Avatar: World's Balance

i dont know @.@~ ive only been up for like an hour xD . If your waiting to post, then post do what you need to but dont skimp out on it and make it cheap. I'm reading posts right now~

Im going to ask that you guys keep it down to one post per turn. I know we dont really have a posting order and we do have a lot of members at the moment. some of our members in other timezones are having trouble keeping up. and quite frankly so am i. HOWEVER. this is not a bad thing! I am thoroughly happy at how this RP has taken off, and its thanks to you guys, the roleplayers. I realize i havent been exactly open with the RP setting but i assure you that will change shortly and prologue as i said is just a test. after we are done i will get everyones opinion and reevalute things i did during this. You guys are posting awesome amounts of content, and im again remember you can do anything [unless i state otherwise] so be creative in your posts.

Thank you for your time and your patience.
I know you guys are probably mad at me, and your allowed to be. For now im going to stop this RP ive been thinking a lot about it. i was moving entirely too fast. my posts lacked substantial amounts of detail and there were way to many characters. This was a good trial and i more than likely will start another one, or resume this one in the future. Again sorry ._.

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