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Realistic or Modern b e ❤️ m i n e !

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my jinji don't you cry

Character Sheet:

= Optional

TBUL = To Be Updated Later

(Applications will be closed on March 4th or Friday.)




Sexual Orientation:


Appearance(Description/Gif or Image):






Who's your character's target? (TBUL):

Does your character have any history with their target?(TBUL):

How did your character earn the title of heartbreaker?

Writing Sample

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Name: Spencer Atherton

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Personality: Spencer is always one for chaos. He loves it more than he loves air. But then again air is not all it's cracked up to be. Either way, the loner of St. Charles Academy is often seen whispering into the ears of popular students, getting them to make regular fools of themselves (not that they need any help) and generally basking in drama. He's never seen as friendly, devious and treacherous, yes, but never friendly. He's always out to make a dollar. Of course that doesn't get in the way of his pursuit of drama and entertainment, but he is easy to bribe if the price is right. Typically cool and laidback, unless you make him angry. His random and untimely bursts of anger often lead to someone getting hurt, of course not physically but mentally, as he hoards many of the little dirty secrets his classmates keep from each other and uses them as ammo when the time is right. Because if you aren't looking around, he's often inconspicuous, watching and listening. It's normally considered creepy, and it really is. No one really knows where he came from, or what he's doing in St. Charles, because he never dresses like he has great wealth, or acts like the heir to a important business. But what everyone does know, is that Spencer Atherton is someone to watch out for.

Likes: Being In Charge || Spencer likes taking charge and commanding events such as these. This little thing he whipped up is something that delights him to no end.

Chili Dogs || Mmm, nothing better than a good ol' chili dog on a cold winter night. Spencer has craved these since his father introduced them to him.

Comic Books || Surprisingly, comic book heros have quite a bit of drama, and Spencer enjoys the flashy art. He's an avid reader, but feels self
conscious reading around other people. His favorites are likely X-Men, as Rogue and Gambit make an interesting duo.

Dislikes: Losing his Temper || Spencer finds that losing his temper is often a sign of weakness and dislikes showing this to people around him.

The Outdoors || Spencer isn't one for going outside, the sun, the bugs, and especially the water. He prefers to stay inside.

Uncontrolled Chaos || This might be a little confusing, but Spencer only likes his brand of chaos is he has control over it. Should things get out of hand, and he no longer has the power to control things, he becomes angry.

Strengths: Deception || Spencer is quite good at
deceiving people. Mainly making them think that this stupid plan was their idea, and not his.

Smooth Talking || By talking smoothly, he can make a conversation turn a completely different way, or relieving himself of blame entirely.

Planning || Spencer finds that he has the ability to plan things with little faults, finding what might be problematic beforehand and eradicating it.

Fears: Wide Open Spaces || Spencer fears wide open spaces. Not a particularly devastating fear, but enough to make him generally jumpy and uncomfortable if he thinks about it too much. This fear of wide open spaces likely contributes to his dislike of the outdoors, which are a very wide open space.

Thunderstorms || Something about thunderstorms causes Spencer to often seize up or just be absolutely silent. A stoney and solemn look on his face is often accompanied by the sound of an imminent thunderstorm.

His Mother || I figure you might be thinking, isn't that a typo? Shouldn't he be afraid of his
alcoholic father? Nope. Spencer fears his mother, as from beyond the grave she haunts his dreams. Dreams that leave him in a cold sweat when he wakes up. These chronic dreams often crop up around the weeks surrounding the anniversary of her death. He fears them the most.
Background: "You see, I'm actually a demon prince from far far beyond your mind's pathetic comprehension. I come to you out of boredom, and hope that your poor species can entertain me for a little while." Don't be ridiculous, Spencer is just a normal boy in a normal life. Well, as normal as an Earthling can be. He lived with his father, who was a bumbling drunk and had been since the death of his mother. It was a terrible sickness that caused her to be bedridden for much of young Spencer's life. And while he and his father were rather poor, his mother's mother was not. So, she sent him to St Charles in hopes of washing away his father's putrid influence. Though Spencer wasn't really one to be influenced by anything, as he was often distant and cut off. He typically stayed at his grandmother's during the weekends, learning all about animals and shapes and colors and feelings. She taught him to be a proper gentleman, though she wasn't the greatest person to be teaching that. A cigarette smoker and wild woman at heart, she often swore and stamped her feet in a very unladylike fashion. Spencer was affected by these colorful characters in his life more than he cared to admit, and often showed his grandmother's spirited interest in life. It was living that fascinated Sparrow Atherton, and she passed that onto her grandson.

Appearance: Spencer is all in all your very typical teenage heartthrob. Except for his gold and curly hair that is often too much to look at. It unnerves people, either making them stare in awe or want to get their fingers tangled in it. Yes, it is as silky as you thought. His pale skin looks as fragile as a piece of paper, and it doesn't seem like he gets any natural light. Which is true. It almost reminds you of a disney princess, that is until you evaluate his body shape and size once again. He's quite lanky and tall (6'4) with spindly limbs that look as though he's a part of a puppet show. The only thing that is missing is his strings. His startling appearence is only furthered by the often sickeningly sweet and full faced smirks that grace his full lips. It's typically hard to maintain eye contact with his piercing glacier cold blue eyes. His facial features are pointed and hawkish, giving off the impression of a somewhat strange doll.

Writing Sample: A cold sweat covered Spencer's body. The limp, shivering body beneath the white bedsheets was something to pity. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. It was nothing but a dream, he'd tried to tell himself deep within his mind. But it was to no avail, the dream plagued him throughout the dark of night. No one was there to assure him that everything was okay, no one could tell him that it was nothing but a nightmare. It was 3:00 am when he woke up, gasping for air. The dream had felt like it had lasted nearly a decade. His expression was not that of a relieved one, but a tired, haggard expression that he would wear until the end of the month. These dreams would not go away until her spirit rested again. This was what his grandma said, at least. He thought she was crazy, as he padded down stairs in nothing but a long night shirt and thick socks that could slide along her hardwood floors. He passed his father's sleeping figure on the couch. They'd been evicted-- again. And the only place they could stay was his grandmother's."That's going to be one wicked hangover, pops." He muttered, the sound of his socks shhshhhing on the floors carried him to the kitchen, where he got a glass of water, reluctant to go back to bed. The nightmares awaited him there like serpents curling around the legs of his canopy bed.

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Work in progress


Men At Work

Name: Ashton Brooks

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Demisexual

Character Sheet Work Ahead




CS work in the third post





Merge to OOC chat

Writing Sample:

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Stephen Wildberg


Stephen Wildberg





Sexual Orientation:



James is one of those people who has a really solid light and dark personality, both of which, are very contrasting to certain scale, though many would misunderstand it as a sort of multiple personality disorder, it's actually quite different, whenever he's in a seemingly bad or good situation, or he's feeling happy or sad, his 'mood tides' quite sway or lean towards the other side, depending on the environment and his mental situation.

Whenever he's in a good mood, or is simply feeling light, or the environment and situation is good or just somewhat fun, he tends to be humorous and/or sarcastic, energetic and filled to the brim with a sense of cheerfulness and enthusiasm, accompanied with a broad grin, and a polite set of behaviour and action, and a charitable and assertive mind set. He can be seen as the good kid, who came to be too mature, but yet he's also very fun-loving, and just generally a good kid, but a little flaky.

Though, he's normally not an aggressive or quick to anger person, he tends to get rough when he's been flipped of his edge, mind you, that rarely happens. He's quite polite or just really sincere when you're on his good side, and if not, well, you're in for a storm full of hate, negligence and hostility. Just kidding, actually he's really a forgiving person, at least most of the time anyway. He'll fight with you day, and the next day, it seems like it never even happened. Though, this were only put to seldom situations.

But whenever the situation is bad, moody or just really serious, he turns to his more deep, concentrated and just plain matured self, with a bit more cynicism added in. He turns a lot more observant and engaging, not in a reckless way of course, and tries to keep a semblance of order and tranquillity, though this gets much disturbed by the more air-headed people, but that is not the point. His broad smile turns into a more serious albeit simple face, with simple facial expressions. Though, one can notice his frowned face or sharp, straightforward eyes. He also gets to be a bit more blunt, but honest nonetheless.

Though he had this sophisticated air behind him, which is attributed mostly to his personality, and a uniform stance which he keeps around most of the time. Most would mistake it for arrogance, though he is arrogant at a certain scale, mostly for his unwillingness to work a lug around heavy stuff, he can be seen ordering, or rarely, asking someone to either do that job for him or help him do that. He's most likely to tell everything really bluntly albeit honestly, mostly because he really doesn't want to tolerate an annoying person, boasting person or simply a bitchy person.

He's also quite a confident and ambitious person, who always tries to see the big picture, but often unwittingly misses the smaller ones. He likes to treat everyone equally, so what if he was rich after all? He really was a human after all, all humans deserve equality and at least some form of unity.




A rich entrepreneur and an investor's son, he left a life of luxury and pleasure, and like many people say, born with a silver spoon to his mouth, though he wasn't sure what it actually meant, he kinda though it was a bit nonsensical, and by all means, it really was quite nonsensical, if you count that the silver spoons are quite a ridiculous item for merchandising, who'd ever waste his money on some stupid worthless silver modern spoon? It's not like it was an antique, rare or ancient item. Nevertheless, though many kids would turn into more of a spoiled up bratty kid who may or may not have drinker spoiled soy milk, he was quite different, choosing the more sportier way of being an upper-class well-respected businessman's kid, the sophisticated way out, instead of being a bratty arrogant kid, at least he the one that wasn't suspected of being a spoiled soy milk drinker. Being the only kid in his nuclear family, he was pampered by his caring and kind mother, but alas! His father was quite a busy man, and only had a few moments a day for him, other than let his butler handle all of his kid's problem. This did little effect on the then young Stephen, who cared less for his father and more about his own life, it was more of a last man standing situation, except he loved his mother, so that's why it was a last man standing situation in the first place, it was simply a struggle for who'd outlive one another. But it made his life all the more wackier.

His father was a bit of a strict person, he offered his child everything, excluding illegal or nonsensical items of course, but with it came a strict schedule. Which he followed without any mistakes or I insubordination, to this date. Making him an outstanding kid in terms of etiquette and regulation. But then again, his father wasn't a bit of a strict guy, he was a very strict guy.

His mother on the other hand was full of tranquillity and bursting with kindness, offering every love she could offer to his son, thus pampering him a lot. Nevertheless, it did little to spoil him.

By now, he would've been a fat sloth if not for his mother's lenient mannerism and his father's strict personality which kept things in a balance, and his own personality and smarts, of course.

When he was 15, his mother died because of a stroke, a deadly one at that. Unfortunately, his mother didn't survive the ordeal, as most people were sleeping there, nor was she put in a coma because it was way too severe, terribly restricting blood access to her brain, nevertheless, how said it may seem, to James, it was more sadder than what it actually it seemed like, and it really did seem really depressing and sad.

James lost all of his elements for a while, a month or two to be precise, whilst his relationship with his father got much more estranged. Which slowly turned into more lesser exchange of words, negligence and a subtle enmity. His relationship with his father slowly started unravelling itself, until only a single thread remained.

Whatsoever, James wanted to get a nice job as soon as possible since he wanted to be rid of this miserable relationship with father, and the subtle hostility they held. Both blaming each other for their mothet's death, mostly behind their backs and in the shadows.


Synthwave (music genre)

Animals (animal)

Pizzas (food)

Mexican-Indian fusion cuisine (food)

Reading (action/hobby)

Peace and serenity (environment)


Loudness (environment)

Heavy metal/punk (music genre)

Alcoholic beverages (beverage)


Stupidly rich

(Yeah, I'm stupidly rich, what are you gonna do about it, whine like a baby? But then again, I don't plan to show this off, do I?)

Observational awareness

(When you're getting stalked by a hobo or an assassin is trying to kill you, this may really come in handy.)

Street smarts and book smarts

(Now that gives a significant boost to my own resourcefulness and just normal causal smarts that may help the common, ahem, rich man on the long run.)


Heavy arachnophobia

(I'm deadly scared of spiders, please don't exploit against me...)


(Those little slithery rats, mark my words, this thing will be the end of me.)

Mild claustrophobia

(I'm a tad bit afraid of tight spaces, aren't we all the same, eh?)

Who's your character's target? (TBUL):

Does your character have any history with their target?(TBUL):

How did your character earn the title of heartbreaker?:

He had this habit of being very picky of his girlfriend's and/or dates, thus unwittingly making him a heart breaker. Though most fault could be traced back to him, mostly due to his eye for any fault in woman, making sure not to fall into a wedding trap.

Writing Sample:

(This sample is purely non-Canon, and has no relations with the Canon and original story. Any relations are purely coincidental.)

Stephen just stood there, infinitely shocked and dumbfounded as rain started splattering down on him and the ground, with a rose I'm his hand, which he tightly grasped, his hand bleeding due to the spikes in the rose, which he freshly picked off from a Bush. His blood tricking down his hand before landing on the puddles of water that formed due to the rain. The woman be was dating for two years just left him, hanging. After all the time he had given her, this was the end result. Sadness and despair filled his mind, all the corners and the inches of his mind were flooded with gloom and depression.

Soon afterwards, the rain started seeping into his Tuque and onto his head, as his hair dropped downwards. He was extremely shocked, he never imagined a situation of this magnitude would happen to him. His chest tightened as he let out a heavy sigh, for once in his world, he was burdened with the fact that he was left heartbroken. He took a step away from the park and towards his house, each step he took created a wave on the forming pools. The rain only served to ruin his mood more, and with each paces of distance, the rain intensified more. By now his tuque was soaking wet, to be precise, he was completely soaking wet, deep down in the dumps, and with no hopes of getting out of it.

His hair swayed down to the heavy amounts of rain, which was more likely to turn him into a pulp then it was to create. Actually it was creating a flood. James, who was certainly horrified at the sight of the rising murky water, made his way away from the park as the muddy water slowly inched towards his way.

After what seemed like a blur, which involved some kind of athletic running and some sort of struggle for hygiene. He finally reached his home before locking the sport behind him, he leaned against the door as he took a deep breath. He thoroughly calmed himself before proceeding to change his clothing. As he reached his room, he saw a set of clothes neatly stacked by the butler on his bed. Yeah, the butler was smart enough to know that little James was bound to get drenched in rainy water today, considering the heavy rain. James quickly changed into a more comfortable pair of kakhis, shirt and a sweater cause it was damn cold outside. He then took a seat in his chair as he tried to digest all the earlier events, certainly he didn't deserve such an event did he? Not he didn't actually deserve it, nobody deserve to get chased by some muddy abomination, ahem, get their heart broken by nasty girls who act way too often than they really should, like they don't even know what morality, why toy with a guy when you don't even like him or intend to break up with him? He was refraining from thinking that all girls were like that, he was simply all too unlucky to find his perfect match, or at least one that would last.


Jason Sandler

Jason was shuffling in his bed, currently witnessing the most horrible nightmare one could witness in their dreams, which specifically involves spiders, clowns and other creepy crawlies. And to his dismay, all of this were extremely terrifying to Jason, who shuddered in his sleep. Just before he was going to get dismembered by the complex cutting machine, he was woken up by the sound of someone furiously knocking on his door. He woke up with a sudden jolt of adrenaline, as the knocking continued on. He hopped off from the bed, he was still in his clothes, the ones which he was wearing before he booked in. 'Too lazy' was the one thing that came across his mind during that time.

He opened the door with a polite yet drowsy smile, and proceeded to listen to whatever the guy had to say about his sudden arrival.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, sir. But you have to make way for the ballroom for an urgent announcement." He said, with an unwavering polite smile, and a uniform stature.

"Is it mandatory, bro?" He politely asked him, not that he wanted to continue his nightmare, no, but he really needed some sleep, but then again, he wasn't going to argue.

"Mandatory it is, sir. Once again, we're sorry for the inconvenience." He replied.

"Well, ok. Gonna catch up in a few minutes, I really gotta freshen up. Catch you later, bro." Jason said before closing the door, of course, not in an abrupt manner.

He then proceeded to do what he told he was going to do, freshen up. He went to the bathroom, where there was a sink! Obviously, with a faucet and all. First things first, wash your hands, then proceed to wash your face. All of which he did, as the surprisingly ice cold water splashed on his face, leaving a chilly impression. He then brushed his teeth, for two minutes or less before changing into a more casual set of clean spare clothes, courtesy to over-sized luggage. And that was it, he was now Jason 2.0, at least, he was quite more furnished and looked better than he was before. He looked like a hobo during the near past when he woke up. Complete with a clean white shirt and beige khakis and his favourite pair of brown loafers.

He then proceeded to complete his voyage to the dangerous outskirts of the BALLROOM. Indeed, it was very dangerous, a suicide mission, if you're feeling tacky.

It was actually really easy and was full of tranquillity, now that the hallways were quiet except for am annoyed person in a set of bathrobes. He assumed that he was not the early bird he thought he was supposed to be. He finally reached the ballroom, which was bustling with a group of people, who were gossiping and doing stuff to ease their boredom. He for one, wasn't really very excited.


Victor Graham

"Detective Graham is now in front of the most treacherous task he has faced to date. A group of ex-military female soldiers were all decimated by what surviving witnesses claim to be a chainsaw wielding maniac clad in a bunny costume. It was all very thrilling, now as hardboiled detective Graham was passing by, he noticed this tall particular fellow tailing him, he looked behind to see... A door? What the heck is this? This is my dream! I control my dream! No, don't shut me out Like that! Not now! Noooooooo!!!"

And now, there was a very annoyed Victor who was currently standing, and with a clear intention to kill... How dare someone disturb his hardboiled dreams? He had a hell to pay, that was sure.

He stood up before dressing really slowly, all in attempt to annoy the man who was knocking repeatedly and with an unwavering determination. Before he answered, he freshened up really slowly, of course, all in attempt to annoy the man who was now banging on the door.

He then opened the door with a forced smile, and a restrained fist. The man smiled nervously before informing him about the ballroom matter.

"Sir, there's an urgent announcement commencing in the ballroom, it is mandatory for all residents and guests to attend that announcement." He polirtely said, the nervous smile still plastered on his face.

"Bah, humbug!" He said, trying his best to imitate scrooge, as the young adult recoiled in horror with an expression that was a mix of surprise, horror, terror and hypertension. Victor still held that scrooge/warlock imitation before crumbling down to a laughing expression as he chuckled, to which the attendant relaxed down a bit.

"Just kidding, I'll attend the ballroom." He said, pausing a bit before handing the bellboy a tip as he moved along the hallway. The bellboy looked down at his hand with a smile of glee and excitement which soon turned into utter disappointment which was followed by a chain of facial expressions as he discovered that it was only a iron button.

Victor slightly chuckled before moving onto the ballroom.

Once he entered the ballroom, he was simply just disappointed, his mouths were frozen in horror, and he was in a deep trance, waiting for someone to break him out of it...

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Name: Nala Tegtmeier

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual with Homosexual tendencies

Personality: If you want to even get close to Nala you better hope you have something she wants, otherwise you don't exist. Her dad has a prospering business in several countries so she grew up rather lavishly and learned that you don't strike partnerships unless you benefit as well. Now once you finally do grace the presence of Nala you'll see that she seems very fun loving and down to earth but she puts on a wonderful act. The moment you stop being entertaining or useful her personality will immediately change to cold and harsh, spitting out things that have the made toughest man cry. Her mother wasn't around so her father taught her how to handle the world so you don't get hurt and this little stone wall takes exactly after him.


Background: Nala grew up without her mother and a father who was cold and calculating. Although he handled home like business he ensured his only daughter would grow up to be just like him, and she has. Whenever he went away for business affairs he would expect she would handle anything at home that came up, whether it was emergencies or business partners calling to see if her father would expand their business. She would travel with him all over and everywhere she went she was seen as a part of the business, not as his daughter. Anyone that's close friends with her now, and that's few, use her for her money as well as providing her with things she needs. She's in with all the crowds thanks to her looks and personality but she's never really had a true friend. The few times she's screwed up in life she's experienced the bad side of her father, a side that ends you up in the hospital.

Likes: Cold Weather, Hot Cocoa, ELF Makeup Products, Business Deals

Dislikes: Anyone below her status, small dogs, warm weather, people who waste her time.

Strengths: Business, Politics, Trade

Fears: Her Father

Who's your character's target? (TBUL):

Does your character have any history with their target?(TBUL):

How did your character earn the title of heartbreaker?: Nala loves something for only as long as it takes to find something new and better.

Her heart skipped rapidly in her chest at the increasing pace of the footsteps below. She was sitting on her bed adjacent to her large window and pondered jumping clearly out of it. It's true the fall would either break her bones or kill her but both were better than dealing with the monstrosity. Nala's father had been away on business for almost two months and by the time he arrived it was found that not everything was to his liking. Stocks had dropped in a few of his businesses, not much but enough to cause a wrinkle. Her father hated wrinkles. To explain his hatred of wrinkles we travel back to when Nala was a small child....

Nala was 10 and her father had hired a nanny for the first time. She figured the girl would run at the first chance given the 20 page list of demands he had. Typically he would have someone else watch her but he was at a moment of weakness when a business deal wasn't going so hot. Most of Nala's security was sent with her father due to the hostility of the situation. The nanny's name was Amara. For the first couple months everything was going absolutely perfect and to her father's liking. Even Nala, who hated most women who came in the house was growing to like the girl. She could see that this girl's bright personality would break through any dark situation. That was until The Wrinkle happened. Nala names it as to amplify how historical this was.

Nala was particularly fussy that day because a certain toy ordered for her was delayed due to weather conditions. Amara, who was very good at dealing with her was in between studying for exams and getting the house ready for Nala's father. All this while caring for a fussy 10 year old. Amongst the several chores assigned to her that day, laundry was among them. Although, this wasn't normal laundry, no this was her father's good clothes. The ones he expected to find in perfect condition for when he arrived home and needed to change. Well Amara got it done and tended to other chores but didn't notice what most wouldn't think to notice. A wrinkle. A single wrinkle that was her undoing. When Nala's father returned, ontop of his bad mood from a failed business venture, the wrinkle was a slap in the face. The thing that pushed him over the edge. When Nala's father saw his good shirt with a single wrinkle he beat Amara senseless. This all occurring in front of Nala's eyes as to make an example of what could happen when you're sloppy.

Amara was hospitalized and warned never to tell of the real reason as to her injuries. When Amara was released from the hospital she dropped out of school and moved towns, changing her name and leaving no record of what happened. Nala never heard or saw her again.

Fast forward to now.

She bit on her lip and tightened her knuckles as the inevitable happened. Nala's bedroom door burst open and in the entrance was her father, seething with anger.

"A wrinkle Nala, it seems we have a wrinkle."
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.c7cb5b872e82f23e3d6f9cb82dc9fb4a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107493" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.c7cb5b872e82f23e3d6f9cb82dc9fb4a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Lila Valentine

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual






Strengths: Singing, Dancing and Acting

Fears: Spiders, Bugs, and The dark (Has claustrophobia)

Who's your character's target? (TBUL):

Does your character have any history with their target?(TBUL):

How did your character earn the title of heartbreaker?:

Writing Sample:



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Scarlett Venus Huntington




Cisgender female

Sexual Orientation:

Heterosexual; straight


Scarlett radiates a rather bubbly, down-to-earth kind of persona--or aura, if you will. Constantly smiling, laughing, or goofing around, hardly anyone would consider the young adolescent a threat. A majority of those that know her by name, automatically think of this kind, gentle, benign presence. One that always seems to be on cloud nine, daydreaming about fairy tales and flowers. Though, looks can be deceiving. As you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, one shouldn't judge another by appearance. Like an evil mastermind, Scarlett is most definitely not all laughs, smiles, and sunshine. Underneath the surface, hidden way below the waxy figure and fake smiles, lies the true nature of the happy-go-lucky teen; however, not much is known about this "real personality" of hers. Well, figures, since Scarlett rarely allows her wild side out to play...


From quite a prominent, wealthy family, Scarlett grew up with what you would call a "silver spoon" to her lips. Anything she wanted, it would never fail to become hers. Two loving parents, two adoringly adorable older siblings, and an affluent background... What a perfect life, right? Or so it seemed to the public, at least. Like any family, there are lies and secrets. Away from the bright flashing of paparazzi, news tabloids, and newspaper articles, the Huntingtons were a hardly functioning family, and definitely not a "perfect" one. Mr. and Mrs. Huntington enveleoped themselves in constant arguments, each having outside partners. The siblings fought over inheritance, and petty things. Still, for appearances sake, Scarlett learned to keep up appearances, like the rest of her family. The selfish, naïve, and princess personality Scarlett had grown accustomed to had been suppressed, and replacing it was a smile. A superficial, practiced, perfect smile.


Cute things; bunnies, puppies, little bows, etc. Well, to the public eye, these would be the primary things that come into mind.

"Yeah, puppies are cute. Bows? Ew--I mean, cute! Eheheh..."

Long, romantic walks on the beach with her prospective partner. Again, who thought of this? The tabloids, who else? Not Scarlett, that's for sure.

"What the hell? If we're at the beach, shouldn't we swim or something? What a wast--I MEAN--shit, I messed up. Can we do a retake of that, please?"

A love-story similar to that of a prince, and a princess. Oh, the stories that unsuspecting followers come up with.

"Damn right I'm a princess, now bow down bitches."


Scary things; spiders, ghosts, mice, etc. After all, to the public eye, Scarlett is a frail princess that requires the protection of her prince. (Ironic, Scarlett loves all of those things...)

"Woah, cool. That's a big ass spider…"

"Meanies." To such a gentle young lady like Scarlett, harsh words and profanity are hardly appropriate. Oh false public speculation, when will you ever stop... Or learn?

"Hey, fuck off. I don't have time to deal with your shit right now, alright?"

Anything too "extreme"; skydiving, rock climbing, bungee jumping, etc. Such a weak body shouldn't be risking her health like so! According to the news, Scarlett apparently has some kind of rare genetic disorder. How sad...

"That's odd... I don't remember having any kind of genetic disorder... Oh well, since it's in the news, they must know me better than I do--not. What a bunch of bullshit."



"Ha! You dumbass, did you think I was actually crying? When will you learn."


"Ah... I'm terribly sorry, I forgot my homework. It's just... My aunt passed away from cancer and... *sniffle*... An extra week, Mrs. <LitTeacher>? Oh, you're too kind! Thank you so much... *mutters*... Gullible."


"Wealth isn't a strength? Say that to the dozen ninjas I paid to beat your ass."


All in all, Scarlett is actually afraid of the dark. One thing that matches well with her fake personality, yet is actually true.

"There are aliens in the dark. You should be scared."

Aliens. Yeah, the big-headed green things.

*angrily* "Y-Y-You're laughing now, but you won't be when you're abducted and they suck out your brains!!"

Being alone. Growing up, the only companions she had in the house were her maids. Her siblings were constantly bickering, and almost never in the house, and the same went for her parents.

"Wait, you're not leaving right? Stay, peasant. That's an order."

Who's your character's target? (TBUL):

Does your character have any history with their target?(TBUL):

Writing Sample

I may write more or less, it really depends on how I'm feeling and/or how much my peers write.

Lilliana walked into her bathroom, her bare feet a bit cold on the marbled floor. Removing her royal amethyst-colored silk bathrobe, she set it on a nearby rack. Walking over to her bathtub, she immersed herself into the lukewarm water, surrounded by Antoine Rivoire rose petals. Lilliana rested her head comfortably against the sturdy ledge of the bathtub as her attendant walked in with soft, fresh towels, and small containers filled with toiletries. "Miss D'Sauvettere, would you prefer the honey, milk, or fruit mask today?" The attendant asked politely, holding a silver tray.

"Honey," Lilliana replied monotonously, staring out the window. The bathroom in her bedroom had a particularly nice view of the oceanside and surrounding forest. She would watch as the heavy blue waves crashed repeatedly into the jagged rocks surrounding the cliffs. Sometimes, her eyes would wander and land on the luscious green of the forest. In certain areas, where there was more foliage, the green seemed darker, giving it a depth perception that the areas with scarcer vegetation lacked.

This particular manor was quite old, and had been purchased by her father, Mr. D'Sauvettere, as an antique, or a way of "simpler living". It was a victorian-style manor, originating from the early 1900s. The house itself was a two-story, maroon-colored property, consisting of several spacious bedrooms and bathrooms on each floor. It was quite close to the sea, and it was surrounded by deep, verdant forests. Mr. D'Sauvettere insisted of maintaining the original layout of the house, so no major modern renovations were made. There were no heaters or air conditioners, so they relied on the fireplace and windows as means to keep warm and cool. The windows on the second floor provided beautiful views of the surrounding forests and cliffs. The ocean was also clearly visible, and the soothing sounds of crashing waves could always be heard.

"Very good Miss," the attendant replied, breaking Lilliana out of her trance. Lilliana closed her eyes, turning her head away from the window. As the attendant applied a sticky, fragrant mask consisting of Baronne Prévost rose oil and fresh, organic honey, Lilliana relaxed and enjoyed the tranquil sounds of crashing waves.

The attendant washed Lilliana's hair with floral-scented shampoo, and occasionally doused her in warm water to keep her from getting cold. As Lilliana rinsed off the shampoo and honey face mask, she got out of the tub, the bathwater dripping down her hair and onto the marble floor. While wet, her naturally wavy hair seemed straight almost, and several shades darker than usual.

After she had gotten out, the attendant came by and annointed Lilliana in baby oil before cloaking her in the silk bathrobe she had set aside earlier. Leaving the attendant to clear the rose bath, Lilliana headed into her room, walking into her closet to pick out an outfit for tonight's Homecoming dance.

"Bring me my lavender pink, 1-shoulder, mid-thigh, spring floral dress, and my strapless, above-the-knee, plain baby-blue dress," Lilliana ordered the attendants that were standing-by outside her room. Immediately, they both walked into her room and into the closet, finding her what she needed. Presenting the dresses she had asked for, they held them up as she scanned over them, trying to pick the perfect one. These were both casual dresses, not too formal--which is what the school dress code was determined to be for Homecoming.

Deciding to go with the 1-shoulder floral dress, since she had been surrounded by floral themes all day, she excused her attendants and changed into the dress. Walking back into her closet, Lilliana picked out a pair of plain white d'orsays* and slipped them on, doing a 360° turn in the mirror. Satisfied with her look, she called the attendants back in. The next hour was spent blow drying Lilliana's hair, applying light makeup, and selecting accessories to complete the look. Lilliana decided to wear simple amethyst studs and a silver necklace consisting of a single flower charm. She also slipped on plain silver bangles, ranging from thick and thin. Afterall, she wasn't trying to be too fancy. If she truly wanted to go all out, the full pearl necklaces and expensive diamonds would have revealed themselves, not to mention the crystal bracelets.

*d'orsays are heels where the vamp and sides of the shoe are cut away, revealing the arch of the foot and partially the toes.

The clicking of her heels against the marbled floor could be heard as she descended the stairs, motioning for the chauffeur. "Ready to leave, Miss? Wonderful. I shall go fetch the limousine," the chauffeur replied, tipping his hat off as he bowed. Lilliana merely nodded as the chauffeur exited the manor and prepared the car. As she stepped outside the grand, white doors of the manor, she was greeted yet again by the chauffeur, who was now opening the door for her. She stepped inside, staring out the tinted windows as they pulled out of the circular driveway.

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full name:

iris hazel hawkins





sexual orientation:

greysexual biromantic


nah ah ah not yet

- bubble tea

- music, all genres

- celebrations, parties

- vintage clothing

- pretty trinkets

- outdoor activities


- being rushed

- cigarettes

- kids ages 8-12

- immaturity

- people petting her hair
╞═════ it's only water' ═════╡

xxxxxiris had a rather sheltered childhood. she grew up in a small, wealthy town, and the furthest she ever traveled from her family’s neoclassical home was to the nearby national park. both of her parents are teachers; her father is a professor at columbia university and her mother teaches law and mythology at the local high school. she has a relationship that is shaky at best with her mother, but iris and her brothers get along well. mercury in particular is very protective of her, while horus is teasing and angelo distant yet well-meaning.

xxxxxwhen iris was 13, she decided to go live with her father and brother angelo in new york city. she considered herself closer to her father than her mother at the time even though he visited less than a dozen times a year. she was also tired of small town life, and the big apple did not disappoint. she adjusted quickly for someone who moved from a community of barely 10,000 to the largest city in the u.s. iris’ mother enrolled her at st. charles academy without consulting her when she was 16. needless to say, she wasn’t very happy with suddenly being pulled away from the buzz of urban life, but iris once again adjusted well to the prestigious private school setting.

immediate family:

foster hawkins- father (50)

tamara dotson- mother (50)

angelo hawkins- brother (26)

mercury hawkins- brother (22)

horus hawkins- brother (19)
╞═════ .it's only fire ══════╡

xxxxxone word that can describe iris pretty well is “chill.” her general demeanor is upbeat and laid back. she goes where the wind (or the parties) takes her without complaint, and she doesn’t nose into other people’s business so long as they don’t try to nose into hers. she likes to decide on her own how she feels about a certain thing or person or place. for example, she’s skeptical of gossip while being heavily judgmental herself. if someone wants to grab her attention, first impressions are everything. this definitely doesn’t mean iris has seen everything there is to see (although three years in nyc can give one that feeling), and it’s not that hard to impress her either. just don’t be an unbearable dipshit, and everything will be fine. it’s not much cause for concern even if she dislikes someone; unless they’re a good friend or something closer, iris treats everyone with about the same level of apathy. and if her voice is a little icier when she speaks to that someone, there’s little chance they’ll take notice.

xxxxxit’s a rare thing to see iris tongue-tied; she’s eloquent (if you can call it eloquence [others deem the term “creative pottymouth” more fitting]) and confident and doesn’t like to appear unsure of herself because most of the time, she knows exactly what she wants. if she doesn’t want something, she says no. if she thinks the whole party is a clusterfuck and everyone at said party is an self-entitled shitstain then jesus fucking christ on a pogo stick, get enough alcohol in her and she’ll be shouting it from the rooftop.

xxxxxiris enjoys the little things. she has an artsy-fartsy, poetic way of observing her surroundings. hey, as long as she doesn’t say that pretentious shit out loud, right? she’s the type to buy makeup at the drugstore and then spend thirty dollars on a phone case the next day because it was the liquid glitter waterfall kind. she struggles with seeing the bigger picture, preferring the live in the moment, act in the moment kind of lifestyle. this is more often than not a negative thing as she never fully pushes her emotions aside to mull over pros and cons when making decisions.


- has a soothing, husky voice

- paints her nails when she’s stressed

- swears a lot, but turns very formal when she needs to be

- can’t dance


- polite and eloquent

- keeping secrets

- faking emotion

- beer pong champion


- never making anything of herself

- disappointing her family

- heights

- her mom
╞═════ it's only love ══════╡
history w/ target:


this is how to be a heartbreaker:

the moment iris loses that ‘feeling’ of love or whatever the hell you want to call it, she backs out. as soon as her partner does something remotely upsetting or says something crass, she just “nopes.” iris has unrealistic hopes that the perfect person will waltz into her life one day. she doesn’t understand that love isn’t just a feeling, but also a choice.




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Name: Cassandra C. Muñoz (aka. Cece)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Cassandra is an outspoken and confident girl...some might even call her a bit "crass". She isn't afraid of drawing attention to herself, and she doesn't worry about what other people think of her. She often tries to project a nonchalant attitude, but her hot-headedness usually get the best of her, and usually leads her to trouble. One of the bigger flaws in her personality is her tendency to lack tact or manners, sometimes she just doesn't know how to handle herself when a situation get emotional. When she feels she is loosing control of a situation she quickly resorts to snark and mockery. You can usually see her making inappropriate jokes when she's feeling awkward or inadequate.

She has the ability to be very charming and persuasive when she wants to, an ability that has actually gotten her out of trouble a lot of times. Protective and even surprisingly sweet when it comes to those who are close to her Cassandra can be a true team player
(a necessary skill when you are part of the school's cheer squad). But if anyone gets on her bad side she’s willing and ready to use any underhanded method to make them pay. She's definitely know for never shying away from the “bitchy cheerleader” stereotype.
After her family moved from Puerto Rico when she was 13, Cassandra felt out of place for a lot of years, and her main strategy to deal with this was to pretend she didn't care. Her first years at school weren't easy, mostly because of her resistance to socialize with others (she often got frustrated when she stumbled with english). It took more than a few scuffles and a LOT of hours in detention, before the people in school finally learned Cassandra didn't take shit from anyone. But then her mother (tired from all the calls she was getting from the school) gently "insisted" she join a club or something. Because it was the closest she could find to dancing, Cassandra joined the cheer squad and (while she never got around to loving the sport) she did find some close friends there. She has never been a model student, and the odds are she’ll never be. Most teachers have her already pegged as a troublemaker, and she hasn't done much to change this...she sure as hell enjoys walking down the hallway and seeing some people move aside.


-Listening to music (she’s always walking around with earphones around her neck)

-Red lipstick

-Competition (Especially if there’s money involved)

-Never admits it, but she fucking loves baking


-Uptight people

-People who can’t take a joke


-Dumb people

Strengths: Cunning, athletic, resourceful and quite persuasive. (Bakes a mean ANYTHING)

Fears: Claustrophobia

Who's your character's target? (TBUL):

Does your character have any history with their target? (TBUL):
How did your character earn the title of heartbreaker?:

Cede is usually quite blunt about what or who she wants, the problem is she might have some commitment issues (…OR she just might get bored easily. She’s still trying to figure out which one it is) Either way she’s likes to have fun. And if she gets called a “heartbreaker” in the process, she doesn’t really seem to mind.

Writing Sample
He was breaking up with her, she could tell. And she found it extremely odd considering she hadn’t been aware they were dating in the first place. So she watched his mouth move, and as she heard words like “serious” and “commitment” coming out of it, she couldn’t help but feel a bit lost.

“…I thought we were having fun” She stated bluntly, finally interrupting his long speech. And for a second she assumed he would appreciate her honesty, and they would both move on with their lives like fucking adults. Except he didn’t. The guy just started crying, and Cassandra Muñoz remember for the 10th time why she fucking hated dating.

She closed her eyes, and tried to focus. It was kinda hard considering there was a wailing 20 year old guy in front of her, and the people in the coffee shop were already starting to murmur around them.
And maybe it was just her imagination, but she could’ve sworn the crying fucker was doing it on purpose.

“Cece…come on. I just want you to try harder. For us” He whimpered pathetically, and Cassandra could’ve easily punched him right there.

Baby…” She offered sweetly, as she leaned toward him and grabbed his hand. The guy looked hopeful for a second, but then she started squeezing hard, and his eyes widened in surprise and pain. “Listen to me you little fucker” She hissed “We had sex ONE time, and it was far from interesting or satisfying. So yeah, we’re NOT dating and you trying to guilt trip me is not gonna work”

“Cece, baby” He offered in panic, but she was having none of it. “It’s
CASSANDRA for you, hijo de puta. So this is how it’s gonna go: I’m gonna leave, you’re gonna pay the check and we’ll never see each other again. Entiendes?” She said, her voice laced with sweet poison.

“Yes” He whispered, but then quickly shook his head and croaked a weak “

“Good” She hissed with a satisfied smirk.
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Name || Sabine Lily Eden


Age || 17


Nicknames || Beanie | She-devil | Heartbreaker


Gender || Female


Sexual Orientation || Bicurious


Personality || Sabine is one elegant person. She's secretive and quite mysterious. Sabine is alluring to the boys in the school and has taken most of the boy's virginity. Sabine has trouble with commitment and she's known for her one night stands. Sabine towards her friends is a sweet girls. She has the determination to get revenge for her and her friends. Sabine is quite self centred and takes pride in her looks, making her insecure. Sabine is extremely hostile when her weaknesses are shown and will quite literally take revenge to the next level. Sabine secretly has ADHD and has trouble at school. Sabine is one of the most popular girls in school and she makes sure it will always be that way. Sabine obviously wears her heart on her sleeve and her innocent looks help her get out trouble as well. She's laid-back girl and also intelligent just not academically.


Background || Sabine used to live in a small town in Washington DC with her so called loving parents and her older brother, Matthew. Everyday, Sabine's mother would get drunk while her father would get laid and her brother getting high at his friend's house. Everyone believed that they were perfect, Sabine tried to get anyone to listen to her cries but they were blinded by the excuse of perfection. Sabine ran away to another state, leaving no trail for her family. Her older sister Darci took her in her apartment. Darci had saved enough money to live a luxury life. Sabine began to flirt and worked her way up the social ladder. She became mysterious and cold, creating a thick wall from anyone else, in fear of being hurt by anyone close again.


Likes | Flirting | Sugar | Partying | Bets


Dislikes || Losing | Annoying people | Whiners | Clingy people


Strengths || Lying | Manipulation | Singing


Fears || Failing | Getting STDs | Sports


Sabine's Target || WIP


Target and Sabine's History || WIP


Sabine's Title Backstory || Sabine was
always a flirt just like her mother. She has never stopped and most likely never will. Sabine is clever like the Devil himself only with a pretty face. She earned the title after a week of being a student at the school. In that week she broke five guys hearts in five days. Each a one night stand. Sabine enjoyed the attention and just kept going.


Writing Sample:
9 am | Saturday Morning

Sabine's long lashes fluttered open as she shuffled up to sit properly. She rubbed her doe like eyes and took in her surroundings. "Shit..." She thought to herself as she yawned. She looked down at herself to see her wear only her white lace bra and matching underwear, her eyes slowly moved to the body next to her that was fast asleep. It was the captain of the football team, Leo Davis. Sabine cringed at the thought of them both having sex together. "I really done it this time." She muttered to herself as she yawned again. Sabine looked around for her phone when she noticed on Leo's beside table. Sabine reached out for it and grabbed it quietly.

She clicked the home button and saw the notifications that popped up. 20 missed calls from her sister and 3 from her friends. Sabine fluttered her eyes as she saw Leo moving around. Sabine leaped out of the bed and quickly went into Leo's closet. She quickly pulled an oversized tank tee over her head and grabbed her clothes with her phone from last night. Sabine rushed around the room as quickly yet quietly as she could. She grabbed a small note and a pen then began to write. 'Thanks for last night! Not -Sabine xoxo' She smiled softly at her handiwork but panicked when Leo groaned softly again. She chucked the note onto the pillow and ran out of Leo's room. Sabine raced out of his and looked for her. "Ugh!" She yelled in anger. Sabine grabbed her phone and called one of her besties, Lara. "Hey Lars, mind picking me up?"


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The Particulars





Driving fast


Smelly people



Hot dogs
He's a Heartbreaker!




Being heartbroken again.
Who's your character's target? (TBUL):

Does your character have any history with their target?(TBUL):

How did your character earn the title of heartbreaker?: Taking girls' virginities, and leaving them afterwards.

Personality: Kyle is a cocky asshole. To some he may seem vain and arrogant (which is all true,) but he happens to think he is confident. He's very flirty, and over protective of what's his. Very easily jealous. He's normally calm and laid back, until you anger him. Kyle is the type of guy who enjoys the chase, but once the game is over, he doesn't want it anymore. He loves to be involved in and start drama, especially if it's just rumors he makes up about someone. To some he may seem like an airhead, but he knows more than you think, and is more than what meets the eye.
Background: Originally born in in London, England, and moved away when he was 12, so he still has a slight accent. When he was 16, his girlfriend took his virginity, and then broke up with him. Since then, he has been cold-hearted to love and doesn't believe it really exists. On his father's birthday that same year, his mother was killed in a car accident, and six months later was diagnosed with mild schizophrenia, causing mood swings. When he was 17, his father found love again, causing Kyle to be upset, so he drove off and never came back home. Kyle's first last name was Phillips, but changed it to Simmons after his great-uncle, who became his care-taker for a year until he was diagnosed with terminal illness and eventually died, causing Kyle to move into his uncle's house. When he turned 18, he moved out and into a small townhouse, paid for by his uncle.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/600full-cameron-dallas.jpg.fdbd13d537d94d28777bb445de1741fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107800" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/600full-cameron-dallas.jpg.fdbd13d537d94d28777bb445de1741fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Name: Kyle Simmons

Age: 18

Gender: M

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Writing Sample: Backstory--

Kyle stood there, watching her walk away. Her, the girl he had fell head over heels in love with, who had just left him. One day after taking his virginity. He remained in the crowd by the lockers, standing still while others hurled insults at him and shoved him because he was in the way. He felt his eyes begin to water as he looked down at his feet. He sniffed once, before wiping his eyes and walking out to the student parking lot, his keys jangling in his pocket.
Never again. He thought to himself as he reached his car, and sped home.




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Mathias Kingston

"Why is it that things like this always happen when I
don't have my notebook with me?"


no slide

Name: Mathias Kingston

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual with no preference to either gender

Deeper stuff

Personality: at face value, Mathias is a sweet kid. He's got his face buried in a notebook, he's got an adorable smile on his face, and he gives you the right words right when you need them... Until you get to know him. His true colors, which are rarely shown, make him calloused, judgmental, and more apt to avoid human affections. Mathias doesn't mind being in a social group, but he won't contribute to the major conversations going on. He would much rather sit back and enjoy the view of the situation than push himself into it. He's good at weasling himself out of trouble when it comes down to it as well.

"H-huh?! Calloused?! I'd hardly call myself calloused... I just understand how people function, that's all..." *shrug*

Appearance(Description/Gif or Image):


"Yeah... That's me alright."

Background: Mathias was born to a poor dad and a rich mom with three sisters. He's the youngest of all four children. Mathias was always known as the quiet, shy child and never really knew much else. He used it to his advantage, however, to channel his observations and feelings into words. Mathias is a meticulous writer, documenting experiences and people in carefully crafted works of fiction. He's well read, knows what (and who) he's talking about to extreme lengths to get the best story possible. This behavior and attitude makes any relationship he has quite difficult. His mother died only last year in a fire in her legal office, leaving his father the inheritance. As he's the last child living at home, he uses it to his advantage quite often. However, the loss of his mother, one of the few family members and people didn't help his issues with people. He cycled through relationships, always finding flaws in every single last person, making love almost impossible.

"Oh joy, the feeling of obscurity in having your whole life jotted down in less than a page." *rolls eyes*

Just some little extras


>new journals

>coffee (black)

>any song by the Killers

>black and white films

"All things from a time when things were simple, talk could be cheap, and lives were easy."


>the extreme cold

>jump scares


>rap music

"All the things that make me, quite literally, want to throw their sources onto train tracks and watch them get blown to bits"


>Observant- he's keen on noticing smaller details in people and how to play them to get the right reaction.

"It wouldn't be very easy to write if I didn't know how to keep my audience interested, right?"

>Liar- he's good at story crafting, thus making any stories he has to make believable

"It's easy. Like writing a story without editing and hoping it's enough to get the right reaction"



"Do not!"


"It's a rational fear! People aren't supposed to just bleed out of nowhere!"

"Isn't love so fickle?"

Who's your character's target?: Wes

Does your character have any history with mtheir target?: you could call them the "best" of friends... Without the usual lovely friendship things. You know, the fun little fuzzy things.

"Wes? He's not bad... I haven't gotten enough out of him for official judgements."

How did your character earn the title of heartbreaker?: Mathias had a girlfriend he was extremely happy with (dare he say madly in love) until the day his mother passed away. He'd managed to look passed all of her faults and flaws, but that day, he snapped and shared every nasty secret he'd gotten online. It ruined her. Ever since, he's used charm to get close enough to girls to learn enough and then dump their dirt online for people to read as well. It's a joke to him to watch their reputations shatter.

"... Never talk about her... It's funny how much people rely on their looks and social graces in today's society. It's fun to watch what happens when you tear it away after they've let you behind the curtain."

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Working my Magic...



Wesley "Wes" Glassman





Sexual Orientation:



Wes is highly artistic. He doesn't even try most of the time--at lunch he absently folds his napkins into various flowers. But, he isn't the sweet and silently shy type. He blazes as brightly as his passion for life and beauty. And, as everyone should know, passion can be just as much of a pain as it is a pleasure. His words are known to break a person. Wes can be mysterious when he wants to be. He's charming and alluring and
wanted. He's not perfect or anything, but he doesn't believe he has to be. Sometimes he can be lazy and whiny. Sometimes he doesn't even wanna get up. But he does. And this all makes him largely likable...it's too bad he has every intention to be a bitter asshole for the rest of his life.



Background :

Mom's Rich. Dad isn't. He comes around for alimony ever so often, but uses it to keep his apartment and drink booze. It isn't his fault though. Once upon a time, Dave was quite dashing and charming...until Veronica caught him with her Venus fly-trap. He was in love. She was bored and liked pretty things. And he was her rising star for her modeling company. They married. He got a vasectomy and it was happily ever after...or it would have been. Wes was a pure miracle. Well, to everyone else he was.

Veronica learned to love her child with everything she had. There was nothing she wouldn't do for him. Nothing at all. And, it was apparent that he had gotten the best traits from the both of his parents. He was her new shining star--and she had no idea how to get rid of the old one. Dave was still handsome and dashing, but Veronica only knew how to love one thing at a time. So she dumped Dave at some corner. And Dave turned to the bottle. He's still a looker, but he's not so dashing anymore. Veronica is still bored, but more-so with herself.

And Wes? This f*cked up love story taught him never let himself get bored or trust pretty things--like love.

He's now in his Senior Year of high school. He was supposed to graduate last year but fell ill to the effects of mono and missed a great deal of the school year. It's no big deal to him. Another year with newer faces. The position has given him a great deal of popularity, which he doesn't mind. He was keeping up with the Joneses last year, now he is Mr. Jones. He even has a few parties lined up, at his own expense too. The few modeling gigs he did over the summer helped big time. All he had to do now was find the coup de grais for his "blog"...

Likes :Performing Makeup Tutorials(not on himself), Exercise, Photography, Sweets, Unique Artistic Mediums

Dislikes : Librarians, Hospital Rooms, Getting a ticket, His Mom's Chauffeur

Strengths: He's very hands on, willing to get dirty when he needs to. He being active and finding inspiration in all sorts of ways.

Fears: Ending up in a miserable relationship that he can't get out of, be it business or personal.

Who's your character's target?: Mathias Kingston

Does your character have any history with their target?: They're bestfriends...though Wes isn't the 'best' bff.

How did your character earn the title of heartbreaker? : Using the long con method to convert men to his side of the S/O spectrum...or solidify the choice in some cases. He'd then unveil all the deets on the poor guy on an anonymous blog once he'd gotten them to confess they were in love. Currently at 6 guys exposed. NOTE: There is specific reason and it never goes past make-out/groping.

Writing Sample :

"Let. This. Go."

Wes nearly spit out the Sunkist he'd been sipping on when he'd gotten to Charlie's. The spoken man was sitting across from him, picking the seeds out of a baggie of some Girl Scout Widow or whatever the hell it was called. Wesley didn't necessarily care for THC in any form...not even the videogame company lately. "Come again?" he asked, taking a last gulp before placing the bottle somewhere where he wouldn't waste it's contents. Orange soda was that valuable to him.

"I love you." Charlie repeated, handing the bag over to Wes, who slid the usual billfold his way. Quite franky, he was shocked. This was Charlie Cooper, his mom's pot dealer. Sure, he'd made out in public with the guy to keep up an alibi for his involvement in Veronica's dealings. In fact, he was pretty sure Charlie's mouth is where he got the reason for the 4 month long doctor's excuse from. But, This was rich. Other than kissing, Wes made no other move toward the guy. He was cute...in a short, nerdy, 'I play D&D for fun' kind of way. But not in the way that warranted anything serious.

And that's what the guy was gunning for. Wes felt bad, because he wasn't trying to break his heart. Maybe in another life, he could say yes and they could live happily ever after.

"I'll start doing pick-ups from your little sister, like everyone else."

But not in this life.

Wesley gathered his backpack and began to make his way out of the guest house. He stopped, thinking about it to himself before giving Charlie a kiss on the cheek while cursing the fact that he totally didn't believe in what the man was feeling.

C'est la vie.


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Leonardo Roberto Damiani


"An Intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools."

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Leonardo Roberto Damiani








Leo is a 'very handsome boy' as his Mother would say. He has dark chocolate coloured hair with eyes to match, and his skin is lightly tanned. His complexion is not perfect; he suffered from acne when he was younger, which has since passed, but now he is left with a few scars on his cheeks and forehead. His teeth are nearly perfect; thanks to him wearing braces from the age of ten to fifteen. The day he took off those metal jaws was the day people started to notice he wasn't just a little nerd. Leo is fairly tall, standing at about 5'11''. Through hard work, he has a muscled figure. He wears a sarcastic-serious look, the majority of the time, though it is loosened when he is around the right people.

Leo often wears dark coloured outfits, and big coats; even in the Summer. He takes pride in both comfort and style and likes to find the medium between both. He likes jumpers and thick jackets. He doesn't mind t-shirts as long as their designs aren't obnoxious and he usually only wears them in the comfort of his dorm. Leo actually feels most comfortable in a suit. He likes to wear his school uniform, because he takes pride in it's meaning and look.

Looking Closer



Leo is a very laid back sort of boy. He's by no means quiet, but he takes silences between phrases; he likes to be as intelligent as he can through his words. Leo isn't afraid of anything; or at least, he thinks he isn't. He believes he is invincible, and that no one can beat anything he says because of his extensive knowledge; he's borderline sociopathic. Leo is also very charming. He's aware of his good looks and wields them like a weapon. Leo also enjoys riddles and he likes to confuse people; mostly girls. He says things to get their hopes up and stick in their head. He takes amusement in the fact that his words stay with people for days, even weeks. Leo is cruel to girls, although, he thinks he's doing them a kindness. He has never had a steady girlfriend, but he flirts with any girl he sees worthy. Not with physical contact, but with words, charm and mystery. He makes them feel special; wanted. And, then, the next day, he breaks it off. But, before going any further than a kiss, he makes sure that his partner knows that he doesn't want a relationship. But girls are desperate, and, no matter what he says, they still beg. He's different to other guys in his 'methods', but all the same as the sleezebags in the aftermath. He just dresses his cruelness up with a suit.

Leo used to be sweet. His Mother used to take pride in the fact that he was the kindest of his six other brothers. He was the youngest, and his Mothers favourite, so she would baby him. As a child, Leo was just some geek. An acne having, brace wearing geek. He'd sit in the dining hall and write stories and poetry. People laughed at him. But, puberty did him a favour. His wonky teeth were renewed with braces and his spots vanished. People suddenly started to take notice of him. That was when the big headedness started. After around the age of fifteen, he started to think he was a little bit better than everyone. And he still does. Once people started to realise that he had a pretty face, he realised it too, but he started to really believe that he was this gorgeous creature that everyone wanted. In a way, he was, but people are starting to see his coldness.

At heart, Leo is kind, his mother always reminds him of that. Under his hard, cold, cruel exterior, Leo is a sweetheart. That was the way he was brought up, but he lost sight of it when he started to make his own decisions. All he needs is someone to remind him of his kindness. If he sees someone injured, he'll rush to them, to see if they're okay. If someone in the dorm is upset or crying, he'll lend an ear. It's like an instinct; like that sweet little kid is still inside him and wants to help; but after a while, he composes himself and becomes that steel faced writer once again.

Leo is very intelligent, and he adores literature and poetry. He loves mostly classical works and tends not to dabble in contemporary writing. As much as he likes to read, he also likes to write. He likes to describe things, in lots of details. Sometimes he'll just find a seat in a park and write away every little detail he sees. He thinks of it like an artist sketching down a landscape, except he does it with words. As well as being very skilful with his words, he is very talented at maths, history, science, and he can speak in Italian, fluently.


☞ Losing his Mother. He knows it'll happen one day, but he's terrified.

☞ His family losing all of their money again. He doesn't want to have to be forced into a tiny, cramped house again.

☞ Never getting anyone to see the quality of his writing.


☞ In pressing situations, Leo is often silent; forming words in his head. This is good indication to run, because he'll blast you with knowledge. You can't win a word war with him, and it's getting harder and harder to win a fist fight with him.

☞Leo will never give up a fight; he has to win.

☞When he is nervous, which is rare, he blinks a lot faster.


☞ Cool Days

☞ Being in Control

☞ Making People Fall in Love with him

☞ Expensive whiskey

☞ Winning


☜ Losing

☜ People who Dislike him

☜ Sweltering Heat

☜ Writers Block

☜ Video Games



Favourite/Worst Memories:

☞ Leo's favourite memory was when he was in Italy with his family; he used to go there every year until his Grandparents passed. He remembers being very little and smelling salsiccia cooking from the kitchen. He was sat on the warm stones on his Grandmother's porch.

☞ Leo likes to think of the time his twin brothers moved out. He was only young, but he remembers having a big, new room to himself.

☞ Leo also reminisces about the time his Father got the deeds to a building where he started his own restaurant. Leo was only young, but he remembers how happy his Father was.

☜ One of Leo's worst memories, was when his Grandma died. His Father was devastated, and he had to fly over to Italy all by himself as he didn't have enough money for the whole family to go. He remembers crying under his bed covers.

Embarrassing Story:

☜ When Leo was in elementary school, some older boys cornered him at lunch time. They scared him to the point where he peed himself, and at this point, the bullies felt bad so they let him run. Leo ran round the whole school, trying to find a teacher, with wet pants. The moment still haunts him now.

Life Story:

Leo was born in Manarola, Italy. He spent only one year of his life there, as his family decided to take a leap and move to America. Leo is the youngest of seven boys and he was always seen as the weakling brother. His eldest brothers, Roman and Enzo, who're twins, liked to pick on him frequently when he was a boy. But, they moved out when Leo was eight, and the house was suddenly a lot happier. The same year, his Grandmother passed. Leo had adored his Grandma. She was amazing; funny and kind and not to mention; an amazing cook. Leo was torn, but not as much as his Father, Carlo. He had to fly out to his home town to bury his Mother and console his Father, who, died a few months later. It seemed like the worst year ever. The family was out of money, kids were picking on him at school. It was hideous. But, Leo's hopes were lifted when his Father was allowed to take over a ownership of a building in the city. He turned it into a restaurant and it has currently got a four star rating.

Carlo's bank began to fill, and the family moved out of their small home and into a larger house. It was cosier and Leo began to feel that his life was picking up. When it came for Leo to move to high school, his Father sat him down and had a word with him. He told him that he wanted his last son to have the best education that he could ever have, and that he wanted him to move to a private school. Leo was terrified, but as he read more on the school, he became thoroughly excited. Leo instantly fell in love with the school and its architecture. One year later, he had his braces removed and started going to the gym. Girls started to notice him and he was asked to join sports teams (He declined). Life really was at a high.

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"Kitty Evans is such a slut."


Name;; Katheryn Rose Evans.

Nickname(s);; Kitty, Kit/Kat, Heartbreaker, plus an abundance of cruder&crueller names used by those who dislike her.

Age;; Seventeen, just about.

Gender;; Cisfemale.

Sexual Orientation;; Up until a little while ago when she began to experiment with girls, she assumed she was straight as a ruler, but now she isn't so sure. She's not quite ready to label herself.


"And I'm sad to the core, core, core,

everyday is a chore, chore, chore,

when you give, I want more, more, more,

I want to be adored."


Personality;; Kitty puts on a brave face when she's around other people, that's just the way she is. When she doesn't know you too well, she's your typical ice queen- aloof, cold, and just generally, well, superior. If she does know you, then how she behaves depends on who you are. Around the majority of boys, she will simply act how she assumes they want her to, usually fawning all over them or going for the smooth talking, seductive sort of act. She knows how to tick boxes. Kitty doesn't trust many girls, so she trade very carefully around them, but will mostly act like she's been coated in sugar and avoids most conflict; that being said, on the rare occasion she argues with another girl, it's like something off of MTV. She's got a sharp tongue and a love of sarcasm.

Beneath her confident, flirtatious facade, Kitty is actually incredibly self conscious; you might guess this when, say, you're making out with her and she whispers to you to reassure her just one more time that she isn't fat, or that her eyes are proportionate, or something like that. She spends hours getting ready, critiquing her reflection, trying so many styles. She's lonely even though she's always surrounded by people and the pretty mask is beginning to crack.

Background;; Growing up, Kitty lacked a proper maternal figure because her mother Andrea just didn't want to be motherly. Andrea wanted to be young, go to parties, have wild affairs, and that's exactly what she did. When her husband eventually gave up and left, she moved in with an older, very wealthy man, Richard, who wasn't ecstatic about the fact that Andrea had a kid but supported the, anyway. Kitty was always fixated on body image because that's exactly what her mother was.

When Kitty began to grow into a teenager, it became clear that she lacked the same experiences her friends all had. They'd call her a prude, say she was frigid, the boys would make inappropriate suggestions and comments, and she loathed every day spent at school. One day, when she was fourteen, she didn't come in. She skipped the next day too. Before everyone knew it, school was out for the summer. Kitty was homeschooled for a while, and when she came back, she wasn't the way she used to be. The fluffy sweaters and patterned leggings she loved so much were gone, replaced by miniskirts, short shorts, low cut tops. She'd learnt to apply makeup and style her hair in a flattering way. Most of all, she was no longer a virgin.

They didn't call her a prude anymore, they called her a slut. It didn't take Kitty long to realise that she couldn't win with her peers, so she decided to find some friends who wouldn't mind her tendencies so much, and perhaps understood more. She changed on the outside but on the inside she was worse than ever, and nobody seems to see.


"I like all of my shorts to be a little too 'shorty',

unlike all of my guys, I like them tall, with money."


? ? Incense and scented candles, she very rarely spends time in her room without lighting one, or usually both. She's very into aromatherapy, and besides, it makes her room smell amazing.

? ? Being complimented, simply because it makes her feel validated; that might seem sad or even just obvious, but it's the truth.

? ? Shopping, it's almost therapeutic for her, and a guy with money definitely had an advantage over one who doesn't when it comes to getting with Kitty.

? ? Cupcakes, she loves to make them, and she loves to eat them; she's an absolutely wonderful chef and knows how to decorate well too.

? ? Dogs, cats, and small children, because she thinks they're adorable and seems to have a way with them.

? ? Crime investigation documentaries that involve forensics, she finds them fascinating; people are often surprised by this interest as they take her for an airhead.

? ? Herbal tea is a necessity, she's usually got a flash of it.

? ? Those mirrors you get in fitting rooms in clothing stores.

? ? Eggs, in any shape or form, unless they are being baked into something.

? ? People watching her eat; dates can be a nightmare.

? ? Small talk. It may not seem like she wants to, or even that she can, but Kitty adores having real conversations about important and meaningful things- she's more interesting than she makes out.

? ? Some forms of reality television.

? ? Wearing blazers; something about them just really, really bothers her.

? ? The way the female lead typically acts in horror movies.


? Manipulation, particularly through using her physical appeal- she's never been academically intelligent, but almost makes up for it in the way that she seems to understand exactly what people want to hear and how to take advantage of that.

? Remaining poker faced is a talent of Kitty's, she doesn't best not to let you see what's running through her head as she finds it a sign of weakness.

? She's physically fit from boxing and gymnastics. I'm not sure if this counts, but it felt like I should mention it.


? Kitty is the type who craves the approval of her peers and will do absolutely anything to secure it. Therefore, she is terrified of rejection, and lets herself be pushed around so she can be accepted. She likes to think she's the queen of manipulation, but she herself is easy to manipulate.

? Disease/Illness is a general fear of hers; particularly when she was younger, Kitty would frequently visit the walk-in at the hospital claiming she had various ailments. Turns out, she was just a possible hypochondriac- sometimes she still needs the reassurance that she isn't ill from a medical professional before she can relax.

Who's your character's target? (TBUL);;

Does your character have any history with their target?(TBUL);;

How did your character earn the title of heartbreaker?;; Well, by sleeping around, using people, the usual sort of thing. There was also an incident when she supposedly led a boy along for months, dropping hints, flirting, just generally drawing him in, before she (public ally) broke his heart suddenly and abruptly. He later moved away that summer due to his dad getting a promotion. Truth be told, she loved him, it was just better for her popularity to cut things off and make herself seem dangerous- she's ashamed of that incident.

Writing Sample;;

"Kit, love, I'm off to work, see you later!"

Irritated that she'd been roused from her sleep, Kitty cracked one eye open and heard her father Andrew disappearing out of the front door. No doubt her other father, Marcus, was out walking the dogs. The blonde tried to get back to sleep to reclaim some of her Saturday morning lie-in, but the moment had passed and she was now beginning to wonder if she should just bite the bullet and wrench her body from the warm clutches of her duvet. Oh, but she was so comfortable.

Rolling over onto her side, Kitty reached for her phone and flicked it on. It took a while to scroll through the various messages, most full of winking emoticons, most from one-time hookups who didn't get the picture quick enough, but she finally found a message worth reading; her cousin Micah wanted to know if she was swinging by the shelter later. Micah worked volunteer shifts at the local animal shelter, and Kitty was a frequent visitor- she came to let the cats and walk the dogs, it was a welcome distraction from her somewhat stressful teenage life.

At long last, having found the motivation, Kitty pulled herself out of bed and was pleasantly surprised to find that the cold was bracing rather than uncomfortable- it didn't matter much as she was in the shower with hot water running down her bare skin within seconds. The shower was quick yet still refreshing, a chance to rinse off the night's dirt and start afresh, she never quite felt right if she left her house in the morning without showering. A simple pair of skinny jeans and a tank top were all she threw on for the time being, she'd grab a jacket later, but she there was a familiar feeling gnawing at her stomach and she needed some breakfast. Blonde hair bouncing around her shoulders, she bounded down the stairs to scramble some eggs to have with some smoked salmon. Hey, special Saturday treat.

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Delilah Bilyana Valkyrie




cisgender female




Delilah isn't a people person; to say the least. Though it may come as a shock considering the amount of time she spends with other people, she truly, definitely hates the general population. She has a very cynical outlook on the world and everyone in it, which partly fuels her desire to cause more chaos.


spring weather




good music

hard liquor


feeling bloated


going to bed alone

catty girls


being interrupted




she is always
brutally honest



falling in love with the wrong person

ruining things with the right person

losing control

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Name: Conor O'Murphy

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Conor hates being told what to do. He doesn't believe that others have right to tell him what to do in life. Sometimes he comes across as cocky, which he can be sometimes. But he has a personality that everyone either likes or hates. He is a very funny guy. He can be quite sarcastic. He is very wild and careless. He likes a challenge. He has a very bad temper though which I wouldn't cross. He is very overprotective of those he cares about. He can be quite jealous too. He has a soft side though. He can be quite sweet sometimes.

Background: Conor comes from a large family. His parents are quite wealthy. His mother and father had more kids than they care for. The parents don't care much for the kids though. They tend to work 25/7 and they are never there. Conor considers her grandfather his hero. His grandfather looks after the family mostly along with help from a part time nanny. Conor and his dad don't get on. Conor's dad cares a lot about the image of the family which he wants to be perfect but Conor doesn't bring that.

Likes: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Partying, Drinking, Playing guitar, Car Journeys.

Dislikes: Annoying People, Leather, Kids

Manipulation , Fighting, Popularity, Can drinking be a strength? Yes it can.

Fears: Losing his grandfather, losing someone he likes,

Who's your character's target? (TBUL): TBA

Does your character have any history with their target?(TBUL): TBA

How did your character earn the title of heartbreaker?: Conor has always been
flirtatious towards girls. Most his enemies are girls that he once had a thing with or had a night one night stand with. Conor doesn't do feelings. He never has told a girl he loved them.

Writing Sample:

Conor sat up on the unfamiliar bed, eyes widened by the sight around him. 'Who even is she?' He thought. He stared down at the long, blonde haired girl beside him. He doesn't even remember a thing about last night. All he remembers was taking a couple of shots and the rest was a blur. As he slightly attempted to move off the bed, he heard the girl make a noise which caused him to stop. He didn't want to wake her, but he also had to make a quick escape. He has done this plenty of times. Conor slowly leaned over the bed, grabbing his clothes that were laying at the end of the bed. ''1..2..3..''He counted down, before making a dash for the door.


Name: Riley Rose

Age: Seventeen


Sexual Orientation:Straight, but she isn't shamed of her girl/girl experiences either.

Personality: Riley likes to get what she wants, even when it comes to men. She uses her good looks to her advantages. She is quite a bitch. She sometimes likes to manipulate people to get her own way. If you cross her, she can get nasty sometimes. But, Riley likes to also great an image of Mrs Perfect which she isn't. She actually is extremely insecure. She doesn't like showing her nice side though. Sometimes she'll show small acts of kindness but she'll brush it off like it's nothing. She tends to get emotional sometimes too but never shows it.

Appearance(Description/Gif or Image):


Likes: Fashion, Singing, Acting, Dancing

Dislikes: People being better than her, People saying no to her, People who are cruel to animals.

Strengths: Manipulating, Lying, Acting, Cunning

Fears: Not being perfect enough, Getting her heart broken, Commitment.

Who's your character's target? (TBUL):TBA

Does your character have any history with their target?(TBUL):TBA

How did your character earn the title of heartbreaker?: She had things with guys, dated a couple for a good image at school but she never did commitment. It isn't her problem that people get feelings. She sometimes sleeps with people to get her way too.


commonly known as "nat" or "mara".




cisgender female

sexual orientation:

bisexual (prefers girls)

?In a perfect world, you could fuck people without giving them a piece of your heart. And every glittering kiss and every touch of flesh is another shard of heart you'll never see again.?

a p p e a r a n c e

height & weight:

5'3" | 132 lbs


Gorgeous. That's just one umbrella term to shoulder the entirety of her looks, and if mentioned to her, she wouldn't necessarily object. Natalie was blessed from a young age with the kind of delicate, elfin beauty combined with natural sex appeal - being one of the lucky few who had been able to skip over the awkward, acne-infested phase as a preteen. She is, of course, still human - and still has eye bags and the (very) occasional blemishes, but on good days she can go out fresh-faced without some guy telling her she looks "tired".

Natalie is a petite girl, with an ample figure and a lean but muscular build. Her curly dark brown tresses reach down to her shoulder blades and almost perfectly complement her eyes, as they contain the same shade of shiny, chocolatey brown. Nat has a naturally pallid complexion, making it almost painstakingly obvious whenever she happens to acquire a scar or blemish, and has bushy eyebrows that only faintly connect in between her eyes. A few hilarious people have poked fun at her for her "unibrow", but she personally likes that feature of hers and finds it endearing on herself (sounds vain, she knows). Nat's plump, pouty lips are probably one of her biggest assets, and it's practically a proved theory. See evidence: the countless times a person's eyes have lingered down to her lips for more than five seconds. Yep - it's a big asset alright.

p e r s o n a


Upon meeting Natalie Mareka, it is probably one's first instinct to come up with the conclusion that she's a huge and utter bitch. And you wouldn't be wrong. Nat is a superficial, vain spoiled brat among other unpleasant things. And if you're not her friend, her girlfriend or her boyfriend, it would be easy for absolutely
anyone - and I do mean anyone - to start hating her guts and antagonizing the hell out of her, even if they barely know her.


For one thing, it's not hard to assume that she's an airhead. If one would hypothetically make a study - Natalie being the
subject of so-called study - there would be several tell-tale signs of the lack of intelligence in said subject. One being, her incapability of talking about anything other than celebrity gossip, the latest runway shows, or makeup. That being said, that's actually just her trying to befriend you. Pretty much like how any other person would attempt to socialize: through common interests. Except, well, Natalie's interests aren't as valued as much as other things people are normally interested in. The things she's into tend to be downgraded as they're seen as dumb or shallow and are part of the cultural mainstream - and ew, who wants mainstream, right?

Another reason why people think so less of her intellect is probably because she's nice. To everybody. Not that she'd just go around asking to be everyone's BFF the moment she spots them, but it's established that Natalie's just a natural-born socialite. In that aspect, she's incredibly likeable - and at the same time not. For some reason, a lot of her positive traits are actually the exact things that make her the object of envious, backhanded comments. For the most part, she's oblivious to the sly remarks tossed around behind her back, and same goes for whenever someone likes her. She's not the observant type, and when someone cozies up to her, it takes her a long time before she realizes they want something more than friendship unless they tell her their incentives straight-out.

Natalie has sort of grown accustomed to being the "stupid" one. She's often the butt of a few inside jokes she shares with her friends, and although she's not the biggest fan of them, she's learned to take it all with a grain of salt. That doesn't stop her from feeling bad about herself, though. She may be completely confident about her appearance, since, let's face it - there's nothing for her
to feel bad about in that area - but her mind is a whole other thing completely. She's very insecure about her intellectual prowess, and would probably just laugh along with you even if you told her she was as stupid as a bag of bricks. In all honesty, though, Nat is actually pretty smart - whenever she decides she wants to make an effort, that is. She's just unpretentious and doesn't like all the shocked looks she gets whenever she says something even remotely clever, and she'd hate to think how people would react if she told them she actually likes reading books. Yikes.

In contrast to the doe-eyed, nice girl persona she usually undertakes, Nat can be mean when she wants to, although not many people have been subject to her biting remarks as of yet. Sarcastic isn't how someone who knows her would describe her, but they would be surprised at how clever she can be when something fuels her to act as so. Natalie is spontaneous and thrill-seeking as well - and this trait of hers is usually what draws people towards her, aside from her amiable personality. (Not to mention she's not exactly bad-looking either, so that's a plus.) Having such a short attention span, however, Natalie can be easily bored by someone or something if too repetitive for her taste. She's not fond of routines and tries to do something different everyday - and while that's an enticing quality for some, it's tiresome for the more sensible of partners. She's not as easy to handle as one would think.


Confident, charismatic, smart, seductive, friendly, open-minded, fun-loving

Vain, superficial, lazy, (occasionally) ditsy, insecure (mostly about her intelligence), easily bored


b a c k g r o u n d


Natalie never really dealt with any ground-breaking problems in her life. After all, she
did grow up in a family where money was never really a problem, and fitting in was always a piece of cake. The Marekas were good-looking, financially well-off, and not to mention white (and believe me, where she used to live - this stuff mattered). Her hometown was your typically closed-off, suburban neighborhood, and it was composed of mainly two halves: the half where all the rich, white picket fence families bundled together, and the shadier part of town where your parents made sure you carried around a can of pepper spray before you ventured in there. You could probably guess what category the Marekas fit in.

The neighborhood was, in simple words, conservative. And it wasn't exclusive to
just the rich half or just the questionably dark half - this applied to it as a whole. Most of their neighbors were Republicans who were either racist, homophobic, sexist, or just plain ignorant. But the worst of them all were the people who were seemingly all of those awful things - and they were coincidentally unavoidable - like the Plague. They were everywhere: at school, at home, at the grocery store; back handed comments and derogatory terms or names were common things to be heard around there, and at one point, Natalie noticed that even her own family had their fair share of it sometimes.

It was pretty difficult growing up for Natalie, as she often had quite a few questions popping up in her head about... well,
girls. Was it weird that she liked it when a girl pushed her hair back over their shoulders so that their neck showed? Was it odd that she found that attractive? Was it wrong that she seemed to be finding so many things about girls as appealing as when boys had those qualities? Like a window coming unfogged after rain subsides, the pieces in her head started forming together to complete the mess of a jigsaw puzzle her mind had been so submerged in. She was pretty sure now: she liked both boys and girls alike, and it wouldn't have been such a big deal had her environment been a little less heteronormative.

Natalie first kissed a girl at the age of 15. Natalie first kissed a
boy at the age of 14. And I guess that was the fact that ultimately confirmed everything: it had taken her more than a year to actually act upon what she felt. By the end of sophomore year, Nat requested her parents to move. Of course there were questions, but in the end her demand was heeded, seeing as they were financially capable and Nat had reasoned that she felt as if she wasn't getting the best education at her current school. Of course, that was enough reason to compel her parents to move, even though Nat was just trying to get out of her crusty neighborhood where narrow-minded thinking was frighteningly popular. And thankfully, she succeeded. Natalie was moved into a newer, considerably better town, where she proceeded to attend the prestigious St. Charles Private Academy.

a b o u t


~ Makeup

~ 90s inspired clothing

~ Parties

~ Fantasy books

~ Chill music


~ Judgmental people

~ Fuckboys

~ Being called stupid

~ Pop Punk music

~ Arguments


~ Socializing

~ Persuasion


~ Being useless || She doesn't think her looks would land her anywhere but a modeling job perhaps, but that's not what she wants for herself, and she fears not getting into any of the good colleges to pursue her dreams. So far, she doesn't even have any "dreams" yet, and she thinks being directionless at her age makes it all the worse.


m i s c e l l a n e o u s


theme song:

by Allie X.

To be determined

history w/ target:

To be determined

becoming a heartbreaker:

It had been a fairly gradual process, but there was definitely a turning point for her in there somewhere. After her parents finding out she was bi, they had been incredibly disapproving, and that was enough to make her spiral into a month-long tantrum. Natalie was reported missing after not having returned home for three and a half weeks. Her parents freaked, of course. It turned out she went on an impromptu roadtrip with a bunch of people, and in the process had publicly broken it off with her year-long boyfriend for supposedly being "too clingy". Needless to say, Nat arrived home slightly triumphant, with rumors whizzing around like crazy. She's eased into the heart breaker title since then, and has been quite notorious for being the kind of girl that made you follow her around like a sad puppy. At least, that's what it looks like whenever she gets into a relationship anyway.

s a m p l e

taken from playing with matches:

[Ellie, three weeks post-breakup.]

Blake hadn't been too bad. This was what Elliot thought as she sat alone in the cafe, her hands wrapped around a mug of coffee, and her scraggly orange hair piled in a bun atop her head. The heat of the drink fanned her neck as her book lay completely abandoned on the sidelines, pages waiting to be turned and a story waiting to be unraveled. But for now, time stood at a standstill, and Elliot was adamant on keeping it that way - at least for the moment. For the past hour and a half, all the girl did was think. Thinking about all the time spent on trying to patch up something so irretrievably lost, all the time wasted on a relationship that clearly wasn't going to last. Yet, as the bitter black coffee scalded her tongue, she found herself reminiscing on all the good times - which everyone knew wasn't a particularly difficult thing to do after a breakup.

She remembered the time Blake endured a ten-day beach trip with a bunch of distant relatives that even
she barely knew - facing awkward questions from her dad and nosy aunts alike. She remembered the time he ran a red light just to get her to her favorite ice cream shop before it closed down at ten. She remembered how he laughed, how he smiled, how he spoke. It was annoyingly painful, and the fact that it still hurt her irritated her even more. Ellie sighed as she absent-mindedly traced the meticulous design on the coffee mug with a slender finger, her heart leaping ever so often (whether because of Blake, or the caffeine, she didn't know). For a moment, Ellie dwelled on those memories, drowning herself in what-ifs and stupid regrets.

With one last wistful sigh, Elliot brought the cup to her lips, finishing the rest of her coffee. It was time to go, she knew. She had only ordered one thing throughout the whole time she stayed there after all, just leisurely sipping at her coffee and pretending not to notice the plethora of customers coming in and looking for tables. To be fair, she was still recovering from a breakup.
She deserved her alone time, her brain insisted, but now that she was done mulling over what had happened, she came to her senses and decided there was only one thing left to do: leave.

And it was as Ellie exited the cafe, that she had come up with a conclusion: Blake was better than she'd made him out to be. But then again, everything was always better in retrospect.

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