Azure Falls


Popcorn Connoisseur
Plot: Azure Falls was once a bustling city, filled with life and opportunity. It was peaceful and a great place to raise your kids. Brochures boasted of the beautiful waterfalls falling from the mountainside near the city. Nestled in a valley, it was cut off from the world. Many people saw it as their little piece of paradise. People often enjoyed taking a hike to the top of the falls and having a picnic on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Life moved at a different pace here.

Then, Gregor Morine and his group of loyal followers moved to the city. With his forceful, unyielding hold on the city, things changed. Gregor became the self-appointed king of Azure Falls, Nikolai Corso his right hand man. Together, these two ruled the streets, creating a new way of life in the city. People feared him and anyone who crossed their little gang mysteriously disappeared. You never said no to Gregor. Many citizens were unhappy under his rule, deciding to band together under Rick Fretz. Rick didn't have the best reputation but he wanted to protect their way of life. He was intimidating as well, striking fear in those who opposed him. He was far from a saint but he was the savior the people of Azure Falls needed. Now, these two groups have begun to clash in the streets, fighting occurring almost daily. Life is at a stand still.

What most don't know is that these two groups of people are far from normal. In ancient times, they were revered as gods, blessed with immortality and superhuman powers. Long ago, these two groups split, pursuing different interests as people forgot about them. Some wanted power. Others wanted to blend into the new society. Gregor and his group are unhappy with staying in hiding, wishing to take back their rightful place above the mortals. Rick just hopes to contain them and continue his life as normal.


  • No god-modding
  • There will be violence but stay within the site rule
  • Romance is encouraged but again, stay within the site rules
  • No one-liners. Paragraph (four sentences) minimum
  • Proper spelling and grammar
  • Don't leave people behind
  • Don't join unless you're serious. I want this to actually last.


Everyone will be a 'god' of some sort. You can base your character on mythology or just make one up, either is fine.


Age they appear as:

Siding with (Gregor or Rick):




Appearance (include human form and their 'god' form if you would like):

If you wish to be one of the following characters, PM me please. You can add more to the Bio and Personality if I allow you to take one of these characters and I'll leave the appearances up to you as well. If no one takes them, I'll be playing them.

Name: Rick Fretz

Age they appear as: 28

Siding with: Rick, of course

Powers: He has control over the weather and has superhuman strength.

Weapon(s): Sword

Biography/Personality: Rick has lived in Azure Falls for twelve years now. He's a bit of a trouble maker but he has always meant well. He just tends to get bored with everyday life. He's very kind, though, and loves this town. He wishes to protect the citizens and their way of life as well as stop his former friend from taking over once again. He, too, misses the days that they were revered but he knows that times have changed and he's accepted that. Rick's sword is very unique and legend tells that it has a secret power hidden within it that would allow the wielder to control all.


Name: Gregor "Greg" Morine

Age they appear as: 25

Siding with: Gregor

Powers: He can control the minds of mortals and he can also manipulate fire.

Weapon(s): He uses only his powers, thinking mortal weapons to be beneath him.

Biography/Personality: Greg is an ambitious young man, intent on subduing Rick and his followers so he can rule the mortals unopposed. He believes that it's his responsibility to be in power. He is unyielding and merciless. He also had a very short temper that no one would want to be on the wrong side of. He has very strict rules and his word is law but he has a soft spot for Kinsey who he lost touch with long ago but has found in Azure Falls with Rick and the others. He desperately wants to recruit her to his side. He's after the mysterious sword the Rick carries.


Name: Nikolai "Nick" Corso

Age they appear as: 25

Siding with: Gregor

Powers: He has amazing strength as well as the ability to create clones of himself

Weapon(s): Sword

Biography/Personality: Nikolai is just as frightening as Greg. He does most of the dirty work when it comes to their operation. He instructs their 'soldiers' and does most of the disciplining. He is a master swordsman. He follows Greg because he was promised power and wealth when the other gods fell.


My Character:

Kinsey Grey

Age they appear: 22

Siding with: Rick

Powers: She has the power of prophecy as well as the ability to manipulate water. She can also heal others.

Weapon(s): Bow and arrows

Biography/Personality: Kinsey worked in a bookstore prior to Greg's appearance in Azure Falls. She spent much of her time reading, though she loves people and loves to help them. She's a smart girl and she has grown to love the mortals. She has feelings for Greg that she hides, unwilling to join his side. She considers Rick to be one of her closest friends. She isn't the best with fighting. She doesn't like to hurt people as she thinks her job should be to heal them. Her healing powers have no effect on herself but she rarely goes into any dangerous battles. She is very stubborn and likes to do things her own way. She isn't good with taking orders. She wants to fighting to stop but she knows she couldn't harm Rick or Greg: she cares for them both deeply, in different ways of course. She volunteers a lot pf her time to help others, which has given her a reputation for being a good person to go to for help during these hard times. Her house has been flooded with people asking for her assistance and, even though it's stressful and quite a bit of work, she never turns anyone away.

Appearance: mortal here, god here

Name: Viktor

Age they appear as: 36

Siding with (Gregor or Rick): Rick

Powers: dragon transformation, weapons master and arcane magic

Weapon(s): Lance

Biography/Personality: Viktor is one of the remaining member of the revered dragonkin that watched the world for over 2 millenia. The reason of their near extinction of his kind was the war between his clan and 2 other clans that wish to rule over humans. As the last remaining dragon, he was given the title of "Dragon God" and now he lives with the humans his clan have protected for many years. He hopes that one day he can restore his clan to its former glory as he searches for any dragon-like creatures to take care. He is wise and willing to protect the things he loved most.

Appearance (include human form and their 'god' form if you would like): Human form View attachment 9503 God form View attachment 9504

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