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Fandom avatar : the last airbender ‹ ❁ zutara craving ❁ ›

it's been quite a ~long~ time since i've watched avatar the last airbender, but as of recently i've totally dove head-first back into the series!! i think it's because of the live-action announcement for the live action on netflix let's cross our fingers and hope it's good!!. and, of course, that means i've headed into atla tag on tumblr. one thing lead to another, and i've totally rekindled an old ship that i used to have - and that's zutara :")

are we compatible ~ ?
❁ i am a novella writer! i heavily prefer writing 4+ paragraphs and i love yummy lil' details! however, i totally believe in the idea that some people can do more in one paragraph than ten! so with that being said, all i really ask is that you have quality writing. i mirror and will always give the same :,)
❁ some days i either simply don't feel like writing, have plans, have work, or am busy with school. sometimes, all of the above. please be patient with me !! i like having fun with writing and if you're going to hound me and make me feel bad, please don't message me. my anxiety genuinely can't handle pushy roleplay partners. if i don't message you within a week, though, absolutely message me. i'll do the same!
❁ be 18+! i am over the age of 20 and feel uncomfortable writing with minors. nothing personal ^^
❁ i love to fan girl over our writing! i love to make playlists/moodboards/pinterest boards! i love to come up with new ideas and share things and expand our world! if you don't contribute to plotting and planning i will ghost you.

the good stuff ~ !

this is going to be a 100% canon x canon roleplay! i have no interest in doing oc x canon or oc x oc, however i am interested in various npcs and side characters to build the world up! as mentioned in the title and intro paragraph, i am looking for a zuko x katara focused plotine. i would heavily prefer this to take place in the avatar world and we can totally figure out how the plotline would work! hit me up and we can share ideas! also, I would prefer taking the role of katara. However! if you would be interested in doing another canon x canon pairing alongside zutara, i would be more than happy to double! just let me know and we can always talk stuff out :")
I was reading up on some stuff about the Netflix-series-to-be last night and it totally reignited my passion for the animated series (and the ship, of course!). I haven't watched it in awhile but I'm going to binge-rewatch the whole thing sometime soon, so I would love to plot something with you! :) PM me?

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