Back at the Dancing Gryffon [Dude, where's my daiklave?]


Slip floods his senses with essence to detect any wards or immaterial guards and starts his search with the most ominous looking tower. A cell for a murderer... Probably not a pretty one.

6m personal on eye of the cat

With so many windows to check, it takes time even for a Chosen of Luna to locate which cell is Dexters. After about an hour, you spot him looking out the window at the flaring anima banners in town, wondering what was going on. The window is small, and has bars on it, making it a tight fit for you in your owl form and quite impossible for anything larger to get in or out.


This is the most dangerous game of tag you have ever been in. It takes all of your skill to keep ahead of your persuers, and still you have a few close calls. Before long, the whole town is riled up, with panic in the streets and people screaming out 'anathama'! After twisting the noses of the Wyld Hunt for an hour or two, it becomes clear that your lead is slimming down as the arrows get closer and closer. It is probably time to call it quits and get the hell out.

The owl landed with a skitter and ruffle of feathers on the rough stone sill of the window. It fixed the man with it's large yellow eyes and stared. It pushed through the bars to the sill on the other side, the whole time staring unblinking at Hax.

Once inside he donned his human true form which hung now from the bars with one hand as the rest of him crouched against the wall ready to leap up or in. "Doctor, I believe you met some friends of mine earlier. This is the last chance I can offer you. The location of the valley, now or never."
Once Knaff realizes that the Wyld Hunt is closing in, his innate cowardice gets the better of him, and all he can think about is his instinct to flee. In that same instance, a silvery light, mixed with shadows enshrouds his body, hiding his identity, as his anima, a mass of writhing rats, coalesces around him, and suddenly he moves at more than 10 times the speed, leaving his pursuers far behind, or so he hopes.

Knaff spends all 40 peripheral motes on Instinct-Driven Beast Movement, allowing him to move at x11 his speed, and gaining a bonus of 10 suxxes on oppose rolls to chase. He's basically running 121 yards per action. Hopefully it should be enough to put some distance between them.
Hax backs up against the wall, his eyes wide in fear. "You are going to get me out of here, right? You're not going to leave me here? I can help you! You need me to ... to get past the traps! I know where they are! If you kill me, you'll never know the secrets!" Under the power of the glare from Slip, he finally breaks down. It is one thing to hunt around in old buildings, quite another to face off against a Lunar with a purpose. He gives you details that, along with the notes gathered up from his office earlier, will get you to the cache with no problem.

Do you leave the doctor alive, or do you finish him off?
Knaff's burst of speed is enough to get you away from your persuers. As you are now damn near breaking the sound barrier, the Wyld Hunt has no chance of catching you, dispite their best efforts.

You can now post your return to the group in the On the Run thread.

"You have been very helpful. I won't leave you." Slip offers Hax a hand with a smile as though to take him up through the window with him. As soon as Hax takes his hand it begins to change. Colder and smoother the tail of a brightly colored snake lies in his hand, its body looped around a bar and fangs already speeding through the air.

I guess I am flurrying misc with attack against my better judgment.. here's hoping the guy can't dodge. :-P (oh, and he shifted into a coral snake there)

attack = 4 dice - 3 flurry + 1m personal on 1st ex = 2.. + stunt?

2d10.hits(7) → [8,10] = (2)

3 hits (holy crap I <3 you invisible castle)

speed 6

if damage: +1L + poison (6L, 3, -/-, -5)

zomg mote accounting time

6m personal charm

1m personal shift 1

3m personal shift 2

1m personal ex

Personal: 3/14

Peripheral: 36/36
Taizo, following Slip, saw him go into the cell with Hax. Taking up perch on a roof not far away, he transforms back into his human form, readies his bow, and draws an arrow pointing at Hax, waiting for a reason or signal to fire.
A look of relief crosses Hax's face when Slip first tells him that he won't be left. He hesatantly takes his hand and lets himself get pulled towards the window, obviously wondering what was going to happen next. Then his relief turns to horror as the Lunar makes his transformation into the snake form, and with fangs flashing, you bite. Hax lets out a cry as poison flows and he yanks his hand back. Looking down at the wound, he screams, causing a comotion inside the prison of other inmates yelling to shut up and guards running over to see what is going on.


I don't know enough about coral snake venom to describe Hax slowly dying from the bite, but he is about to kick off. Without access to a modern emergency room, the venom is going to kill him.


Taizo can see the door to the cell burst open as the guards rush in to see what is happening. Hax is convulsing as the poison flows through his veins, and the guards are calling for the prison physician to come right away. As you watch, the convulsions slowly stop as the doctor dies. Finally the prison doc shows up, and his work is to pronounce the prisoner deceased.

Alive, Slip finished the thought in his mind. Slip coiled back onto the sill of the window, and decided not to watch. He had seen people die from the venom before. It would not be a pleasant thing. He shifted back into an owl and began the flight to the meeting place keeping an eye out for signs of the Wyld Hunt and tasty mice.

Personal: 0/14

Peripheral: 36/36

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