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Realistic or Modern ave atque vale.

D E A D.

species: shadowhunter / nephilim
An attack had just occurred, war had been declared, the Seelie Queen was murdered, her best friend was nowhere to be found, and Alicia was showering. Though in her defense, she looked a mess from the blood (some Unseelie's, some her own) that had soaked her outfit, and there was no way that she'd go walking around in blood.

Once the attack was terminated, and the Unseelie's mysteriously disappeared--pussies, Alicia thought--everyone was left in a ray of confusion. Alicia turned to check on her warlock companion and hadn't found her. She rushed out of the institute before Jia Penhallow could even finish her sentence."Ola!" Alicia called, though it was no use. They weren't parabatai, but Alicia couldn't help but feel a pang of weariness in her heart. She patted her pockets for her phone, but couldn't find it. It must've fallen during the fight, and Alicia figured that it'd be a waste of time to search for it just to find it broken. It was both a blessing and a curse having a warlock as a closest friend, and at that exact time, to Alicia, it felt like a curse. Anyone else might've not had gone far--especially on foot--but it was dark, and a warlock--especially in moment of danger--could have easily summoned a portal and left. The fight was so intense, that Alicia couldn't even remember whether or not if she saw Ola creating a portal. And even if she did, wouldnt she leave with her?

Instead of searching around, Alicia went straight to Ezreal's home. Despite her dislike for the narcissistic warlock, Alicia went to his home often, for it was also where Ola stayed. Thankfully, due to her constant visitations, Ezreal took off her restrictions on the wards. And where else would Ola be? She knew her best friend. Ola would want to go somewhere comforting, and among all of the craziness of the shadow world, her home was one of the most comfortable places to be.

Alicia arrived at Ezreal's estate, using an open rune to get inside. She called for Ezreal. Nothing. She called for Ola. Nothing. Alicia couldn't remember the last time she felt at loss, but nonetheless, the young shadowhunter wasn't ready to give up. She'd clean herself up, and continue searching for Ola.

And now she was showering. Alicia's showers usually consisted of her turning the faucet on hot only. The warmth of the water on her pores created a sensation that wasn't painful, but to her, enjoyable. And when she was in any form of distress, cold water was what she showered in. And despite the icy water that was currently numbing all of the pores on her body, she couldn't help but feel the heat of guilt burning inside of her. People often talked about deja vu's. About feeling as if they're reliving a memory or felt it before. After the Dark War that took place five years ago, she'd lost her father and her parabati to the Seelies and Sebastian. And only an hour ago, the Unseelies attacked, and her the only person she was truly close to, was nowhere to be found. Only now, she couldn't differentiate between it a deja vu or another nightmare....


What the hell? Alicia said to herself. After showering, the girl threw on some of Ola's clothes and grabbed one of her gloves to track her. Alicia was a bit shocked to find herself at Bloody Fang pub. It wasn't a place unfamiliar to her, though. In fact, Alicia went there often. Bloody Fang was one of her favorite downworld bars. She went there for a drink whenever she felt she needed one. Plus, the place wasn't crazy. She was friends with Aofie. But now, downworlders and shadowhunters alike filled inside of the bar. It was the first time Alicia had seen the bar so packed. She recognized a lot of the people in the bar from the institute. So much for finding Ola. Alicia shoved past the crowd until she got inside. She spotted Violet first. One of her old shadowhunter friends. She seen her at the Institute during the meeting, but at the time felt too preoccupied to go and say hello. But maybe now was a great time to do so.

Walking closer to Violet, Alicia noticed a man conversing with her. He was tall, muscular, and seemed like the type of guy to kill you if you stepped on his shoes. He definitely wasn't a Shadowhunter; he bore no runes. He definitely wasn't a vampire; his fangs weren't noticeable. He was a bit too scruffy to look like a Seelie; they were too elegant. If he was a warlock, his mark sure wasn't noticeable. Her best bet was a werewolf. Knowing Violet, she was probably telling him to fuck off right about now. With a smirk, she put a hand on the white haired girl and intervened herself between her and the guy in front of her. "You know, I would've thought that you'd be off drinking with Cecile. Not trying to get into a fight with a warlock," Alicia turned around and faced the young man. "Or a werewolf. I bet you're a werewolf."

location: ezreal's home - bloody fang pub
mood: distressed / exhausted - relieved (???)
clothing: xxx

with: violet & sirius
mentions: ola, ezreal, aofie, cecile
interactions: violet, sirius

tags: thepression thepression @ultramarine spectro spectro @lorde boyguro boyguro tsuneni tsuneni

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Verena of the Seelie Court
location: the bloody fang pub
mood: a mix of amused yet stoic
with: ezreal, oleth, cecile, freyr
mentions: n/a
tags: boyguro boyguro , tsuneni tsuneni , spectro spectro

"once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love. it did not end well."

As Verena observed the two Warlocks, her attention went towards the many different items that were displayed on the table. Furrowing her brows, if she had her scrolls with her, she would have been able to write some notes down of her observations. The first item that caught her eye was the book as she took note of the cover that had looking eyes. Tilting her head to the side, Verena wondered what the book was about. Was it something that she could learn about prophesizing? And Gatsby? She had never heard of the name before. Nevertheless, her attention moved onto the plastic rubber. What were those for?

But, seeing as Verena couldn't pick up any items that belonged to the male, Verena just made a mental note to look up the book and the rubber that she saw. Soon, the Warlock acknowledged her presence by a hand wave before speaking to his female friend. Verena could only raise an irritated brow as she stared blankly at the two. If it was any 'normal' day at Court, Verena would have given the 'servant' quite a lesson for disregarding her presence with a simple 'flick of a wave'. It was honestly quite rude but, she hadn't had a mind to scold anyone, not when she was outnumbered.

However, the Seelie princess was pulled out of her thoughts when a girl walked towards the male Warlock, giving him what looked to be a device of some sort. She only read about those things in books, a mobile phone, was it? But, as the girl spoke, Verena took a small step back, wanting to watch the scene unfold before her eyes. An amuse look appeared on her face when the Shadowhunter had demanded the male to apologize. Oh? The two bump into each other. And that's the cause for such grandeur? Verena was intrigued seeing how little things made others ticked off. It was thrilling to know that perhaps it might be easy to get someone under her thumb, after all. So, instead of walking away, she wanted to know how this seemingly quite baffled and irritated Warlock would take such a scene and berate.

And, it seemed Verena wasn't disappointed at all at how the scene unfolded. Hearing the sarcasm and retort that the Warlock gave the female Shadowhunter only made Verena stifle a slight laugh. However, before Verena could muse within herself once more, the silhouette of a male she hadn't wanted to see just yet came into her view. Her icy, cold glare bore into his green eyes as her brows furrowed together. What is he doing? But, hearing Freyr's question and seeing him nod at her, Verena sighed inwardly.

"Freyr." She softly spoke out, almost in a hushed and quiet tone. "It isn't good to butt into other people's business. Nothing is wrong. Though, it seems there was just a little . . what's the term used here?" Verena asked, raising her voice slightly to indicate her question, speaking mostly to Freyr. However, the question was more to herself than Freyr. "Oh, right. a little so-called, 'lover's quarrel'. If not that then it was over something unnecessary but nevertheless, quite entertaining." She finished before glancing at the two Warlocks and the Shadowhunter as she avoided anymore eye contact with Freyr as she suddenly found herself wanting to leave the premises. It was his eyes and the way he looked at her that made her want to find a place where she didn't feel vulnerable or feel as if she needed to be coddled. She was fine. Fine.

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

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