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Fandom AVATAR: The Spirit of Raava [CS]



broken like glass
(coding is optional)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Bending/Fighting Style:
Special Abilities:
(A paragraph or highlighted points of their personality will do)
Pets/Mounts: (Optional)
(a paragraph or two will suffice)
132 lbs.
eye color
hair color
Dark Brown
15, almost 16
X >:< C >:< O
Northern Air Nomad / Southern Water Tribe
social status
Middle Class
Air Bending ; Avatar. Has a glider, but rarely uses it.

special abilities
Water: [tba]
Earth: [tba]
Fire: [tba]
Air: Astral Projection

Team Avatar
Flying Bison - named Rocco
He earned his airbending tattoos at age 14. However, in contrast to tradition, Koa had refused to shave his head, so they aren't fully complete. Instead, the tattoo stops at the base of his neck.
Koa is the eldest twin - so he is connected with Raava.
(yes, I know the face claim is Kai from LOK, but i'm still going to use the fc, sooooo.)
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[div class=background][div class=scrollbox][div class=imagebox][/div][div class=titleblock]basics.[/div][div class=textbox]




Eye Color:

Hair Color:



Earth Kingdom

Social Status:


[div class=titleblock]personality.[/div][div class=textbox]
- Obstinate; doesn't take orders if he doesn't feel respect has been earnt
- Quick to anger; volatile
- An artist; fond of harsh sketches and sculpting. This lends him a creative edge that gives his bending a unique style
- Bright; intelligent and adaptable
- Snarky; says what he thinks
- Holds a grudge
- Empathetic
- Quick to fluster
- Dismissive of the law

[div class=titleblock]history.[/div][div class=textbox]
Fast food employee
Aspiring artist
Team Avatar

With the rapidly evolving climate of Republic City and its economy, it was inevitable that some people would be left behind. The combined efforts of a steadily growing population and the financial and political disaster that was the Great War (and with it, the new possibility of atomic weaponry) led to a increasingly dramatic rift between those who lived at the top, and those who struggled in the slums.

Huan Li was a native of the Earth Kingdom, an only child who was gifted with the ability to Earth bend, but never given the opportunity to truly let his abilities flourish. His family were victims of the Great War, and Huan himself among the hordes of refugees seeking asylum at Republic City. He settled into the slums, lucky enough to find a job as a carpenter from an old friend of his parents. And that's where, a number of years later, Bai came into the picture.

Bai never knew his mother; Huan made it clear to him from a young age that she wasn't going to be around. It was no skin off his back; hard to miss what you've never had, after all. He was raised entirely by his father, in a small flat on the second floor of a rundown apartment building.

From a young age, he displayed extreme proficiency in the art of metal bending. More so, even, than his native Earth. The jagged, almost violent movement required just came naturally to him. He also appreciated the sturdiness of it; Earth could be strong, and mountainous, yes, but it could also crumble. It couldn't defy gravity. But with metal, Bai could make whatever he wanted to.

Throughout his youth, Bai spent a good amount of his afternoons on the street. He had a laid back, if not especially loyal group of friends around him, the lot of them labelled trouble makers by their teachers, and they believed the back alleys to be their own. Whether it be shoplifting, underground bending tournaments, or (Bai's favourite) graffiti: spray cans for the non-benders, scorch marks for the firebender, and for Bai, intricate metal sculptures left at the scene of the crime.

Despite this, Bai couldn't help but feel that his life was...bland. He lived in the middle of the city, a heavily urbanised setting with more non-benders than otherwise. His father was raised among the Earth Kingdom, and every day Bai would hear of the traditional Air Nomads, or Water Tribes, that had been so prominent not long ago, and still thrived, so far away from his own little world. Maybe one day he'll get to experience what the world had to offer.

Father: The two can’t be described as close, but despite their difficulties in expressing it they each hold the other close in their heart

[div class=gifbox][/div]

[div class=titleblock]combat.[/div][div class=textbox]
Bending/Fighting Style:

Special Abilities:
Metal bending prodogy


Metal reserves (typically in the form of jewellery on body, often hidden)

While he has the capability to bend sand, he struggles with the more fluid movements. He has never had the opportunity to attempt lava bending.


credits @RI.a
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Name: Ulva

Gender: Female
Height: 5f 10in
Weight: 50kg
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Clothing: As pictured
Age: 16
Bending/Fighting Style: Water Bender
Special Abilities: Healing, (bloodbending)
Social Status: Tribal Princess (formerly), lower middle class
  • Serious
  • Sarcastic
  • Stoic
  • Caring/Motherly in her own way to those she warms to
  • Ruthless
  • Secretly playful and fun loving
  • Depressed
  • Responsible
Pets/Mounts: (Optional)
Weapons:traditional bone machette
Equipment: Canteen of water.
Nationality: Northern Water Kingdom (formelly tribe) exiled) Republic City
Occupation: Cook/ Neighborhood Security
Backstory: Born to Chief Nokata of the northern water tribe and granddaughter of the Desna. Nokata's rule was one of great change for the norhern water tribe as she pushed for end of the traditional lifestyle and put form plans of industrialisation/modernasation of the water tribe along the lines of the fire nation and United Republics. To do this she removed the tribal nature of the of her tribe and reformed it to a proper kingdom, purged the old aristocracy replacing it with choice of her own loyal sycophantic bunch and invited and gave land away to outside industrial concerns. She also put further laws removing right of the people and putting them as forced workers to the industrial concerns. Needless to say, this and her apperant cruelty and use of blood bending did not make her popular with many people in her kingdom.
Ulva raised to idolise her mother and seeing her mothers methods as though cruel but necessary for the greater good of her people and that she would need to use the same methods when her time came. It was certainly expected of her to do so, Nokata worked her daughter hard in both bending and education, the former educating her daughter personaly on water bending and its derivitives. Ulva's education was left in the hands of outside scholars from the United Republics. Nokata rarely allowed her daughter any moment of rest or enjoyment so Ulva was rarely seen outside her palace and led a reclusive life with few friends beyond family.
That changed as a popular uprising against the Chief took over the capital and the palce with most of the royal family killed and new provisional goverment put in place. Ulva thanks to her mother managed to escape on a ship hired from one of the industried to Republic City. One arrival she attempted to patition help from the republic city goverment and the same industrial concerns who her mother brought over, however she recieved no support and was left destitute. She was left on the streets but found help in a kindly water tribe couple in water tribe district of the city. There she leaned more about her people and culture than she did back home at the couple and your view shifted and shoftened with there influence. She resolved to make the best of her life here and got into cooking and to protecting the people in the district. However news from the the Northern water tribe was distresting as competing factions over leadership seemed to be leading to civil war.
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Day Zhi Ruo

[IMG='width:300px;']https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f7/29/5a/f7295a950c5fb1ddb4c2d2ee278701e8.jpg[/IMG] Gender



Eye Color
Pale Blue

Hair Color
Deep Brown

A x B x C

15, turning 16 in the near future

Bending/Fighting Style
Fire x Earth
Aggressive and swift, Day does not fight to handicap or disarm but to brutally obliterate.

Special Abilities
Sharknado From being able to both harness the earth and fire bending skills, with much concentration, Day is able to combine the two and bend lava at her minimum, pulling lava from under the crust of the earth, and create volcanos at her most powerful, often causing rippling earthquakes in the process. Fire is her most natural and more sharpened skill, also being able to generate lightning as well, hers being a signature rose colored lightning.

Day has been known to be rather detached from herself, often seeming lost or even emotionless when she's alone but jumping back into her lively character when she's with others. When in the presents of others, she appears to be extremely extroverted and eccentric, enjoying toying with others as well as making corny puns when the occasion arises. Rarely is she seen serious, not even during fights, but that is because she knows that she is strong enough to take on majority of people. A confident young lady who knows her self worth, willing to drill her skills towards perfection and not settling for anything less than that.



Day always carries around a pouch of money for gambling responsible use of currency exchange.

Fire Kingdom

Social Status
Middle daughter of wealthy Fire Nation Practitioners

Enemy, if that wasn't noticeable already

The Zhi Ruo household has held a powerful standing for several generations, knowingly staying out of conflicts to maintain their importance and wealth amongst their other competitors. Producing and managing new ways for healing through medical herbs and even dabbling with a bit of poisons as well. Her household consisted of her mother, Mai Zhi Ruo, her father, Lei Zhi Ruo, as well as her other 4 siblings. Gui is the eldest son and was thought to take on and inherit the family business with his strong passion for business and smooth talking. Ai is the eldest daughter, a musical prodigy who could play most, if not all, instruments and would later build her music school and compose her own music as well. The youngest was Hui, an extremely gifted young boy who had a calculator for a brain it seemed, dealing with the business and family finances since he was 9.

Unlike her gifted siblings, Day was never naturally gifted in anything.. well not until she discovered she could fight. It didn’t take long until she discovered she could bend, but not just fire but earth as well. Of the four siblings, she was one of the only two(the other being her eldest brother) that could fire bend but in her family's field of business, bending didn't matter. She kept her earthbending a secret from her family in fear that the discovery may lead to negative outcomes worse than being ignored. Her skills in things that seemed to matter were mediocre compared to her siblings, often receiving only the tail end of the attention from her parents growing up. Although the attention given to her was sparse, Day seemed to almost be showered in wealth and given everything she could ever want. This was nice, however, it became extremely dull growing up that way since birth.

Day found herself often getting into trouble quite a bit, drinking, gabbling, street fights, anything for the slight chance of gaining her parent's attention, even if it wasn’t out of fondness. It rarely worked, easily bailing her out in whatever mess she got herself in. So she began fighting to pass the time. Fighting in underground brawls for money, money that she didn't need, and using the money she earned to gamble.

Eventually, Day wanted to become stronger. She was beating everyone she was fighting, she wanted to feel the adrenaline rush of a challenge for once. She sought out a harder target to beat. The Avatar...

Besides her rather neutral relationship with her family, she does not have very many close friends or connections with anyone else.
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Tosram Remong




157 lbs

Eye Color:


Hair Color:

Dark brown


As pictured



Bending/Fighting Style:

Master of fire, proficient with air

Special Abilities:

Lightning generation/redirection


Domineering by nature, Tosram is a natural-born leader.
He likes to take matters into his own hands.
Tosram is headstrong but prudent.
He doesn't trust others.


A curved dagger

A small pouch containing coins


Fire Nation


Not team avatar



Everyone Tosram has become close to has either betrayed him or died.


134 lbs.
eye color
hair color
Dark Brown
15, almost 16

Northern Air Nomad / Southern Water Tribe
social status
Middle Class
Water Bending ; Avatar. (has a spear that he uses in combat)

special abilities
Water: healing (bloodbending far down the line)
Earth: [tba]
Fire: [tba]
Air: [tba]

Team Avatar

Snow Leopard Caribou - named Jahn


⦁ Clever
⦁ Stoic
⦁ Volatile
⦁ Efficient
⦁ Overprotective (to those he cares for)


Kazzah is the youngest twin - so he is connected with Rao.
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Auren Corve
5' 11"
165 lbs
Eye Color:
Black with red edge
Hair Color:
Auren tends to wear dark trenchcoat like clothing, as an "undercloak" of sorts, made of a cotton-linen mixture. He also wears sturdy, padded hiking boots, fingerless gloves, and sturdy, loose cotton long pants. When he goes to the desert, he puts on an even thinner 'overcoat' that it made of light colors, made of cotton as well.
Bending/Fighting Style:
Shadow Bending/ Piandao's sword style (Or at least an imitation of it.)
Special Abilities:
N/A: Shadow bending is enough.
Auren has a bit of a bipolar personality. On most days, he retains a quiet, almost shy, personality, punctuated by frequent remarks of wit and observations and whatnot. He remains professional with strangers, and comedic with friends. However, there are some days when he lacks the energy or motivation to even get up from his bed. At this point, depression colors his entire perception of things, and it is here that he makes many philosophical observations. However, these are the two extremes- his daily state of mind can range at any point between these points in the spectrum.
An Umbral Raven Eagle (Effectively a Raven eagle with black feathers instead of brown)
Jiang sword, similar to what Sokka and Piandao carried. However, the blade's color is black, not because it is a meteor (unfortunately), but because of a certain steel mix which makes the metal's color black.
Auren carries a grappling hook, along with some rations, a satchel (Think Indiana Jones) containing various herbs, poisons, darts, and coins, as well as paper, ink, and quills
Fire Nation (Sun Warriors (Kayal Culture))
Middle Class Fire Nation Tailor/Kayal Clan noble
Auren was born to small Keyal (Roughly translates to "Shadow People") Clan as a purebred (essentially a noble). He was raised to be what normal Keyal do- assassinate, spy, steal, among other situations. Since he was a noble, he was afforded the best training offered to him. However, his clan, the Umbraldraconius clan, was among the minority group of clans that operated with some sense of honor, so he learned a sense of honor thanks to that, even if it is... hard to understand for outsiders.

Life in the clans was...deceptive, to say in the least. Every member of the Kayal people were required to hide their status before outsiders, and so they lead a double life. Auren learned how to tailor at a well-to do shop, and learned how to tailor there.

Eventually, when he reached sixteen, he started doing the assignments given to Keyal as a coming of age symbol. These mainly included theft and spying, some sabotage. Eventually, at seventeen, he was deemed prepared enough to start his newest mission type: assassination. And he received his first assignment: Kill the Avatar. Now, one might wonder why a young newbie would be presented such a challenge as this. That's the way the Clans work- the nobles get the superior jobs.

And so he set off, even if he did some reservations.

Umbraldraconius Clan is his clan.

Note: Well, this is a bad CS, in my opinion. I might make it better in time.
Also, don't worry, while it seemed like I introduced an entirely new culture, I'm intending for this to be sort of like a crime syndicate. So, hopefully not a lot to fill out.
Name: Nava


Gender: Female
Height: 5'7 feet (173 cm)
Weight: 116lbs (53 kg)
Eye Color: Light Green
Hair Color: Black
Appearance: The one from the picture
Clothing: Dark green, toga-like tank-top with a blue sash over her waist. On her forearms, she has bandages that go all the way down to her knuckles and the upper part of her arms she has one large black ring on each arm. On her legs, she wears black, comfortable and somewhat baggy pants.
Age: 18
Bending/Fighting Style: Earthbending and Waterbending
Special Abilities:
  • Lavabending
  • Metalbending
  • Healing(very basic)
  • Bloodbending(way down the line)
  • Chaotic
  • Hotheaded
  • Ruthless
  • Determined
  • Coldhearted
  • Inpatient
  • Mildly sadistic
  • Somewhat rude
Pets/Mounts: Armadillo Lion - Resha
Weapons: None
Equipment: A one strap bag where she keeps rations and water. She has two water canteens on her back strapped to her sash in an X position.
Nationality: Earth Kingdom
Occupation: Enemies / Red Lotus
Nava was born on Ba Sing Se. Her father was from the northern water tribe and was on a tour of the world when he met her mother, a soldier from the city's patrol. When she was born her father had long left the city and therefore she never got to meet him. She discovered soon her duality for bending and so, as she grew up, Nava had a tendency to get into fights with the other kids, seeing her unique ability has a sign she was stronger than the others. Soon enough her mother stopped covering for her when she hurt other people.

As a last effort to straighten her daughter, her mother pulled what few favors she had and got her a job in Republic City as one of its police officers. Nava didn't last a month on the force before being kicked out for excessive force and disregard for the laws she was meant to uphold. The only positive thing Nava took from that experience was the learning of metalbending. After that, Nava made a living by being a henchwoman for the Triple Threats.

When she was fifteen she joined her first underground fight. She defeated everyone that was put up against her and, as per fighting rules, she killed them. Since this was a survive on your own world Nava was forced to grasps the basics of waterbending healing. One night, however, she was close to defeat while she fought the ruling champion. Like a fight or flight instinct, Nava attempted to create a hole from underneath the arena, but instead, called forth lava, surprising herself, the opponent and everyone present. From that moment she wished for nothing more than to defeat all that appeared before her, she wanted to be the strongest, even if that meant playing outside of the rules.

Because of the destruction she caused in the arena, Nava caught the eye of a member of Red Lotus. On her way home, the man approached her and offered her a place among their ranks, selling her the possibility of causing uncontrolled chaos. Nava didn't hesitate and joined the terrorist group. Not too long after she left Republic City.

At the age of seventeen, while roaming the Earth Kingdom, Nava was attacked by a female Armadillo Lion. The confrontation proved child's play to someone like her and, after killing the predator, she discovered a small cub hiding in the bushes. Instead of killing it, she took it with her, training it to be as ruthless as she was but showing it at the same time who was in charge.

Now, Nava is on a mission by Red Lotus to hunt down the pair of Avatars and kill them, through whatever means necessary.
The only thing she that ever got close to a relationship was her connection with her mother but ever since Nava joined the Triple Threats her mother has since disowned her and denies her existence.
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Auren Corve
View attachment 524888
5' 11"
165 lbs
Eye Color:
Black with red edge
Hair Color:
Auren tends to wear dark trenchcoat like clothing, as an "under cloak" of sorts, made of a cotton-linen mixture. He also wears sturdy, padded hiking boots, fingerless gloves, and sturdy, loose cotton long pants. When he goes to the desert, he puts on an even thinner 'overcoat' that it made of light colors, made of cotton as well.
Bending/Fighting Style:
Shadow Bending/ Piandao's sword style (Or at least an imitation of it.)
Special Abilities:
N/A: Shadow bending is enough.
Auren has a bit of a bipolar personality. On most days, he retains a quiet, almost shy, personality, punctuated by frequent remarks of wit and observations and whatnot. He remains professional with strangers and comedic with friends. However, there are some days when he lacks the energy or motivation to even get up from his bed. At this point, depression colors his entire perception of things, and it is here that he makes many philosophical observations. However, these are the two extremes- his daily state of mind can range at any point between these points in the spectrum.
An Umbral Raven Eagle (Effectively a Raven eagle with black feathers instead of brown)
Jiang sword, similar to what Sokka and Piandao carried. However, the blade's color is black, not because it is a meteor (unfortunately), but because of a certain steel mix which makes the metal's color black.
Auren carries a grappling hook, along with some rations, a satchel (Think Indiana Jones) containing various herbs, poisons, darts, and coins, as well as paper, ink, and quills
Fire Nation (Sun Warriors (Kayal Culture))
Middle-Class Fire Nation Tailor/Kayal Clan noble
Auren was born to the small Keyal (Roughly translates to "Shadow People") Clan as a purebred (essentially a noble). He was raised to be what normal Keyal do- assassinate, spy, steal, among other situations. Since he was a noble, he was afforded the best training offered to him. However, his clan, the Umbraldraconius clan, was among the minority group of clans that operated with some sense of honor, so he learned a sense of honor thanks to that, even if it is... hard to understand for outsiders.

Life in the clans was...deceptive, to say in the least. Every member of the Kayal people was required to hide their status before outsiders, and so they lead a double life. Auren learned how to tailor at a well-to-do shop, and learned how to tailor there.

Eventually, when he reached sixteen, he started doing the assignments given to Keyal as a coming of age symbol. These mainly included theft and spying, some sabotage. Eventually, at seventeen, he was deemed prepared enough to start his newest mission type: assassination. And he received his first assignment: Kill the Avatar. Now, one might wonder why a young newbie would be presented such a challenge as this. That's the way the Clans work- the nobles get the superior jobs.

And so he set off, even if he did some reservations.

Umbraldraconius Clan is his clan.

Note: Well, this is a bad CS, in my opinion. I might make it better in time.
Also, don't worry, while it seemed like I introduced an entirely new culture, I'm intending for this to be sort of like a crime syndicate. So, hopefully, not a lot to fill out.
I have no plans on joining this roleplay, but isn't that picture one of the characters of Sword Art Online?
Yeah, I was just looking for a cool pic of someone with a black trenchcoat. That picture appealed to me.

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