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Realistic or Modern Azeal order

As soon as the ogre moved, so did Ethan, throwing himself behind the wall in the hall as the bullets from the ogre sank into the wall. So, he is not going to come quietly. Ethan didn't expect as much, but the option has to always be presented. Now there's nothing to hold Ethan back, besides the need to take him alive. The Order has ways to make otherworlders talk, if they do not divulge their secrets willingly. After the bullets sank into the wall, and a few moments past, Ethan followed his training. As quick as a flash, and in a smooth motion, Ethan stepped out from behind cover, aimed squarely at the table, and fired. The advanced propulsion of an Azeal pistol would allow the bullets to puncher straight through the wooden table to sink into the ogre behind it.
The ogre screams in pain as the bullets hit him. "I yield I yield," he shouts immediately. "I dont know anything. They pay me to guard the door as they kidnap people. I dont know what they do with them or where they go. Honest. I just make sure no one wonders in. It was an easy gig and they paid me well."
"Whatever you say," Ethan said, stepping out over to the ogre really nice and carefully, keeping his pistol trained on him the whole time. Then, reaching for the shackled with his free hand, he would use their bindings to cuff the ogre up with unbreakable chains, kicking the ogres pistol away from him when dropped. "You can tell your sad little life story during interrogation," Ethan said, before pressing on, "Now, what were you guarding and where are your employers?"
"They are farther in," the ogre huffs. It's funny how quickly his attitude changed now that he is injured. "I'm not sure where. They just told me to make sure no one comes in. I see them leave and bring back truckers. I dont know why. I know nothing about them, didnt ask for details, they just found me on the street one day and offered me a large sum of money to stand here."
"Alright, I will check that out," Ethan said, looking further into the fort, before adding, "Oh, and if you start screaming or trying to escape, I'll put a bullet in your head myself. Just so we're clear."

With that said, Ethan proceeds deeper into the fort, keeping his wits about him as he delves into the dark. The stench of evil just keeps getting stronger. Ethan braces himself for whatever he might find in this place.
As Ethan goes deeper the light dims until he is walking in total darkness. The hall he found himself in is pitch black and full of spider webs. "Made it past the ogre," a woman's voice speaks to him from the darkness. "Not surprised they are rather dull creatures."
Ethan would once again take use of his angelic powers, projecting out his own light all round him, to see where he is and what he is facing.
The hall lit up. Full of spider webs but no one around. Something fell from the ceiling. A string but it burned as it landed across Ethan shoulder.
Ethan would give out a growl of pain, stepping back and wiping his shoulder, before aiming his pistol up at the ceiling...

As soon as Ethan aimed up the spider was already upon him. Landing on top of him. Using its legs to pin Ethan down. Bringing her face inches from him. "You have no idea what your in for going in there." She told him
Ethan could only turn his head away from the creature, her breath fowl from a rotten stench, before looking to her with no small amount of hostility. "Dear Gods, you are ugly," Ethan growled at the creature, "Not even your mother would love a mug like yours."
As Ethan talked the spider began stringing webs around him starting with his feet. "Quiet now. You will make a tasty meal." The spider used its legs to spin him around as the webs climbed up his legs
"I'll take that as both a confession and a threat of lethal force," Ethan said, before he added, the edge of a threating lining his every word, "Now, tell me something, creature. Do you like fire? Because I like fire."

Ethan closed his eyes, concentrated, finding it within himself. The spark of his magic, something that every angel can tap into, the magic that comes from their homeworld. Holy fire, eternal white flames that can burn almost at higher temperatures than any ordinary flame, and they hurt like it as well. Ethan drew upon that flame, fanned it and fed it, growing the flame until it became a fire, and then into an inferno. And just when the creature had covered most of his body in webbing, he unleashed that flame, opening his mouth and casting white hot flames straight into the creatures face, covering her and the webs in fire. The flames did short work on the webbing, eating away at it until it fell away, releasing Ethan and dropping him to the floor, turning in the air and landing on his feet. All of those years of training are really paying off.
The spider lay in a burnt clump and the hallway was clear of webs. That's two creatures hired to guard this place and still no real answers. Spiders such as her are not usually seen by humans or other worlders. The creatures that children say hide in their closets at night live in a place called the underworld. Underworld is an underground city built long ago as the result of a secret war between other worlders.

The next room had a large table with chairs around it and a fireplace at the far end. Across the table was an old dusty map of the area outside the fort. This was some sort of battle planning room. The map was not modern and written on with x's and lines going in different directions. It doesn't look like it was touched in a very long time. The far end of the table had heavy chains and their was a young man shackled at the ankle.


He looked up at Ethan not knowing if he was with them or not
((Sorry for the delay. If I don't respond after a few days, feel free to poke me. I don't mind a bit of a reminder, as long as it's not incessant. ^_^ ))

After the creature had died, Ethan expected to find the remains of the lost humans here in this room, fed to this creature. But as the fires calmed along with Ethan, and he had the chance to search the room, he would not find any such remains. The first otherworlder was hired as a guard. But this one, this spider, seemed too feral to be anything more than a monster. Could it have been guarding something too?

Upon inspection, and behind a wall of webbing, Ethan would find yet a further path even deeper into this ruined fort. And with little else to go on, he ventured through, keeping his gun and his senses alert to any further threats. He would soon come to another room, this one more comfortable and clean, with a grand fireplace and a long table, a map laying open on top of it. But as Ethan looked over the length of the table, he would see that someone was sitting there, and Ethan raised his gun to him immediately.

"You the one in charge here?" Ethan would ask, cautiously approaching the man, but as he grew closer Ethan would be able to see that the man was in fact chained down to his chair. Ethan lowered his gun slightly, but remained suspicious. Ethan would ask in addition, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Ethan did also spy the map. It had all manner of hand-drawn markings against it, a plan of sorts. It was very old, though, and doesn't seem to have been used in a long time. It may be nothing more than a relic from long before today, when this fort saw military occupation.
The man looked at Ethan. "Astion," he said. "I was on my way to make a delivery in San Francisco. Their was a woman in the road. I pulled over to see if she needed help but before I could even get out of the truck I was surrounded by people in black robes. Next thing I know I'm waking up chained in here. So who are you?"
"I'm with the authorities," Ethan told the man, "A special detective, you might say. Now, do you know where these robed individuals have gone? Have you seen or heard anything that might tell me who they are or what they were doing here, any information that might help in my investigation?"
"I've haven't seen anyone since I woke up here. Their was a plate of food and a glass of water next to me." He said gesturing toward the empty plate and glass. "I haven't even been able to go to the bathroom." The man was wet and smelled of urine. He must have soiled himself quite a few times. The glass was small so he was most likely dehydrated as well. "but sometimes I hear music coming from upstairs. It almost sounds like a music box."

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