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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Avolair Academy: School For The Supernatural [Accepting][Sandbox][Character Sheet][Modern Fantasy]



Avolair Academy
A supernatural academy roleplay with Fairy Tail elements, tournaments, additional dangers, and open world.
(Full information below)
Avolair Academy is a new school that appears to be your everyday, average boarding school. It looks as if the rich are housed here, pampered, and given the best treatment and education around. In some instances, that is true, however, Avolair Academy is a school for the supernatural. Not only the supernatural but anyone who possesses magic goes here. They are not allowed to apply, they are invited - there are some exceptions however. Here they are taught how to use their abilities, given the best education around, from teachers who have been around forever, and are able to participate in tournaments to test their abilities. The school can seem chaotic due to the mass amount of different types of students, and often times there are fights among different races, but now and then there are those moments where they co - exist peacefully. Students also can take place in circles, supernatural organizations with varying goals that occasionally do missions, community service, social gatherings, and more. Outside of the academy, there are those known as hunters, whom the students have not been informed about. They are like bounty hunters whom are supposed to bring back the dead bodies (or body parts) of the supernatural for money. Though there are some that insist on purely torturing and toying with them. The school tries its best to keep said people away, but their number grows by the day.

While at the academy students do not hear from or see their loved ones, unless they are in the academy themselves. They are stripped of all personal electronics (though the school has its own electronics such as computers, lounge televisions). There is a large amount of land surrounding the academy, and students live in dorms having one or two dorm-mates. They do not choose their dorm mates and see them on the first day.

Many secrets lurk about this academy, but no one knows if they are true...


Type A: Type A vampires are your basic sensitive to sunlight, garlic, die by the stake vampires. The need to drink blood every so often to even stay alive, and they are pale in complexion. They often have a great sense of smell and are very agile and quick on their feet.

Type B: Type B vampires are like type A vampires but have went so often without blood, that they have become emotionally unstable. They are violent when hungry, even if it is not in their nature, and they are stronger in physical strength when hungry than normal vampires. The downside is they are hungry way more often, and their bite is extremely painful. It is rumored that when on the brink of death, the males can poison with their fangs when they bite - regardless of if that was their intention.

Type C: Type C vampires are like backwards vampires. They are extremely rare as well. They are not sensitive to sun, they don't dislike garlic, and a stake is not their natural enemy. They are like that of humans except one thing. They need to bite - to give blood. They need to get rid of excess blood every so often or they fall ill and throw up blood or get extreme bloody noses. These vampires are able to read emotions of those they bite and their bite is said to feel nothing but amazing.


Type A: These werewolves are like shape shifters, they change at will into their werewolf or dog like form, and at will they change back. They have a great amount of endurance, stamina, are quick on their feet, and are always warm.

Type B: These werewolves only change during the full moon, however they are much stronger than type A when in their wolf form. They are natural lovers of the night, and also heal quickly in their wolf form.


Type A: The only type of demon, they do not have wings like some people think. They have a good amount of strength and heightened senses. They are good fighters when it comes to darkness and shadows. The night is often their friend. Most of the time they are cunning or deceitful.


Type A: Type A is your stereotypical female (or male) that attracts the opposite sex and is often times able to get them to do things just by talking to them. They are alluring to anyone of the opposite sex, even if they don't want to be. Additionally their second level of allure is manipulation, which makes them completely undeniable and in a kind of trance, those kissed while in the trance, can have energy sucked from them over time. They are always attractive, and they have heightened senses, voices like silk, and their touch is always warm. Additionally, they have demonic horns, wings, and tails.

Type B: It is extremely rare, but type b is somewhat like that of type A, except they attract the same sex, and REPEL the opposite sex. Their allure and appearance is the same.


Type A: Type A zombies look like normal humans, however they cannot be in the light or they will slowly burn. They were people once human, who died and were brought back to life by a necromancer. Zombies are the walking dead and thus cannot die - ever. They never appear to age. They are physically strong though a little fragile. They do fail pain when injured, though the heal themselves over time even if decapitated.

Type B: Type B zombies are like zombies you see in horror movies. They ARE the dead, scary, creepy, slow and slow talkers as well. Hard to understand, not easy on the eyes.


Type A: Type A ghosts look like humans, humans that cannot be touched and cannot touch anything. They do not age, they are already dead, and have no special traits.

Type B: Type B ghosts cannot be seen, they are like spirits, you hear them, maybe you feel them, but you never see them.


Type A: Type A wizards need some sort of item like a wand, pendant, or etc to use magic. Without it they are rendered useless. They know certain types of spells in which they must recite to cast - they are otherwise human.

Type B: Type B wizards do not need anything to cast their magic, but do recite spells just like type A wizards - they are otherwise human.

Type C: Type C wizards do not need to recite anything, nor do they need an item, their magic ranges from many things, but they are known to lose energy quickly due to their amount of power. They are your massive damagers, but constant fighting is not their forte.


Type A: Alchemists are your everyday humans who tamper with items, potions, your general alchemy to create misc magical like creatures or objects. They are otherwise human.


Type A: Type A necromancers are able to resurrect the dead. They are able to bring someone back to life thus making them a zombie, kill a zombie which they have resurrected (the only way to kill them.) Or, give a ghost a body. If someone has been long dead, they can temporarily control them. They are otherwise human.

Type B: Type B necromancers are able to kill any undead, and bring them back as their eternal slave. These are extremely rare.

Dark Magicians

Type A: Type A uses dark and forbidden magic which is often dangerous to not others but its caster. They work with magic regarding shadows, darkness, blood, and poison. It is not rare for them to die due to their magic.

Type B: Type B uses lost magic, overpowered single shot spells, some which have the power to even kill someone. Every time they cast one of these spells, their life span shortens and they become more and more emotionally and physically fragile.


Perfectly human, hunters are haters of supernatural beings and humans who use special supernatural fighting items, or sometimes but rarely, have obtained a way to use magic themselves. Their sole purpose is to hunt and kill them, and often bring them back for an award. Depending on if they work alone, or for an organization, their rules and morals vary.


Ranks are given to all magic users as soon as their abilities are made public. Each person is called up by the magic council to be tested and placed in an appropriate ranking which they will have cast on them (and this cannot be manipulated or covered), somewhere on their body. This can only be removed and changed by the members of the council. Most mages start at the lowest ranks, though those who hide their abilities tend to have their results vary. Magic users are retested every year, Avolair academy students are tested every month.

1. One is the highest rank there is available to those who possess magic. Those who are rank one have learned to fully control their powers, strengthened them, and possibly even expended into other areas of expertise, and sometimes mastered those as well. A few even have rare magic. (Limit 3) (Taken:1)
Sub ranks:

A. Those ranked with 1A have mastered one area of magical expertise, and are likely the strongest person possessing this power. This is a very rare rank to get and is reranked often as new mages progress to rank one. It is extremely rare for mages to rerank as 1A.
B. 1B is typically a mage who has mastered their main ability and branched out into other abilities, being proficient in those areas but still are stronger with their natural ability. This is the most common rank. (Taken)
C. Those ranked at 1C have mastered their abilities, branched out into other areas, and also mastered those areas. This is an extremely rare ranking. (Taken)

2. Rank two is for mages that have fully mastered their main ability, and have just started to branch out into other areas of magic. (Limit 3)
3. Rank three is for mages that have good control over their main area, but have either not expanded to new ones, or have less control over others.(Limit 6) (1/6)
4. Rank four is for mages that have slight to moderate control over their abilities. This is the most common rank among mages. (Unlimited)

Sub ranks:
A. Sub rank a is the less common rank, it is for mages that have some control in one area, and have shown potential to expand. (all areas).
B. The most common rank, these mages have some control in one area, but not good understanding, nor have they shown hidden potential for anything else.

5. Rank Five is for mages that have little to no control over their abilities. (Unlimited)
Sub Ranks:

A. Mages in rank A typically have little control over their magic, and have a hard time using their powers or tire easily from attempts to use them.
B. Mages in rank B have absolutely no control over their powers and/or are a harm to themselves or others.

Unranked. Unranked people have yet to be ranked. Often they have just discovered their abilities or have been hiding them from the general public. Those invited into the academy always know of magic people posses, whether they reveal that to the person or not.

Extra Curricular/clubs/sports:

Water Polo
Dance (basic)
Dance Team (competitive)

Music Club
Art Club
Photography Club
For the World (volunteering club)
Fashion Club
Home Economics Club
Video Game Club
Martial Arts Club

Student Body:

Vice President:
Financial Manager:

Race Rankings (do not apply to humans):

Pureblood: People born within a family of pure (insert creature) blood - does not apply to human types. They are often powerful, and sometimes feared. The stereotype possesses the most money, usually has followers, and always a protector. However, this is not always the case.
Nobles: Second after purebloods. They are strong as well but not as much so, they come from money but not as much as a pure blood.
Basic: Your everyday, average (insert creature here.)


Every pureblood needs a guardian, often times nobles are their guardians, or very skilled humans. Guardians usually protect that of their own race - again, unless they are human or hybrid. However, exceptions can always be made, there is no rule against anything else. Guardians can be students, however, they don't have to be.


You are only allowed to hybrid two races together, they may not be overpowered. Being hybrid will make traits from each side a bit weaker, please be detailed in your sheet.


Some races are able to use a weapon, and can bring them into the school to use for tournaments, as well as certain approved missions. Use of weapons for anything other than this, is forbidden, and will get one expelled, or even reported to authorities. Weapons may have two different types of origins, they may either be obtained from an area outside of the school, often passed down by family, especially when it comes to royalty. These weapons are basic and stay in their current form forever. The most common origin is obtained from the school itself. These weapons are created from a portion of the essence of the student, fused with a treasured item to them. This then creates a live weapon, that grows with the student, as they continue to get stronger. Traits, appearance, and ability of the weapon completely reflects the student themselves. This is why students are asked to name their weapons, as they are actually living beings, whose only way to die, is when they do. Should any kind of status affliction affect the student, it affects the weapon as well. Certain students cannot wield weapons such as ghosts, zombies, and dark witches. Regular witches are only able to use magical weapons, whereas other races are more versatile.

High School

Earth Science
US History
Social Studies
Physical Education

Self Control
Defensive Techniques
Power Amplification
Survival Training
Weapon Mastery
Potion Creation
Study of Magic Creatures
Metal & Woodshop: The creation of weapons
Magic Mastery
Adaptation: Controlling powers and your characteristics in different environments



College schedules are more lenient, and since you choose more major, you are going to get to make up your classes. Your schedule is not the same as high school students, and you pick the times and days you want to go to school.

Race heads

Race heads are the purebloods of their race, whom lead and watch over their kind. They are not voted as head, but simply get there based on power. These people have some control over their race the others would not.

(It is not completely necessary, to have a race head, though. Not applicable to humans.)

Vampire head:
Werewolf head:
Demon head:
Zombie head:
Ghost head:
Succubus/incubus head:


Circles are groups outside the school, or within the school, that have formed for various reasons. Each circle has their own requirement for mages, some of them more strict than others. Circles are one hundred percent legal, although each individual circle's actions and goals may not be. Circles vary in size and are located all over the world, there are however 'Regal' circles. These circles tend to be located by landmarks or high traffic areas. They are the more popular and sought out circles, there is even one within the school. Circles may be started by anyone of rank, they must receive permission from the council and a temporary advisor for their circle. They then receive a permit in which to house their circle.

Some circles have an agenda such as heroic acts, others acts of service, others go after hunters to try and save their kind (when revealed), some go on 'missions' posted to try and help those in need. Missions are something currently exclusive to the school, so circles within the school often have them to some extent.

Here are some general circle ideas, feel free to pick one you would like to lead/be a part of. Those who wish to lead can expand upon what I have written so do notify me immediately. You may also create your own circles, and recruit for them

Circle 1: Circle one is a circle that welcomes all levels of mages. This circle wishes to give those that feel like outsiders and loners or just different a home. They are about equality and acceptance and are a very homy group. Your home away from home if you will. They are not to be underestimated, however, they do have their handful of powerful mages. (Located within the school)

Circle 2: Circle two requires rank three or higher. This circle is about bettering oneself and hard work. They believe they have a greater purpose in life than to sit around wasting away their powers or causing issues around the city. They are very disciplined and are put through vigorous training among enrollment. (Located within the school)

Circle 3: Circle three requires mages of rank four or higher. This circle is a rather unruly group with a general superiority complex. This circle causes a lot of trouble for those around them and seems to make it their job to give others a hard time. They are within their own right, a strong circle that is somewhat chaotic. - The problem circle / the some misfits, some bad guys. (Located within the school)

Circle 4: Circle four requires rank 2 or higher, immediately denial upon revealing of other ranks. This circle is extremely secretive, not even their own members have seen their leaders face (or have they?). This circle's goals are rather unknown by those around them. - The generic evil/bad guy circle. (Located outside the school in one of the main cities)


Divisions apply to ranks within a circle, division rankings vary depending on the leader of said circle.
They can be based on strength, loyalty, progression, reliability, trust, general 'usefulness', age, etc.


There are different types of tournaments that take place different times of the year, every student is required to attend the tournaments even if they aren't in them, as guests. However, some tourneys are mandatory to test progress of students. As prizes students receive trophies and it is considered a high honor amongst the school.

Types of tournaments:


Tourney A: Your basic by elimination singles tournament [Mandatory]
Tourney B: Survival, everyone against everyone, last man standing wins. [By choice (though must be in ONCE within their whole stay at the school.)]
Tourney C: Target practice- the students must hit targets that go further and further. Highest score wins. [By choice]
Tourney D: Usually the smallest tourney - Spotlight- students with magic appealing to the eye compete in a non violent way, showcasing their magic. Most skilled and attractive wins. [By Choice]
Tourney E: Obstacle course of sorts - changes every time. Can be physical obstacles, as well as monsters, creatures, or people in your way. Considered dangerous.[By selection of school committee.]


Tourney A: Your basic elimination match, but in teams. Sometimes chosen at random, sometimes chosen by students. [Mandatory]
Tourney B: This is a teachers vs students match. An often favorite. [By choice]

You may modify the character sheet to be coded however you would like, you may also ask to use the codes of those around you, real face claims required. You may use as many images as you'd like. Information post and interest check: here .

Profile Sheet
Student and teacher (tweak for teacher, tell me what you teach)

(14-21/student) (16-30/guardian - can be students too) (23+ teacher)


[size=70][url=Song link]Song name[/url]
[center][size=150][font=palatino linotype][b]"[/b][color=#000000]Quote[/color][b]"[/b][/font][/size]
[size=150][center]Full Name[/center][/size]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]INTRODUCTION[/b][/font][/size]


[[u]B A S I C S[/u]]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]PHYSICALITY[/b][/font][/size]

[[u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u]]
Body Markings:[/b]

[[u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u]]

[right][b][u]Moral Alignment[/u][Here]
[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]MENTALITY[/b][/font][/size]
[/right][size=120][[u]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/u]] [/size]
[i](The person)[/i]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]PROWESS[/b][/font][/size]
[/right] [[u]N A T U R A L | T A L E N T[/u]]

[list] [*][b]Example:[/b]

[[u] M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S[/u]]

[list] [*][b]One (rank 3 and up):[/b]
[*][b]Two (rank 2 and up):[/b]
[*][b] Three (rank 1 and up optional):[/b] [/list]

[[u]W E A K N E S S E S[/u]]

[list] [*][b]One:[/b]
[*][b]Two:[/b] [/list]

[[u] S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y[/u]]

[list] [*][b]One (this is their first given/first discovered ability):[/b]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]ARMAMENT[/b][/font]


[[u]A R M O R[/u]]
Armor is rare, and  usually gained later.

[[u]I T E M S[/u]]

[[u]P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N[/u]]
[b]Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:

Hunter Sheet:


[size=70][url=Song link]Song name[/url]
[center][size=150][font=palatino linotype][b]"[/b][color=#000000]Quote[/color][b]"[/b][/font][/size]
[size=150][center]Full Name[/center][/size]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]INTRODUCTION[/b][/font][/size]

[[u]B A S I C S[/u]]
[b]Organization: (May be secret to public)[/b]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]PHYSICALITY[/b][/font][/size]

[[u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u]]
Body Markings:[/b]

[[u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u]]

[right][b][u]Moral Alignment[/u] [Here]
[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]MENTALITY[/b][/font][/size]
[/right][size=120][[u]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/u]] [/size]
[i](The person)[/i]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]PROWESS[/b][/font][/size]
[/right] [[u]N A T U R A L | T A L E N T[/u]]

[list] [*][b]Example:[/b]

[[u] M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S[/u]]

[list] [*][b]One: Rare[/b]

[[u]W E A K N E S S E S[/u]]

[list] [*][b]One:[/b]
[*][b]Two:[/b] [/list]

[size=250][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][b]ARMAMENT[/b][/font]


[[u]A R M O R[/u]]

[[u]I T E M S[/u]]

[[u]P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N[/u]]
[b]Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:

[[u]S E C O N D A R Y | W E A P O N[/u]]
[b]Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:
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"Live as your authentic self."
Mnemosyne Serendale


"We are only limited by our imagination."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Mnemosyne Serendale
Addendum: Mnemosyne thinks it's pretty hilarious, people generally can't say her name properly, and butcher it in completely different ways every time. She never gets mad, and instead laughs, and is always amused.
Nickname: Nemo
Addendum: Because people always butcher her name, a very close friend once called her Nemo, and that has stuck as an acceptable nickname for her. Naturally though, she doesn't tell anyone initially, because what fun would that be?
Age: 19
Addendum: Nearly fresh out of high school, Mnemosyne is just old enough to start her journey in college.
Gender: Female
Addendum: Well she doesn't really think there's anything interesting about her being a woman.
Orientation: Asexual, Panromantic
Addendum: Sadly, aces are about one percent of the planet, and what's interesting is, her type of vampire species is always rumored to be very sensual because of their bite. That isn't to say she isn't sensual though, it's just assumed sometimes that she isn't. People don't understand asexuality well at all.
Race: Vampire
Addendum: She bites people and stuff. Pretty exciting if she does say so herself, she is very responsible about it however, and never forces herself on people.
Type: C
Addendum: Mnemosyne is a very rare species of vampire, and she quite likes that about herself.
Rank: Pureblood 1C
Addendum: Although she is a pureblood, and considered royalty, she doesn't quite have the same stereotypical background, and she knows that not all of the world does, she is not sure where that assumption got out of hand.
Circle: Circle 2
Addendum: Mnemosyne always had the desire to help people and do something more with her abilities. Although generally feared at times, or even presumed evil at others, it is not who she is, and she wants to save people.
Addendum: She hasn't been placed yet, but she has high hopes for herself.


[A P P E A R A N C E]

Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Red
Complexion: Pale
Height: 5'8"
Build: Slim
Weight: 110
Body Markings: Mnemosyne doesn't particularly have any markings, however, she occasionally messes around with henna and draws tattoos on her body; or has them drawn for her.

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Mnemosyne appears like an intense and intimidating individual most of the time. Her default expression is something of boredom or annoyance, unless she's laughing. She has long platinum blonde hair, and is very fair skinned, though naturally beautiful, often wears makeup. Her style generally varies, but she dresses very feminine or very bold most of the time. She has a tendency to wear a lot of regal or elegant dresses, romantic dresses, and lolita clothes. However, she can also wear gothic clothing, pastel goth, harajuku clothing, and street wear. One thing that she commonly wears is beads and flowers in her hair, or beads and butterflies.

Moral Alignment[Chaotic Good]
[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)

Mnemosyne is a rather mysterious individual to most. She is a rather quiet individual when not engaged in conversation with friends, with a tendency to isolate herself from others. She seems rather cold and appears to lack any kind of empathy or consideration of other people. However, the truth is that Mnemosyne doesn't trust others easy, and thus keeps the world at a distance until people have gained her trust or earned her respect. Because people's real intentions are important to her, she's often observing others, taking a back seat to take in the actions of those around her. She has a habit of analyzing people and their habits, abilities, or weaknesses. That isn't to say however, that she thinks herself superior to most people, as she believes the worst thing you could ever do, is underestimate those around you. It leads to problems in the future. Should the situation call for it however, Mnemosyne can be really outspoken. Particularly when she is passionate about something, or knows that her opinion should be heard should she be knowledgeable of the topic at hand. It's in these moments that she turns into the spitfire that she really is. Quite bullheaded, once she starts, you can not get her to back down. She is a force to be reckoned with, as she is quite knowledgeable and very intelligent, as such something that gets under her skin is the ignorance of others.

What is sometimes a surprise to people, is that Mnemosyne is not the goody two shoes people think she is. She is quite rebellious, with a hatred for authority figures; the exception would be her teachers, which she has respect for due to her love of learning. Although she doesn't do it consciously, she has a history of always finding trouble, and always being there for trouble to find her. If there are rules to keep her away from something that may be dangerous, she'll find a reason to gravitate or just charge straight into said place, no fucks given. She does have a strong sense of morals however, and is rather pure of heart. Beneath the exterior of hers of the stone cold face which makes most people refer to her as mainly a serious individual, she is a very kind hearted and playful person. She is very compassionate, and she admires those who are also kind and compassionate as well. It is generally easy for people to open up to her, given the time and effort, especially since she is an open book herself. She is usually a great listener, but generally only if she likes or respects the person. Otherwise, she is rather inattentive, and her mind will generally wander. However, the only people that see that side of her, are close friends - which she doesn't seem to have much of. However, she is content with the few she has as she believes you only need one good friend.

Neither optimistic, nor pessimistic, Mnemosyne has more of a realistic outlook on life. She believes that people that are always optimistic are just kidding themselves, and living in a false reality, and pessimists are just a drag to be around. She will call everything exactly like it is and tell you her honest thoughts, regardless if it's appropriate for the situation at hand. Because of such, Mnemosyne is known to be a person that upsets a lot of people. She will never sugar coat her words, being blatantly honest to everyone she comes across at every given moment. While she doesn't intend to hurt anyone, it usually effects people's opinion of her. Mnemosyne's drive to succeed is nearly unrivaled by most people, as is her natural instinct to survive and adapt to what is going on around her. Because of the hardships she's been through in life, she's become very tough skinned and it's hard to get her down.

Mnemosyne can be rather bold when it comes to protecting the wellbeing of others. She would be the first person to jump in the middle of a fight, or voice her opinion in order to protect another. Regardless of the individual or individuals she was up against. She would sooner throw herself in front of another to save them, than sit back and watch them die before her eyes. She will however, completely disregard anyone she thinks is not worthy of being helped due to their personality or past actions. If the student that often bullied others was about to lose their life if she didn't save them, she would end up turning away, never turning back. She is a no-bullshit kind of a person, and there is no fooling her by spewing lies and nonsense. She will not stand for this kind of thing, and ones energy is better spent elsewhere.

[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Personal: Mnemosyne's ability to think for herself, see the bigger picture, and think objectively makes her a good addition to any group of people, or a good choice as a leader, or assistant of one. She's very good under pressure, and her natural instinct is generally to protect those around her. She has a photographic memory, which she generally abuses in studies, and is intelligent, how much so is up to debate, as most people believe her to simply abuse the gift she's been given. Mnemosyne is also highly creative, and a very out of the box thinker, capable of thinking of elaborate ideas, and she is always open to trying new things. She can be very unconventional, and embraces being different. Mnemosyne is also a very talented fencer, and very capable in a sword fight, as well as with a bow. Lastly, she is generally a good judge of character and reads into people well.
  • Racial: Like all other vampires, Mnemosyne has enhanced strength, senses, and enhanced speed. However, unlike most vampires, she also has the ability to bite people, and feel what they are feeling, their emotions, and their moods.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Light manipulation: Mnemosyne has the ability to manipulate light. In doing this she can do things such as create magic beams, bend beams of light to become invisible, light shields, as well as heal wounds and cure minor ailments.
  • Weapon/armor imagination manifestation: Mnemosyne has the unique ability to create weapons and armor just by imagining them. These can be regular or enhanced magic imbued items.
  • Gravity manipulation Relentless and unforgiving, Mnemosyne can control the gravity around her. From floating in the air, to crushing someone onto the ground, the applications are vast. This ability usually takes the from of a wide area spell, unless she insists otherwise.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • The lack of light: Mnemosyne's ability to manipulate light, is dependent on well, light itself. Unable to generate it, she must channel it from somewhere, unless there is another user close by to pull from. This means that the ability is useless, unless she relies on her imagination ability for a light item, which takes time, and energy, which is not always able to be done in the heat of the moment.
  • Constant air time: Mnemosyne must have music present in order to create any effect, or she must play or sing the music itself. This means if she is not able to do either, she is not able to manipulate anything.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Music manipulation : The ability to manipulate music with prerequisites. This allows Mnemosyne to manipulate music that she hears, music that she plays, or songs that she sings. The effects of the music depends on the type of instrument that is played, or song that is playing, and instruments may have an effect on the strength of the effect as well. Effects manifest as wide area spells that must be played continuously, unless it is existing. She specializes in supportive spells, but is capable of a few control spells as well.



[A R M O R]

Mnemosyne does not possess any armor currently.

[I T E M S]

  • Winged black and pink back pack.
  • Butterfly purse
  • Composition book
  • Several music books
  • Black page book
  • Wallet, credit card, compass
  • Generic school supplies
  • Wide assortment of clothing
  • Hair chalk
  • Wigs

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Songbird
Weapon Type: Violin
Songbird originated as the academy fused item upon joining. It's true origin, was a locket of a picture of her parents, something that was dear to her heart, as such she considers it to have a lot of heart itself.
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" Never judge a book by its cover. "

Aaron Val'Helliore Devouge



"What you see might not be what you think it is"

[B A S I C S]
Name: Aaron Val'Helliore Devouge
Addendum: It's your typical royalty name that's hard to remember. Nothing special except it has 'Hell' written in it.
Nickname: Aaron/ Macaron
Addendum: Aaron actually hates it when someone calls him Macaron. This nickname came up because his secret obsession over this sweet food was exposed by his close friends and became an open secret. Aaron didn't want anyone to know that he likes sweet foods as he thought it will ruin his whole image. However, this didn't prevent his close friends to call him Macaron sometimes just to poke fun of him and made him flushed red in embarrassment.
Age: 18 yo
Addendum: In his final year of high school.
Gender: Male
Addendum: Due to his looks, no one really took the fact that he is a male seriously. Just look at him, is there anything manly about him other than that 'thing' in between his crotch?
Orientation: Bisexual, Homoromantic
Addendum: The credit for him being a BI has to be given to his looks. It can attract both male and female at the same time. He didn't feel like he had any problem with both sex and thus, making him bisexual.
Race: Demon
Addendum: Actually, if not for a fact that he attracted both sexes and his enormous amount of dark magic, anyone who sees him will easily mistake him as an incubus. They say incubus is still within the class of demon. Maybe the saying is not completely wrong after all.
Type: A
Addendum: Just your typical demon. Nothing else. Or is it?
Rank: Pureblood, unranked
Addendum: He rarely uses his magic if not really, absolutely, necessary. Even if he did, no one can really pinpoint his true strength. It always changes depends on who his opponent is and the fight would end quickly each time. Either he willingly surrenders or his opponent got knocked out after just a few seconds. Some say that his power ranked among the top, either 1A or 1B. Others say that he is just good at picking his opponent, only choose the one he knew he can beat, and not because he is strong. Who knew? Maybe it will remain a mystery until the day he graduated from the academy.
Circle: Circle 3
Addendum: Although he is not as bad as other people within the same circle as him, he has to admit that he loves to fool around and create troubles all the time. None of it cause any harm to anyone, however, as his main aim is just to have fun and make other people laugh. But who said jokes will never cross the line? Along with his mischievous and sinister look as one of the natural traits of demons, when he wants to, he can make some random people realize what a Living Hell truly means.
Division: None
Addendum: He has no interest whatsoever to join a division.


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Crimson
Complexion: fair white
Height: 5'9"
Build: slender, slim
Weight: 115
Body Markings:

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Aaron appears more feminine than manly and can be classified as beautiful rather than handsome. Even his skin is flawless and better than most women. His slender and delicate-looking body makes others think of him as a weakling most of the time. Pureblood demon mostly has crimson eyes. But for some unknown reason, Aaron always used light brown contact lenses, making no one has ever seen his crimson eyes before. Aaron always appeared harmless and gentle by default. Even more so because he almost never stops smiling. But for those who have keen senses, his default face and smile are enough to describe the word: 'evil'.

Moral Alignmentl[Chaotic Neutral]

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)

For most people, Aaron is someone who is easy to talk to. This has to do with his somewhat amiable aura. He is the kind of person who would always be seen in the center of everyone's attention. Although he can be rather selfish sometimes, people rarely dislike him. At least not openly, anyway. Even if some people will feel a bit uncomfortable around him, it won't go to the point where they would hate him enough to openly challenge him. This didn't apply to those whom he purposely offended though.

However, although he appeared gentle and easygoing, no one really knows him personally. All people really know is that he has a name that is similar to royalty, making them think that he is a descendant of a royal family. But even this can only remain as speculation since Aaron never admitted it himself. The fact that he is a pureblood demon is also being questioned by most people because he never let others see his crimson red eyes. That is if he truly has them. Everything about him is a mystery. Some might have the audacity to claim as a close friend of him. But when these people are being questioned about Aaron, they will only say everything that Aaron wants them to see. In the end, they are nothing more than a stranger.

Aaron only likes to do things he truly has an interest in. This alone is quite rare since deep inside, nothing easily catches his eyes. However, when something catches his interest, he rarely let it go. He can even become obsessed over it, just like how he is obsessed over Macaron. He rarely got effected by provocation and would appear to not care about it, or even forgive it, on the outside. But when the time comes, those people who provoke him, look down on him, or offended him, will disappear from the public eyes with various acceptable reasons. What truly happened to them, you asked? As long as Aaron wants to, no one will know.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Personal: Aaron's whole aura naturally allure others to like him. Although it is not as strong as incubus/succubus racial ability, it is still one of his congenital talents that were formed by his good genes. This makes it easier for him to gather various information. So long as he had a will to do so, he can sweet-talk others to spill out their secret and it rarely failed, with the exception on those who are mentally strong from the start or those who have a feeling that he is actually a dangerous person, thus, making them become guarded against him. What scary about him is that he can lure others into his trap with seemingly harmless ways. Before they knew it, they already fall into his schemes. Truly a demon from hearth and soul.
  • Racial: Just like any other demons, Aaron has a good amount of strength and heightened senses. He is a good fighter when it comes to darkness and shadows. It's just that if no one ever experiences it themselves or if they have a really good sense of danger, no one can see him as cunning or deceitful like most demons.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Unknown: Either not discovered yet or just hidden away like any other ability he had.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Light-Related Magic: Since Aaron's signature ability closely linked with dark magic, he can't stand the power of light element. Especially those who have Light Manipulation ability. He can't get healed by light magic. It will do him more harm than good. This made him only able to let himself healed naturally when injured.
  • Unknown: Aaron definitely has some more weaknesses. It's just that because he rarely fights in the open, or he rarely uses his magic, no one can really tell what his real strengths and weaknesses are. There are only some assumptions that can't be proven yet. But it's there.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Unknown Dark Magic: Some say it has something to do with the ability to control shadows. While others say that It is just a manipulation of light element. Regardless of that, on the rare occasions where Aaron uses his magic, all people can really see were some kind of dark magic surrounding Aaron's entire body. No one can tell for sure what kind of magic he used since he only activated it for a split second. He rarely uses his magic power and prefers to fight using his strength instead, making his magic power all the more mysterious in the eyes of others.


[A R M O R]

Aaron currently doesn't have any armor

[I T E M S]
  • Light brown contact lenses
  • Macarons
  • Some pens
  • Few books
  • Small leather sling bag
  • Crimson pendant
  • Wallet

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name:
Weapon Type: Spear
This spear was a gift from the academy for Aaron upon joining the academy. It's forged to match his dark magic attribute.
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[I am going to be reposting this with various new information added because I'm a sad, nervous little coward that is half-convinced I'm suddenly going to lose all the info I put in halfway through.]

(Ignore the skirt. This is what I could find with hair colour/length and eye colour. Ears may be present sometimes? Mostly ignore that too.)

Song name


Chayse Moon​




[B A S I C S]
Name: Chayse Moon
Addendum: ... It's a name. What is there to add...?
Nickname: Chayse
Addendum: Why would they need a nickname?
Age: 16
Addendum: ... And a half...?
Gender: Non-binary
Addendum: Don't bother asking what their "real gender" is. All you'll get is a scathing glare.
Orientation: Asexual, Demiromantic
Addendum: Don't ask them for a moonlit romp. They will at least glare at you, at worst kick you in the shins.
Race: Werewolf
Addendum: They can turn into a canine. They also have pretty good stamina, enhanced senses and are quick on their feet.
Type: A
Addendum: Controlling when and where to change? Useful.
Rank: Pureblood (late bloomer) 5
Addendum: ... Unacceptable. They'll show those -censors- that they were wrong to underestimate this werewolf.
Circle: N/A
Addendum: Doesn't belong to any Circle. At least, not yet.
Division: N/A
Addendum: They haven't been placed and has doubts they ever will be due to prejudices in the system.


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Red
Eyes: Yellow
Complexion: Not pale, not dark. Slightly tanned?
Height: 5'8"
Build: Slim
Weight: 120
Body Markings:

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Moral Alignment[Chaotic Neutral]

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)

Chayse's personality can be somewhat complicated. A lot of their time is spent with their nose in a book, determined to learn all they can in order to prove their family wrong for shunning them. They were all but disowned when they didn't awaken to their abilities until they were into their teens, causing some resentment on both sides.

Aside from that, Chayse makes an attempt to be friendly to anyone they come across. They don't always succeed, sometimes coming off as rude or aloof without meaning to. This is mainly due to their tendency to be completely absorbed in what they're doing (usually reading) and failing to notice anyone that might speak to them.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Personal: A strong thirst to prove themself to everyone that said they wouldn't make it in the world of magic.
  • Racial: The usual. Ability to change into a canine, increased stamina and speed. Better senses than the average human. That kind of thing.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • One (rank 3 and up): None that we're aware of.
  • Two (rank 2 and up): "
  • Three (rank 1 and up optional): "

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • One: A silver bullet probably would harm them, yes. But that's just to be expected. Bullets are made to hurt.
  • Two: Inexperience. Due to their circumstances, Chayse hasn't exactly been training from a young age like most other purebloods. Because of this, they are very behind where they probably should be.
  • Three: Water-based magic. Due to their natural magical inclination towards fire and warmth (that I just decided existed) they are more effected by any water-based attacks that come at them.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • One: Able to exert some control over flames. They may eventually learn to completely control it but, for now, they are merely able to conjure a flame that fits in the palm of their hand.


[A R M O R]
Armor is rare, and usually gained later.

[I T E M S]

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:
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This is his face and hair.
These are his horns.

The Crow and the Butterfly

"The question isn't 'Who's going to let me?' it's 'Who's going to stop me?'"

James Allington Jr.​



"I'm silent because I hate drama."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Jameson
Addendum: Due to the fact that Jameson hates the person he's named after (his father), he usually refuses to use his full name. He prefers James, and won't use his last name at all.
Nickname: James/Jay
Addendum: Once a close friend, that is no longer around, gave him the nickname of Jay. After he lost that friend, he didn't really use Jay anymore, but it taught him that he didn't have to go by his father's name.
Age: 18
Addendum: James decided that 18 years is way too long to be dealing with his father, and he wasn't going to be doing it a day longer. That's when he got his invitation.
Gender: Male
Addendum: When he realized he could only attract guys, it was a shock. Luckily he already knew he was gay.
Orientation: Gay
Addendum: Gayness ensues, but he's hardly dated anyone since his powers came in.
Race:Incubus/Vampire Hybrid
Addendum: His mother, a succubus, fell in love with a despicable vampire. Although he never knew his mother, she died giving birth to him, he's sure she deserved better than his father.
Type: Type B incubus/ Type A vampire
Addendum: His father had sincerely hoped that his very Gay son would at least be able to marry a girl with high status, but when his powers came to fruition and he literally repelled all females, that plan went out the window.
Rank: 3
Addendum: His father taught him a lot about being a vampire, but completely ignored his incubus abilities. James really hopes that he can turn off his magical attracting abilities.
Circle: n/a
Division: n/a


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Almost white
Eyes: Black
Complexion: Pale but clear
Height: 6 ft
Build: athletic but not huge
Weight: 160 lbs
Body Markings:
His entire appearance is meant to spite and reject his father. His horns and tail are always on full displayed when possible, and he is covered from the neck down in tribal, abstract tattoos. All of which his father greatly disapproves of.

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Moral Alignment[Here] Neutrally Good

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)
James has learned not to strive for the approval of authority figures. He does things his own way with no regards for anyone else. When it comes to his own father, he will do specific things just to tick the man off. He kept his horns intact because his father told him to file them, he got tattoos because his father told him not to, and when he taught him proper manners that every noble should know, he put his elbows on the table.

When he learned about incubus/succubus attraction, and how it would affect his future partners, he decided he wouldn't date anyone long term until he at least learned how to control it. He's not opposed to the occasional fling, just nothing serious. Deep inside he is very afraid of accidentally forcing someone into a relationship with him.

James only talks when necessary. He once heard the an Incubus' voice was the main way that they used their abilities. Since he doesn't understand those abilities, he figures it's best to keep quiet. His father is the only person who was never affected by the incubus part of him, that James knew of.

He's never fed from a person before, instead he drinks his blood from a cup. His father finds this ridiculous.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Reading people: He got really good at learning when to push his father's buttons and when to make himself scarce.
  • Blades: His father was quick to put him in sword lessons. He excelled and was able to diversify his learning into all sorts of blades.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Lightening: He's good at this, his father approved of it, so he was taught at home. If it wasn't so fun to use, he would ignore the ability to spite his father.
  • Dream/Sleep Magic: James has the potential to place people in a special sleeping state, and direct their dreams while they are under. May act as a hypnotizing.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Shadows: In direct sunlight his illusions have no shadow. If he places an illusion on himself his shadow would remain unchanged. Objects created by his illusions can not affect the real world.
  • Already sleeping: His dream magic can only affect those who he puts asleep, it does not affect anyone already asleep.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Illusion: He can create either: One major Illusion, or lots of minor illusions. He prefers to use this ability over his lightening magic because it is less draining, and his dad hates it.


[A R M O R]
Armor is rare, and usually gained later.

[I T E M S]

James only brought the essentials, clothing and grooming supplies.

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Anthea
Weapon Type: Dagger
Length: 17 inches
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Origin: The only thing he has from his mother, other than his stunning good looks.
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Song name

"Know your place"

Wu Meiling​



"You have met with a terrible fate."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Wu Meiling
Addendum: Go Mirei, in Japanese, if you're curious.
Nickname: Ah Ling.
Addendum: That's how it goes.
Age: 15
Addendum: Assumed
Gender: Female
Addendum: N/A
Orientation: Straight
Addendum: Into dudes
Race: Zombie
Addendum: Her revival methods and regional origins point to her being a Jiangshi.
Type: A
Addendum: Clearly alive, lovely, and capable of speech
Rank: 1B
Addendum: Fully mastered their main ability, and have just started to branch out into other areas of magic.
Circle: 2
Division: ???


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Complexion: Pale
Height: 138cm
Build: Thin and waifish
Weight: 10kg
Body Markings: Patchworked, sewn body underneath

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Lawful Neutral[Here]

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Meiling is often shown to scowl and scold rookies with cold, abrasive words, usually in a deadpan tone. These words tend to pierce heavily, with people crying as she just looks. Sure, this comes off as arrogant and mean, but she is fond of those she teaches. While hating weakness, she hates those who wish to stay weak, but has no intention of despising those who want to work hard, even if they do tend to fail.

She is always insistent to fight matches she knows she has a good chance of losing, repeatedly. She hates losing, but she wants to use this hatred to do something.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Mixed Martial Arts: Knows various Martial Arts, and combines them into an unpredictable yet graceful array

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Storm Magic: Commonly deployed as an extension of her melee combat style and combined with mixed martial arts. Grants the user authority over lightning, wind, blizzards and the elements of the weather as a whole.
  • Five Senses Illusion: Creates illusions that affect all five senses. She integrates this into her martial arts style by giving the illusions stretched limbs and performing feints.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Three Huns Seven Pos: Jiangshi are believed to be formed when the three huns, souls that contain intellect and goodness, leave the body and allow the pos, the less intelligent and evil side, take over. Meiling's three huns, while present, are very unstable and might not be easily controlled, so she has to control them in combat, the situation where the soul is most vulnerable, or they would go berserk. This weakness is neutralized by her talisman, but when a fight gets really intense or when someone up and pulls it off...
  • Sunlight: The usual zombie weaknesses. It's why she's a night person.
  • Sixth Sense: Those with a sixth sense can potentially negate her Five Senses Illusion.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Chakra Release Technique: Controls, uses and stores life force, releasing it as energy attacks, concentrating it into some parts of her body to strengthen herself and all. As an undead, she can store more of this life energy, as well as tap into and use it, even if she can't produce her own and must constantly absorb it from her surroundings. The most powerful attack she uses via it is known as the Qigong Cannon.


[A R M O R]
Aside from light clothing, Meiling does not wield armour.

[I T E M S]

  • Sealing Talisman: As mentioned above, Meiling needs this talisman to stabilize her 'three huns'. To simplify it - it keeps her sane by making sure her 'goodness' and 'intelligence' is intact.

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name:
Weapon Type: Lance
Length: 2 metres
Weight: 5 kg
Origin: An ancient weapon revered in history, said to be named when a dragonfly was cut in half after landing on its tip.
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Sad Song

""Today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten.""

Gemma Jean Jenkins​



"If you stumble, make it part of the dance"

[B A S I C S]
Name: Gemma Jean Jenkins
Addendum: Gemma loves that her name is an alliteration and when she says it, it is practically in song.
Nickname: Gem
Addendum: Pronounced like Jem
Age: 18
Addendum: When she was younger, her parents use to celebrate her birthday for an entire week.
Gender: Female
Addendum: She isn't afraid to use her feminine charm when needed.
Orientation: Straight
Addendum: She loves everyone and has no judgment, she just prefers if her partners are male.
Race: Witch
Addendum: The witch had is just a myth y'all, don't expect Gem to wear one and act serious in it.
Type: Type A
Addendum: She loves the pureness of conducting magic through a wand, there is something natural to having to speak a spell to cast it, connecting one with their power.
Rank: 2
Addendum: Gemma has mastered healing magic and mirror magic and is branching into manipulation magic. She is currently working on manipulating water, but hasn't quite figured things out yet.
Circle: 1
Addendum: She hasn't been a part of this circle long
Division: NA
Addendum: Being so new she hasn't found her place within the circle yet.


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: White, full bodied waves that reach just past her shoulders. She has long side bangs that frame her petite face.
Eyes: The color of water under frozen eyes, blue enough to pull you in, but cold enough the intrigue you into staying. Long eye lashes that most would die for.
Complexion: Fair
Height: 5 foot even. No more. No less.
Build: Petite, with the right amount of curves in the right places.
Weight: 106lbs
Body Markings:
Pierced ears, a belly button ring, and multiple butterfly tattoos

[A P P E A R A N C E]
Gemma is often seen in muted colors, like blacks, brown and whites. She doesn't often wear clothes that have bold colors in them. Instead she wears big, colorful and loud earrings. Her earring collection is enormous, hoops, dangling, studs, in every color under the rainbow. Gen never wears heels, she is too clumsy to walk in them. Instead she wears black or brown flats, maybe getting saucy with the occasional cut out or bow on them. She has a natural beauty that shines through, she often times only puts on a little lip glass or lip tint, otherwise she is bare faced.

Moral Alignment Naturally Good


[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)
Gemma is a playful individual. She loves nothing more than to laugh, and it's a lyrical sound. There isn't a mean bone in her body, instead she focuses all her energy into caring for others. She invests herself in other's needs and wants, making it her number one priority to help them accomplish their goals. (Only if they are deemed moral and good goals) Part of what makes her a good healer, is her attention to detail. Everything she does is watched with an observant eyes, making her actions methodical and precise. She often times can understand how someone is feeling before they even say anything. She is a great body linguist, she understands the subtly nuances of everyone's posture and how the shift in their movement can be a shift in their feelings.

Because she is so observant of others and often times speaks her mind, it can come off as being nosey or in other's business. Which of course is never her intention. But when she sees someone hurting, she wants to fix it, whatever "it" may be. Gemma is very vocal about her thought, feelings and emotions. She doesn't let anything brew beneath the surface and thus has no problem calling people out on their bullshit. She may look cute and innocent, but this girl has a potty mouth that can surprise even the badassiest of people.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]
  • Like other witch and wizards, she has the ability channel her energy into a single fixed point, though draining, the channeling of energy allows for spells to be stronger and quicker to cast. She is able to assist in potion making and has an incredible memory for herbs and plants for concoctions.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Mirror Magic: Mirror magic was difficult to master, but now that she understands it, she is an experct. On any reflective surface, Gemma has the ability to make mirror images of herself and others. The images are identical in appearace, form and stature, to the subject and can only can have as many images as there are surfaces. The mirror images do not have the subject's abilities, but rather can only copy their actions. She also has the ability to transport herself from one reflection to another.
  • Water Manipulation: A very new skill and not mastered in the slightest, Gemma is currently working on learning to control water. This includes relocating water through the air, freezing and melting water. She is not yet good at it, and often times her clothing is wet from failed attempts.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Her wand: Without her wand Gemma is unable to cast spells. Saying the enchantment isn't enough, without the wand the magic cannot be channeled, and thus is impossible for her to use.
  • Sweets: Gemma is unable to control herself when it comes to sweets. She can't help by taste the delicious treats and devour as many as she can. There has been times were she has made herself sick from eating a tainted tart as a joke, or a ailment riddled cake.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Healing Magic: Gemma can omit green light from her hands and use the energy within that light to heal wounds. This has been her most used ability and most perfected. She can heal minor injuries to fatal wounds. She cannot cure illness or disease, only injuries. When she uses her healing magic, a green ring of light circles her irises, brightening her vision and making it easier to see what she is doing.



[A R M O R]
Armor is rare, and usually gained later.

[I T E M S]
Aside from her wand, she can always be found wearing her butterfly necklaces. More often than not all stacked together, but sometimes she will wear only one.

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Wizards don't name their wands.
Weapon Type: Wand
Length: 10 inches
Weight: 13 ounces
Was given to her by her father after he crafted
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"And it's almost like your heaven's trying everything to keep me out."

Harlow Ambrose​



"You can't run away from what is inside your mind."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Harlow Ambrose
Addendum: Most of her life, she has been called by her last name.
Nickname: Arlo, Ambrose
Addendum: Only her parents and one close friend has ever called her Arlo, and she prefers it like that.
Age: nearly 19
Addendum: Harlow graduated from High School at 17, but an accident caused her to isolate herself for nearly a year before entering college.
Gender: Female
Addendum: N/A
Orientation: Bisexual
Addendum: Harlow has no preference when it comes to romantic partners.
Race: Dark Magician/Necromancer hybrid
Addendum: Darkness attracts darkness, and well, the result is somewhat... unhinged
Type: A for both
Addendum: N/A
Rank: 1A
Addendum: Due to her unstable blood, her adoptive parents fought hard for Harlow to control her magical abilities.
Circle: Circle 1
Addendum: Harlow was attracted to Circle 1's hominess
Division: N/A
Addendum: N/A


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Dark brunette, often in messy waves
Eyes: Dark brown
Complexion: Neutral
Height: Five-foot-five
Build: Toned, leaning more towards slim
Weight: 125 lbs
Body Markings: Harlow has a strange symbol between her shoulder blades. This is a result of an experiment her birth parents practiced on her when she was younger.

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Moral AlignmentChaotic Neutral to Neutral Evil

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)
Harlow is headstrong, stubborn, and opinionated, but knows when to bite her tongue, act compliant, and stay on the sidelines. However, her facial expressions cannot be helped. Harlow's father was a Dark Magician, and her mother was a Necromancer. Together, the two often experimented on the innocent, as well as their daughter. It was evident from a young age that Harlow's magical abilities would someday surpass even her father's. Their teachings and methods were unconventional, and they would even experiment on Harlow at times. Discovering what was going on, Harlow's aunt, her father's sister, decided to essentially kidnap her at the age of seven.

Also a Dark Magician, Harlow's aunt allowed her to hone her magical abilities. She excelled quickly but became ignorant of what was happening to her. Her aunt could see part of her brother slipping out in Harlow, but Harlow ignored these claims. It wasn't until a magical spell gone wrong killed her best friend that she realized her descent into madness. After reanimating his dead body, and the magic going horribly wrong, Harlow isolated herself. The year before Avolair, Harlow dedicated her time to assure her father's madness wouldn't surface. She became more reserved, calculated, and observant. Other students could describe her as aloof. This is a result of not wanting to hurt anyone. Though she is only human, and the relationships she does develop with others is something she puts above anything. Most likely due to her isolation when she was younger and right before entering the academy.

At times, something darker and sinister replaces her calm and collected demeanor, something she tries to not show anyone else. Alone, she battles the demons and thoughts in her mind. To hide her magical abilities, Harlow acts as if she's ranked lower than what she is to the other students, refusing to appear above a rank 4.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]
Personal - Harlow can easily manipulate others, is cunning, and quite convincing when need be. This is a result of her darker roots. Most of the time, this isn't needed. Despite her darker side, people seem to take to Harlow as she seems to be trustworthy. She is also quite intelligent and very studious, as dark magic requires a lot of arcane reading.
Racial - As part necromancer, Harlow inherited the ability to reanimate the dead, and talk to those who have passed on. Though, she is limited to a certain time after one's death to reanimate them, and due to her Dark Magician qualities, they seem to come back in a completely different state/personality than before.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Blood Magic: Harlow can use the magic inherent in her blood to fuel and enhance spells, as well as manipulate the blood of those around her for domination or corruption in various ways. Examples include
    • Blood Linking: by obtaining the blood of another, she is able to mimic their power for a set amount of time depending on the victim's power and power level. This is also reversed, and she is able to share her power through her blood, but may have lasting effects on those who use it (IE becoming unhinged like herself).
    • Blood Manipulation: being able to use the blood flow in one's body to control motor function and manipulate the blood to her will
    • Blood Spells: By using her own blood, or the blood of others, Harlow can enhance her spell beyond what would be normally capable
    • Etc, etc

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • One: When using blood magic, she is limited to her own blood or those around her. Depending on whose blood she uses determines the enhancement of her spell. When using her own blood, some spells require more blood than others and can weaken her. This also causes her to become more unhinged. Though she rarely ever manipulates blood, it dramatically weakens her physically as well. The stronger her blood ability, the more damaging it is to her mentally and physically. This type of magic is very volatile, and even though Harlow has completely mastered it, the magic can still cause immense damage to the surrounding area.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

    • Pain illusion: the ability to trick an individual's mind into thinking they are in physical pain.

[A R M O R]

[I T E M S]

    • A leather-bound journal
    • A seemingly normal necklace with metal feathers, but when the case is taken off, doubles as an instrument used to aid her with her blood magic
    • An oversize brown satchel
    • Clothes
    • Make-up/hair accessories

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Nightfall
Weapon Type: A shoft staff that appears to have a scythe at the top
Length:7 feet
Origin: A gift from an unknown source delivered to her at Avolair Academy. In truth, her father had tracked her down and given his own staff to her.



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Aria - Я свободен/I am free

"Im free in reality, not in a dream!"

Maxim "Max" Marozov



[B A S I C S]
Name: Maxim Marozov
Addendum: Although Maxim has not dealt with many foreign people, in the few instances he realised that others have troubles remembering how to say his full name so he accepts to be called "Max".
Nickname: "Max" or "Marozov"
Addendum: Old friends call him by his surname which means "Cold" in Russian, newly acquainted call him "Max".
Addendum: Maxim is 18 years old, but for some he might look bit older, even over 20's.
Gender: Male
Addendum: Just male...
Orientation: Heterosexual
Addendum: Straight and does not care about others sexualities.
Race: Werewolf
Type: Type B
Rank: Pureblood Rank 2
Addendum: Comes from a pureblood family that lost it's power and wealth after the Russian revolution in the Russian Empire and abolition of monarchy in 1917.
Circle: n/a
Addendum: Have not joined no circles as of yet.
Division: n/a
Addendum: Not part of any divisions yet.


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Eyes: Green
Complexion: Fair
Height: 6.3 feet
Build: Ottermode
Weight: 198lbs
Body Markings: Tatto on the neck

Moral Alignment Chaotic Good

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)
From the looks alone and sometimes from the characteristics Maxim seems like a ruthless and cold person, but as any angry looking dog, he is looking for the love and acceptance from the people close by. For the right reasons and people he is willing to put his life down and protect or fight for them till the end. Loyalty and respect means a lot to him. Due to the ways how he was raised and where he's from he values a lot of old-school things and on the contrarily hates a lot of them as well. One thing he cannot stand is liars and those who try to benefit from others without giving back. He is very proud and patriotic individual and will not tolerate attacks on his character or the characters of his relatives and loved ones, which can make him look like a hothead willing to give a beating on every corner. Fair fight is a fair fight, but he wont run away from unfair fight either as that is a sign of cowardliness , something that has no place in his heart and mind.

As a werewolf Maxim enjoys the night times the most, because it is way more relaxing and the feel of everyone rushing somewhere is non-existent. The time of night makes Maxim feel like the time is slowing down and allows him to experience everything around him at a different level. Besides night-time, Maxim also prefers cold over heat. He grew up in quite harsh environment in Russia, so he is fond of colder times and absolutely hates hot days. Loves good meals!


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Close Quarter Combat: Due to the hostility against the werewolf race in Russia, as it is mainly dominated by the Vampires, and the type of werewolf he is, being able to turn only during full moon when his strength reaches the top, since childhood he was trained into close quarter combat combining various martial art styles and tactics.
  • Melee weapon mastery: As part of the CQC training he mastered using and defusing various melee weapons, mainly knives and daggers.
  • Werewolf: Always, no matter the state, having increased senses, stamina, agility, strength and speed, hearing, vision, night vision. In full transformation all of the stats are at it's highest point power wise.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Legacy: As a pureblood has ability to turn another human into a werewolf if chooses too with a scratch or a bite.
  • One with the nature: By reaching a specific state of mind and body becoming one with nature, not being able to be tracked or felt by any normal or supernatural being.

[W E A K N E S S E S]
  • One: Maxims physical attribute power is directly charged by the moon. Strongest at the full moon and weaker and weaker by each day and week from the full moon. Couple days before the full moon Maxims strength and speed is barely higher than the strongest, most agile, fastest human.
  • Two: During the full moon Maxim's canine instincts take over and reducing logical thinking and increasing the natural instinctive thinking.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]
  • Partial transformation: Although only during full moon Maxim can fully turn into the wolf form and the full moon transformation is forceful, he can do partial transformation to increase one or another specific natural talent when it is not full moon.


[A R M O R]
No armour!

[I T E M S]
- Bag with clothes
- Study materials
- iPod
- Laptop
- Knife

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: n/a
Weapon Type: Hunters Knife
Length: 7 inches with handle, 4 inches blade
Weight: Light
Origin: Unknown[/B]
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Kitsune Village

""Trust your guts, my dear, for your eyes may deceive you.""

Inari Maya

[B A S I C S]
Name: Inari Maya
"Just call me Maya. Inari would be my mother."
Age: 1,014
"I am one of the oldest of my kind, not because I'm special or anything, but because most chose to shed their mortal shells by the time they're my age."
Gender: Female
"Though I suppose I could be a man if you really wanted me to."
Orientation: Demisexual-Panromantic
"I don't really have time for romance these days, though I'm not against it if it comes my way."
Race: Kitsune
Type: Tenko
"You know, a Nine Tailed Fox."
Rank: Pureblood 1C
"Bloodlines and power aren't everything. Sadly it took me a very long time to realize this."
Circle: Arukatei
"Everyone should should have a place to call home and a group to call family."
Division: Head
"It's my role to make everyone feel welcome and at home here."
Magic Mastery 2

Hair: White
Eyes: Depends on her mood
Complexion: Fair
Height: 5'3"
Build: Voluptuous Petite
Weight: 119 lbs
Body Markings: If she feels like it

[A P P E A R A N C E - FOX]
Fur: White
Eyes: Green
Complexion: Sleek
Height: 6 feet at the shoulders
Build: Lithe and Slender
Weight: 119 lbs
Body Markings: Crimson markings on face and tips of tails

Alignment: Neutral Good
[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Maya is a kind and motherly woman, easy to please and quick to welcome others into her family, with a hint of mischievousness occasionally poking through. If you mess with said family though, you are in for hell. Mess with her little girl and she will send you to an early grave before you can even utter a half-assed apology.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Jack-of-All-Trades: Maya has tried her hand at a little of everything in her long life. From hard skills like carpentry and smiting to the softer skills of the arts, there is little that Maya is not able to do, though perhaps not as well as someone who has spent their whole life in the trade.
  • Medicine: Maya has extensive knowledge of the medicinal techniques of the western world as well as eastern medicine, acupuncture, and acupressure, as well as the spiritual and more mystic healing arts.
  • Budō: At one point early in her life Maya studied as both a samurai and a ninja, as well as learning many other martial arts later down the line.

  • Shapeshifting: One of the Kitsune's bread-and-butter abilities. She has three forms she can take...
    • Human: Maya has only a single human form that she can change into, though she can change specific features of this form, such as hair and eye color and her age.
    • Hybrid: When in this form Maya can appear either as a human with fox ears and anywhere between 1-9 tails, a bipedal fox, or anywhere in between.
    • Fox: Her true form, a white fox with crimson markings all over her body. In this form she can be as normal sized as fox to being as big as a horse, which is her true size.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Kotodama: A shinto magic that uses the power of words and names. Maya can create paper talismans to produce a number of effects, including creating thunder, erecting protective barriers, and exorcizing evil spirits.
  • Space-Time Magic: Maya is able to fly, teleport, access a personal pocket dimension, see over great distances, and even divine the future.
  • Kitsune Sorcery: A form of magic found only amongst kitsunes. They keep it's origins a close secret (and Maya isn't spilling the beans) so it is unclear if it's taught or learned naturally. However what is known is that it's tied closely to their souls. With it they produce strange flames known as Kitsunebi, dream walk, charm and beguile, posses others, and even steal a person's life force, though Maya is reluctant to use the later two.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Reflections: No matter what form she is in or if she is using illusions, reflections will always show the truth and her true fox fom.
  • Dogs: For whatever reason Dogs can see (or more accurately smell) right though her human disguise, recognizing her as a fox. While she can fool them with illusions, nothing she does can disguises her scent from them.
  • Hoshi no tama: A large pearl that contains Maya's soul and much of her power. As her life and arguably her power are tied to the pearl it can be used as a bargaining chip against her if you can get your hands on it. And if you destroy it? Well, that should be obvious.
  • Akiko: Her daughter is more precious to her than anything in the world. If it meant protecting her little girl Maya would be willing to do anything. Absolutely anything.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Illusions: The bread and butter of the Kitsune, though Maya is more proficient and more powerful than most. Her illusions are so powerful that they fool all the senses. One might believe they are in a warm house eating a warm meal when they are really eating leaves in the freezing mountain air. However the line between these illusions and reality are so thin that said person might actually survive the night as if they had been in a house with a meal, though only if Maya wanted it. However the moment the illusion is realized it becomes a simple illusion once more.


[I T E M S]
Hoshi no tama
A large pearl that contains Maya's soul and much of her power. When in fox form she keeps it in one of her tails or her mouth, while in human form she keeps it on her person, either in her pocket or as a piece of jewelry.
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"Defeat has much more to teach than Victory. Learn, then try again."

Aiyana Quil



"Unity leads to victory. Loyalty, unbroken. Trust in your brothers. Such is the way to a strong pack."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Aiyana Quil
Addendum: "Aiyana means 'flowering one'."
Nickname: Aiya
Addendum: "Its more of a childhood name, but I suppose if we're close enough you could call me that."
Age: 19
Addendum: "Not an exciting age."
Gender: Female
Addendum: "Unfortunately...."
Orientation: Heterosexual
Addendum: "The bond between wolves is usually for life, so if you think Im easy, you're mistaken..."
Race: Werewolf
Addendum: "As were my ancestors."
Type: A
Addendum: "The genetics of werewolves vary upon location of origin. I come from a very long and old line of wolves, and so I am able to phase into my forms as I please."
Rank: Noble
Addendum: "As I mentioned, my lineage travels far back for generations. Our traditional ways are the only way for us.
Circle: None at the moment
Addendum: "I was never one for socializing, and leaving my family was hard. But I'll find a circle when the time is right."
Division: N/A
Addendum: ...


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Long dark brown hair, almost looks black but in the sun it shines brown. Often times she has it dangling freely to the small of her back, and some times she'll have it braided some way, in low pig-tails, or in a high ponytail. Its thick and full, soft, and almost flawlessly straight.
Eyes: Deep brown eyes that appear lighter when in the sun. Its surrounded by long, dark lashes giving off a natural eye-liner look.
Complexion: Beautiful, sun kissed, golden grown, and easily tanned and darkened when in the sun for a good amount of time.
Height: 5'6
Build: Athletic. Aiyana is quite active, physically. She has nice strong thigh muscles that carry on to her back side, long feminine legs, cinched and toned waist with abdominal muscles that are just shy of being completely visible. Her arms are slender but toned with some muscle definition (upper body strength is not her strong suit)
Weight: 128 lbs.
Body Markings: She has about a 4 in., horizontal scar on the left side of her rib cage, under her armpit, that looks like it was once a jagged gash of torn flesh but has healed and shrunk a bit since. She has another smaller, thinner scar on her right thigh, on the right side of her quad. Lastly, she has a small but visible puncture wound that has scarred where her left shoulder curves into her neck.
Wolf Form: Dark, mousey brown with patches of reddish tint. In the spring when she sheds her winter coat, she has more of a reddish tinge on the under coat. Large golden, yellowish eyes that contrast with the dark brown fur

[A P P E A R A N C E]
Moral Alignment[Lawful Neutral]

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Aiyana described in a few words would be: humble, adventurous, and free-spirited. This young werewolf has a gentle presence about her and those that come to know her would find that she is patient and peaceful. She believes that kindness, if applied correctly, can soften any heart and even when turned down, it plants an unforgettable seed that will hopefully bloom into something more. Her curiosity can lead others into believing that she's naive, but she's far too cautious for that. Her sense of adventure has brought her an open-minded perspective to almost everything, she's always up for trying something at least once, granted it doesn't go against her morals.

Aiya's independence has molded her into an out-spoken, and resourceful young woman. Aiyana loves to be surrounded by friends but isn't afraid of being on her own either. She's tactful, and can take care of herself pretty well, though her confidence tends to slip if something happens to someone thats under her care or responsibility, and its a long journey before she forgives herself. Her wolf counter-part has also shaped her person to be head-strong, bold, and determined. She admires the qualities of her canine nature, however, she's very aware that following those characteristics too far can turn into someone who's foolish and brazen and she tries to avoid that.

All in all, she stands up for what she believes in, and no one can make her think other wise. She will stand her ground when needed but most will see her with a gentle hand. Don't take advantage of her kindness and you won't have to see the ferocity of the wolf within her.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Personal: Aiyana is a good mediator. She's never quick to take sides or judge until she has the facts. She gives everyone a chance and keeps a leveled head. She tries to be as fair as possible and usually keeps a calm and cool exterior, like anyone else though she has her moments of losing her temper, but is typically quick to reel it back in. She always felt she'd be a good beta in a pack or group but lacks the confidence to be an alpha. She's great and talking to others in a calm manner, and is usually used to be the "spokes person" of a group, but ironically she's terrified of confrontation, she's just great at hiding it...sometimes.
  • Racial: Great strength, speed, and keen senses (including better vision at night). In her wolf form, she's fast and incredibly strong, a little more hard headed and temperamental in this feral form, but still far more collected than many other werewolves driven by pure instinct.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • One (rank 4; sub A): Matter Transmutation- Deconstruct/reconstruct and shape already existing matter on a molecular level. She hopes that her abilities grow and branch into being able to do more, like being able to create matter instead of just using what's available around her. She cannot turn one element into another (ex. can't turn silver into gold). She just uses the available material to shape/reconstruct it into another form (ex. turn a piece of scrap metal into a spear). Note: she must directly touch the material in order to change it.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • One: Long range attacks/projectiles (in wolf form)
  • Two: Her hands being hindered from touching anything (human form)

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • One: Transformation (wolf form), larger than an average wolf, thats what seperates a natural wolf and a werewolf
  • Two: Selective telepathy, comes in handy when in her wolf form. Its selective because she chooses who she can speak to/can hear her. She can also use this in her human form. The distance her telepathy can reach solely depends on the relationship she has with a person. Most people fall into a stranger/acquaintance category, she can only speak to these people if she's generally with in the same room as her, no bigger than the size of a school gym. Best friends/family/significant other can be reached pretty much anywhere since the connection is a lot deeper. Anyone else in-between that may not be a stranger, maybe a friend but aren't significantly close to her, have a maximum, medium range of about 200-300ft. She's working on being able to speak to more than one person, but its in progress.


[A R M O R]
N/A at the moment

[I T E M S]
  • School supplies (writing utensils, notebooks, books, etc.)
  • Dark faux fur backpack
  • Water bottle with an assortment of stickers on it
  • 2 in. cube of solid steel
  • Wallet
  • Vehicle keys (idk if I want her to have a car or motorcycle lol)
  • Small book of poems or fictional novel (she alternates)

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name:
Weapon Type: 2 daggers (curved blades)
Length: 12 in.
Handed down, family heirlooms
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"I don't like being made a fool of, especially when one is so plainly in front of me."
Paramirum Apocrypha​



"You're adorable, adorably weak, that is. You should watch yourself, before someone hurts you."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Paramirum "Apocrypha"
Addendum: Paramirum doesn't have a last name. Whenever the school requires one to be filled in, or for the sake of appearing normal, the administration and Paramirum just add the last name, "Apocrypha". Everyone just calls him Paramirum, so it's not clear if he likes or dislikes his fake last name. A student that goes looking deep enough into the school records, perhaps as part of a circle or due to the privileges of being skilled or high-born could figure out how it's fake pretty quickly.
Nickname: None
Addendum: Maybe he'd mind it, or maybe not! However, nobody has given him one.

Age: 20
Addendum: Since he's artificially created, his actual maturity in terms of conflict resolution and general childishness is quite high, however he's a bit awkward. It's not as if they raised him to be a social butterfly. He comes off as really rude, especially because he either is smirking or frowning most of the time. He is a second year in college, and is working on a special honors thesis in the magical theory of ancient Buddhist magicians.

Gender: Cis-Man
Addendum: "Gender is most definitely on a spectrum. But I am a man."

Orientation: Unknown
Addendum: "Love? It might be interesting, if I had the time. Sex? Well, I do think I'd like that. With whom? Why would you ask that?"

Race: Wizard Homunculus
Addendum: While most people believe Paramirum is human, if stoic and lonely, someone with enough knowhow and connections might figure out what he actually is. A homunculus is an artificially created human. Some may be spirits possessing an artificial body, or more rarely, a created consciousness. While the actual physical abilities of a homunculus might vary, Paramirum is strong and wiry, stronger than most humans without much exercise. He is also extremely flexible, though that isn't apparent to most people. He can also heal moderately faster.
Type: Fully-artificial homunculus
Addendum: Paramirum is fully artificial. He was made by magic and science, and his body, while definitely organic, is one of a kind. However, this means healing magic is quite hard to work on him. The subtle differences between a human and himself that allow him to heal faster, be stronger, and be incredibly flexible are also just enough to make any healing magic require a talented user to figure out. Also, necromancy will not eradicate his spirit, as he isn't a ghost inhabiting a body. His soul is very crude to anyone who could see it, as it is made up after all! He doesn't need a wand to cast spells.

Rank: Guardian 2A
Addendum: Most believe he's just a quiet noble that's surprisingly strong. He does however, have a guardianship. Anyone who actually is weird enough to look at the records would find this out. His master/mistress is:____
"Your wish is my command..."

Circle: None
Addendum: If I had the time, such things might be fun.
Division: None
Addendum: I think I'd make a good leader, don't you think so?


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Black, but in the lighting of his magic, it looks almost purple.
Eyes: Purple
Complexion: Pale
Height: 5' 8"
Build: Slim, but wiry.
Weight: 130 lbs
Body Markings: Sometimes, he'll paint sigils on himself.[/b]

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Alignment: Lawful ???
[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Paramirum is a tough nut to crack. He's usually stoic, not particularly focused on his peers. He smiles or frowns a lot, but it seems more self-assured than anything else. The truth is that he isn't actually sure how to portray contentment, and it seems weird to him that everyone frowns as a default. This means that he either forgets to do the 'correct' smiling and will frown during moments that he should be smiling, and sometimes he smiles in an attempt to appear friendly at the worst times. This makes him seem incredibly smug. Of course, how many times does this come up? Not often. Paramirum is really separated from most of his class. He was perfect at his classes and tests, and seemed to try hard during the tournaments, but he didn't sign up to any beyond the required ones. He didn't join a circle, and he never really applied himself to extracurriculars. He worked with professors on certain ancient historical research projects, though, which means most teachers at least respect him as a scholar. He's also incredibly bookish about magical theory, which isn't as popular of a subject as applied magic (mainly because the math is obscene for theoretical magic).

He does frown when someone is hurting or bullying others, and sometimes even steps in to try to break it up, but will never go beyond that. The truth of the matter... is unknown. If a teacher really did ask him, he'd respond that "Heroics aren't for me. Neither are such things like winning or losing.", and if a student asked him, he'd probably ignore them. On the few occasions that he has helped someone in danger, he'll generally smile and then admonish them for "being a weakling", which is a jarring experience.

[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Tactics: Paramirum is actually quite good at tactical and strategic questions. He doesn't have a lot of the same insecurities and tells that most people have, which allows him to analyze an opponent extremely well.
  • Espionage: This isn't a magical talent, but the guy is just good at gathering info. He's bad at making friends, but good at sneaking around, asking the right questions, and seeming aloof enough to make people feel comfortable giving him information. He might seem to give out useful information, and just need the background, or he might ask for the necessary information in return for help on exams.
  • Housework: And he isn't embarrassed about it, which might be a tell for some people. As a homunculus made to serve someone, he is really good at cooking and cleaning. His room, at least, is always perfectly clean, and he cooks himself really nice meals, though someone might notice that he always cooks two plates for every meal time.
  • History: Apart from his good exam scores, Paramirum is an absolutely excellent historian, and knows ancient languages and runes. He can reference a historical quip for many situations, and sometimes he goes a bit overboard.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Arcanum: Theoretical magical spells that mess with the mathematical fields and vectors that create magical effects. Of course, overriding a cast spell is extremely precise, but as a master into magical arcana, Paramirum can often reflect, dislocate, or negate more naked or basic spells. The more advanced and innate the spell, the harder it is to affect, such as the magic latent within magical creatures like vampires or a wizard's natural ability. This can be used to boost spells of allies and even create the ever illusive siphon, though it should be noted that making a magical siphon is like creating a vacuum: impossible, and the closer to it you get, the harder it is to maintain and expand.
  • Ancient Buddhist Tantras: The newest type of spells that Paramirum is developing are those based on ancient Buddhist tantras and mantras, especially from the Vajrayana sect. As someone who knows Sanskrit and Pali, Paramirum can set up long-winded spells that have extremely esoteric effects. Those who know Sanskrit might understand that he invokes 'karmic retribution' and 'spiritual transgressions' upon his enemy, but only a similar scholar would tell what these spells do. Suffice it to say, only someone very confident in their own choices won't struggle with their own karma.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Social awkwardness: Getting information is alright, but when it comes to making friends and especially love, Paramirum is clueless. As mentioned above, he'll often alienate people he's helped or is trying to become closer with. This is absolutely awful for him as a guardian, especially when he deals with an unruly or childish outburst from his charge.
  • Complexity of spells: All of Paramirum's spells are complex and require him to either say a mantra, do a special tantric movement, do math calculations, or all of the above. This means that if he's actually under pressure, he might fail an important spell. However, as a homunculus, he's more calm in battle compared to most.
  • Lack of firepower: The truth is, Paramirum doesn't really have spells that can just knock someone out. This means any fight with him often has to be much more of a chore, even if he's stronger than his opponent. There are obviously ways for him to win quickly, but it's not so simple. However, this does mean that even though he's highly ranked, he's very underestimated by weaker students and teachers. More advanced ones, however, will quickly pick up on this.
  • ???: The one thing that truly terrifies him is what his charge's family could theoretically do to him. But nobody needs to know this.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Stealing Knowledge: That's what the records say! In the few times someone has seen Paramirum fight, such as in the required tournaments, one of his many strange magical spells will come and do something to the opponent, and the battle will start going in his favor. This is as much as a moderately interested party might know. For some reason, after the tournament, anyone who lost to Paramirum starts doing worse on their exams.



[A R M O R]
None so far.

[I T E M S]
  • Runic Paint: Paramirum can use his runic paint and chalk to mark himself with any esoteric sigils that he needs for more involved spells.
  • Briefcase
  • Books: He always carries some ancient tome or another.

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Sophicarum
Weapon Type: Grimoire, or a book of pre-cast spells that can be used for quick access. The magical capacity inside it is limited, but can hold four medium complexity spells, and two of the extremely involved ones.
Length: 9x12"
Weight: 2 lbs
Origin: Unlike a dark magical grimoire, the Sophicarum was made by an ancient pre-Socratic Greek cultist. The idea of it was to store the words and arguments of sophists like Xenophanes to repeat against interlocutors and turn the theoretical supremacy of their words into magical spells. This is the perfect weapon for Paramirum, considering that in many ways, the theoretical complexity of his spells work with the idea of a complex sophist's argument. It was found on an archeological dig during the time of the Greek military junta after World War 2. His opinions on how it got into his hands are unknown, and he doesn't use it much, but once that book is open, prepare for the most confusing battle of spells you've ever dealt with.

[S T U D Y]
  • Major - Ancient Arcana: Paramirum is studying and writing a thesis on the theoretical magic made, pioneered, and perfected by the ancient Buddhist esotericists. This intense study will, by the end of it, not only increase his knowledge in very particular magical workarounds that were necessary at the time, seeing as magical theory hadn't developed the way it is now, but also make him about as strong as an ancient Vajrayana guru.
  • Classes: Paramirum is taking special research courses with professors in history, advanced magical theory, runes, Sanskrit/Pali, ancient Chinese, and adaptation. He also studies survival and defensive magic to understand the benefits of the less direct Buddhist magic compared to say, ancient Egyptian magic, which was very in your face.
  • Extracurriculars: Paramirum doesn't really take extracurriculars. What would be considered 'extracurricular' in the catalog is really important for his thesis, such as the various language courses and survival skills. He also studies incredibly hard, so at the very least his teachers love him for not taking a 'blow off course'.

Source for faceclaims and art
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Pull it Together

"Why be so serious? Learn to live a little! Some of use aren't lucky to get a second chance at life."
Ezra B. Stone


[B A S I C S]
Name: Ezra Bartholomew Stone
Addendum: Ezra doesn't think too much about his name. for the most part he finds it hilarious how "regal" it sounds in contrast to his actual status, much less his personality.
Nickname: Sparky
Addendum: After the unusual circumstance of his resurrection he has a tendency to spark and jolt with ambient electricity when emotions are high, thus the nickname.
Age: 20 years old
Addendum: Give or take a week or two for when he died.
Gender: Cis Male
Addendum: Nothing special really, just another guy
Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Addendum: To Ezra love is love, he just has a taste for people of the female persuasion
Race: Zombie
Addendum: Yeah, this walking ray of sunshine is one of the living dead to some peoples surprise. He looks normal enough, however they cannot be in the light or they will slowly burn. The necromancer that resurrected him was a rather low level necromancer and experimented with his resurrection process to mitigate the lack in power. It went a bit wrong. The bolt of lightning did jump-start the spell but Ezra turned out all the stitched up under his cloths Frankenstein style and still has a bit of electricity running through him. He likes to plank people with his decapitated head if he can get away with it.
Type: A
Addendum: Sentient and as "Full of life" as any zombie can be.
Rank: Basic 3A
Addendum: Though he has nothing special to him background wise, Ezra does show great potential for his magic and an eagerness to improve that would make any teacher happy. His thread and wire magic is rather unique and he has shown ways to use it creatively and effectively giving it a wider range of utility. People who are aware of his skills can tell you that he can drop his happy go lucky attitude and become focused very quickly if needed.
Circle: Circle 2
Addendum: His work ethic and determination to get better made him a perfect fit for the 2nd circle. most new members though will often mistake him for being too lazy or carefree when not training or on a mission.
Division: None yet
Addendum: Ezra has shown little interest in joining a division, mostly out of laziness unfortunately and thinking it would be a pain having to work with others that he might clash with or complain about his habits.

[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Light Blonde/Brown - Very vivid coloring, some people think he dyes it.
Eyes: Rusty Red - He had blue eyes before his Resurrection.
Complexion: Fair White - Cant get a tan since sunlight hurts.
Height: 5 feet 8 inch / 178 cm
Build: Lean and well built - Ezra has a body of someone that actively tries to keep fit.
Weight: 173.lbs / 78.Kg
Body Markings: Surgical scars and stitches cover a good amount of his torso, thighs and biceps. He does have an electrical scar on his back from the lightning bolt that helped give him life.

[A P P E A R A N C E]
Ezra always comes off as a happy and easygoing person. He's known to be so full of energy that you could practically call him a golden retriever that became a person. He is a rather handsome and slender young man that gives off that "boy next door" sort of charm. Ezra likes to keep his long hair a little bed head messy, usually tying a lot of it back in a high ponytail with bangs and some strands hanging out from the back. He like's to keep his cloths rather casual and stuff that easy to move around in with little to no accessories. Most of his wardrobe consists of simple urban street and sports cloths of no particular brands or favored colors. he does have enough sense not to put together color combinations that would offend the eyes.

Moral Alignment [Neutral Good]
[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)

To be Rather blunt, Ezra is one of the most energetic people you will meet. He can be a bit intense and overly enthusiastic, which often puts people off just a bit. This doesn't mean he cant relax or be calm, in fact he is very prone to spacing out when he doesn't have anything to do. If one is patient though many describe him as happy-go-lucky, good-matured, and a very considerate individual. Ever the optimist, Ezra tries his very best to enjoy life and think positively even if the situation seems rather bleak in comparison. Always quick to smile and happy to laugh with others, You can always count on him to give a warm grin and light chuckle.

Now, he is also easily surprised and excited, always willing to try new things and experiences that come his way. This sense of wonderlust means he is easily impressed. And unfortunately makes it easy for him to get both bored and distracted, which evidently happens more then he would prefer. Others have speculated that he might actually have ADHD. Which would explain a lot, though that could also be a side effect of all the electricity in his body.

On the other side of the coin Ezra is surprisingly reckless in nature and has a dangerous habit for consistent thrill seeking. Combined with a love for entertainment, he can seem a bit idiotic at the worst of times. occasionally doing things just to see what might happen. Granted, Ezra is no fool and will never intentionally cause any serious trouble.

He is a fiercely loyal and protective friend, even going as far as putting himself in harms way to ensure the safety of others. He is willing to go down fighting for his friends, regardless of how futile it might seem. And will vehemently refuse to do anything that might endanger them. But true to his nature he will still take calculated risks. . . . even though he is terrible at math.

[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Personal: Skilled Tracer - Ezra is a practitioner in the arts of Parkour and free running. A discipline using movement that developed from military obstacle course training. With the aim of get from one point to another in a complex environment, without assistive equipment and in the fastest and most efficient way possible. Ezra likes to incorporate flips and spins to give himself a bit more flair. Ezra is able to flow through the environment with a grace most never expect from a zombie.
  • Racial: Undead body - Being a member of the walking dead means that Ezra cannot die under normal circumstances and can take all sorts of punishment that would leave most other races either dead or incapable of moving due to excruciating pain. He also cannot physically age now and is stuck with the body of a young adult. Ezra's undead body allows him to exert more physically strength and speed then the average human ever could but does risk hurting himself and isn’t anymore durable then the average human. He can still feel pain when injured but can bare quite a bit of it. Like most undead, he is capable of healing himself overtime even if decapitated, his thread magic allows him to stitch his body back together rapidly to help accelerate the process faster then his peers.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Lightning Manipulation: Ezra has begun to learn how to manipulate lightning and electricity. Doing so allows him to generate electricity around his body, Increase the amount of power in existing electricity to some degree, and direct electrical currents with some degree of control. He has recently discovered how to absorb outside electricity and lightning to give himself a boost in power with a degree of risks involved.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Overloaded: He currently is forced to use his own bodies ambient electricity to help initiate his lightning powers, doing so for too long runs the risk of burning himself out and leaving Ezra exhausted.
  • Grounded Targets: At his current level of power, he cant hope to deal any damage to anyone that is safely grounded or insulated to his electrical magic.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Thread Manipulation: Ezra can manipulate threads, string and wire with startling precision. His ability seems to augment whatever materials he is manipulating at the time to become many times stronger, making cutting or damaging his thread very difficult. The applications for this ability are numerous. from snaring and restraining, to cutting and manipulating objects around Ezra to some degree. His favorite application so far is being able to restitch his body back together when damaged and using the thread to manipulate his own body in combat like people wearing wires in action movies.


[A R M O R]
He currently possesses no armor.

[I T E M S]
  • Fairly generic casual and sports wear
  • Black leather wallet with debit card
  • Journal, sketchbooks, and drawing supplies
  • Stop watch
  • Light gray, Anti theft messenger bag
  • Black leather belt pouches holding large spools of various forms of wire and threads
  • School supplies
  • Stash of sweets and candy
  • Athletic shoes and gloves with good traction

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]

Weapon Name:
Storm's Edge
Weapon Type: Dagger
Length: 10 Inch long blade
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Origin: Storm's Edge was gifted to Ezra from the academy. It's true origin was Leather and brass bracelet his late older sister had made for him when he was younger and still human.

[S T U D Y]
Student Type: College level - Going for Masters Degree
Major Magical Mastery - Ezra is adamant on mastering his magical powers and improving them further, even going so far as to study in the other forms of magic even if he has no aptitude in them. He wants to learn every facet of his own abilities so that he could one day be a teacher himself and help improve future mages in their respective magics regardless of power.
Classes: Not really one for complicated topics outside of anything magical related, Ezra only really takes Art and Physical Education in terms of mundane classes. His current line up of classes involves Power Amplification, Adaptation, Undeath through the Ages, and Weapon Mastery.
Extracurricular Activities: Ezra absolutely loves being able to take multiple Extracurricular Activities to help apply his over abundance of energy and participates in Indoor track and field, Art club, and the martial arts club.
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What I am

"Welcome to the Academy"

Zain Ayumu​



"A little about myself..."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Zain Ayumu
Addendum: Zain doesn't mind you call him Ayumu or Zain, he'll respond to either one
Nickname: Crystal Petal and Crystal Shield
Addendum: These were old nicknames he had from himself and they just...stuck. Petal because of his love for the garden he has and Shield because of his tendency to want to shield things he loves and protects them with everything he has.
Age: 21+ (????)
Addendum: He sort of lost track of his age after...a long time ago?
Gender: Male
Addendum: He's male, no chest wrap to hide a feminine chest or a fake package downstairs to make it look like he has one.
Orientation: Pansexual
Addendum: He doesn't care if your male or female, or any other gender. He loves anyone.
Race: Werewolf/Dragon Hybrid
Addendum: He never choose what raise he wanted to be, dragons were very rare to see and his mother happened to be the lucky girl to bag one and...He came along some odd months later, not having an actual wolf form but...He rather not say what he could transform into.
Type: B (Type A for Dragon)
Addendum: While he can transform at will, he chooses to stay in human form...Until he needs to take wing which he does so secretly.
Rank: 1A
Addendum: He doesn't boast about his abilities nor does he like to show them off, but he damns his dragon blood for amping up the power behind his magic.


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Silver-white
Eyes: His eyes are a Hetero-Chromatic; right eye is silver blue while the left is amethyst, but both are glazed over.
Complexion: Pale but with
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lithe and Flexible
Weight: 210lbs
Body Markings: He has none aside from the small scar running along his left inner thigh.

[A P P E A R A N C E]
Zain's appearance is always what it has been since he would remember; Long silver white hair that he usually styles into a high ponytail or a braid. His hetero-chromatic eyes always seem to follow someone...Until he bumps into an inanimate object and messes up everything about himself. He usually wears anything long, comfy, and allows for fluid movement. On the odd occasion, you might catch him wearing a Cheongsam, with only shorts on. That's if he's wearing it at the moment you find him.
Moral Alignment[Neutral]

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)
Zain is a person that is two-three faces, depending on how you look at him. There his 'public' mask for outside the academy, his 'headmaster' mask for inside the academy, and his 'normal' face. Each face means different things. But some people have seen his private face. The face he hides from many and only shows a few. This face is who he truly is; a calm, passionate, and kind individual.
There's also his insanely curiosity that tends to get him into trouble...A lot. He likes to 'investigate' things that sound strange or are new to him. Ever heard of the peeping tom? This is him, though in his defense, he couldn't quite find why everything smelled so~ good~....And his nose leads him into vasts amounts of trouble as well. Never allow him into the kitchen alone, he will try to eat whatever is cooking or such; raw or partially cooked.
His calm, passionate, and kind demeanor tends to rear its head when someone's having a bad day, someone in trouble, or just plain old someone needs a talking. While he tries to restrain himself from becoming overly curious or trying to do something with someone, he can't resist when something happens. If his students are in trouble, he's the first to leap to their defense. If the school needs a lawyer, he'll try to be one but...His VP tends to put their foot down to ensure he doesn't do anything legally damaging to the school's image/reputation. He has no qualms about hunters coming to his school and learning but...if an hunter comes to the school with the intent to harm Any of his students and you will know his fury.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Shape Shifting: Its for any species that has an alternate form to shape shift into said form but he rarely takes his other form as he doesn't want anyone to hunt him down for his pelt or such. He does have other talents but he likes to keep them secret.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • One: His blindness
  • Two: His Crystal Tree Adele
  • Three: His pendant

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Crystal Manipulation: The ability to create and control crystals. The name itself may sound bleh, but wielded by a master of the arts and the only master of the arts can be jawdropping inspiring. Beautiful works of art created within a blink of an eye, jagged weaponry pointed at your throat for whatever reason, and infusing elements into the very crystals themselves to make them even more powerful. The only person to know of this art is Zain Ayumu, headmaster of Avolair Academy. He can create a dome with a simple thought and shield his students with ease with said dome, but it becomes very straining the longer he holds it, even with his pendant adding strength to it. The dome is his most draining and most untested along with element infusion. He mostly uses a whip, spikes, or a spear to deal with his opponents and he has to use his pendant in order to make the weapons appear. Without his pendant, the crystal is brittle and frail, making it very easy to smash or break to get to him.



[A R M O R]
He doesn't need armor, as once again, his manipulation allows him to have armor.

[I T E M S]

  • Pendant
  • Cellphone
  • Several unaspected crystals that can be infused with an element and thrown, much like a first line of defense thing.

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: His pendant has no name
Weapon Type: Any
Length: Any
Weight: Any
Origin: This is his focal point of his magic and what makes his magic powerful. Sure he can conjure up anything without it but it doesn't have the stability behind it.

"Just keep on smiling. It'll be all right."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Elentiya Locke
Addendum: She was named by her mother. Elentiya means 'The spirit who could not be broken'.
Nickname: Elie
Addendum: This was given to her by teachers and classmates who thought her real name was too long.
Age: 18
Addendum: She doesn't feel 18.
Gender: Female
Addendum: She may be petite and extremely flat, but I assure you, she is female.
Orientation: Heterosexual
Addendum: While she prefers males, she is open to any sexuality and does not discriminate.
Race: Angel
Addendum: She has enhanced senses, regeneration, light manipulation, and great speed through the air.
Type: A
Addendum: She enjoys learning, and is very kind
Rank: 4
Addendum: She has somewhat control over her capabilities, but still needs to learn.
Circle: 1

[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Eyes: Her eyes are silver
Complexion: Pale
Height: 4'11"
Build: Petite and Agile
Weight: 97 lbs
Body Markings: Freckles across her nose and a large claw scar on her back that she keeps covered.

[A P P E A R A N C E]
Elie tends to wear oversized clothes and goes with anything comfortable. Her hair is chin length and straight. She tends to be classified as "childish" because of her height and build. Even though she is small, she is very fast and near impossible to catch. Whenever she isn't tripping over her feet, she is very agile and nimble.

Moral Alignment[Neutral]
MENTALITY: Elie always does what's right, no matter the consequence
[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Elie is very sweet and charming, going out of her way to help others. She tries to be friendly with everyone, but she tends to clash with those of the demonic race. She is also very innocent, and sometimes oblivious.
Whenever Elie first meets a person, she warms up to them right away. She is very extroverted and bubbly, so she can sometimes be too much for people to deal with all at once. Especially shy people. Everyone knows her name, even if they may not know her personally. She tends to break the barriers of race separation, and is friends with people from all races. The only races she avoids and tend to be rude to are Hunters and Demonic folk.
To the people close to her, she often classified as "childish". She takes everything in with a wonder that can't be competed with. As if she has never been to Earth. She is overtrusting of people, even people who have wronged her; she never hesitates to give more chances. She is overenthusiastic and happy.
Even when she is sad or in pain, she won't show it. She is a selfless girl and puts everyone else before herself. She doesn't care what the consequences are to herself, she will make sure everyone else is happy before even thinking about herself. She will throw herself into danger to protect people. She is extra protective of those she cares for, but will risk her life for a complete stranger, no matter their race.

[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Flight: As she is an angel, she has a pair of large wings that sprout from her back. She tends to keep them hidden because her wings would be sold on the black market. Regeneration, enhanced senses, and increased speed in the air, basic light ability are also part of her natural skills.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • One: Water
  • Two: Heat
  • Three: Her height and lack of muscle

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Wind Manipulation: Elie is able to manipulate wind, makint it speed up, slow down, etc. She often uses it to help her through the air faster and to help with take off and landing. She can't focus the wind, however. It tends to be a general direction, rather than a specific point.

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[A R M O R]
Elie wears armor specially designed to bend and be flexible for flight.
[I T E M S]

  • Dagger
  • Phone
  • A fiction novel

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Her sword has no name
Weapon Type: Glamdring
Length: 47 inches
Weight: 4.9 lbs
Origin: She got the sword from her mother.
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"Here lies a Rancor."



[B A S I C S]
Name: Dakin
Addendum: The name is of an Arabian origin, it means darker than.
Nickname: Rancorist of Nada
Addendum: Abstract; Rancor. A keen sense of dislike, or a negative emotion.
Age:28 years.
Addendum: His lifespan was invested in developing techniques regarding death, life, and phenomenons in-between.
Organization: Rancorisim

Addendum: Rancoristics are a clan often referred to as "The fallen from grace", a clout organization of hunters who have neglected Deities and the remaining Divine races, along with all of what falls under the umbrella term supernatural.


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Short unkept.
Eyes: Crimson Red.
Complexion: Smug.
Height: 168cm.
Build: Muscular, lean.
Weight: 68kg.
Body Markings:Burn-marks across the eyes.

Moral Alignment

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
His personality is cold and unforgiving. Although conversing with him may give the impression that he is indecisive and somewhat boring, in reality, he is always deep in thought and has a loyal heart. He gives an impression of being cold and cruel because he believes that most things and events are “normal”, and therefore he does not interfere. Due to this characteristic, he does not really have negative emotions such as hatred and jealousy. Because his behaviors target people’s “true nature that should not be put to words”, he is disliked by many.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Deductions: Dakin is of high intellect, rational perception, and a keen situational awareness.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • One: Type B, Necromancer.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • One: Holy Magic.
  • Two: Divine Instruments.


[A R M O R]
For the sake of maintaining high agility and speed, Dakin does not use heavy armor. However, his outfit consists of a peculiar fabric. The wear itself has a number of chants imbued to it for resistance against magical outputs and bursts.
[I T E M S]

  • One: A ruby gemstone for a ward effect.
  • Two: A magical watch, serves as an omnidirectional scanner for traces of magic, encompassing 120ft diameter around the user.

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Ban
Weapon Type: Gun; Revolver.
Overall length: 3.4 inches. (86.36 mm)
Rim diameter: 0.670 inches. (17 mm)
Base diameter: 0.630 inches. (16 mm)

Weight: 6lbs
Origin: Draconic Artifact

[S E C O N D A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Serpent.
Weapon Type: Whip.
Length: 16ft
Origin: Draconic Artifact

ghost choir♪

"♪Ooooo, let's have some fun. The ghost style way!♪"

Felicity Montgomery​



[B A S I C S]
Name: Felicity Montgomery
Addendum: Felicity means good fortune or happy. Montgomery means rich man's mountain in english or mountain hunter in french.
Nickname: Félicité, Felicia, or Feli
Addendum: Félicité is what her family calls her, since they are french. Felicia is just another name to call her, and Feli is the short version of her name.
Age: 14
Addendum: She is in high school.
Gender: Female
Addendum: Felicity is a pretty girl.
Orientation: Heterosexual
Addendum: She wants to be with a guy.
Race: Ghost
Addendum: You guys know what a ghost is. They are spirits of the dead, but one can be seen until the other one can't.
Type: 1
Addendum: Felicity is just a noble ghost, who can't touch anything. There isn't a special traits for her.
Rank: Noble | 3
Addendum: Felicity doesn't like to tell people her ranks, since they don't need to know that.
Circle: 2
Division: N/A


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Complexion: Fair
Height: 5'0"
Build: Petite and Agile
Weight: 140 lbs if she wasn't a ghost.
Body Markings: N/A

[A P P E A R A N C E]
Felicity is a cute blonde ghost girl, who is always seen wearing bright colors. She wears low heels, doesn't wear earrings, and would love to wear makeup if given the chance. However, they can't do that, since anything that isn't magical goes through her. Her green eyes are pretty to look at, and she would love to wear new clothes.

Moral Alignment: Neutral Good

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
When it comes to ghosts, most normal people would think that a ghost would be shy, mean, or scary. Felicity doesn't fit with any of that description, since she is a friendly ghost. Heck, they don't act like a noble either. She always tries to hug someone despite going through them, and is always seen with that cheerful smile on her face. Way too energetic for her own good, and tries to improve to make herself and the people around her proud.
Felicity is curious about humans, but she won't go up to them immediately. The reason for that is, because religious people are scary.
She is smart enough to not trust people immediately, and her way of being playful is weird. Why is that weird? Because Felicity would try to do the bunny ears through their head or just make silly faces if someone is taking a picture. They don't understand why people are scared of her.
She doesn't like bugs, rats, people who want to get rid of her, being mean to her or being mean to other people, mind games, and those who won't have fun with her.
These are reasons why: Bugs are creepy to look at, rats are disgusting, people who like the religious people are mean for wanting to purge her, bullies towards her or other people are unacceptable, and come on. Please try to have fun with Felicity, since she already can't touch anything.
Her favorite color is yellow, white, red, purple, and orange.
Felicity loves cute animals, but she can't pet them as much as she wants to do that. Singing and dancing are fun for her. However, she doesn't that in front of everybody.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Personal: Felicity can sing and dance really good, but she doesn't do that in public. She has a french accent, because her family do speak french. When it comes to studying, they do take it very seriously. If she allowed to have fun, Felicity will take advantage of that.
    She is good at controlling her ice magic, but has less control over the other types of magic.
    Her ability to do weird things with her voice is very interesting, and Felicity has a lot of energy. She also wants to improve herself, and her not trusting people immediately is a bonus. Because they are curious of humans.
    Felicity can easily tell if someone is religious just by looking at them.
  • Racial: Felicity can't touch anything, because she just goes through them.
    Felicity can't age, they are dead, and she doesn't have any special traits. They can float off the ground just like any ghosts can do.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

Ice Magic: The user is able to perform a legendary form of magic that allows the user to cast magical spells and feats through ice. In cold regions or the cold season, the user is capable of utilizing unlimited magical powers unless removed from the cold region or the cold season as passed. Most people who use this power is called an ice wizard/witch.
Example: Felicity can make an ice surfboard, and fly around with that by using her Telekinesis.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • One: Magic, psychology warfare, mind games, and anything that works against a ghost will work on her.
  • Two: Scary religion people's rituals.
  • Three: Ice or psychic proof stuff.
  • Four: Felicity can't pick up anything if they are too heavy for her. Also, she won't know if someone or something is heavy until she tries to pick them up with her Telekinesis.
  • Five: Fire works against her ice magic.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Telekinesis: Felicity always wanted to have to touch people and any material stuff. But she isn't able to do that, because she is a ghost.
    However, once Telekinesis was given to her, she has the ability to interact with them.
    She can manipulate physical matter with her mind, so she can move people or stuff around.



^A noble got to look fancy.

[A R M O R]
N/A for now.

[I T E M S]

  • A bunch of clothes designed for a ghost + Gloves for her Telekinesis to use.
  • A bunch of accessories for a ghost.
  • A purse with her wallet, credit card, and debit card.
  • A beautiful bag that she is carrying her stuff with her Telekinesis.
Felicity, the ghost noble.​
Felicity is one of the ghosts that cannot be touched. Perhaps that makes interactions weird, awkward, or uncomfortable, and perhaps others would agree that interactions with the ghost were more one sided. If she could choose, and if she had a choice. She’d still be living and not a shadow of who she once was.

As a noble, she comes from one of the higher classes. Most families were preyed upon by assassins wishing to steal their wealth. Unfortunately, her family was one of the more unlucky families to have been attacked. No one made it out alive, and no one could rest peacefully. Knowing that their money was safe should’ve been enough to put them to rest, but after everything, the spirits could not leave the world of the living behind.

And on top of that, Felicity was one of the untouchable spirits, while most of her family could be touched. She wasn’t jealous of this though, as she didn’t see a reason to be jealous. She missed being alive, missed feeling that joy. But now she was a shell, a shell of what could’ve been.

She felt no more pain, she felt nothing if she was being completely honest, other than guilt and misery. But, seeing as she was a noble, she wasn’t as strong as the purebloods, and maybe that meant emotionally as well. But after everything that had happened to her family, could she really blame them? As a mortal, she had to worry about everything, but as a spirit, her worries could be put to rest.

But they weren't, were they? They still floated in the back of her mind, making her worry and fear that after her time as a spirit is over, is when she will be forgotten. But she shouldn’t worry too much about that now, seeing as she wasn’t anywhere near her family home. All she could do was hope that everything would be okay.

Now she possessed telekinesis, which was one of the only ways ghosts could interact with objects and people. She used this to interact with those that wished to talk to her, even if it wasn’t really talking.

Though, because she was dead, she had no reason to do mortal tasks, which was possibly a blessing in disguise. Not having to do anything to keep herself healthy, because well she was dead was probably the one thing she liked about being a ghost, if one could even like being a ghost. But remember, if you end up getting murdered, please hide your wealth from those greedy bastards, for everyone’s sake.
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Japanese Festival

"Let's be friends, everyone!"

Inari Akiko



"About me? Okay well..."
[B A S I C S]
Name: Inari Akiko
"It means Bright Child!"
Nickname: Ai
"But only my mom calls me that."
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Orientation: Hetro Bicurious
"I'm straight. I think?"
Race: Kitsune/Human Hybrid
"I'm also called a Fox Child! Though apparently most fox children are just extraordinary humans, so it's odd that I've got actual Kitsune traits."
Rank: Basic 4
"Being half-blood makes things a little difficult."
Circle: Arukatei
"Of course I'm going to be in my mom's circle!"
Division: Unranked
"I haven't 'officially' joined yet so..."

1st: Japanese
2nd: Photography


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Golden Blonde
Eyes: Pink
Complexion: Fair
Height: 4'10"
Build: Petite
Weight: 90 lbs

Moral Alignment[Neutral Good]

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Akiko is a fun, loving, ball of energy with a mischievous streak. Despite her fun loving side she's serious when it comes to her studies and is always willing to lend a hand to those that need it. She's extremely hopeful for this new school, since she had always been homeschooled, and is excited that she may finally make some friends that she doesn't have to hide her ears and tail around. She is a little bit of a scaredy cat though, but when her friends and family are in trouble she will be the first one at their side.

[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]


  • High Intelligence: Despite only being 14, Akiko already has an 11th grade level of education.
  • Acrobatics: Possibly a feature of her mixed blood, Akiko is as flexible and agile as an Olympic athlete despite her young age.
  • Shapeshifting (Partial): As of now Akiko is incapable of taking a full fox form and has difficulty becoming fully human. She can make her tail completely disappear but still has trouble with her ears. However she is working on and improving this ability.
  • True Sight: Due to the trickster's blood running through her veins Akiko is more or less immune to magical mischief. She is able to see through illusions, invisibility spells, and the like. This ability is always active and can't be turned off.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • N/A

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Half Blood: Being a half breed Akiko's powers are weaker than normal. She is also subject to scrutiny amongst the Purebloods and Nobles.
  • Reflections: Her reflection will always show her with ears and a tail...unless she's using clothes to hide them. They will also reveal her illusions.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Illusions: Akiko's illusions are nowhere near as powerful as her mother's, only being able to fool sight and hearing.


[A R M O R]

[I T E M S]
Basic Clothes

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:
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Season of the Witch

"I didn't ask to be born perfect..."

Aradia Wilder​



"...I demanded it."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Aradia
Addendum: named after the queen of witched and goddess of the moon
Nickname: N/A
Addendum: she's got none, nor does she want any
Age: 17
Addendum: senior in high school
Gender: Female
Addendum: just a cis lady
Orientation: Demi/panromantic Asexual
Addendum: when faced with a choice between boyfriends and the moon, girls pick the moon every time
Race: Human Witch/Alchemist
Addendum: Slinger of spells and crafter of potions and trinkets
Type: Witch A
Addendum: Instead of a wand she uses alchemical runes carved into various things to channel her powers
Rank: 4
Addendum: She's got some learning to do
Circle: 3
Addendum: good fun chaos


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: silver
Eyes: green
Complexion: fair
Height: 5'7"
Build: slim
Weight: 130 lbs
Body Markings: tattoo along length of left forearm of moon phases

Moral Alignment chaotic good

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Aradia is known for having a resting bitch face and a no bullshit attitude. while she isn't the biggest talker she isn't gonna waste time with honeyed words or beating around the bush, sparing no one's feelings. Despite her shortness she's not overtly rude or mean. Just as she won't waste time trying to sugar coat things or make everything better she wont go out of her way to just be a bully for no reason. For those who can get past her tough exterior she can become a loyal friend.
Beyond the scary tired eye is a calculating brain. Intelligent, would be one way to describe her; she's a book worm with a photographic memory. She spends most of her time studying and trying to improve her magic skills. She'd love no more than to have a powerful partner in crime who she can match wits with. As smart as she is she can be over confident, and will likely have her hubris be her downfall.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • potion making
  • photographic memory
  • weapon smithing
  • drawing & calligraphy
  • medical herb knowledge

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • working on being able to make potions and trinkets

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • One: limited uses of her symbols, and limited ammo based on her own carrying capacity and preemptive planning
  • takes a bit of concentration to activate her ability with precision
  • Two: everything takes time: carving symbols, crafting things
[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Passed down through her family: at 13 she began learning how to channel her magic through alchemical symbols (Fire, water, air, and earth) to create a corresponding effect. For example she might create a fire trap by carving the symbol onto a surface or a small pit of quicksand with the earth and sand symbol on the ground. Each symbol must be manually activated using the corresponding word in latin (ignis, aer, aqua, terra) and larger use of the elements becomes increasingly difficult and tiresome.
  • her main way of using this is symbols, primarily fire carved into rocks that she throws toward her target, essentially making bombs... magical bombs


[A R M O R]

[I T E M S]
bag full of small (river) stones with the alchemical symbols written on them
leather bound journal with moon phases carved onto cover
various medical herbs
black cross shoulder bag for her school supplies

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name:
Weapon Type: Diana
Length: 6.5" blade
Weight: 1 lb
Origin: passed down though family, named after one of the goddesses of the the moon
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"It is not about fighting it, but only once you embrace it can it truly be controlled. "
Delilah Crest​



"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Delilah Crest
Addendum: Delilah Ray Crest
Nickname: Miss Crest
Addendum: Call her anything else and you'll be killed with kindness till the day you finally keel over and die.
Age: 38
Addendum: But really she is celebrating her 13th, 25th birthday in a row.
Gender: Female
Addendum: Flower Power baby
Orientation: Bisexual
Addendum: Love sees no gender
Race: Werewolf
Addendum: Though technically aren't all women a little wolfy
Type: B
Addendum: Miss Crest has mastered self control in many ways, but the moon still gets the better of her every once in a while
Rank: 1B
Addendum: There is nothing wrong with being "normal"
Class: Power Amplification
Addendum: She's been teaching at the school for 6 years now.


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Light blond, down to her bum
Eyes: Hazel
Complexion: pale with scattered freckles
Height: 5' 6"
Build: Slender
Weight: 200lbs
Body Markings:

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Moral Alignment Lawful Good
[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Delilah is a flower child by heart. She is good natured, not letting things get to her. A natural outdoors lover, she often holds classes outside in the gardens, with the sun on her face and barefoot in the grass. She is a genuine person and can be trusted with other's problems. She has a passion for seeing her students succeed and often adapts her teaching style to suit those who struggle. Her voice is soft and hardly ever raises above a whisper, forcing her students to pay attention as sharply as they can for fear of missing something. Delilah takes pride in her work and because of her passion and enjoyment for what she does, it is easy to be sucked into enjoying it as well.

The day of the full moon, she can be found flitting around campus, her usual soft spoken nature gone as she laughs like a loon at nearly everything. When night falls and the wolf takes over, she runs. Her spirit is free and she embraces the animal instincts. It is not about fighting it, but only once you embrace it can it truly be controlled.

[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Transformation from human to wolf. When in wolf form her animal instincts come out, the speed, the power, the hunger and strength. She also has heightened senses when she is in wolf form.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Transformation: Needless to say, the werewolf can become a wolf.
  • Projection: Delilah can project emotions onto other, guiding them into feeling a certain way.
  • Manipulation: Lets say this is a gentle encouragement to do something against one's own will.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • The Full Moon: The lunar cycle controls more than just the tides.
  • Hunger: Delilah can become a real "witch: when she is hungry. When she hasn't had a filling meal within the last twelve hours, a feral side comes out. Which is why she is often seen eating large amounts of protein and snacks throughout the day.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Transformation: Need I say more?


[A R M O R]
Armor is rare, and usually gained later.

[I T E M S]

Delilah has a bit of a secret. Within the pendant of the necklace holds some of the moons essence. If need be for a quick transformation, she only needs to open the small ball and let the essence touch her skin and she will transform into her wolf form.

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Delilah the Wolf
Weapon Type: Living, breathing, powerful canine.
Length: 5' 6"
Weight: 200
Delilah herself of course.



Lullaby of Woe

"You are what you do, not what you say. "
Silus Allowick​



"I'll stop wearing black when you invent a darker color."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Silus Allowick
Addendum: The O is silent, though most people over pronounce it all together. It sounds like "All-wick"
Nickname: Dr. Allowick
Addendum: Don't leave out the Doctor. He worked hard for that shit.
Age: 5224 years
Addendum: He looks like he is 32
Gender: Male
Addendum: From his head to his toes
Orientation: Straight
Addendum: He's dabbled around with other men, but finds he likes the appeal of women more.
Race: Vampire
Addendum: Also refereed to as Blood suckers.
Type: B
Addendum: He tries to keep his hunger in check but sometimes he cant control it
Rank: 1C
Addendum: It's only natural someone who has been around for 5224 years, has mastered their abilities.
Class: Defensive Techniques
Addendum: He's been at the school for over a hundred years, teaching different classes before settling into Defensive Techniques for the last 12.


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: White hair
Eyes: Red eyes when hungry, orange when settled.
Complexion: Pale
Height: 6'8"
Build: Muscular while still on the lean side
Weight: 245LBS
Body Markings:
He has several facial piercings he wont get rid of, and a swirling tribal tattoo across his chest and climbing up the left side of his neck.

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Moral Alignment Regrettably Neutral Good
[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Silus is very stoic. He doesn't take shit from anyone and will call you out on your bullshit any time of the day. He likes to think of himself a "chill" but there has never been a more strung up individual. Every sound, every smell, it sets him on edge and often times he has to remove himself from the room to take a breather. His temper is short and it's easy to go off. There is no funny business in his class and he makes sure to remind his students of it everyday. He is observant and nothing gets past him. He pushes you to your limits, and then pushes you over them to become something better. He is very hard on people but at the end of the day he does have their best interests at heart.

[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Heightened senses : All his senses are heightened, sounds, smells, tastes, sight and touch. Not only normal human senses, but also his manipulation of emotions, the thoughts he can read from others and his own pride.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Thoughts: Silus can read the thoughts of others
  • Emotions: Along with reading thoughts, he can also control emotions of those he is in direct line of sight with
  • Agility: Silus is quick on his feet and extremely powerful and fast.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Sunlight: The sun burns his skin in blisters that take decades to go away.
  • Hunger: When he is hungry he is unrecognizable. He is even more aggressive than usual, and deadly. He can't see clearly when the hunger takes over and can kill even his most loved one.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Speed: Silus is beyond fast, he can run around the entire earth twice, in the time it takes for you to close a window.



[A R M O R]
His skin is impenetrable by most objects, acting as it's own armor. Wooden stakes being the exception

[I T E M S]

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Not that he needs a weapon, he does have a dagger called needle
Weapon Type: Dagger
Length: 8 inches
Weight: 1.2LBS
Came from a small girl he new a long long time ago.



Devil, Devil

"Better an oops than a what if."
Chauncey St. Claire​



"One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went though and it will be someone else's survival guide."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Chauncey St. Claire
Addendum: Yeah that Chauncey St. Claire
Nickname: Chance.
Addendum: Students call call him Mr. Chance or Mr. St. Claire
Age: 35
Addendum: Yes he knows he looks great
Gender: Male
Addendum: Yep that's it.
Orientation: Straight
Addendum: He really only has that option since he repels men
Race: Incubus
Addendum: It took a lot of convincing to have a good looking incubus be a teacher
Type: A
Addendum: Attracts women, repels men
Rank: 2
Addendum: Yeah he's not the most powerful. So what?
Class: Survival Training
Addendum: This is his first year


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Light sandy brown
Eyes: Blue
Complexion: On the lighter side of tan
Height: 6' 6"
Build: Bulky
Weight: 250lbs
Body Markings:

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Moral Alignment True Neutral
[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Chance is very friendly. He is always open for a good conversation but wary of the topic. Because he is always attracting women despite his best intentions, he finds it to be quite distracting. He has to live with what he was given though and makes the best of it. Chance is very positive, always looking on the bright side of things ans always trying to make others laugh. He is kind and compassionate which only adds to the attraction. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body that's for sure.

[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Allure: He can place people in a trance like state just by looking at them and talking to them. People hang on his every word.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Manipulation: All he has to do is ask and what his wish is, people do.
  • Fire: Chance is able to produce flame from his fingers and manipulate it to his will.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Crowds: He hates being in a crowd of maybe more than 20 people at a time. It is absolutely suffocating because people want to be near him.
  • Rain: Because of a nasty fall and an expensive surgery to fix a broken femur, when it rains he is often limping around, his left leg hurting fiercely.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Life: With a single deliciously evil kiss, he can suck the life out of his victim


[A R M O R]
Though not openly visible, he does wear mythril under his clothes.

[I T E M S]

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Blue Bombers
Weapon Type: Throwing knives
Length: 6 inches each
Weight: 15 oz each
From an old flame



Kings & Queens

"We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are."
Blair Costera​



"Don't allow someone to treat you poorly just because you love them."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Blair Costera
Addendum: Yes. There is no E at the end of Blair.
Nickname: Mrs. Costera
Addendum: She'll knock you on her ass if you call her anything else
Age: 30
Addendum: Flirty and 30
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Addendum: Sorry ladies.
Race: Necromancer
Addendum: It's not as fun as it sounds
Type: A
Addendum: And thankful for it!
Rank: 1B
Addendum: She still has things to master.
Class: Magic Mastery 2
Addendum: This is her second year


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Red, wavy and just past her shoulders
Eyes: Grey
Complexion: Fair
Height: 5' 8"
Build: Slim but athletic
Weight: 186 lbs
Body Markings:

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Moral Alignment Neutral Good
[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Blair is a spitfire. She doesn't take crap and she dishes back sass like it is going out of style. She loves to be around her students and loves to be involved in all the lingo and terms they are using now. She acts cool and doesn't come off as the cringey trying to hard way. Blair loves teaching and learning with her students. She admits she hasn't mastered everything yet, but that's the great thing about magic. There is always something new to learn about it.

[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • After life: She is able to communicate with those who have passed and speak to their lost souls.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Spirit Transplantation: Blair is able to take a body of someone who has passed and bring the soul of another, typically a ghost into that body. This is when it is not their original body.
  • Resurrection: She is able to bring back the soul of those who have died and return them to their body, though they don't come back wholly as they once were.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Mortality: Despite being able to resurrect and rehome spirits, she herself is still moral and still gets hurt just the same as others.
  • Nuts: The most mortal thing of all is being allergic to nuts, and she had been blessed with that curse.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Regeneration: She is able to essentially heal fatal wounds and regenerate the tissue as if nothing took place at all.


[A R M O R]
Armor is rare, and usually gained later.

[I T E M S]

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Lil Rosa
Weapon Type: Walther PPK
Length: 9mm
Weight: 2lbs
From a small gun shop she found years ago.

"Never lose your love for another person."

Artemis Ravenhart​

"Peace isn't for everyone, but I want it to be available if they want it."

[B A S I C S]
Name: Artemis Ravenhart
Addendum: Her last name is pronounced and often misspelled as "Ravenheart"
Nickname: Arty
Addendum: Her closest friends usually call her this
Age: 17
Addendum: Born July 14th
Gender: Female
Addendum: N/a
Orientation: Biromantic
Addendum: Although she's never really felt attraction, she is straight.
Race: Witch
Addendum: N/a
Type: B
Addendum: N/a
Rank: 4B
Addendum: N/a
Circle: 1
Addendum: She had yet to be placed in one.


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Light brown, stretches down to her waist, width between shoulder blades
Eyes: Blue eyes
Complexion: Light
Height: 5' 7"
Build: Lean, fragile
Weight: 109 lb.
Body Markings:

A young woman with long, brown hair and blue eyes, Artemis is a very fragile bodied girl. She has a small bust size and is abnormally thin-bodied. Her skin's complexion is light and flawless and she has a young-looking face. She is short in height and low in weight. She mainly wears casual clothing such as jeans, skirts, t-shirts, and sweaters. Her favorite outfit is a brown overshirt with a dark blue undershirt, jeans, and boots.

Moral Alignment Neutral Good

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Artemis is a quiet and studious girl who normally keeps to herself when she could. Kindness flows from this girl like a soft river and she smiled gently. She's not very good at defending herself or fighting in general but she can push herself to help anyone she can. This will often leave her tired as she doesn't have too much stamina due to a lack of exercise. She will probably try to break up any fights she runs into unless its an official fight. She isn't the smartest person, but she does have common sense. She has a love for all things literature (she has a guilty pleasure when it comes to romance novels) and chocolate chip cookies.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • She's able to calm all but the most hateful people down easily by simply talking to them.
  • Racial - Catalyst-less Casting

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]


[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Human - She is human and can be hurt rather easily.
  • Morality - She has a strong sense of morality.
  • Weak - She lacks upper body strength and fragile on hits
[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]
Artemis can create shields of light that absorb a single large attack or several smaller attacks, e.g. a giant hammer hitting the shield vs. nine-millimeter bullets hitting it. An explosion will pierce through the shield if it hits directly. Although she is able to summon where this shield is created, she can't yet control where it appears, what size it is, and what shape it is, nor can she dismiss it on command. Typically it takes the shape of the room where it's summoned, although it typically is only three centimeters thick. The chant for this spell is "Defendat lucem vitae".


[W E A P O N]
She doesn't use weapons.

[A R M O R]
She won't wear armor as she's not very combative.

[I T E M S]

Family Picture
Book Collection
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and collected
  • My
    heart and soul
    were never my own.
code by fudgecakez
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"Shall we roll the dice"

Reynaldo Lyon

Even if fate gave you a bad hand will you fold, or will you play?
[B A S I C S]
Name: Reynaldo Lyon
Addendum: Must people just call him Rey
Nickname: Fraga or Scale
Addendum: A title given by his family.
Addendum: Raised since birth to be the next to be to use the lance bound to his family.
Gender: male
Orientation: Straight
Organization: Extinction
Addendum: He feels Extinction is the best way to improve himself and get recognition among his fellow hunters.


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: black
Eyes: green
Build: average, muscular
157 lbs
Body Markings: The Roman numeral 17 over his heart

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Moral Alignment [Lawful Neutral]

[P E R S O N A L I T Y] 55
Reynaldo is a pretty proud guy. Happy to have inherited Fragarach from his grandfather, even if he is sad the only way he got it was his death. Often coming off as energetic to most people. He generally tries to get along with people he has to work with. That has made him get a general grasp of how he acts around some of the hunters he meets. Even if sometimes he can't help letting out his true self at times, with usually involves saying a silly pun. Reynaldo also likes to gain the loyalty of his fellow hunters so as to best avoid any trouble down the road. Despite everything he generally always takes all his jobs seriously no matter the target. Sometimes even talking to his target to see if they will make a slip up he can take advantage of. But as long he has kept to his code and can go eat a nice slice of pie at the end of the day he can at least smile.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Intuition: He will often go prepare things before he even needs them, or realizes he needs it. Sometimes moving beforehand to avoid something.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Fragarach's powers
  • Scale: Allows him to physical fight on par with whatever supernatural beast the lance has drawn blood from. He does not get their powers just their physical attributes.
  • Geomancy: Can control earth and plant life around him.
  • Fragarach Price
  • his body goes through a processof breaking and repairing it self
  • He has to recover for some time he uses it .

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • One: The farther away he is from the lance the weaker his powers are.
  • Two: Can not turn down a direct challenge for a dual.
  • Three: Can't really use his geomancy if there is no earth around.


[A R M O R]
Doesn't have any armor yet, his regular clothes are just mainly to resist claws and fangs. With minor magic defense.
[I T E M S]
A special metal briefcase that he keeps Fragarach in.

A three-headed dog necklace that helps him hunt down his prey on the job.
[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name:
Weapon Type: Lance Collapsible
Length:7 ft
Weight:18 ounces
Origin: Given to him by his late grandfather.

[S E C O N D A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: TBA
Weapon Type:
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Mr. Yuri

"We are free to choose our actions, but we can’t choose the consequences they hold."

David Tsar Yuri



"What I wouldn’t give to be young again."

[B A S I C S]
Name: David Tsar Yuri
Addendum: Atleast, that’s what’s on his papers.
Nickname: Mr. Yuri
Addendum: David goes by Yuri among his affiliates, however he is professionally known as Mr. Yuri.
Age: 34
Addendum: “If you squint hard enough, I don’t look a day past 20.”
Gender: Male
Addendum: It doesn’t take an anatomy class to know that.
Orientation: Bisexual
Addendum: Why choose one when you can have both?
Race: Demon [Cursed]
Addendum: Yuri is demon by birth, yet he despises his bloodline; something which lead to his current corrupted form. The curse he bears is minor right now, but causes his magic to gain in power yet become more uncontrollable at the same time. It’s also slowly spreading and gaining greater effects over Yuri.
Type: A
Addendum: N/A
Rank: 2
Addendum: I’m quite a strong man if I do say so myself. And I do.
Circle: 4
Addendum: Although Yuri is in circle 4, he mostly uses it for resources instead of an actual supporting organization. However, that begs the question of what he is willing to do in order to gain those resources.
Class: Weapon Mastery 1
Addendum: Yuri is incredibly adept in weaponry and has a natural aptitude with all kinds of weapons. His practical mindset tends to give him an edge in this subject. This is his 4th year at the school.


[A P P E A R A N C E]

Hair: Short, Black
Eyes: Dark Purple
Complexion: Smooth
Height: 5’10
Build: Compact, Muscular
Weight: 172
Body Markings: His entire left arm and pectoral muscle is covered in crimson red burns and he bears iron claws instead of his left hand fingers.
Note: Yuri’s left arm is covered by clothing and he almost always wears a thick leather or tightly woven glove over his left hand.

[A P P E A R A N C E]

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
(The person)

Mr. Yuri is a very upfront individual. This can often come off as brash or rude, but it’s almost always with good intentions behind it. He cares for those around him but is no stranger to loss. Protective but not overbearing, Yuri constantly looks for ways to test his students, and if possible, fellow staff. He’s always trying to move forward, looking at the present and tries to make the most out of every day. If you need someone to improvise a debrief or lesson of some kind, he’s the man for the job.

Yuri can be serious when he sees fit, but doesn’t usually do so since he feels it’s not necessary. He has spontaneous bouts of anger and paranoia, times where he will be questioning something too much or just act without thinking at all. He loves working, studying, even socializing. He has patience yet chooses not to be patient out of lackluster. Yuri’s motivational glamour works as a double edged sword, where he’ll push people so much they move away from him. He doesn’t try to be overbearing in that respect, but when he is, he bears himself up over it.

He feels no need for social recognition, yet thrives for it from certain individuals in order to further his social placement. No matter how much of a social butterfly he tried to be, Yuri finds a way to push those around him away. He has a great distaste for most demons and beings of divine nature due to his experiences. His view of divine creatures as a whole is pretty negative but it doesn’t stop him from teaching. No matter who someone is, he believes they should have the right to learn and choose their life decisions.

Yuri loves food, fitness, magic, and the outdoors, along with having an astute mind in geometry and physics. He is addicted to black tea and has a fascination with romantic comedies. Yuri also harbors a certain hate for dieties and organized religion, something which can prove to be a conversation stopper more often than not. Though blunt, he still prides himself off being honest and forthcoming, except when it comes to his past. The curse which has been placed upon Yuri haunts his life choices, and as much as he chooses what to do, even preaches about it, he can never shake the feeling it’s not him that’s making the choice. On the surface, Yuri is a motivational, outgoing teacher who replaced his blood with tea. While on the inside lies a broken, paranoid, angry little man who can’t seem to climb his way out of the ditch he fell in a long time ago.


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Willpower: Yuri has an outstandingly tough mind. He can bare most psychic attacks and pain through his determination.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

  • Shred: Yuri has the innate ability to bypass a multitude of magic spells and cantrips through his corrupted left arm. The effectiveness of this depends on the strength of the magic in question, along with the caster, but it still is a highly effective weapon against magic. The downside is this is incredibly taxing and works on most magic, including his own
  • Divine Sense: One of the side effects from Yuri’s curse is a ‘sixth sense’. It gives him the ability to sense the location of divine entities (demons, devils, efc) or rituals to a rather accurate extent. The accuracy and range depends on the potency of the entity or ritual, but it can go up to several miles or 20 meters. When he’s not actively concentrating not this and doesn’t know exactly what he’s looking for, the ability is much less effective and shorter in range. Typically, the passive use of this doesn’t go beyond 25 meters and only has a general location/idea of what the divine entity is.
[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • One: Fire - Due to his curse, when around a potent amount of fire, his cursed skin starts to horribly burn and spread. Magic fire tends to have a greater effect.
  • Two: The Ocean - It’s a bottomless pit of darkness and despair. It’s absolutely horrifying.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Aeromancy: Yuri holds the ability to cast divination spells revolving around atmospheric conditions, such as lightning or heavy winds.


[A R M O R]
A long, jagged set of iron plates on his left arm which he uses for magic resistance against elemental magic but also minor weapons protection. These plates are covered by his clothing most of the time.

[I T E M S]

  • Cellphone​
  • Wallet​
  • Other misc stuff which should be common sense to have.

    [P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]

Weapon Name: Marasama
Weapon Type: Naginata
Length: 4’9” (Handle) ‘1’4” (Blade
Weight: 12 lbs
Origin: Taken from the altar of the goddess which bewitched him.
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I'm Dangerous

"” Silence the voices in my head
I picked my poison now I’ll drink it to the bitter end
Hey-ho! Hear me now!
I take on the darkness by myself
‘Cause I’m ready to give whatever it takes”

Erich Doe



“Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."

[B A S I C S]
Name:Erich Doe
This isn’t his real name but it will make do until he can figure out what it actually is.
"John Doe? No. Not John. Erich. I know it's Erich... something. I know it."
Nickname: Metalhead
Age: 15 (?)
He’s been the subject of a rather horrific ritual that put his soul through a mangler. Mentally he’s 15, physically he’s 24 ish.
Gender: Male
Practically the only thing about himself that’s constant.
Orientation: Straight
Frankly if he lives long enough he would like a steady relationship.
Race: Homunculus? Sentient Weapon? Abomination?
Pick any of the above, and it will fit. Erich did not ask to be made, yet here he is anyway. He was created by a group of neo-nazis that got their hands on a box of Third Reich occult research material. The group spent several years trying to perfect a ritual meant to create a demonically enhanced version of the infamous Tiger II heavy tank. Because they lacked a proper tank as a focus they used a plastic model instead. After several attempts they largely succeeded in a bright flaring burst of power. Erich then taught them in the harshest way possible it is a terrible idea to summon something one cannot contain.
Type: ????
All other attempts to create something akin to Erich ended in failures before he was placed into the academy. No one particularly feels the need to make anything more like him.
Rank: 5
He requires constant medication to hold a stable enough form to live. Even with the medicine, he is prone to subconsciously shifting over bits and pieces.
Circle: N A
Not part of any just yet
Division: N A
Not part of any just yet


[A P P E A R A N C E]
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Complexion: Light tan
Height: 173 cm
Build: Tends to look like a normal athletic male if he manages to hang on to his human form. His appearance heavily changes based on his mood. He appears a lot fatter, smaller and weaker when he feels down, and much larger and heavily built when angry. On top of this he looks far older than his actual age due to the creation ritual.
Weight: 110 kg (ish)
Body Markings: Discolored patches of skin appear and disappear at random. To those with spiritually attuned senses, a ritual magical circle appears tattooed on his neck. Has a pair of crossed hatchets tattooed on his left arm with the number ‘213’ stencilled on his right.

[A P P E A R A N C E]
In human form he is a bulky bearded beserker look-alike. Emphasis on bulky, he is not a chiselled greek god with narrow hips. He can and does deadlift entire trucks, and his core has to be broad and strong to support that sort of load.

He favours green and brown clothing, with extra large pockets for carrying anything he finds that catches his interest.

Moral Alignment Lawful Neutral

[P E R S O N A L I T Y]

“No time for regrets!”

Erich will speak his mind with very little regard for the station of those he addresses. He’ll hit someone over the head with an inconvenient truth until they damn well like it. At best he will do so politely.

His room is spartan and meticulously cleaned. A calendar with most of his appointments in color coded cards dominates one wall. His desk is organised down to the millimeter. Stacks of notes and neatly drawn diagrams hint at his obsession with his magical studies, specifically Self Control and Metalworking.

He can vaguely remember he had siblings, and generally acts protective of people that remind him of them. Desperately lonely since he has instincts that scream at him he needs a pack, much like a werewolf would.

Deeply and utterly despises Nazis of all stripes. The bastards invented industrialised murder, turned Germany into a totalitarian hellhole, used human sacrifice to create demonic abominations (Erich himself included), and ruined several extremely good looking fashions by association.

”Before anyone asks, I feel no need to respect some half-sacked Austrian that made one of the biggest powers in Europe into the weakest power in Nuremberg.”

Despite his extreme and vocal hatred for his creators, and the spartan ways he acts, he does quite enjoy being alive. The most optimistic projections about his life expectancy range up to about ten years, with five to four being a more realistic estimate, and he intends to make the best use of the time he has. He is either busy with research for a cure for his condition, or trying out some new and crazy activity. He’ll be more than happy to change his plans if it gives him an opportunity to get to know someone new. It may seem a bit odd at first glance, given his detailed agenda, but he plans so that even if nothing spontaneously comes up he will be doing something that day.

Mentally he is still a regular 15 year old, and how immature he actually is can catch people off guard given how old he looks. Especially when restraint is involved.

He prefers to handle sadness with a good sulk under his bed inside a little pillow bunker. Those who call the toy tank inside a pillow fort cute will be shot with paintballs.[/B]


[N A T U R A L | T A L E N T]

  • Intelligent His sharp mind can quickly absorb most abstract concepts and turn them to practical applications.
  • Strongman It should come as no surprise that he lifts.
  • Crack Shot Erich is a natural with any firearm.

[ M A G I C | A B I L I T I E S]

See signature ability.

[W E A K N E S S E S]

  • Resource hog. His biology is not meant to be, and it shows in many ways. Erich eats his own body weight in food daily. He heals extremely slowly. He requires a solid eight hours of sleep at bare minimum. Any healing magic directed at it is only marginally effective, to restore a simple single papercut on Erich requires the same amount of power one would need to restore a completely mangled limb on a regular person. While he is hard to hurt, once he’s hurt he stays that way for a good long while.
  • Unstable: Erich’s biology is constantly at war with itself. As an abomination against nature his form flits between a normal human, to that of a heavy tank, to a plastic toy model. He’s fine so long as he takes things slowly. If he tries to push his limits some essential part of Erich can turn into a form utterly unsuited for the situation at hand. For instance he is currently in crutches because part of his ankle joint turned to modeling plastic mid-stride during a run.
  • Subtlety? What’s that?: He has all the grace and subtlety one would expect, e.g. less than none.
  • On meds (Form): To keep him somewhat stable and functional Erich is on specially developed medicine that he needs to take every eight hours on the dot. So long as he takes it, he’ll be locked into human form unless he makes a dedicated, continuous, and conscious effort. Aspects of his other forms can still leak through (see above what happened to his ankle) but not to the point he’ll utterly change form. It makes it easy to contain him into human shape. Hopefully an upcoming surgery will reduce the need for this one.
  • On meds (Sleep): He has to pop special sleeping pills. Not because he can’t sleep naturally but because he cannot be permitted to change his form while he’s sleeping. The pills effectively paralyse him for the night. As a second precaution he sleeps on the ground floor.
  • On meds (The Voices): Anti-psychosis drugs that suppress the soul fragments of the various veterans from causing ‘static’ in his mind. If he doesn’t take his regular dose he becomes the memetic ‘maniac off his meds’ that will happily strike up a conversation with a tree one moment then turn around and start raving about how he needs to shoot down the moon for ‘Being such an unbearably smug shining git’.
  • Lumbering Behemoth: His ultimate combat form, though it hits like an absolute truckload of bricks, is BIG, LOUD and SLOW.
  • Chibi: When Erich is depressed, he’s exactly as tough and dangerous as one would expect a plastic toy tank with a paintball gun to be.

[ S I G N A T U R E | A B I L I T Y]

  • Tiger Transformation - Erich can transform into a fully armed and operational Tiger II Heavy Tank and occasionally it’s not even a toy but a demonic version of the real deal. His control is extremely poor as a result of his creation process. In general, if he is enraged, overconfident and predatory he’ll hulk out and turn into the proper heavy tank, even involuntarily when the emotions are strongly felt. If he is sad, depressed, or insecure, he’ll turn into a plastic RC toy model instead. Happy, caring or comfortable moods turn him human.



Erich looking for the t**ts that put him through a soul-blenderF


Erich driving for his pillow fort after being told off for property damage.

[A R M O R]
Either enhanced extremely thick steel plates, or human skin, or plastic modelling resin, or some combination of all three. It varies based on Erich’s mood more than any actual conscious control.

[I T E M S]
By and large just the basic necessary things for a 15 year old boarding student to have, and exceptionally few personal items besides. There’s a high end stereo set for playing heavy metal, that’s about it.

[P R I M A R Y | W E A P O N]
Weapon Name: Erich Doe
Weapon Type: Tiger II Heavy Tank. Either the actual lumbering behemoth souped up on demonic juice or a plastic RC model, depending on circumstances.
Length: 10.43 meters (actual)/640mm (toy)
Weight: 69.8 metric tons (actual)/4.5 kg (toy)
Origin: One unlucky son of a gun got their soul turned into slush which was then mixed with soul fragments from various dead soldiers. The mixture got used in a horrid botchjob of a ritual designed to get a magically enhanced superheavy tank. Erich is the result. The original ritual required a full on tank as a focal point, and this posed a bit of a problem for his creators. They substituted with a beautifully detailed plastic model instead. On rare occasions of extreme rage Erich can reach the true tank form, but for the moment he’s by and large locked in human form with the ability to summon heavy duty steel plates. For instance the first time, just post creation, just as he became aware exactly what had been done to him, he managed to stay in Combat Form for a record thirty straight minutes, and any subsequent transformations lasted no more than two minutes.
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