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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]
This characters are part of a squad with the original character I posted. RDJ!!!!!!!!

Name: Tanya Pond

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Praying Mantis

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: She is very energetic and at times seems like she is almost psychotic. She is willing to anything for the excitement and the thrill of it. But when it comes down to it she will protect her squad with her life.

Powers: Telepathy, Telekinesis (Limited), Mind Control: (She can control dead bodies with one doll, and the other she can control the living if their minds are weak enough

Weapons: She has arm blades on both arms, and has several robotic arms the hold sickle-like knives. Also, her dolls.

Weaknesses: Controlling bodies and using telekinesis/telepathy puts a mental strain and a physical strain on her body. If she uses it excessively, she will become very weak and tired in battle.

Favorite Passtimes: Playing with her dolls, sharpening her blades

Favorite Song: Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez

Name: Allison Bluebell

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Devil Girl

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Lesbian

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: She is very smart and intelligent. Though, she is very shy and quiet. She prefers not to talk to others about problems, rather she likes to figure things out on her own.

Powers: None

Weapons: Her suit has tentacles that are strong enough to pry open metal safe doors. It also can blend in with any environment because it has advanced stealth technology. When the tentacles are off she has a mask that can perfectly mimic a person's face and voice.

Weaknesses: Her body suit has almost no armor and she can be detected through thermal vision when she is cloaked.

Favorite Passtimes: Gaining more knowledge and reading.

Favorite Song: Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys

Name: Amelia Rohasse

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Black Raven

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: She is very kind and gentle when it comes to her allies, but when she is fighting enemies, she is brutal. She is stubborn and hard headed, but will do anything for her allies.

Powers: None.

Weapons: She has missiles attached to her wings that can shoot at her enemies and she also carries around a grenade launcher. She also have metal talons that can come out of the suits legs and grab enemies.

Weaknesses: If you destroy the exhaust vents, which is hard to do, her suit she would be grounded. If her missiles were to overheat, she would have to land to cool them off.

Favorite Passtimes: Flying, training, and making strategies.

Favorite Song: Fly by Nicki Minaj

Something about the 3 characters above make me think about HYDRA xD
Cause I played through Revengance and I recognize those hand thingies since Mistral had them, and a side note, I felt like a BA when I sliced her apart and the background music helped

Name: Cassandra Thompson

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Agent Mania

Child Of: Flash Thompson A.K.A. Agent Venom

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Personality: In on a mission, she is as serious as a person gets. She takes her job very seriously and will work at her fullest to fulfill a mission. And that’s as simple as it gets. Though out of missions, she is an entirely new person. She’s very calm and friendly to others, and tries to still be the hero. And like the Hulk and his children, she tries not to be angry. Though if she does, it ends with worse consequences then the Hulk family. Since it will either lead to death or a murderous rampage across the city. (Meh, I don’t feel like writing too much.)


  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Superhuman Speed, Agility, and Reflexes
  • Accelerated Healing Factor
  • Wall-Crawling
  • ESP (Spider-Sense)
  • Immunity to Spider-Man's Spider-Sense
  • Camouflage Capabilities
  • Constituent-Matter Generation
  • Constituent-Matter Manipulation
  • Genetic Memory
  • Night Vision

(These are suit abilities, out of the suit she is a normal human being.)

Weapons: Multi-Gun, which is a weapon created by Aaron Mackenzie which is keyed to both Flash and Cassandra’s DNA. It is capable of changing into weapons from an automatic to a high-powered sniper rifle though her father prefers to use alien weaponry given by The Guardians of the Galaxy.

Weaknesses: Sonic and heat.

Favorite Passtimes: Undecided, most of the time she works with the Government. Though in her free time she just goes and talks to people, as simple as that.

Favorite Song: None

(I did a little bit of Photoshop work on the first pic so it may look a little… Deformed. I’m still an amateur at Photoshop.)

*Poke* Siiittttaaaaannnn am I accepted? (o'v'o) @sitanomoto
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Name: Viktoria "Vi" Keiser

Age: 16

Gender: ♀

Hero Name: Ghost

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Straight~


Personality: Viktoria rarely shows any emotions towards others—she was taught to be like that at a very young age, and it has stuck with her since. She is a mostly quiet girl with few words, but sometimes when she feels she needs to say something, she'll speak her mind. Viktoria tends to joke sometimes around Alex, landing her in trouble with him. If you gain her trust, though, she will be a loyal ally to you forever. Viktoria is both dependent and a dependable person. So if any of her friends are in trouble, she'll aid them; and if she's in trouble, she'll rely on her friends for help.


• Invisibility — Viktoria can turn invisible. Although she can turn so at will, she may get wardrobe malfunctions. i.e: her clothes may be visible, or her clothes could be turned inside-out when she materializes. She can also turn someone else invisible along with her. Though, depending on the amount of time she is invisible along with the other person, it will put a strain on her body.

• Phasing — Viktoria can pass through solid objects and people. She has trained herself to phase through objects/people along with her clothes—thank goodness—and can also phase other people along with her. When she phases through an object with an electrical system, it disrupts the system's workings and she has a telepathic resistance, so she cannot be telepathically affected.

Weapons: She doesn't have any, but she is an expert at Taekwondo and Judo.

Weaknesses: Viktoria is more of a fast and lithe girl, so she isn't very strong. Her invisibility power tends to irk her sometimes because she may or may not have her clothes invisible, which tends to lead trouble straight towards her.

Favorite Passtimes: Pulling pranks on Alex, playing video games, and taking naps.

Favorite Song:


Name: Zack Ren

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Haisen

Child Of: Yamato Ren(deceased) and Melissa Ren

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(pic please!): Hero


(Any form is fine)

Personality: A bit lazy, and always cracking a joke. Except when using his powers. Then, it's as if all emotion is sucked out of him.

Powers: Demonicus (A deity bound to him from birth due to his family's history in the occult). He is able to use a multitude of abilities that all must stem from his body.


Dark Tentacles: Zack is able to sprout four razor sharp tentacles from his spine, all of which can be controlled separately from each other. They reach up to 25 feet if extended.

Demon Armor: Born from the tip of his spine, he can encase his entire body in the armor. Its hard as steel, and quite durable, but it slows down his movement quite a bit.


Arm Light: Allows Zack to turn his arm into a source of light if need be.

Blood Regeneration: His abilities all need him to be fully "energized", and he can get some juice back by draining something of it's blood. However, he hates to do this, so he carries around some packets of blood for a recharge.

Weapons: N/A

Weaknesses: Light based attacks can weaken him quite a bit, but not to the point of not being able to use his powers. He is a bit oblivious, so he doesn't get hints or clues right away.

Favorite Pastimes: Reading, training, drawing, sleeping, and watching RDJ movies

Favorite Song: On Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz
Name: Harry osbourn II

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Hero Name: The Goblin King

Child Of: Harry Osbourn

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

In costume:


Personality: Harry is a socially awkward, spoiled rich kid. The goblin is absolutely insane and unpredictable. Sometimes he might have outbursts where he switches back and forth from time to time.

Powers: his abilities don't rival those of some superheroes, but he does have the strength, speed, agility, and durability that outclasses any ordinary person. He is also a genius manipulator and buisnessman

Weapons: his glider which is equipped with missiles and various other tricky weapons, and his utility belt that has many forms of pumpkin bombs including gas and explosive. Not to mention his bulletproof and heatproof body suit.

Weaknesses: Mental instability and his secret identity is important to him

Favorite Passtimes: being alone, buying new and ridiculous expensive items, and of course experimenting with new weapons and improving his old ones

Favorite song: teenagers by my chemical romance
Pyosimros said:
Name: Cassandra Thompson

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Agent Mania

Child Of: Flash Thompson A.K.A. Agent Venom

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: In on a mission, she is as serious as a person gets. She takes her job very seriously and will work at her fullest to fulfill a mission. And that’s as simple as it gets. Though out of missions, she is an entirely new person. She’s very calm and friendly to others, and tries to still be the hero. And like the Hulk and his children, she tries not to be angry. Though if she does, it ends with worse consequences then the Hulk family. Since it will either lead to death or a murderous rampage across the city. (Meh, I don’t feel like writing too much.)


  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Superhuman Speed, Agility, and Reflexes
  • Accelerated Healing Factor
  • Wall-Crawling
  • ESP (Spider-Sense)
  • Immunity to Spider-Man's Spider-Sense
  • Camouflage Capabilities
  • Constituent-Matter Generation
  • Constituent-Matter Manipulation
  • Genetic Memory
  • Night Vision

(These are suit abilities, out of the suit she is a normal human being.)

Weapons: Multi-Gun, which is a weapon created by Aaron Mackenzie which is keyed to both Flash and Cassandra’s DNA. It is capable of changing into weapons from an automatic to a high-powered sniper rifle.

Weaknesses: Sonic,heat, and permanent bonding. The permanent bonding takes place if she becomes extremely angry or she is in the suit for more then 48 hours. The U.S. Government installed a fail-safe protocol which would kill her if she lost control. Though her father removed this protocol on himself when he permanently bonded.

Favorite Passtimes: Undecided, most of the time she works with the Government. Though in her free time she just goes and talks to people, as simple as that.

Favorite Song: None

(I did a little bit of Photoshop work on the first pic so it may look a little… Deformed. I’m still an amateur at Photoshop.)

*Poke* Siiittttaaaaannnn am I accepted? (o'v'o) @sitanomoto

This reminds me of when I played mania in a different rp. i like this a lot.
Name: Clair Grady

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Dr. Grady

Child Of: Current Parentage Unknown, later hacking revealed father to be Anthony Stark, Mother identification unknown.

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Curious, Inquisitive. Clair was a child prodigy, mastering multiple languages and other subjects of her interest as she grew.

Back Story: The woman she knew as her mother had been cold and distant yet their connection could not be denied as Clair looked strikingly like her mother. She grew up sheltered where her talents were nurtured and grown but her Social interaction was left somewhat lacking. By the time she was 13 she had mastered computer hacking and found out she had been created via Surrogate. Her fathers DNA had come from Tony Stark. It was then she found out who she was being raised by and it was Hydra. Despite this she kept this revelation hidden until the chance came up to escape. using various gadgets and weapons she designed she was able to escape.

Powers: None

Weapons: Numerous offensive and defensive weapons and gadgets designed by Clair herself.

Weaknesses: With her lack of Social skills, Clair is easily emotionally manipulated.

Favorite Pastimes: Reading and Gardening.

Favorite Song:


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