Something Cloudy
"No, no, no. You're right, it needs to be sent their way in the end, right? It's what you want and it's worth a shot otherwise." She confirmed with Kasumi, confirming the request of the de-facto 'leader' of this unlikely group of ladies.
At this point of time, it was clear in Evelyn's mind that the invitation being sent needed to be done ASAP. With ideas, costumes and other assorted nonsense being thrown around the party as if they were darts striking a board, Evelyn knew it that Kasumi had some level of understanding of what the potential stakes could be if there was somebody corrupt under the hood. It would have been the first time she really had to butt heads with a legitimate enemy... and that was the thing that was worrying the courier the most. There was only so much she could do even with her connections with the guild, and reaching out a little farther may result in consequences that even she could not handle. There needed to be preparations behind this.
"There is just one issue, though. They simply won't just let me waltz inside even if I was officially a part of the Adventurer's Guild. And even if I were to send the invitation their way, there is just no way that I can confirm that it's getting into the proper hands. I think that I may have... well... the closest shot among the four of us of getting inside, but it still won't be enough if we all need to get properly invited." Taking a seat once more with a bored huff, she peered over at one of the letters that she had in thought. Could there have been another way?
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