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Stop stalking omg.
From, Eden Vincent Walter

She's sweet like candy...
In my veins...

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Sabrina Lee Clarke
Diamonds are a girls bestfriend

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Rachael Margaret Hall
Here I am again, the same old situation
Name: Rachael Margaret Hall

Age: 16

Grade: Sophomore

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female

Stereotype: Honors Student

Face Claim: Emilia Clarke

Hair Color: Brunette

Eye Color: Green

Weight: 120 lbs

Height: 5’4
Why does the guy thing have to be so complicated?
Clothing Style: Rachael’s clothing style consists of mostly casual outfits. Sweaters, jeans, boots or vans with a simple necklace and she is good to go. Most days her makeup black mascara, a small amount of eyeliner and a light pink lipstick she just adores. Rachael wouldn’t consider herself “girly”, but there are just some things she can’t live without. Sweet 16s, dances, etc., Rachael would have to be bribed with something worth her while before even thinking about going to one, but if Rachel was to go to a dance or some sort of social event, anything elegantly simple is her style for that occasion. Dark blue, black or maroon dresses is her go to color. She loves to curl her hair for those times and have a tiny bit more makeup on than usual… With heels, of course. She’s only 5’4, Rachael much rather be taller, the rest of the days when it’s not casual or fancy, it’s just Rachael in an old tee shirt, and sweatpants.

Vices: Inappropriate humor, the tiniest bit of OCD when it comes to organization, sometimes being a little too quiet in social settings, emotional eating, stubborn, much rather be alone and do nothing than go out into a big social setting, and is always stuck daydreaming that it makes her 100% more clumsy than she already is.

Virtues: Intelligent, polite, humorous, is good at speaking out her feelings when needed, creative, imaginative and loyal.

The color maroon
Blue colors

Bright colors
The morning
Rap music
The idea of smoking

Fears: Losing a loved one, never achieving her goals and dying alone.

Goals: Graduating high school and college, marry mid twenties and live in New York City.
I should've played it cool, instead I made a fool...
Family Members:
Mother: Reagan Marline Hall | 42 | Deceased
Father: Peter Christopher Hall | 43
Brother: Michael Tony Hall | 23

Born and raised right in Doveland, she is the youngest of one older brother named Michael, who has also lived there his whole life. The Hall’s home life has always been decent, they never had an abundance of money, but were able to live a decently stable life together. Peter is a construction worker while Reagan was a nurse in a hospital a few towns over.

Rachael has always had a good life, good friends, good grades, peaceful home life, that was until her mother passed away from lung cancer after a few year battle that started when Rachael reached 7th grade. Everyone around Doveland knew about it. There would be fundraisers and such for her low income family, but none of it was enough. She finally passed away when Rachael reached 9th grade. That thankfully didn’t take Rachael away from her school work, she was actually more focused than ever.

Her older brother, Michael by that time during and after the passing of their mother was in the Military, and still is. He comes back home from time to time, but has been deployed for most of these few years.

Rachael would hate to admit this, but she misses how her family used to be, she especially misses her mother. Her father is currently starting to date again and has failed to see his duties through as a construction worker and might be fired, which would force Rachael to take a step down from school and go to work, which she has talked about with her father, and will do if anything was to happen where they needed extra money.

During high school, Rachael has made a few friends in her honor classes. Rachael has never had a boyfriend, though she dreams of love, hoping to have a happy relationship like her father did with her mother.

Rachael is mainly friends with all the good people, she has never drank liquor or took some type of drug, she’s always been on the right path, but you never know about the future.

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Name:Anuhea Irina Soares
Age: 16
Grade: Sophomore
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Stereotype: Teacher's Pet

Face Claim: Auli'i Cravahlo
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Weight: 119 lbs
Height: 5'3 ft
Clothing Style: x - x - x

Vices: Self Doubt - Cowardice - Fearfulness - Secrecy
Virtues: Caring - Discernment - Perceptive - Ingenuity

Likes: chick flicks, cursive writing, new school supplies, smell of cut grass
Dislikes: pickles, sweet tea, messy notes, extreamly fuzy clothing

Fears: Failing, Meeting Others Expectations, Cats
Goals: Graduate, Get into Med School, Be Valedictorian, Learn How to Cook

Family Members

Nico Soares - father - 45
Lea Soares (Nee. Ailani) - mother - 42
Keoni Soares - brother - 19
Anika Soares - sister - 10

Anuhea was born and raised in Doveland, New York. Her parents moving from California to New York just before she was born. Growing up Anuhea rarely saw her parents at the same time. Her father, a mechanic, normally worked days while her mother, a nurse, tended to work nights. While her father was away in the day Anuhea's mother took care of the kids, making sure they were up in time for school as well as other things. And when her mother was away working her father would cook them dinner, normally reheating whatever her mom baked that morning and made sure they went to bed on time.

Now on the rare occassions both parents were working the responsibility fell to her brother, Keoni, which ultimately fell to Anuhea. Her brother normally snuk out and headed the the city with a couple of his friends. Anuhea seemed to always find herself with the responsiblility of taking care of her younger sister instead of her brother, which was often the case. She often saw herself as the one who had to carry the weight of her family, become someone that they could be proud of.

When Anuhea started school she quickly found that if you did what the teacher said and then some you often could find yourself getting good grades. Which soon gave her the nickname of 'Teacher's Pet'. From pre-school to high school Anuhea grew up with the same people, everynow and then some would leave Doveland while others would come and stay for awhile. Pretty much she saw the same faces year after year, and year after year shhe found herself labled as the goody two-shoes or teachers pet. That's just what happens when you grow up in a small town like Doveland.

Extra (Theme song, pet, etc.)
She has a pitbull named Duckie that she loves.

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- Basics
Name: Marlee Raine Kennedy
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Stereotype: Loner

What a bunch of losers

- Information
Face Claim: Zendaya

Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Weight: 130 lbs
Height: 5'10
Clothing Style: x - x - x

Vices: Jealous - Impatience - Lazy - Reckless
Virtues: Confident - Fair - Reliable - Self Aware

Likes: Layers of Clothing, Lizards, Jazz Music, Burgers
Dislikes: Capital Letters, Water, Most Parties, Unsalted Fries

Fears: Clowns, Being The Center of Attention, Looking Stupid
Goals: Move Out, Have One Book Published, Make A Solid Friendship

Family Members
Darius Kennedy - father - 48
Keith Perry - stepfather- 50
Michelle Perry (Nee. Lewis) - mother - 49

Marlee had a typical upbringing, living in the suburbs of Virginia. Her father and mother were high school sweethearts, marrying right after high school and having Marlee a year later.From what Marlee could tell, they were happy. Having a mandatory family outting every weekend. Her dad telling his usual jokes and her mother doing something silly to make sure Marlee would laugh as well, no matter how bad the joke was. The where what some described as the 'perfect' family, at least that's what Marlee's parents lead everyone to believe.

At first it wasn't really noticable, her parents having a few arguements here and there. Then the weekend outting stopped and the arguements became louder. It was like the carpet was ripped out from under Marlee's feet. The argueing continued for almost two year before they finally got a divorce. Now it wasn't the most civil divorce but they got through it.

Marlee went to live with her mother after her father moved to Florida for a job. Before her junior year Marlee's mother remairred and moved Marlee and herself to Doveland, New York. By then the whole split of her parents as well as her father leaving and her mother remarring had finally taken its tole on Marlee. Becoming uninterseted in most everything she stayed away fro the crowdand kept to herself, counting down the days till she graduates.

Extra (Theme song, pet, etc.)
She has a pet cat named Munster.

Marlee Raine Kennedy
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Jaspar Hobbs

Name: Jaspar Michael Hobbs
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Sexuality: Openly Homosexual
Gender: Cisgender Male
Stereotype: Pastel Nerd

Face Claim: Dylan O'Brien
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Weight: 102lbs
Height: 5'3''
Clothing Style: Pastel Aesthetic

Jaspar is well known for being the quiet nerd who gets bullied and does the stupid people's homework. He hasn't always been like that. In his old school he was popular, funny and witty but when his mother got sick his funny and witty side practically ended. When she died he became reserved and threw himself into his studies as it was the only thing he knew how to do.

He is incredibly smart but he isn't arrogant about it. He's humble about his intelligence but that's only because he's afraid of being punched. He's bullied by the jocks because of his short stature, big brain and reserved nature. He doesn't care though. He doesn't let it effect him because his mother wouldn't want it to.

Likes: Night Time, Hot Cocoa, Ice Cream, Music, Maths, History, Family,
Dislikes: Early Mornings, Snakes, Clowns, Science, Geography, English Literature, Bullies
Fears: Clowns and Snakes
Goals: To figure out what he wants to do with his life.
Family Members: His Mom's dead and his Dad's a priest. He's an only child.

Jaspar was born to a loving family with an amazing older sibling, a kind mother and an honorable father. He had a charmed life for the most part. He was gifted at a young age with intelligence and was allowed to skip grades. He taught himself as much as he could and wanted to do so much with his life. He was fluent in 3 languages by 7 years old and could play piano and guitar by 9 years old.

Unfortunately that happiness couldn't last. His mother was diagnosed with lung cancer and his father didn't want her getting treatment as "the Lord would decide what was best for her." Despite growing up in a religious house, Jaspar wasn't religious. He begged his parents for treatment to be done. His grades slipped as he researched all he could and flung himself into Law and Health books to see if there was something he could do. Eventually he could only have one argument, that God wanted him to tell his parents that treatment was needed and it worked.

His mother got treatment but a year later when he was in class, the teachers came by and told him to get his stuff and go to the hospital. The cancer had spread and it was too late to do anything. The treatment hadn't worked and his mother probably only had a few days left to live. He stayed with her those days. They talked about everything and anything. She said he'd always be her little angel and a few hours later she passed away willingly.

She was buried in the church in her hometown. They later moved there for a fresh start. Jaspar was forced to go to a different school and he immediately became the lonely nerd that talked to no one. He was bullied and jocks threatened him into doing their homework. He didn't care. He didn't care about much to be honest. When he was 15 he began to question his sexuality and he soon figured out he was gay. He knew he could tell his Dad. They were each other's only family and they loved each other so he wasn't surprised that his Dad didn't hate him when he came out. The word quickly spread around the small town but people didn't seem surprised. The bullies cracked down on him harder but he didn't care. He loved boys and there was nothing they could do to stop him from loving boys.

Extra: He has a Burnese Mountain dog called Bear. He's two feet tall and weighs about 110lbs. Jaspar takes him out for walks every day and is the main person who takes care of him.
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Name: Mercy Amelia Adams

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female

Stereotype: Party Animal

Face Claim: Nina Dobrev

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Weight: 103lbs

Height: 5'3

Clothing Style: Mercy Amelia Adams usually enjoys wearing casual clothes. She likes sweaters, scarves, jeans, and some boots for a bit of sparkle. She usually wears her hair down with most outfits. She absolutely loves wearing her favorite shirt, it's white and has grey around the edges, with an embroidered Mickey Mouse on the left side. Mercy will always show up to school wearing at least one cookey item, so don't be surprised.

Vices: Short Tempered, Easily Annoyed, Mean Drunk, Too Ambitious, Too Helpful, Clingy.

Virtues: Strong Willed, Happy, Athletic, Party Animal, Intelligent.

Likes: Food, Clothes, Money, Alcohol, Music, Movies, Reading, Sleeping, Sex.

Dislikes: Drama, Confrontation, Bugs, Babies, Pettiness, Jealousy, Tea, Fish.

Fears: Being taken advantage of, Dying, Dyeing her hair, Getting Hurt, Spiders, Loud Noises, Heights.

Goals: Wants to be a Pianist and a Dancer.

Family Members: Marsha Adams-38-Mom, Arty Adams-42-Dad

History: Mercy Amelia Adams was born on August 15th, 2001, a warm, sunny Autumn afternoon. She is an only child, born into a upper class family. She isn't rich, but she is no where near poor. She has lived in Doveland her whole life, and has stayed in one school district. When Mercy was 7 she started Ballet. She had her first audition at 9 and won. Ballet quickly became her passion but she wanted to do more for herself. She started Piano at 10 and Field Hockey at age 12. She really loved all of it, until her father divorced her mother. Her mother became the darkness in her life. She used ballet as an escape and stopped enjoying it. The same goes for her Piano lessons and her Field Hockey. She was soon ripped away from her former passions by her mother's drug and alcohol abuse. Her father used to pay for all of her extra curricular activities, but then married a younger woman and left her and her mother behind. He never called or wrote to Mercy again, he only sends the child support checks that her mother would use on herself. She made her first friend in 6th grade. She never had time for friends, or to even think about making them. She only had her parents, which she was okay with. She was always busy with school and homework. She was her best friend in the whole world, they did everything together, had sleep overs, they hung out almost everyday, etc. Mercy's best friend decided to turn on her, she confessed that she was never actually her friend, she just used her for her family's money, but when her father left, so did the money, and her friend. After that, Mercy found out that her old friend was her father's step daughter. Soon after she found that out, she swore off of friendship, she didn't want anything to do with anyone. That was until high school. She decided to change herself, for the better. She changed her hair, her clothes, her attitude and perspective on life, and she made herself happier. She made friends, had flings with boys, went to parties and now she is just the happiest person on the planet. That doesn't mean she doesn't have flaws though. She still has to live with her mother. She loves her, but she doesn't want to live with her anymore. She tries to stay at people's houses, but it doesn't always work out, so she has to deal with it. Nobody knows about her or her family's past. Mercy Amelia Adams is now 17 years old and a Junior in High School, and is in the prime of her life.

Mercy Amelia Adams


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Name: James "Jamie" McGuire

Age: 17

Grade: Sophomore

Sexuality: Closeted Homosexual

Gender: Male

Stereotype: Popular Theater Kid

Face Claim:


Hair Color: Auburn

Eye Color: Blue/Green


Height: 6'0"

Clothing Style: Simple, and kinda geeky

Vices: Stubborn, Brash,






Family Members


Extra (Theme song, pet, etc.)
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Alexis Sky Ross





Teen Mom
(Currently 2 months pregnant)

Charlotte McKee

Light Chestnut


115 Pounds

Five feet Two inches

Casual and Comfortable: Soft T-shirts or oversized sweaters and not to tight skinny jeans are what she's normally seen in. Her hair is sometimes up and sometimes down, and whether she wears her glasses or not is up to if she remembers them or not, but she almost always remembers.
e6fe6182b196dab534de2d7911ca39f0--vintage-style-outfits-hipster-spring-hipster-outfits.jpg 8cae04b9e1b1352564dc591669e27979--fall-winter-outfits-winter-clothes.jpg

Blunt / Secretive / Hot-Headed / Irritable / Anxious

Kind / Strong-Willed / Loyal / Determined /

Music / Animals / Nature / Stormy Weather / Cute Things / Reading

Bugs / Racism / Sexism / Rape Culture / Parties / Rude People

Drowning / Small Spaces / Moths / Clowns

To be a better parent than either one of her own

Unknown Biological Father
Unknown Biological Mother
Adoptive Father - Beau Ross (53)
Adoptive Mother - Katlyn Ross (46)
Adoptive Sister - Mary Ann Ross (23)
Adoptive Brother - Gerald Ross (20)

Her first memory is of an interrogation room, a heavy jacket draped around her five year old shoulders and pitiful looks. She was a Jane Doe, a child with no name, no home, and no foreseeable future as she wouldn't talk. It didn't take long for the police to do their things and find out that little miss Alexis Sky Overcash was one of many missing children, but thanks to her very ununfortunate luck, her parents were...unreachable. So this sent her to the next best thing, an orphanage the nearby small town of Doveland. Where she was quickly adopted by the Ross', one of the most religious families in town.

She did well in school, and was happy for while, making friends and living a somewhat normal life not really noticing the actual neglect. She was never treated as well as the other kids. She had the smallest room with the bare minimal to get by, and she never knew why. But it never bothered her, until she overheard them talking one night.

And she then knew that they adopted her just to put themselves a little above the other families, and even if she hated it, she had to go along with it. They were terrible parents. The years of emotional abuse, trust issues, and other problems is possibly the reason she hadn't told them what happened at the one party she decided to go to. Which would be the reason she's pregnant.

Theme - Rise by Katy Perry
Acrylic Acrylic
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