The Blighted Knight
- Nation Building
As soon as the ogre moved, so did Ethan, throwing himself behind the wall in the hall as the bullets from the ogre sank into the wall. So, he is not going to come quietly. Ethan didn't expect as much, but the option has to always be presented. Now there's nothing to hold Ethan back, besides the need to take him alive. The Order has ways to make otherworlders talk, if they do not divulge their secrets willingly. After the bullets sank into the wall, and a few moments past, Ethan followed his training. As quick as a flash, and in a smooth motion, Ethan stepped out from behind cover, aimed squarely at the table, and fired. The advanced propulsion of an Azeal pistol would allow the bullets to puncher straight through the wooden table to sink into the ogre behind it.