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Finished [Azuran-Ryke] A week at the Docks (PT1)

As she would rock up to the hustle and bustle of the noble-filled streets, Annabelle couldn't help herself but to smile at the sight of those going about their usual daily run. Just when she thought that she was going to be doing something a little more simple and away from the noble folk, it was thanks to the task at hand that she found herself in such a familiar environment yet again, even if it was a mere street rather than a fancy event. But as much as she was comfortable even while lugging the required boxes around, her selfless nature as a maid demanded that she looked over at Kuro to check on how she was carrying her own lightweight goods, only to uncover that she was half-distracted. On one hand, they've reached their destination, but on the other, another issue arose.

She looked off into the line of people who waited in front of the Tilesworth Boutique, then her gaze turned over to an excited Kuro, who clearly showed interest at the Lottery. It was more than enough to make Annabelle smile, but as usual she knew all too well that they were better off with their own job, at least for now. Clearing her throat quietly, she tried to steer her friend in the right direction.

"Our work will have to come first I'm afraid, but let it be known that I'd be more than happy to put your name in if that's what you want. I don't wish to rain on your parade, we just have more important matters. Now, onto said important matters..." Annabelle, after her short speech of sorts, tried to peek over the looming crowd of nobles in search for an opening. Standing on the tip-toes of her strap-on shoes, she released a disappointed sigh. Clearly she wasn't tall enough, especially compared to some of the ladies who wore their oversized wigs and high heels. It however, didn't deter the maid from giving up, as she started to search around the store's outskirts for an opening. A side alley, an alternate path, anything of the like, with Annabelle thinking that could allow her and Kuro access while removing the idea of rudely barging through nobles.

And Annabelle knew well not to made a fool of herself in front of a noble.

"If we are to go in through an alternate entrance, then please, if I may ask - it may be wise that I take the lead. The fact that we're on official business should be more of a reason why we should be allowed to assist them, and judging by your... past experiences..." Just the mention of Kuro putting herself down just for the woman she was placed more of a dampener on Annabelle's mood: where was this self-proclaimed lord Kuro claimed to be?

"But I digress. If you wish to be the one who represents the business on behalf of the Boutique, then I will gladly be the one who stands with you. I will not interfere unless absolutely necessary, I'm merely here so that I may assist you. Now, shall we press on, Miss Nekomata?"
Zuì Dàmāo

Māo takes a step back as the boy comes barreling out of the blacksmiths. “Oh, it’s okay, sweetie. We’re here to deliver some stuff for the blacksmith.” She says calmly as she helps the boy up, kindly extending a hand.

She looks to the boy for a moment, her eyes raking up and down. “You’re not hurt are you?” After making sure the boy is unharmed, she let’s him go about his business before mentioning it to her companions. “Hmph. Seems like someone is in a mood. Do you guys need my help with this? Honestly…I’d really like to find that fishmonger and see if I can get a free tin off of him. God, I haven’t been this obsessed with fish since I was in college.” Māo comments the last part to herself, chuckling at her own joke. Despite this, her tail flicks back and forth anxiously as she crosses her arms, her body language giving away her discomfort.

Interactions: Lolory Lolory AbenSur AbenSur Xeese Xeese
Mentions: NimbusWing NimbusWing
*Okay, first foot out, slowly... slowly...* Tartufo attempts to come down from the tower of crates he finds himself on, but due to his size, those heights impose much more of a fright to him than expected. Looking down, the distance from where he is to the ground seems imposing, and he can only imagine the fall damage he'll take with just one misstep. Thankfully, the folks around seem much more focused on the boy that was just thrown out of the house, so he can take his time coming down without the embarrassment of looking like a small child.

Just a minute was the time needed for the mushroom to make his way back to ground level. In that time, he was able to think about the issue the blacksmith might be facing since running a store like his without coal is a real setback for the day.
*From where I come from, that boy could even be punished for failing to do his job, since it's a basic and important one. Luckily he was spared. I don't think I can handle such violence so early in the morning* Tartufo imaginarily sighs as he approaches the boy too. In his hand, a piece of paper has something written on it: "Ciao, we hail from the Nekomata Shipping. We are here to deliver some crates to the blacksmith." (Ps: Tartufo wrote this with Mao's pen during the trip here ;))

Mentions: Lolory Lolory | AbenSur AbenSur | SoftSmile SoftSmile | NimbusWing NimbusWing
Last edited:

Designer (2).png
The boy took the paper from Tartufo and read it over as Mao explained their reasoning for coming. "Ah I see, so you're why we don't have any coal today!" He sighed, and scratched his head. "That old coot just kept blaming me all morning when he found out we were short. We normally have someone else come and bring it..." The boy eyed Mao for a moment, "You are not the Catkin who delivers to us, she's well...more modestly dressed than you are, let's say it that way. And the guy who comes by isn't nearly as jacked or tan...and I don't remember them hiring a...mushroom?"

Just then, coming from out of the house was a stout dwarven man with a long and impressive bushy beard. He had a scowl on his face as he stood by the door, "Stop flirting with random women on the street, and get my coal you dunce!" The dwarf yelled. The boy had a similarly annoyed scowl on his face, but he bit back whatever mean retort he was going to sling back at the old blacksmith.

"Sorry about him, I'm Arthur and the old dwarf is Storn. I'm just the apprentice here. If you want to fully deliver these packages, you'll have to talk to that grumpy old geezer. I'm outta here." Arthur said, before he turned back to the dwarf. "Hey old man, your coal's right here!" He left the group to deal with Storn's anger. The dwarf walked closer to the group to inspect the deliveries, that same dissatisfied look on his face.

"The delivery was late? Hm, how strange...I could have sworn I'd already picked up our monthly order from the mining company." He said. "Nevermind that, help me lug this all in and you'll have completed the delivery! I've got a lot of work to do myself in that smithy."

Meanwhile, Kuro and Annabelle journeyed to the back of the store through the narrow alleyway, avoiding the curious gaze of the nobles that had gathered there that morning. As Annabelle insisted once more on just completing the task at hand, Kuro groaned and rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, where's your sense of adventure, Miss Annabelle! When I become a Lord, my maids will surely have gone on all sorts of wild expeditions with me, it builds experience. And isn't that the most important part about getting a job anyways?" She said. "Besides, my name's no good for things like this. Unless we tried to rig it or something...you see, I've been cursed with bad luck. It's like nothing ever goes my way!" As Annabelle vowed to stand by her as she did business with the boutique owner, Kuro smiled. "Great! I appreciate it, it'll do wonder's for my image. And with a real certified maid by my side I'll look way more lordly than I already am!" She ignored the fact that she wasn't wearing her usual extravagant clothing, and that she'd left her coat hanging back at Nekomata shipping. She looked more like a Lord of Rags than a Lord of anything fancy or fine.

Once they reached the backdoor, Kuro knocked rather loudly. "Hello, Nekomata Shipping, we're here with your package!" She announced loudly. As they stood on the stoop and waited, the door opened rather quickly, and two hands roughly pulledboth Annabelle and Kuro inside. Startled, Kuro straightened up after she entered the boutique with Annabelle. A man who was dressed in a flamboyant powdered wig and makeup, with the tightest satin outfit Kuro had ever seem stood before them with a panicked look on his face.

"Oh thank goodness, someone's here! Listen, you have to help me! I-" He paused for a moment and then narrowed his eyes. "Oh no it's you! Of all the people to possibly have come at this moment to aid me, it would be you, you...you alleycat! I can't believe my garbage luck!" He weeped with his head in hands. Kuro smiled, smugly.

"It's not just me, it's also my wonderful and very dutiful maid. We have come to deliver your package. I believe some thanks are in order? And payment..."

"My sense of adventure...?" At that very moment, Annabelle felt herself freeze to the ground, as she began to dwell on that question. A frown slowly peppered her face, before she shook her head in disbelief. "I'm afraid to say that my potential as a bona-fide adventurer doesn't exceed that of my abilities as a servant, Kuro. While the Servants Guild's focus on assisting others with tasks could be seen as an field similar to that of the Adventurer's Guild, we're here to serve, not to explore the world and slay beasts." Her voice wavered a little as she explained herself... although at that very point of time, Kuro was clearly pleased at Annabelle for doing what Annabelle thought any maid should do. Loyalty was key, after all, even if the resulting actions were less than preferred. Just when she was ready to take a shot on knocking the door however, she felt a hand grip upon one of the shoulder straps of her apron before she was yanked straight into the Boutique alongside Kuro. She almost dropped the crate that she was so desperately holding onto, but thankfully, dexterous hands prevailed.

There, she would herself standing before the wildly dressed noble, who found himself sobbing in front of the unlikely duo of beastkin and maid. Quickly Annabelle took a step forward, making her decision there and now. She said that she was going to represent Nekomata Shipping and stand alongside Kuro, and now was more than the time to do so. Especially since it seemed like there was more of an issue than just Kuro demanding that the delivery and payment is over and done with...

"Excuse me, Sir. I am Annabelle Thistlehart, an apprentice maid from the Servant's Guild that is here on behalf of the Nekomata Shipping Company alongside my friend here - Kuro Nekomata. We have with us your requested crates of goods, but it also seems that we've come at a desperate time in your life."

With her explanation out of the way, she searched for a nearby bench - or anywhere that was out of the way, really - where she could place the crate of goods she held as a temporary location before standing with Kuro, hands on her neat white apron with a gentle smile on her face.

"The worst thing we can do at this moment is to panic, Sir, and I'm certain you want to do well for others. Please, do explain yourself calmly and clearly, and perhaps the two of us can assist you with what you need. Perhaps even a cup of tea will also be enough to calm your nerves in the meantime?"
Zuì Dàmāo
Māo looks to her companions before sighing. “Hey! It’s not my fault, the usual catkin that does these deliveries was lazy and slow, so don’t go blaming me.” She says, a little annoyed. “Plus, that girl looks nothing like me. Let’s put it that way.” She tosses back her long hair, accentuating her point.

A small scowl forms on her face, hmph. Even comparing the two was a bit insulting. Kuro wasn’t unattractive or anything, but they looked so different it was hard to believe they were from the same race at all. Māo pondered on the thought for a moment. She guessed being reborn as a neko or ‘catkin’ whatever the locals call it was a stroke of good luck. She did like wearing those kitty ears back in her twenties.

Storn walked over to the deliveries, inspecting as he spoke. "Nevermind that, help me lug this all in and you'll have completed the delivery! I've got a lot of work to do myself in that smithy."

Māo groaned outwardly before dramatically sighing. “Come on, let’s get these in before we’re here all day. Momma needs a drink.” Māo picks up the smallest box she can find a begins hauling, the bell on her heels chiming loudly as she does so. At least you knew she was coming, it would be hard to bump into her even with a box crowding a person's vision.

Interactions: Lolory Lolory Xeese Xeese AbenSur AbenSur
Mentions: NimbusWing NimbusWing

“Our Apologies Ser Storn we’ll make sure your supplies are ready expeditiously! And then we can explore the sights to our leisure before Lady Kuro and Annabelle return.” With the second half whispered into Mao’s ear, Tyrmar quickly pulled the cart closer to the smithy entrance before unravelling himself.

Taking two boxes on one arm and a third carrying Tartufo he made his way inside the smithy, taking in the right of its locations in the midst of roving ships and crashing waves. The building looked well attended to even though it seemed to house only a master and apprentice, in short it was the prime example of a fantasy smith’s workshop and Tyrmar’s heart fluttered at the experience.

“I ask that you excuse our tardiness Ser Storn, we’re new hires and aren’t quite used to this town as of yet.”

Mentions: Lolory Lolory NimbusWing NimbusWing
Xeese Xeese SoftSmile SoftSmile

The Designer (2).pngBoutique owner took a handkerchief out and messily blew his nose before he went into a long dramatic spiel. "Well you see, it all began a month ago when I got the brilliant idea to hold some kind of event at my own fashion house." He sighed. "Business has been going well, but it could be going great if I reached the right people. So, I decided I'd hold a raffle of some kind and that the winner of said raffle would get a special commission from yours truly! I had everything ready, I pushed advertisements about the raffle for ages, I went to all of the night parties I could to spread the word, I even paid the daily paper a hefty sum to put my shop's raffle as a headline! And as you can see, it worked wonders!" He gestured to the large crowd of nobles outside of his boutique.
Kuro shrugged, confused. "So...What's the problem? Just hold the raffle, it shouldn't be that hard." The man scoffed at her.
"It wouldn't be...except I don't have the one thing I need to make sure this raffle goes the right way! You see, not just anyone can win the raffle, it has to be a noble! There's commoners out there as well, you know, lord knows how they managed to get their hands on some tickets. And I'd be a laughing stock if I...if I put someone poor in my own designs!" He weeped dramatically, and Kuro rolled her eyes at him.

Geez, what a pompous tool..."So you were just going to rig the raffle anyways so someone rich could win? That sounds really...cheap. And kind of shady. What's that got to do with us, anyways?" She wondered why he had been calling for help when he pulled the both of them here.
"I ordered a special machine from Widersia, it's a ticket counter straight from Gambler's Row! However this one's been specially made to always pick a ticket that has a certain mark on it. The people outside have no idea what that mark is or how to identify it since it's not visible to the eye. However...the machine isn't here yet! I don't know what's the issue, but the shipping company I normally use hasn't been on top of things in a while." Kuro felt a mischievous grin grow on her face as she eyed Annabelle next to her.

"Oh it just turns out we've got your package right here. What a coincidence!" She said, showing him the package. He beamed widely and went to grab at it, but Kuro put it out of his reach. "But I don't think someone as rotten as you deserves to get their mail on time, sorry! I have half a mind to chuck all of this stuff out and call it a day!"
"You wouldn't dare!" The man said.

ImageWhile this was happening, the smithy was lively and full of activity. When Mao, Tyrmar, and Tartufo walked in to help the Blacksmith set his packages down, they saw something they weren't quite expecting. "Ah dammit, I woke the furnace up with all that yelling and racket earlier... Nevermind, we'll just have to hurry and feed it." He said. It being the "furnace" which was really some ginormous strange creature made of actual brick and mortar. It was a living stone furnace that huffed animatedly with soot flying out of it's enormous maw every second. Right now there was no fire in it's mouth so to speak. The Blacksmith took the packages and immediately began to unravel them, only to reveal the coal that he'd berated the boy for.
"This is Burny, my one and only living furnace. He's a family heirloom you know! He became enchanted hundreds of years ago through some random mishap with an elf mage, though I can't remember the details...and it don't matter! Here, take these coal stones and just throw him in his mouth for me. He needs something to start the fire." The dwarf took a lot of the coal to demonstrate and "fed" them to Burny, who happily ate them up.

Annabelle gladly proceeded to listen in as the distressed gentleman who ran the Boutique went over his sad story. An event for the fashion house to drum up business, a plan that had taken a month to come to one's full fruition. It was clear that this raffle was the centerpiece of this man's work for quite some time now, and Annabelle's opinion on the gentleman didn't seem to fade away. She valued the hard work of others, and a man who had placed money, blood, sweat and finally tears into his craft seemed respectable in her eyes, regardless of his status.

Then came the issue at hand. A mystical lottery machine that doesn't leave things up to chance, but confirms the outcome depending on the desires of the one who ordered it. Annabelle did gently raise an eyebrow at this. While it did seem a little suspicious, she was not in the situation to question, to interfere, or to even say no. Her loyalty to her job for Kuro's father and her journey as a maid came first.

But as Kuro suddenly procured the package containing the gentleman's desired lottery machine, Annabelle couldn't help but to gasp in shock as instead of giving the man what he so requested, she instead did the opposite, threatening not to give it to him and to toss it out like it was some useless garbage out on the street.

"Oh my!"
Annabelle gasped... and at that moment, her perspective of Kuro seemed to change... but the pieces that emerged slowly made sense.​

Kuro did seem like a decent person in Annabelle's eyes. She was honest about that. But it was clear that Kuro was retaliating with how others treated her, whether it was for her status or even her race as a beastkin. Posing as a Lord, not wanting to do such hard work under the watchful eye of her tireless father, and how she had previously claimed that others didn't seem to hold a very positive opinion on her. Annabelle didn't want to jump to conclusions... but in her eyes, she felt as if Kuro may have been a little too irritated about how the nobles saw her to be, along with having the dreams of one day standing alongside them. And this was her form of retaliation.

But as a woman with her own job and respect of others on the line, Annabelle knew that she had to step in.

"Excuse me." She said out aloud, moving from being by Kuro's side to placing herself in between the desperate Boutique owner and her newly made friend, Annabelle stood tall and firm. Well, as tall and as firm as she could, considering that she was still but a simple maid and not a person who held much strength or authority to her name.

"I'd hate to do this, Kuro... but I would highly recommend that you give the man what he had requested. It is actions like this that explain why people see you in such a terrible way. Your delivery business that your father has placed painstaking hours into has a reputation to uphold, and regardless of whatever squabbles you have with nobles or those who disrespect you, you should not get in the way of that. We're here to do our jobs, not to destroy what trust two businesses have with each other... so please. Give the man the lottery machine, and allow him to run the game with his customers. It may not sit well with you, but for a manner such as this, we should not be playing 'adventurer putting a stop to evil' like you think we should."
Interactions: NimbusWing NimbusWing

Designer (2).png
Kuro sighed, Geez why do all my friends nag me all the time? She could practically hear Winrey saying the same thing that Annabelle was telling her (albeit in far fewer words and a more monotone voice) but still. Kuro handed the box closer to the Boutique owner. "You know, Annabelle. You're right. Even if this guy is a total pompous tool, I should give him his mail. I mean, even jerks deserve their packages too, you know...?" Just as he was about to finally take the package from Kuro with wide, hopeful eyes, she snatched it away again. "...is what I would say if I actually believed any of that! Give me one good reason I shouldn't just jinx this guy and his dumb ticket machine! And don't mention the job, I beg of you! My Uncle's not gonna be that upset if one rich guys package isn't delivered."

The Boutique owner still eyed the package in Kuro's hands. "If you hold onto it any longer, you just might jinx me. Hand it over already!" He seemed hesitant to go for it himself, trying his best to avoid directly touching Kuro herself. And Kuro knew this, and held the box behind her casually with a smirk on her face.

"Oh now there's an idea! I could just hold onto this package long enough for my horrible luck to rub off on it, and then hand it to you. Who knows what could happen if I held it for just a few moments longer, hm?" She teased, holding the box out of arms length of both of them. She liked seeing the conflicted look on the Boutique owners face as he struggled with whether or not grabbing the box from her was a good idea or not. "What's the matter, scared your lucks gonna run out if you touch me? Well, you should be!"

"Lord Nekomata's Jinx"- Magic, Selective Magic, Affinity (Debuff) | Can temporarily leave a mark of bad luck on an object or person so long as that person or object touches the user. Grade E-1 Post Cooldown
As she had found herself in the strange three-way confrontation between the prim and pompous owner of the boutique on one side, and Kuro on the other, Annabelle knew that she had to make a choice - and fast. All of this time and she didn't even know that Kuro seemed to be a magnet for 'bad luck'... The threat of jinxing the box as to do something unknowingly unpredictable however was something that the maid couldn't really comprehend, especially at such a sudden moment. But at that moment, she knew what she had to do, even if it left a poor feeling in her gut for the sake of her work.

She took a breath, before she swung herself around, standing by Kuro. She dared not make any sudden moves, making her intentions clear as the afternoon sky that had once loomed over the two. And then she spoke.

"So be it. I will not oppose you then, Miss Nekomata." Annabelle made in announcement, keeping her hands to herself as to make sure that she let Kuro and her strange ability take hold. She didn't exactly know the details behind what she was capable of, let alone what was going to happen next. It wasn't like Annabelle thought she was able to stop Kuro anyways. But whatever could happen, she could at least clean up the mess, both for the sake of the woman she's working with, and for the security of her job as a maid.

Her eyes shot back towards the boutique owner, bowing with a mixture of a serious yet saddened expression strewn across her face.

"My honest and sincere apologies for this severe inconvenience, but I'm afraid that as a hired worker under Saldana Nekomata I can't directly oppose the words and actions of my superiors, such as Miss Nekomata here. I hope you do understand and find yourself proper business, and perhaps it would be for the best that at a later date, you shall not judge a book by one's front cover."

“B-Burny?” Māo commented at the living furnace, taking a step back from its vicinity. “Of course you have a living furnace, why did I expect anything different.” She laughs awkwardly, scratching the back of her head as she watches the blacksmith casually feed the object.

“I don’t think I’ll be doing that though.” Māo subtly excused herself, bringing in the rest of the packages that she could carry without strain inside as they had their fun. She kept a wide berth away from the living object, praying to herself that it wouldn’t start talking in some creepy voice.
Isekai Hell Grade

Lolory Lolory Xeese Xeese SoftSmile SoftSmile NimbusWing NimbusWing AbenSur AbenSur

Interesting choice splitting the party. Hard to know if that was for the best based on who made it to the end or if it created the situation to some degree. Mute characters are always a handful. Rp had a nice whimsy to it. Guess we will see what part 2 has at some point. Too bad half the party seem to fade in the last month of the rp. Maybe a new round of employee drafting will help.




Optional title for those not listed as partial participants - Nekomata Shipping Employee F - character is an entry level employee of the Nekomata shipping company. The pay isn't good, the benefits are worse, and the notoriety of the business is zero. A job is a job, at least.

Kuro - 43pts

Annabelle Thistlehart - 39pts

Māo - 17pts

Partial Participation

Tartufo - 18pts

Tyrmar - 8pts

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