Avatar: World's Balance


Auburn Mystery
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Please make sure you watch this thread. I will be using this thread a lot. i want no NO chatter in the signups. All chatter here.


Plot: As of right now, i have plot outline written, start to finish. The only changing factors will be your involvement and actions. I encourage you to do literally what you want and i will attempt to accommodate those actions as best i can.

Characters: Feel free to make any type of character. However while your sheet is making a character 14-18 years of age, for the prologue, your character will be 6-10. Also your character doesnt have to be a bender. There are chi blockers and Sokka was just a normal person.

Pets: Your pets will be the sole responsibility of your character. So please make sure because size and type of creature, you may not always have access to them, as well as the supplies to accommodate them within the group.

Involvement: I expect all of you to help with plot. An RP is not just mine, it is yours. I will expect personal arcs eventually in this RP. Not everyone will be friends from the start, so please feel free to work together to start relationships and the sort.

AVATAR: As of right now, there is no avatar. Based upon peoples signup, attention to detail, as well as willingness to post, lead, and create within this RP, i will choose someone to be the Avatar. Yes, this means that you will gain knowledge to all the elements, as well as the avatar state. However, you will need to prove yourself.

As well, i will not be letting others know who this is. AS with the RP people will find out as we go ;]

Approval: I will let you know if something in your sheet doesnt feel correct. However, i will not approve sheets until right before we start the rp so any changes can be made until then. 

Your character sheet looks great the only issue i have is with the story. ThePrologue portion of the RP will be taking 8 years prior to your character sheets. However, to keep your story mostly the same, would it of been ok if your characters moved to Onyx City to start a new life with your uncle? They could of then still paid him back and even in current time he could of moved back. I realize i wasnt to clear with this, and for that im sorry. Hope this doesn't impact you too much. Lemme know if you have any questions.

New Rules to my RP.

So basically this is just a heads up before everyone goes on a posting spree.

1. I will not be enforcing a posting order, though i do ask you give time between posts for others. we have many members from different timezones so please take this into consideration.

2. I will be enforcing a strict 3 Actions per post. This is to ensure people dont annihilate 15 people with a kungfu movie in a single post. Basically this makes it so you need to think before you act. EXAMPLE

“The man, took a step, threw up a kick, and spun around throwing another kick with the other foot.” That is three actions.

“The enemy put his arms up, to block the attacks. The second threw him off balance but he recovered quickly and then spun, throwing his own kick.” That is 3 actions.


“The enemy put up his arms to block, but he was not fast enough and took a kick to the head, falling backwards to the ground, he tumbled to regain his footing and then sprinted and leaped at the man” That is also 3 actions.

Now. With good judgement, and communication. i will let you do more actions in a post as long as you dont exclude others from anything. When you start to make people feel left out, i will return with a vengeance.

3. Because I’ve separated the group, i would appreciate it, if you labeled your posts simply with your Characters name, and either Group 1 for the cargo ship, or group 2 for tugboat. Please remember we have 11 characters not including any npcs or additional players at a later time. If you dont want me to forget you in a post, then everyone staying organized is a must.

4. I thank you for your support in this RP and i hope i can make it live up to your expectations. <3
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Lol well at the very closest, ill initiate posting on sunday or monday. give time for others to join, though we have more then enough to start. 
To let everyone know, i plan on starting the RP this sunday. :3 

Is the 3 action rule for fights only, or it in general> O.o
Its more for action and the sort, if your doing casual stuff its not so strict. but again, dont do an entire movie in one post. do what you need to but leave room for others to react to what you do. Just use good judgement, if i dont like what you post ill let you know haha.
Kaine said:
Lol well at the very closest, ill initiate posting on sunday or monday. give time for others to join, though we have more then enough to start. 
To let everyone know, i plan on starting the RP this sunday. :3 

Its more for action and the sort, if your doing casual stuff its not so strict. but again, dont do an entire movie in one post. do what you need to but leave room for others to react to what you do. Just use good judgement, if i dont like what you post ill let you know haha.
Okay! ^.^ 
Yay! It's begun!
I realize everyone is busy, but just so everyone is on level, i will not be waiting a week for everyone to post. My next post will be tomorrow. it may not be till later, but it will be tomorrow.
Jump right in Inne. Didn't mean to leave you behind, i knew you would be busy. I left it pretty open in my post last night. Lemme know what time zone your in so i can base my posting around it so i dont leave you behind again.
Sorry ;.; I dont try to leave anyone behind. your posts are fine just requires you to uhm. post more content? ;.; 
@HeartBrokenIceQueen Let me know if you can only post once a day, and about what time and ill see about getting everyone to slow down. them moving that fast is mostly my fault cause ive been pushing them to see whos active and whos not. I apologize, just let me know so we are on the same page :]
>.< Hehe, it's more like the fact that you guys are probably in a different time-zone. I got bombarded with your posts this morning and didn't help that yesterday the site was under construction. I'll try to make my posts longer and the amount I post depends on if someone has actually replied to my actions; which they have! :)
oh wow yeah, california -8 for me xD so your 9 hours ahead of moi D: unfortunately everyone else is asleep at this time ;_; but fear not, now that i know that ill make people try to slow their posting.
Don't! Ugh >.< I'm going insane, my comment before was to apologize for being a lazy rp;er. 
@Kaine Is there a possibility for the pets to be on the deck of the Cargo boat?
Depends what they are. If I decide too I'll add it in my post when I do tomorrow.

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((For the next week or so, I will be without phone or computer. Q_Q

I will be in the process of moving, and I leave my character to Kaine to bunny until my arrival.))
Kaine! My good man! Listen, I really need to know if some animals are in perhaps one of the metal cargo boxes on deck; I was thinking that Nao does a quick scan of the area before leaving. He'd like to know if Shirayuki, le white tiger, was anywhere near.

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