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Fandom Avatar Universe, Anyone? 6 Roles Only.

Maybe you should just get a thread set up and people well flow in?
Yeah, yeah.

I thought about doing that. I might just do that.

I will make a thread but it will not be until later tonight.
I'm interested. But i think it'd be counter productive for any one to be the avatar. Maybe the gm should Control them as an Npc. Post the link when you create the thread please.
As a character, or a nonessential npc? The only problem making the avatar a player presents, is that the avatar has an ungodly amount of power. And if used incorrectly, godmodding, OPing, and other annoying issues may present themselves.
Uhm, I will be playing the Avatar as my actual character and I do not Godmod, OP or anything other issues that may annoy you and anyone else.

I been playing the Avatar for years and haven't heard one complaint yet. But there is always a first time for everything.
Well since the gm is the avatari doubt opness would be a problem
And sorry for not making the thread yet. Still at work.

Like I said, it'll probably be up later though.
Not really on topic but..there isn't going to be any metal bending...right? Since Toph basically discovered it....or is it going to be there?
I see I see. I personally don't mind godmodding, it makes me have to do better as a writer. I only pointed it out because at times it can damage the integrity of the rp. But If you really have done it before, and it's as seamless as you say, I'll be posting a character sheet as soon as you open the thread.
Okay. :)

And this is before Avatar Aang's and Korra's time but I usually let people play with a secondary element except bloodbending.
Yes, Sand, Metal, Lightening, the whole she-bang! Except, say it with me now BLOODBENDING!!!
Yes, Sand, Metal, Lightening, the whole she-bang! Except, say it with me now BLOODBENDING!!!

Sorry for the triple posting. Phone messed up.

Chi Blocker is called by Johnmomo I believe, and I thiiink I'm going with Weapon Master but still deciding.

Yknow scratch that. You can have weapons. I'll be water. ^^
b-b-bu-bu.... aaaw. I really don't want to be a bender. Eh, maybe I'll try out Air Bender or something.

b-b-bu-bu.... aaaw. I really don't want to be a bender. Eh, maybe I'll try out Air Bender or something.

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