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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

That's fine with me. But just so you know Carter is a clone of Connor Rogers.

Connor = Good guy with shield.

Carter = Bad guy with sword.

xD I know I shouldn't have made his clone have a similar name but Loki made me!

We kinda went with the fact that Cassie Stark (Currently MIA in the rp and on Rpnation), Finn Banner, Dimitri Maximoff, and Connor Rogers are all childhood friends. Just so you know that as well, they we're kind of the base of the New Avengers? Eh? Maybe? Then others started flocking in to join.
Whoops, I totally forgot that you made a Scarlet Witch child. xD


LokiofSP said:
I'm up, how ya doin?
Did you sleep? I slept. Feel like total ass this morning but I still slept. lol
Crono said:
Whoops, I totally forgot that you made a Scarlet Witch child. xD

Did you sleep? I slept. Feel like total ass this morning but I still slept. lol
Yea I slept, felt damn good
I know Samantha is currently asleep, Riley is walking through the city, Joshua is still currently deactivated, Sorin was eating sushi with someone.
Atto said:
I know Samantha is currently asleep, Riley is walking through the city, Joshua is still currently deactivated, Sorin was eating sushi with someone.
Hey! Then maybe Reily can see the group fighting
Hey! You, yeah you, the one with the character with the drinking problem! Why you no accept Superior Batman? @Reaper


LokiofSP said:
Ivory turned around and shook his head, "I can't get on that horse Finn! I'm sorry but right now, anytime I want to use the suit I have to focus every ounce of my being, it's to different and someone might get hurt."

Jordan: Oh, it takes my complete focus to use my powers, woe is me, boo hoo!
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Is there a battle or something? And also, may I request a random tag?

There is but currently all your characters are back at the Tower

The battle is at Perry's office

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