Back in Black...

Joy in Ashes

...hello, my name is Gio, or Joy In Ashes, or JiA. I was once, long ago, a member of the Exalted Compendium Redux board, but that was a different life and another me. I grew weary of creation and retreated to my "elsewhere warren of self love" to sleep away the ages, until creation called on me once more... now events that I had set in motion eons ago (in the 80's mostly) have come to fruition and the time is at hand for a New World Otter (I am a lunar fanboy and furry but I do some bear domination on the side) to take the stage!!!

I am here gathering intelligence for my new masters (Yozi fist pump!) and am looking to recruit some new talent.

:rank4: ;)

"Are you a go getter?"

"Do you see yourself in a leadership position?"

"Do you feel like you just need the right environment or company to act out your most vicious and depraved violent fantasies?"

"Well I have the opportunity of a lifetime (maybe two) if you act now! A whole new world (of painful soul flaying mutilation) is waiting for you my friend, but you must act now!"
[QUOTE="Joy in Ashes]Thank you Mr. Dark Wizard. Is good to be back. :-D

Well I think I shall have to pass up on your most generous offer, but welcome back non the less.
Kasheal, the offer still are you at all familiar with pyramids ...and scheming, you can scheme right? ;-)

...and is good to be here, my Psych paper and finals be damned!!!
Bah you don't need Psych papers and finals, just do what I did and become a lazy artist bum you don't have to do any exams that way!
[QUOTE="Joy in Ashes]...hello, my name is Gio, or Joy In Ashes, or JiA. I was once, long ago, a member of the Exalted Compendium Redux board, but that was a different life and another me. I grew weary of creation and retreated to my "elsewhere warren of self love" to sleep away the ages, until creation called on me once more... now events that I had set in motion eons ago (in the 80's mostly) have come to fruition and the time is at hand for a New World Otter (I am a lunar fanboy and furry but I do some bear domination on the side) to take the stage!!!
I am here gathering intelligence for my new masters (Yozi fist pump!) and am looking to recruit some new talent.

:rank4: ;)

"Are you a go getter?"

"Do you see yourself in a leadership position?"

"Do you feel like you just need the right environment or company to act out your most vicious and depraved violent fantasies?"

"Well I have the opportunity of a lifetime (maybe two) if you act now! A whole new world (of painful soul flaying mutilation) is waiting for you my friend, but you must act now!"

[/QUOTE]Welcome! I'm in a hurry right now, but if you want to. I'll post a lengthy welcoming after class. :D
Greetings friend <insert_name_here> and welcome to RPdom!

I see you are a returner from the ECR/PatternSpider camp, so you may recognise many of the faces and names from that august site still knocking around here.

If I might direct your attention to the following safety announcement for your safety and convenience.

If you look to the main board, you will see the 'Our Roleplays' forum. There you will find all the active games currently being played on the site along with their states of recruitment. If you pay attention to those games which are 'Recruiting' or 'Joinable', they are highly likely to be accepting new players almost immediately. 'Waitlist' games, obviously, have a wait period, either because they have a full compliment of players or the ST is waiting for an appropriate time to introduce new players.

The next place to look is the 'Roleplay Submissions', where ST do most of their recruiting, formally pitching a game to garner players before they get the chance to create their game forums. Again, look out for the 'Recruiting Players', 'Approved' or 'Pending' prefix for games that are likely seeking players.

And finally, the 'Roleplay Discussion' is worth the time to look over, since many STs pitch 'Interest Check' posts to see if there is an interest in their game concepts. You could, while you are there, even add an entry to the 'Players Seeking Games' thread in RP Discussion, to show your game interests to STs, as well as gaining a free Like from yours truly.

Finally for your viewing pleasure, the in-forum stream tends to show The Dark Wizard getting eaten by: zombies, aliens or other LoL players.


Captain Hesperus
Welcome back! I don't believe we ever met directly, but I recall browsing a few of your posts with amusement.

Cap has given you the details, so I'll simply say again; welcome, I hope to encounter you in-game soon.
Thanks Grey! Is good to be back. I am still feeling my way around, but am looking forward to meeting everybody and getting my game on.
Captain always finds me in my moments of weakness and outshines me, this is what I live with, every day.

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