, she just tells you like it is. She also keeps to herself a lot and is quite mysterious. But deep down somewhere , She is a good natured soul.The only time she ever really shows vulnerability is when she sings ( She does have a kind nature around students if she is alone though)
  • Likes: liquor, well-mannered people, organization, quiet, quidditch, singing
  • Dislikes: being interrupted while being spoken too, unkempt appearances, and running out of liquor, the smell of figs

Backstory: Artemisia Súileabháin was born into the Súileabháin Clan with two very adoring parents. Who were unable to have anymore children after her. So they raised her to uphold her status and be very proud of the heiress to the Súileabháin name. Her parents do want her to get married one day to carry on the name. But after finishing Hogwarts and going off to try to become a writer, Which didn’t turn out so well.

They thought she was too blunt. Too straightforward to make it during the times. So when she got a letter to study alchemy more in depth ! She jumped onto the opportunity. Slowly climbing the ranks to get to where she is today
And that is where she has been since.

When she was a student , She was rather quiet and kept to herself, especially in her first year. But due to joining the frog choir that year and She began to open up more and became a bit more outspoken. She loves to sing and it was the only time she truly smiled. Her blunt nature came from how her parents raised her. Her parents weren’t the most wealthy, more like upper middle class but did everything they could to make sure they had a comfortable life as she grew up. In her 6th year she joined the alchemy class and her love for her studies grew even more.The art of alchemy was something that extremely fascinated her and she grew to admire the professor she had , more than her own family. Always confiding in him,. ( Probably he is the reason she got the job)

Now her family is more frugal. She on the other hand spends her money on some of the finer clothes as well. But growing up her parents had very high expectations and were quite blunt with their opinions on her growing up, which made her able to handle criticisms quite well. But it also made her overly critical of herself as well.

Trying to become a writer was a different story though, she tried to write books about topics that most women would not openly discuss during this time period. But after getting denied publisher by publisher. She received a letter by an owl one day on a walk in the gardens of her family’s estate in Ireland. But after deliberating back and forth she finally accepted and took on the position.

Special Ability: none

Other: very slight Irish accent

Dark wizards affiliation


I apologize that this is a day late




FIRST: Archer


LAST: Hightower


Nickename: Archie

GENDER: male

AGE: 30


FC: Henry Cavill as Sherlock Holmes

11 3/4 Inches
Ebony Wood
Thunderbird Tail Feather Core


SPECIALIST AREA: Charms, defensive and offensive magic

N.E.W.TS EARNED AND WHERE: Hogwarts : Transfiguration, Muggle Studies, Charms, DADA, Arithmancy



Blood Status: Muggleborn
Archer grew up in a poor family, crammed into a small apartment in the slums of St. Giles. His father was often away at “work” (though what he worked at Archer had no clue, as there was seldom any money to put food on the table), and his mother stayed at home to care for him and his younger sister. As such, he grew up pale, gaunt, and hungry: Hungry to prove himself, hungry to rise above his station, and hungry for more than the hand he was dealt as a cold, unhappy boy living in the middle of London. His father wasn’t fond of him: Rather, he wasn’t fond of the way strange things seemed to happen when Archer was angry. Cupboards flew open, doors rattled, and plates shattered. For the longest time, the family simply assumed they shared their home with a furious ghost, though these suspicions were put to rest when Archer received his letter to come attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

His mother was overjoyed, seeing this as a strange but welcome chance for Archer to grow up someplace other than St. Giles. Grants from the school allowed him to purchase the needed supplies, and when he returned home after his first year with stories about wondrous tables groaning under the weight of food, games played on broomsticks, and warm comfortable beds, his mother was initially overjoyed. That joy turned to resentment, however, and as He grew older he spent more time roaming the streets in London during the Summer than he did with his family. Starting his fifth year, he began to stay the summers with friends he made at school, and especially members of the Quidditch team.

When He graduated, he wanted to be an auror and after many years of study and training.....That is where Archer is to this day.


PERSONA: — If there’s one thing Archer Hightower doesn’t lack, it’s charisma. He’s indescribably charismatic and his charm is as annoying as it is endearing. He’s an innately social person and doesn’t shy away from conversations. It’s not uncommon to see him engrossed in a conversation with someone, an easy smile on his face and his eyes seemingly sparkling. Part of the reason why he’s so charismatic is because he actually enjoys talking to people. Archer's a naturally curious person and he finds people interesting to talk to. He finds that you learn a lot from talking to to a person but that may just be because he’s great at reading people. It’s almost a talent, really. From a simple action, He can almost always tell what they’re feeling. It comes in very handy when he’s talking with his colleagues, or mentoring others. He just always knows when they’re feeling bad and doesn’t pressure them about it because he knows. Another part of his charm is his confidence. Archer’s the type of person who rarely, if ever, hesitates on anything.

He’s self-assured and rarely feels anxious. He’s not afraid to voice his thoughts and speak his mind— even if the thoughts are quite cheeky in nature. He’s not insecure either and when people call him out on his mistakes, He is hardly one to lash out or feel his pride bruised. If anything, he’d be pleasantly surprised at the person who called him out. He’s a nice person as well. He doesn’t exactly have a heart of gold but he’s still good at heart. Whenever he’s able to, he looks out for others, offering advice whether they asked for it or not. He’s always nice to people, his eyes and actions are always kind. All of this combined makes it easy to understand why he’s beloved by many.....maybe somewhat for his good looks too but hopefully mostly his personality.
However, there’s more to Archer than what you see on the surface. While he generally exudes an aura of warmth and relaxation, you’d find that Archer is quite a menace as well. For one, he’s very cheeky and enjoys teasing people around him. With his charisma, it lets him get away with quite a few cheeky remarks and it seems like he’s always testing how far he can go!

But He also did have a slight grumpy nature in his youth! But all and all when push comes to shove, He is super passionate about his job and making the wizarding and muggle worlds a safer place!!

STRENGTHS (3): Charismatic, Great People Reader, Trustworthy

WEAKNESSES (3): A bit too honest, Doesn't really think much before he acts , way to much confidance ( too much for his own good at times)

FATAL FLAW (1): He can get a bit carried away with his flirty



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Accepted :)
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NAME Sylvester Viktor Selwyn

AGE / BIRTHDAY 46, April 23th

Specialist Area: Transfiguration and Charms
GENDER Male, He/Him

Nationality: British

Veteran Auror - Government

Wand: 10 inches, Maple, Dragon Heartstring, Flexible

SEXUALITY Pansexual ( But he's married sorry)

HEIGHT 5'11 ft / 180 cm

WEIGHT 120 lbs / 54 kg

NEWTS: Hogwarts: Transfiguration, Charms, DADA, Arithmancy, History of Magic, Herbology, Potions

AFFILIATION Hogwarts Teachers, Transfiguration Masters, Ravenclaw House , Aurors

A whip of the long wand in his slim figures and he could change anything, his skills in transfiguration weren't genius, no, he worked for them, the power and skill, it was made by him. That made him all the better at teaching, genius didn't know how to teach, they hadn't learned like those who had struggled like he. He may have been a Ravenclaw but he understood the motive of hard work that drives Hufflepuff.

Sharp eyes, a wry smile that is only shown to those close to him, and a tall, dark-haired figure. It was safe to say he knew what he was doing!


He is a grumpy man, not angry, not emotive, just grumpy. He wants to nap all the time and not have accidents in his classes, he wants peace and quiet, but when you work at Hogwarts and now back to Auror Duties and both your child and partner are Metamorphagus, well that tends to be a pipe dream. He wants to help those kids that struggled like he did with Transfiguration and help them get a passion for it just as he did.

He still loves them nonetheless. He adored his child and his lover, who were just perfect in his eyes, well, not perfect, but as close as one could get while being an idiot at times. Really Syl is a big teddy bear on the inside, he might insist he is not but the second he gets to have time to relax with his family, he becomes a sweet, soft person, though that grumpiness never really fades, that's just how Syl is.

Strengths: Hard worker, Not super emotional, Always does what He says

Weaknesses: He's just a grumpy guy, Always tired, Softer around his family

Fatal Flaw: He would do ANYTHING to protect his daughter if anything happened to her

HOBBIES Transfiguration, Painting, Sewing.

LIKES Napping, His family, Cheese, Poetry.

DISLIKES Things going wrong, Crowds, Mornings


Syl wasn't a talented kid, he tried his best but the school never came naturally, in particular, in his fifth year he struggled greatly, he was falling behind rapidly in one particular class, Transfiguration. Syl, it was safe to say, had a hard time imagining things, it was hard in general when others would say to him to imagine something he just... Couldn't.

He was as blind as a bat when it came to imagining things, so his Transfiguration was greatly hindered. So the teachers decided that since he was struggling so much, he would have to get a tutor. Then Entered Skyler Dupont, an annoying, overly loud puppy dog of a person and Sylvester hated him. At least that's what he told himself as they helped him with Transfiguration. The great smiles and happy words that his tutor sent him motivated him greatly, no matter how much he denied it... but he still did not like Sky, not at all.

But after a few years, Sylvester couldn't deny it. He loved Skyler. So in front of the lake in his 7th year he confessed, that he had tried to keep it in, he'd kept his feeling all this time, it wasn't proper for him to fall in love, and yet he did, and once he forced out some Gryffindor courage he didn't regret it. He loved Sky. Too much for his own heart to bear. They were in love.

Eventually, they got married, first things first Sylvester went through Auror training then got jobs at Hogwarts, and surprisingly enough for Sylvester they had a kid, he thought he wouldn't be a family man, but yet once he held the colorful haired bundle in his arms, he knew that this was the life he'd always wanted, always suppressed, he loved his family, so, so much. He never wanted this to change, ever.

He watched both the things he loved grow, how Sky taught, how Fable ran around the halls of the school, this was home, he loved them so much his heart hurt every time they sent a smile his way. He'd never admit that, no, Sylvester was a Grumpy man, one who did not show affection. At least, not in others' view.

But shortly after his daughter's graduation from Hogwarts....He got called back to Auror duties and working with his daughter none the less.



FAMILY Skyler Dupont (Partner (married)), Fable Dupont (Daughter), Parents

Click Tabs on Left + Possible Scroll
  • Sebastian Black
    The Blood Traitor
    Sebastian Black
    Noir or the Night Knight.
    Blood status
    First year new recruit

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NAME: Lysander Evan Lupin
FC: Maxence Danet Fauvel

CODENAME: Salamander

GENDER: Cisgender male


AGE: 20

NATIONALITY: French-Italian

WAND (WOOD, CORE, LENGTH): Cherry wood, Unicorn tail hair, 10 inches, pliant


SPECIALIST AREA: Magizoology and Physical Combat


FORMER OCCUPATION (IF ANY): Assistant of a Magizoologist

BACKGROUND: Blood Status: Half-blood
Lysander was born the oldest child of Cosette and Romulus Lupin, in a small soft cottage in a french magical community. He was academically gifted at an early age. Showing an eagerness to learn that is a bit different from most. Reading and enjoying hearing stories from his family.He inherited more of the intellect from his father’s side of the family. Getting his letter to Académie de Magie Beauxbâtons and Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was a bit of a battle between his parents to see which school she would actually attend. After doing his own research , he persuaded his parents to allow him to go to Hogwarts instead due to the more widespread classes than the french wizarding school. They relented and He got sorted into Ravenclaw before the hat even landed quite on his head. He was mighty pleased by this result. Diving right into his studies with the utmost ease finding joy in the study of magical creatures. Once his siblings joined him at Hogwarts he was pleased about this as well. Though he always finds a way to see them even with the house differences.

As the years continued on his love for magical creatures and in turn magizoology grew and as soon as he graduated did a two year internship with a renowned Magizoologist before now starting the path now as a rookie Auror

PERSONA: Calm, inquisitive, Down to earth, Honest and blunt, Organized. Perfectionistic, Stubborn and not easily swayed from his beliefs or goals, self-preserving bordering selfish, Introverted, Reserved and somewhat aloof, and he has a soft spot for animals of any kind.

STRENGTHS (3): Calm, Organized, Honest

WEAKNESSES (3): Stubborn, Self-perserving to the point of sometimes being selfish, not the friendliest

FATAL FLAW (1): He will dive headfirst to save any magical creature from harm.

Patronus- Moose
Boggart- giant fire
His father would be the late Remus Lupin's cousin.
View attachment 1141560
NAME: Lysander Evan Lupin
FC: Maxence Danet Fauvel

CODENAME: Salamander

GENDER: Cisgender male


AGE: 20

NATIONALITY: French-Italian

WAND (WOOD, CORE, LENGTH): Cherry wood, Unicorn tail hair, 10 inches, pliant


SPECIALIST AREA: Magizoology and Physical Combat


FORMER OCCUPATION (IF ANY): Assistant of a Magizoologist

BACKGROUND: Blood Status: Half-blood
Lysander was born the oldest child of Cosette and Romulus Lupin, in a small soft cottage in a french magical community. He was academically gifted at an early age. Showing an eagerness to learn that is a bit different from most. Reading and enjoying hearing stories from his family.He inherited more of the intellect from his father’s side of the family. Getting his letter to Académie de Magie Beauxbâtons and Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was a bit of a battle between his parents to see which school she would actually attend. After doing his own research , he persuaded his parents to allow him to go to Hogwarts instead due to the more widespread classes than the french wizarding school. They relented and He got sorted into Ravenclaw before the hat even landed quite on his head. He was mighty pleased by this result. Diving right into his studies with the utmost ease finding joy in the study of magical creatures. Once his siblings joined him at Hogwarts he was pleased about this as well. Though he always finds a way to see them even with the house differences.

As the years continued on his love for magical creatures and in turn magizoology grew and as soon as he graduated did a two year internship with a renowned Magizoologist before now starting the path now as a rookie Auror

PERSONA: Calm, inquisitive, Down to earth, Honest and blunt, Organized. Perfectionistic, Stubborn and not easily swayed from his beliefs or goals, self-preserving bordering selfish, Introverted, Reserved and somewhat aloof, and he has a soft spot for animals of any kind.

STRENGTHS (3): Calm, Organized, Honest

WEAKNESSES (3): Stubborn, Self-perserving to the point of sometimes being selfish, not the friendliest

FATAL FLAW (1): He will dive headfirst to save any magical creature from harm.

Patronus- Moose
Boggart- giant fire
His father would be the late Remus Lupin's cousin.
Accepted :)



FC: Amanda Seyfried



Isla was born to a Swedish mother, Astrid, who is a veela and a German muggle born father, Johan. Though she was born in Malmö, Sweden, she was raised in the Wizarding village of Grünhain in Germany. At the age of ten, Isla was sent off to Durmstrang Institute to begin her magical education. She had already showed strong signs of magic from an early age. Geographically speaking, Hogwarts was closer to home than Durmstrang and its reputation much less murky, but Johan and Astrid believed this was the best place for her. Whilst at school, Isla excelled in potion making and Care of Magical Creatures.

She was not particularly popular at her school as (even though the male populous could not really help being enchanted by her due to being part veela) most found her odd and very un-Durmstrang, but she did not really mind. She had her creature friends and a few good human ones to boot.

During her time at Ravenhurst University of the Magical Arts (RUMA) Isla came out of herself much more since she did not have the same fear of being bullied as she did at school. She learned to trust and get to know more people and the place and events that took place there helped cement her sometimes arbitrary ambitions.

Isla went on after university to work her way up the ladder at the German Zauberer Parlament. Though she hated the corportate system of it all, she did excel and has worked in the Beasts Division specifically as a dragon tamer for the past four years. She simply wants to keep evil at bay and help out when and where she can, be it by brewing up potions or rallying magical creatures to the cause.


Isla is a petite and innocently beautiful woman with pale almost translucent skin and silvery hair to match due to her half-veela blood. Her eyes are a wide, piercing grey and often look disengaged. She only stands at a mere 5'2 but is deceptively strong. She is one to dress practically and modestly due to her working environment working in the Magical Beasts Division at the German Wizarding Parliament. Her hair is often in a messy ponytail with strands left to their own devices and it is often that her beautiful features are marked with cuts and claw marks. She does not mind this much.

Isla is very gentle and reserved. She is wise beyond her years and loves to observe others. She is kind, but not so kind as to be easily taken advantage of and does not fail to see both the good and bad sides of others. Though she is reserved and sage-like, she is very fun to be around with a rather crude sense of humour at times, and she has a secret love of playing matchmaker.
Isla is not very good at keeping her attention on one thing, unless that thing happens to be either quidditch, magical creatures or plants. She can become easily bored and will simply drift off to something immediately more interesting in the middle of a conversation. She is a loyal and trustworthy friend and very good at keeping secrets. She is very artistically inclined and almost applied for the performing and fine arts degree at Ravenhurst University, but decided against it.

As she has grown older, her tendency to get distracted easily has calmed down significantly and her slightly quirky nature, though still there is much less pronounced. She is more interested in magical beasts than people, but that has always been her way.


Isla is an excellent potion maker. Her amortentia scent is butterbeer and vanilla and she cannot produce a patronus. She has a dragon companion named Charlie which she helped to rear whilst at university with her friend Celeste. He is a Ukrainian Ironbelly. Isla speaks fluent German, Swedish and English.




Best friends from their Durmstrang and Ravenhurst days together and member of the group Isla calls, 'The Durmstrang Dragons'. Affectionately known as Mama Bear, even to this day.

NIKOLAI DRAGOMIR-Another best friend and member of the Durmstrang Dragons. Affectionately known as 'Bon Bon'.


(Nee Lindqvist)- Mother
NAME: Cordelia Greengrass




AGE: 28

GENDER: cisgender female

WAND: Ash wand, 11 inches, basilisk fang core


FC: Karen Gillian

Sexuality: Bisexual

Born to two wizarding parents Cordelia never knew her mother Rosalie. Like her mother before her, Rosalie lost her battle to her curse days after giving birth to Cordelia. Her father, Wayne, never missed a moment to tell her about her mother. Always so careful to leave out the mention of accidental pregnancy, that lead to her. Her curse was never kept a secret from her and as soon as she was old enough he explained to her what her mother had given her as a parting gift.

At first, rage was the only thing she felt, no mother and a curse that would leave her to die within the mind of a wild animal. Yet the sadness in her father’s eyes, so apparent, weighed heavy on her heart. Choosing to bury her anger beneath a sliver of normalcy, she concealed the turmoil within her. Determined to be remembered as she wanted to be, she aimed to shield her father from her anger. Which in turn lead to her in search of a cure…..a cure that she was still on the hunt for …..which is what lead her to join The New Hope….in actual hope that she can find a cure for her maledictus curse and to save her father from loosing her too.

Her hunger for more, for knowledge, for remembrance, for life drives her. She knows whatever she gets will never be enough compared to what she could have had. It makes her somewhat entitled in a way, born with a silver spoon and able to have everything she's ever wanted bar more time to enjoy it.. Passionate and obsessive Cordelia does not do things in halves, she throws herself into things fully and lets them consume her.Charms. Parties. Gossip. Emotions. She feels things fully, openly emotional - laughing or crying at the drop of a hat. Beasts don't seem to feel emotions the way people do, she's puzzled over the animals they study and whilst there are moments of something greater they seem duller than people and so she's determined to make the most of the ability to laugh and cry and smile and shout whilst she can. If she can only enjoy things for a certain length of time then she has no time to waste, trying to enjoy everything she can. The only emotion she tries to stay away from embracing is fear, fear of what's happening to her - fear of what she'll be but it still catches up with her in the sleepless nights and manic way she surges forwards without looking back. She cares little for the rules, for self control - she wants to have fun and have people remember her. She's spoiled and used to her every whim being indulged, prone to being a bit of a brat or a bitch.

Never a moment to spare, never a moment still enough to see the sword hanging above her head - for if she does not look she will not see it as it swings and strikes her dead.

OTHER: Red Fox Maledictus - She doesn't know exactly how much time she has left.
Filluk GripLock II

Name: Filluk GripLock II
Age: 47
Alias/Codename: Lionheart
Occupation: Con-Artist, Activist & Independent Accountant
D.O.B: 04/11/1978
Zodiac Sign: Aries

Role: Informat/OutKast (Open to other possibilities)

Nationality: British/South African (Mother's side)
Race/Being: Part-Goblin
Mortality: Mortal
Patronus: Artic Fox
Birthplace: Gringotts Bank, (Technically & Ironically), Diagon Alley, London England
Mirror of Erised: A world of peace and equality where his people could even attend human beings schools of magic and wizardry. While he's happily surround by his found love and family.
Scent of Amortentia (?): Maple, caramel scented/flavored sweets and Lavender

Wand Details:
Wand Wood: Red Oak
Wand Core: African Mermaid Hair
Wand Length: 9' inches
Flexibility: Slightly Springy

School: Ugadou School of Magic
House: Unknown
Years Attended: 1989-1996

Specialty Area:
Magical artifacts, Occlumency
N.E.W.T.S & Owls:
Magical Artifacts
History of Magic
Study of Ancient Runes

Appearance: A short but average height for a goblin man with reddish/orange colored hair, black eyes, fair skinned, clean shaven and often wearing fine dress shirts, vests and ties with dark sleeve protectors and a pocket watch usually a suit jacket that matches is off somewhere til he needs it... Assuming he's in one place for a while and not traveling to somewhere whether it's near or far. Fine leather dress shoes often worn to match his fits. When necessary he does own and wear a pair of silver rimmed and round glasses for reading and other needs, often kept in his vest or inner jacket pocket when not in use.


Personality: Filluk GripLock II, A comical grump of a man and goblin, rarely kind in the normal showing of ways often still sounding reluctant and grumpish of tone and manner when being kind or helpful and refuses to publicly acknowledge any kind deeds. likely in part to keep up appearances and reputation or image shall we say within the wizarding world. He claims to detest wizards, their ignorance and arrogant ways, perceived superiority and lacking of respect for the deemed lesser races especially in his case the goblins. But in truth, it's more likely he detests the way his people are unfairly treated despite all they have contributed and created within the wizarding world of magic and gifts far beyond the normal muggles comprehension that exists in a tucked away and usually or was hidden manner. Safeguarded for mutual benefits. Despite his typical and surface level behavior and at times actions, he's a well to-do sort and passionate Activist that only wants fair treatment and standing for his people. Though truly hates the stereotypical 'Goblin Job' otherwise known as Gringotts, a place he curses just had to be his technical place of birth and despite his independent accountant job that he reluctantly does for financial and practical reasons, hates the work and refuses to ever be found working within Gringotts. A role he's done in undercover fashion many a times for the Ministry and others, he deemed worth sacrificing his own health and image for doing such a task, not to mention going against his swearing and word that he'd never work there for any reason. Often exaggerating he'd rather be in Azkaban first.

When you get right down to it, Filluk is a courageous and loyal person thus in part his codename and alias of Lionheart. Genuinely good even if he never seems that way and comes across quite the opposite. Much like a rude, prejudice riddled and grumpy yet cunning individual on the surface. Also a rather bold goblin at that no matter which version of him you see and believe. He deals in facts, history and shows a knowledge of Magical artifacts beyond his own expectations yet doesn't hide or portray one that is lacking of such knowledge either. A respectable and deep knowledge at that for any individual truly.

While Secretly he's a closeted romantic with a love for romance novels. An impassioned denier of such claims.... But he does have his own hidden library for personal reading and enjoyment in his downtime.

Background and Historical facts:
Born to Ragnook GripLock and Morticia Engelbrecht, A goblin father that was a metalsmith and banker at Gringotts who married human witch of Muggleborn and British, South African descent, Morticia Engelbrecht. Growing up in his household was pleasant and ever bright for the most part not counting the less then favourable times, learning history from both sides of the racial coin that was his blood and ancestry. He attended Ugadou School of Magic from the age of eleven to roughly seventeen, where he faced his share of struggles as a part goblin half-breed attending a mainly pure wizards and witch school. But he made a fair number of friends and had his share of good times too.

Personal experiences and racial stereotypes and prejudices have existed in his life, shaping the goblin man he has since become today. A adult life filled with links to the underground and lesser desirable sorts often tied to criminal activity within the wizarding world. Yet he's not a true criminal only connections and knowledge however with some rather trickster and con artist ways of his own alongside a history of such deals himself. It never changed his truly honest nature and fair minded being that he is amidst the surface traits that are more easily seen and shown.

Somehow he's often found himself working with the ministry and it's various offices, departments and the like even at times being convinced and found working in places he's long sworn to never be caught dead in much less alive and working, places such as the typical goblin place of work, Gringotts Bank. He's quite an asset in specific areas namely criminal activity, rumblings of such things that might relate and especially magical artifacts. But yes, he is still a qualified accountant though steadfast in his independence however, a contractual based form of employment and honest work of the more common and normal variety to help pay bills, finance his activist goals and projects, etc, etc.... Though he truly detests the job and has no love for it at all. But he's a honest one, always a law abiding and honest accountant quite capable with tax laws and the like for his clients. Only one ever felt his wrath and misdeeds where accountant based details and facts lay.... Only one and it was never proven to be false statements, records and other things that could lead to trouble for any individual to whom they belonged. A little grey area and one time ordeal of great and self pro-claimed justified method of defense and preservation of his own health and well being when other more kind and honest, normal methods of termination of contract and resignation failed to free him of such services.

°Lacks Patience
°Prone to and guilty of deceit mainly of those who haven't proven trustworthy to him and seemingly loyal
°Lacks size and ability to stand toe to toe in physical combat requiring use of cunning, wit, finesse of adaptability and survival traits to survive any such encounter.
°Incredibly Stubborn
Fatal Flaw:
He can be difficult and hard won in trust, his loyalty and long term commitment to any partnership without plenty of time and obstacles along the way. He can be seemingly harsh towards witches and wizards due to racial inequality and treatment to his people amongst other lesser deemed races. Only adding to the difficulties at first in earning his trust and loyalty. If used against him and successfully manipulated he could be tricked or otherwise played against potential allies and friends. Also could play a role in his death and final defeat.
Miscellaneous: Filluk is actually and legitimately color blind, though has through hard work and some assistance over the years learned to differentiate most colors from one another leaving only a few that truly prove tricky for him and difficult. One such example is his hair believe it or not, he's admit that he is a strawberry blonde and not a overly colorful and bold orangish red that he is.... Not that he hates the color or anything but for whatever reasons, he's a adamant man about his hair color and denies the truth when his hair color is discussed in any form or fashion.

Adores Foxes thus his Patronus and it's shared traits to him.

Wanted to become a professional Quidditch player, a beater really or any position if not a beater... Yet certain physical traits seemed to have other plans for him in life. Leaving it all in his dreams and childish aspirations.

Loves Worthers Hard candies (A simple joy and can be bribed out of his poor moods or times of being difficult to convince into doing favors.... A surprising and easier way to get him to express pure joy and happiness with a genuine and bright smile)
Arnaldus Quinterious

First Name: Arnaldus

Middle Name: Quinterious
Last Name: Weasley
Age: 32
Alias/Codename: Opaleye
Role: Veteran Auror
FC: Gwilym Pugh (Musician/Model)
Family House: Weasley
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Race: Human
Mortality: Mortal
D.O.B: 02/01/1993
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Nationality: English
Birthplace: Norwich, England
Mirror of Erised: Finding forgiveness for his brother and being a true family again. While also finding whatever purpose and future he is meant to have in life.
Scent of Amortentia: Cinnamon Apple Streusel, Scent of Spring, Honey


Wand Wood: Willow
Wand Core: Dragon Heartstring
Wand Length: 11'5
Flexibility: Swishy
Patronus: St. Bernard


Auror Status: Active
Former Occupation: None Really
Specialist Area: Memory Charms, Charms, Disguise and Concealment
N.E.W.T'S & OWLS: Charms, Muggle Studies, Potions, Transfigurations, D.A.D.A
School: Hogwarts
House: Gryffindor

Arnaldus Quinterious Weasley; A reformed misfit and troublemaker. A caring, calm and cool man with a quiet manner now days that speaks to his more obvious to note serious demeanor often shown upon his face. A dry sense and dead pan sort of humor. A natural talent of mind with his smarts and cleverness to wing it and plan things out on the spot. Mostly due to his struggles to stay with the plan and poor study habits in school. Rarely did the required reading after all, luckily he managed well enough. Luck most often his claim. Artistic in some ways namely just where magic and dance were concerned, nothing fancy only very rock and pop driven moves and musical sort sometimes mixing in the blue and rhythm sections of genres. But alas, he's not as open and keen with his past in music due to certain instances in his life that changed his passions. Dulled them really. It was this same set of circumstances that has changed his opinion on love, he doesn't believe in such things finding it a fleeting feeling that will only change with time and the next most desired person or thing. Whatever that love may be tied and felt towards. Ultimately a heartbreaker that hardly seems worth it to him. Maybe it will change or maybe it won't for AQW. But nonetheless he has served well enough in his reformed and now serious manner, still calm, cool and brave enough to risk anything to get the job done. Loyal to a fault.

He's far from perfect, but AQ amidst his cunning and resourcefulness can be at times ruthless yet makes up for it with a empathic and kind soul. Often apologetic when going too far in name of revenge. Greatly regretful whenever such instances happen. Tricking and such tactics while a means to the greater good is a slippery slope he's quite aware he's taken once or twice before...

Born Arnaldus Quinterious Weasley on February the first of nineteen ninety three to Maxwell Weasley and Laura Bell Weasley née Brooks. Their youngest child of two and the family rebel not so different to his older cousins Fred and George Weasley.

During his first year of Hogwarts, Arnaldus was greatly curious into what house he may be sorted into having hoped the famed Weasley pick could just maybe get thrown for a loop and cycle of Gryffindor Weasleys finally broken.... Yet, no, The sorting hat felt his red hair and Weasley mind sitting atop his head and of course, GRYFFINDOR, was called out for all to hear and much to a young Arnaldus Quinterious's disappointment. Ok, yeah, it fit and Slytherin was highly unlikely and not desired. Ravenclaw seemed like the bookworm house and that certainly didn't seem right for him either. But not even a consideration for Hufflepuff? Just plain old Weasley tradition of Gryffindor?! Fine....

It wasn't all bad really. He eventually made friends, formed a upstart wizard band, met his first love eventually before his brother and her fell in love with one another ending the year or perhaps year and a half relationship they once had during his middle to later years of school. An experience that greatly effected him and led to a brief return to dating, convincing a girl who liked him to attend the school dance only for him to hope to use her to make them jealous and out of spite continued the relationship for a brief time before his conscious finally shook him awake and morals tol over.... He spent days apologizing to her and promised to make it up to her and did eventually and over time. Even now they remain friends. Yet that was one instance where his pain, revenge driven madness blinded him to who he was as a person. Leading him to become even if temporarily a very different and more ruthless version of himself. A selfish version. He hated himself for it and who he briefly became.

It wasn't long after that his passion for music and carefree trouble making days in school ended. He became more engrossed in the serious side of Arnaldus Quinterious Weasley. Still a poor study habits young man. Still liked learning life his own way and not in books even if there were occasional stories he liked to read and portions of history he could stand and not find too boring and one sided for his tastes. It wasn't life.

Eventually his N.E.W.T'S and Owls were rising to better grades. Some suspected cheating or great luck. Others saw it as realizing his potential. Arnaldus meanwhile merely claims he had nothing better to do. Dating life ended. Band broke up and passion for music seemingly vanished. Tricks and pranks, games and all that were nice but not as enjoyable.

So education it was ..... Though he did find more time to practice his Quidditch. A former Beater for house Gryffindor.

Over the years since he has become an Auror with a talent for disguise and concealment. Often using such skills to do undercover work and delve deep into the ranks of dark wizards and witch not to mention other criminal minds and their gangs. A wild but fine line to walk filled with risk. Well, least as deep as he could manage. Despite offers to return to Hogwarts as a professor of some kind making it to his desk from time to time he's yet to leave the field. The ministry and more specifically the Aurors office was his selected field.

Besides what could he teach? He could hardly imagine it. Though perhaps being blind to what they saw was his own fault and limitation for himself, maybe? Perhaps.




°Struggles with Regret & Ability to forgive
°A terrible long term planner. He's a wing it and adapt sort of fellow with practically everything. Leading to plenty of risks and mistakes.

Fatal Flaw:

Past betrayals and forms of jealousy have planted deep roots within his character. Struggles to move on and forgive, struggles with Regret and fear of relapsing with such anger he once had stays his hand. But ultimately it's just a temporary hold, he's highly committed to his work and thus never truly worked on his problems and has not been to a family reunion or gathering in over a decade. Brother and now sister in law being the clear reason. Furthermore he's not dated or any such thing since his last school dance. Regretting his actions still.

This ultimately could be left or boil and fester within him leading to questionable behavior and actions. Many forms of potential outcomes deriving from one single source.


+Streusel and Pies
+Brandy (Brandy Alexander often his drink of choice if not brandy on its own)
+Teaching (His own great surprise)
-Cold Weather
-Drinking Polyjuice potions (Often does anyway, still hates it every time)


1. A decent voice and musician
2. Fair knowledge about Dragons. Thanks to his elder cousin. Far from an expert on Mazooligy, magical creatures and their care or anything of that sort. But dragons? He has a fair knowledge and fascination.
3. Memory Charms

Appearance Notes:

Height: 6'1
Weight: 193
Body Type: Slim Muscular Build

Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Light Blue

Tattoos: Full length tattoos of various kinds that cover both arms. A Hungarian Horntail dragon tattoo on his chest that can be seen in part when his shirt is unbuttoned or in full when off. A number 13 in small intricate font just below his collar bone and above the dragons head.

Partner In Crime/Bowtruckle Pal: Sly (An adorable and constant companion of Arnaldus. Quite fond and loyal to him with a clear and contrasting personality of his own)

Theme Song:


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