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Fantasy Back and searching! (Ignore prefix)


Immortal Bait
Wearing a mask doesn't mean you are aren't showing your true self
About me

Hey there my name is Zaxs. I am a 19 year old male turning 20 in October. I am looking for someone to be my role play partner, I have been bored the last couple weeks trying to search for another job and also planning on going back to school in the fall. Until I find another job, or decide to invest time into school, I am free to role play. I hope we can create something together, but if you would like we can use one of the below plots I have thought of and I have plenty more to share for anyone who is interested. I'm looking for enough detail from my partner that it makes the plot move forward and creates a good visual of what we are doing, no need for filler and word walls. Romance isn't necessary, but I do like it when it makes sense for our characters to like each other. Lastly, be sure to have fun, I always enjoy when we can communicate on what we think would make the role play more exciting.

What is expected

At least two paragraphs per post.
Be willing to help with plot and world building.
Be willing to talk out of character, because I do enjoy talking to my partner and maybe editing my vision and making a unique plot that is ours.
Inform me of any absences longer than four days.
Be able to post at least three times a week. But this will change once I get hired for a second job.
Do not make an unstoppable character or a dumb weakness. Like Superman and his Kryptonite.
Do not change the plot without informing me.


Bold is the role I rather play as, and * will mean what I am craving more.
Feel free to mix and combine any you like!

Superhero x Villain
x Prince/princess
Scientist x Experiment **
x Contracted Human
Monster Hunter x Humanoid Monster *
x Prisoner
Kidnapper x Kidnapped ***

What a world

The World as we know it

This story takes place in a dimension parallel to our own, in which there are many similarities. One key difference is the presence of magic and magic beings. Simple magic is used as commonly as simple sciences are in our world. You can find it providing light, warmth, in tools or personal items, as entertainment, in medicines, and as aid of communication and transportation. Though it is present and common place for the most part, there are only a few born with the natural ability to wield it.


Monster Eradication Conglomerate

An organization called M.E.C. ( Monster Eradication Conglomerate ) has appeared due to the rapid growth of demonic creatures of unknown origin, popping up from who knows where. These Creatures come in all shapes and sizes and some have even evolved and can become almost human like in appearance. So the Monster Eradication Conglomerate has recruited the best of the best to combat these foes. These soldiers have been modified to be able to not only survive against these Demons and Monster, but to slay them. This constant battle between the humans and these creatures have went on for almost several decades, and some towns and cities have been completely taken over by these monsters. It's your job to stop any further corruption of these creatures, and to save humanity from going extinct.

Becoming a Knight

Lamb to the Slaughter

Every year a group of knights leave their castle hidden somewhere where no man may find it. The leave to find a new person willing to join their ranks as a knight, many people train to hone their skills as a knight. Because on that one day a year a group of willing people are selected and brought to a castle where only the most powerful knights may live. These knights are hired for many expensive jobs, and are famous for being able to handle any job with ease and as quick as possible. They live wealthy and famous lives in their castle and any man or woman would be lucky enough to become one. But what is not know, is that to become a knight you must go against an intense set of trials testing your strength, wisdom, fortitude, and more. If you were to fail any of these trials, you are met with a swift death, and by the end of the trials those that are alive must face each other until a champion or champions are decided upon by the council.

Endless Adventure

Endless Dungeon

A dungeon has sprung up from out of nowhere, after being discovered by a few kids playing around a cave in the forest. This Dungeon has mystical creatures roaming around inside of it. From dragons, lizards, centaurs, and even demons. These monsters drop loot ranging in rarity depending on how far down you are in the Dungeon. The people near the cave now use most of the items and loot dropped from the monsters inside as currency. Though once you enter, there is no chance for you to change your mind and escape, not until the Dungeon decides when you leave. People have been gone for weeks even months inside the cave, coming back randomly and with no signs of aging. The mysterious Dungeon seems to keep whoever is in it young. The Dungeon provides food and water at certain level points, but it is not easy to come by, and most adventures have to prepare ahead of time less they run out. But who knows how far it goes, and what lies at the end. Will you be the first to find out?

My Crush is a Demon?

My crush is Red?

Demons roam around normal people everyday, though no one seems to see them except you. All of a sudden you can see these creatures, and grow suspicious of what they could be doing trying to blend into the normal human world. You even go as far as to interrogate one of them only to find out that they aren't so different from people, and they just want to live a normal life. Well as normal as can be when you are a demon.

Heroes and Witches

Wandering Heroes and Witches

In this world people with magic abilities are considered witches, now just because you get the titled of a Witch, doesn't mean you are hated. No, witches are actually the foundation of most of the countries, they create elixirs to heal sick. They used their magic to build and shape the world with normal humans, even creating power through a large magical crystal held in every city. This power can keep a city powered with lights, transportation, even as far as creating and gases. It can do this for centuries before running out of power. Witches are the founders of this land. Yet out of nowhere four witches have taken over four countries, leaving one for normal humans to survive, at least until one of them decides to take it over. Now it is up to wandering heroes to try and defeat these foul witches, and create a world of peace again.

Might as well post my interests, because I don't like left over space in my post..

Haha I don't read, no but if you have a book recommendation feel free to tell me. Either way most books I am interested in are comics and a bit teen fantasy.

Video games
Any and all really, the games I am playing now are
Witcher 3
Darkest Dungeon
Disgaea 2
Tales of Berseria

I have like over a 150 games on steam and not to mention what I used to have when I played on console. But sadly I sold it for this amazing desktop PC! Woah so many pretty lights! But yeah I am a pretty big fan of any and all games, the only ones I sort of dislike are real time strategies, mostly because I am bad at them and haven't gotten the hang of how to manage everything in a single turn or in real time.

Thank you


Made by Zaxs
Last edited:
I am interesting in more than ones of these, some more so than others. Mainly interested in Heroes and Witches plot, though.
I'd love to write a kidnapper and victim story and with youu, if your still craving it. (:
Message me if you're interested in working out a plot for Demon x Human or Kidnapped X Kidnapped!
Hello! I'd interested in creating something together (: I'm capable of writing more than two detailed chapters, depending on the situation and my interest in roleplay. I tend to reply pretty quickly and enjou creating twists, sharing ideas and etc. together.

As for the pairings, Thief x Prince/princess
and Pirate x Prisoner seem interesting.
Hello! I'd interested in creating something together (: I'm capable of writing more than two detailed chapters, depending on the situation and my interest in roleplay. I tend to reply pretty quickly and enjou creating twists, sharing ideas and etc. together.

As for the pairings, Thief x Prince/princess
and Pirate x Prisoner seem interesting.
What happened to our RolePlay?
Hello! I'd interested in creating something together (: I'm capable of writing more than two detailed chapters, depending on the situation and my interest in role play. I tend to reply pretty quickly and enjou creating twists, sharing ideas and etc. together.

As for the pairings, Thief x Prince/princess
and Pirate x Prisoner seem interesting.
Perfect I am open for thief x prince/princess. Please DM with any further thoughts on setting, sub-plots, and anything else you can think of.
Oh my, so many wonderful plots!
They are all so interesting I don't know what to pick!
And the pairings are also a great!
I would love to rp with you (if you're still open to it.)
I am really interested in M.E.C, What a World, and the Endless Adventure plot
as well as the Scientist x Experiment and Kidnapper x Kidnapped.

I've been away from the game for awhile, but I am confident I can get you those two detailed
paragraphs or more ^^!
Oh my, so many wonderful plots!
They are all so interesting I don't know what to pick!
And the pairings are also a great!
I would love to rp with you (if you're still open to it.)
I am really interested in M.E.C, What a World, and the Endless Adventure plot
as well as the Scientist x Experiment and Kidnapper x Kidnapped.

I've been away from the game for awhile, but I am confident I can get you those two detailed
paragraphs or more ^^!
Awesome, if you would like to discuss more on which to choose. Please DM me I will be sure to give you detail on what to expect from each plot you chose.
I'd be interested in rp'ing with you. The plots I'm interested in are: What A World, M.E.C., and Heroes and Witches
The pairings that I like are:
Superhero x Villain
x Contracted Human
Kidnapper x Kidnapped ***

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