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Is there anyway we can get the ability to edit the source code back so that we can continue to use HTML until the day before the switch?
What will happen to our Private Workshop threads after the switch has been made?

The threads will be just the same as they were. The only thing that may be altered in them is any HTML coding which will no longer work (and, theoretically, the restoration of any old bb coding).
The only thing that concerns me right now is

Will there be Hype Cookies again? And the other for scenery, comical relief...

This question has already been answered. They will probably not be back right away because they don't want to clutter the site with add-ons until xenoforo 2 comes to exist. After that, they will likely look into bringing them back or bringing in something similar. 
As a lost member from eons ago who does a lot of web development and administration I approve of the swap to Xenforo, it's a very secure and powerful forum software, I hope you guys the best with it.
Well, the change was the primary reason why I left (and the fact the general userbase seemed to change quite a bit with it) so I'll probably peek a bit more in the following weeks.
I joined a little before the switch to IPS, and I gotta say I'm kinda glad we're switching back :P

I liked this one, but xenforo just feels friendlier to me if that makes sense.
I'm so much more familiar with HTML than i am with BBCode so I'm a bit sad to see all my designs leave... but if it's for the best...
Erm, so skipping half the post, we're switching to a new format? Okay.

Those two things are?

HTML and BBCode are the basic "languages", if you could call them that, that made rp posts look pretty. Y'know, with the pretty pink backgrounds and the lace on the trim, and the neat little boxes that slid in and out when you moused over them... HTML offers much more flexibility when it comes to posts than BBCode does, in my opinion, but certain lines of code that sometimes go with HTML can break the site and pose a security risk to everyone using RPN, even accidentally, so it's much easier on mods and admins to just go back to simple BBCode.
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HTML and BBCode were the basic "language", if you could call it that, that made rp posts pretty. Y'know, with the pretty pink backgrounds and the lace on the trim, and the neat little boxes that slid in and out when you moused over them... HTML offers much more flexibility when it comes to posts than BBCode does, in my opinion, but certain lines of code that sometimes go with HTML can break the site and pose a security risk to everyone using RPN, even accidentally, so it's much easier on mods and admins to just go back to simple BBCode.

I was being rhetorical. So, yeah...
@The Dark Wizard

So a few questions that I have about the transition...

Is there an ETA?

With the implementation of animated profile pictures can we expect other elements such as css and optional html?

From my understanding when a web host decides to move to a new design or web layout it's for spacial reasons like being able to hold more complex content to sustain the amount of users that are influxing to the site... will this new site be the same as our old one or will it have a new design and functionality to it?

What sort of data can we expect to lose during the transition?

Will bbcode be implemented immediately or will it be WIP for the first little while?

Will there be a posting requirement to be able to write BBcode?

Will there be any kind of reputation system like the different badges we used to have? (like 1x creative 1x well thought out 1x fun 1x like)
When will the update happen?

Undecided, probably later this month.

Will RpN look the same?

No. The Light/Color Me/Night Lyfe themes will probably stay, but the style will be different.

Will gif avatars still be a thing?

the 500 post requirement for html was only to prevent anyone from taking advantage of their html capabilities and purposefully breaking the site. BBcode always contains itself in its posts, so there probs won't be a need for that req anymore.

What sort of data can we expect to lose during the transition?

HTML code, blogs, cover images, maybe followers

Not sure about the rest.
You had me at BBCode will be back <3

Also, since it was probably an add-on,and not part of xF, I am wondering if Dice will continue to be something rolled off-site or if the site dice roller will be making a comeback as well.
You had me at BBCode will be back <3

Also, since it was probably an add-on,and not part of xF, I am wondering if Dice will continue to be something rolled off-site or if the site dice roller will be making a comeback as well.

It won't be back immediately, because that was one of the oldest and most problematic add-on from before, but they're going to look into having a proper one developed.
Hey there, an official FAQ of sorts has been created. :3  Check there first before asking questions here since you might find it has already been answered.
As a member that has been here since 2014, (LMAO not long compared to some users) 

Stop Worrying Guys! No need! 

The almighty mystical dark wizard has always looked out for the users best interest. Staff-chan knows what we like, and looks out for us when updating the site. This conversion would not be happening if they did not think it was best. :)  
@The Dark Wizard

So a few questions that I have about the transition...

Is there an ETA?

With the implementation of animated profile pictures can we expect other elements such as css and optional html?

From my understanding when a web host decides to move to a new design or web layout it's for spacial reasons like being able to hold more complex content to sustain the amount of users that are influxing to the site... will this new site be the same as our old one or will it have a new design and functionality to it?

What sort of data can we expect to lose during the transition?

Will bbcode be implemented immediately or will it be WIP for the first little while?

Will there be a posting requirement to be able to write BBcode?

Will there be any kind of reputation system like the different badges we used to have? (like 1x creative 1x well thought out 1x fun 1x like)

Quite a few of these questions have been answered already?

There will be no access to CSS or HTML after the switch and it has even been turned off at the present moment. The ability to edit HTML/CSS is not coming back. There will be bbcode instead. 

The new site will probably look a little different. It will still have the styles and it will still have a very similar user interface. 

There will be NO data loss at all. 

I believe (though this one hasn't been answered to my knowledge) that bbcode should be available right away. 

There will be no posting requirement for bbcode. The reason for the posting requirement for HTML was because using HTML had the potential to damage the site if not used properly so they wanted to make sure that the user was actually dedicated to rpn before granting access and did not have malicious intentions. BBcode has no risk of altering the site. It's effects are limited to the post they are used in and that post alone. 

For your last question, I think you are talking about the different kinds of likes. The staff are not intending on adding those in until after the update to xenoforo 2 which will be happening sometime after the move although I don't recall an exact timeframe. It's in the first post, I believe. The staff do not want to add too many add-ons until xf2 and that is one that they will be holding off on. After the update to xf2, they are planning on looking into that add-on (if it is compatible) or finding/making something similar. 

If anyone notices that I'm recalling anything incorrectly, please feel free to correct me. 
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