Avatar: the last Airbender Alternate Universe Role Play Sign Ups


New Member

Here is the new Avatar: The Last Airbender Alternate Universe Sign up Page! This thread is starting fresh, so you’ll need to repost apps and I reserve the right to give already assigned positions away if you do not post your application before another player does.

This is a non-cannon role play, so the characters from the actual series are not allowed to be played or mentioned (Unless given special permission.)

The four elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air come together to form a perfectly balanced world. The Avatar has always come to the peoples’ aid to restore peace in a time of war. Seventeen years ago a war began between the revolutionaries and the leaders of the four nations. The revolutionaries claimed that the nations would no longer be ruled by kings and lords and they would demolish anyone in their path. The first obstacle the revolutionaries would have to overcome was the Avatar. They knew that the Avatar would try to stop them, so they set out to destroy Avatar Kyokso.

The revolutionaries believed they had killed Kyokso while he was in the Avatar State, therefore cutting of the chain of reincarnations. They counted the day as a victory and now nothing was stopping the impending war. What the revolutionaries did not know, however, was that Kyokso did not die in the Avatar state. He was gravely injured and died only a few seconds after leaving the Avatar State, preserving the chain of Avatars.

With the entire world believing that the Avatar was no more, the revolutionaries stormed the four nations. The battle has been ongoing for seventeen years and the revolutionaries have the upper hand. Any city that is not one of the major capitals is open to attack and anyone caught supporting or protecting any of the royal families will be captured and brought to the Revolutionaries’ headquarters or killed on the spot.

Not all hope is lost, however.

A new Avatar was born sixteen years ago and although the world may not know it, the new Avatar is destined to restore peace to the four nations. Although the revolutionaries may be fighting for a just cause, their violence is tearing the nations apart and the world needs the Avatar to bring the war to an end.

The world will regain hope as the Avatar masters the four elements and has the power to stop put an end to the Revolutionaries’ violence. What part will you play? Will you be an enemy or a friend? Will you help the avatar master Fire, Air or Water? Everyone has a destiny. It is your time to shine

The Fire Nation

The Fire Nation is only a few battles away from falling in to the revolutionaries’ hands. When/if the Fire Lord’s Armies fail him; the royal family will be executed for the whole world to see. Will the Fire Lord
continue to trust in the strength of his military or will he and his family be forced to flee?

The Earth Kingdom

The revolutionaries are dotted all over the Earth Kingdom, conquering small cities and towns as they make their way to Ba Sing Se, which has became a refuge.

The Air Temples

The Air temples were the first to be attacked. The revolutionaries came to the Monks first, giving them a chance to join their side and help bring the revolution to the rest of the world. The Monks refused and the revolutionaries launched attacks on the Air Nation. The Airbenders fled to the three other nations and now the Air temples are vacant.

Northern Water Tribe

The revolutionaries have yet to reach the Northern Water Tribe for they do not have enough military power yet.

Southern Water Tribe

There is a heavy revolutionary influence in the Southern Water Tribe after they were conquered thirteen years ago.

NOTE: Plot credit to me and PyroWarriorZ!

Wanted Characters/Canons!

I'd prefer to keep the number of role players small, so any player is encouraged to take more than two characters but no more than three. If no one takes the Avatar I will, but perhaps I won’t have too. Characters with Asterisks next to their names are priorities.


*The Avatar! (Taken!)

*The Fire Bender Teacher (Taken!)

*The Water Bender Teacher (Taken!)

*The Air Bender Teacher (Taken!)


The Fire Lord (Taken!)

Wife of Fire Lord

Children (No more than three, please.)


The Earth King (Taken!)

Earth King’s Wife

Children (One taken by AngelofPerdition
. One more Open.)


Head Chieftain

Head Chieftain’s wife

Children (One taken by Lux (Sakari)! One more available)



(Any other generals that you can think of)


Bounty Hunter (Anyone who plays the bounty hunter will be given a small npc task force that is theirs to control.)

Character Applications!:

Canon: (Which of the above characters are you applying for? Note, you don't have to pick a canon but it is preferred)

Name: (Please pick a suitable name for your character that matches the universe in which we are role playing)

Bending Element: (If any)

Age: (No one under the age of twelve will be accepted. The Avatar is Sixteen)

Current Location: (I intend to begin the role play in River Village; info here: http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/River_village)

Appearance: (No photo is required but a short description is. You can put a picture but please write a description on what can't be seen in the picture, like height and body build.

Brief Personality: (Because a character really begins to develop a personality through the role play, I don't mind if this part isn't too lengthy.)

Brief History: (How was your character affected by the war? Where were they born? Are their parents still alive? The role play does take place in a time of war, so a few sob stories are to be expected.)

Pets: (If any)

Other: (Any other information you feel is important for your character)




My Character

Canon: The Water Bender Teacher/ Northern Water Tribe Royal Family

Name: Sakari Of the Northern Water Tribe

Bending Element: Water

Age: Seventeen

Current Location: River Village, Sakari is passing through the city on her search for the Avatar.

Appearance: Tall and tan, Sakari has a thin but muscular body build. Her curly, dark brown hair touches her waistline. She has a heart shaped face with large, round, blue eyes. Sakari often appears a few years younger than seventeen because of her innocent appearance. Her usual attire consists of water tribe apparel, but since leaving the Northern Water Tribe for the Earth Kingdom she has adapted her outfit to better suite her environment.

Brief Personality: Sakari, bold but calming, is rebellious in her own manner. She is a talented waterbender and is very connected to the living world around her. Very mature for her age, Sakari doesn’t make brash decisions and thinks before she speaks. Nothing is more important to Sakari than her waterbending and restoring peace to the four nations. Her fighting style is very smooth and acrobatic, moving with the water rather than making the water move with her.

Brief History: Born to the Head Chieftain of the Northern Water Tribe, Sakari lived a sheltered life growing up. Once she began to bend she taught herself in secret since women weren’t allowed to bend in her tribe, only heal. Once Sakari turned sixteen she left home to find the avatar. Although most of the world believed the Avatar to be dead, Sakari believed he lived on and she was destined to be his/her teacher. For the past year she has been traveling the Earth Kingdom, searching for the Avatar.

Pets: n/a

Other: She is wanted by the Revolutionaries because she is a member of the royal family but has managed to avoid being identified.

Character Applications!:

Canon: Avatar

Name: Iwaishi Mageru

Bending Element: only earth currently

Age: 16

Current Location: River Village, on his way from his home to the market

Appearance: He has light sandy colored hair and dark brown eyes the color of milk chocolate. He is 5 foot 10 inches tall and 175 lbs. of muscle due to the immense amounts of intense labor he does around the city both to help and to earn rent money for his home. He has an attractive face with the squarish jawline of a teenager headed towards manhood. He is attractive in the rugged tough sense. He has several scars on his face, one crossing from the left corner of his forehead to the bottom right corner of his left eye. He has rough calloused hands from hours of labor.

Brief Personality: Although he has the tough guy persona put on and can truly be such if he wishes he is really a sweet nice guy inside. He is especially kind to women as to the point of old world chivalry. But he knows the boundaries and respects peoples choice of doing something on there own. He is a bit bipolar sometimes and will go from kind and friendly to monstrous and terrifying if you push the right buttons. He has a soft spot for animals and children.

Brief History: He was abandoned as a child as far as he knows and was raised in a far away city. But after that city was attacked the man and woman who took care of him died and he ended up in the River Village while being a refugee. A man took pity on him and let him stay in one of his houses long enough for free for him to settle in. Iwaishi refuses to miss a payment in respect for the kind elderly man who did this kindness for him, hence the intense work. He came into his earth bending abilities when on his way to this village he saw a woman and child and their pet get attacked by a few revolutionaries. He saved them by reflex and discovered he was an earth bender. And a powerful one at that. He currently is the most powerful earth bender in his entire village and trains on his off time. He has no clue he is the avatar.

Pets: Pygmy puma names Nara and young brown bear named Akota, also has a friend badger mole on the city limits dubbed Kantath. He is also friends with every animal in the village and many outside of it.

Other: He is friends with every child in the village. Is considered the number one best bachelor by the teenage girls of the village but he doesn't know that. Has a weakness for Ginseng tea or a buttered roll with gravy.
AllHailDago said:
Character Applications!:
Canon: Avatar

Name: Iwaishi Mageru

Bending Element: only earth currently

Age: 16

Current Location: River Village, on his way from his home to the market

Appearance: He has light sandy colored hair and dark brown eyes the color of milk chocolate. He is 5 foot 10 inches tall and 175 lbs. of muscle due to the immense amounts of intense labor he does around the city both to help and to earn rent money for his home. He has an attractive face with the squarish jawline of a teenager headed towards manhood. He is attractive in the rugged tough sense. He has several scars on his face, one crossing from the left corner of his forehead to the bottom right corner of his left eye. He has rough calloused hands from hours of labor.

Brief Personality: Although he has the tough guy persona put on and can truly be such if he wishes he is really a sweet nice guy inside. He is especially kind to women as to the point of old world chivalry. But he knows the boundaries and respects peoples choice of doing something on there own. He is a bit bipolar sometimes and will go from kind and friendly to monstrous and terrifying if you push the right buttons. He has a soft spot for animals and children.

Brief History: He was abandoned as a child as far as he knows and was raised in a far away city. But after that city was attacked the man and woman who took care of him died and he ended up in the River Village while being a refugee. A man took pity on him and let him stay in one of his houses long enough for free for him to settle in. Iwaishi refuses to miss a payment in respect for the kind elderly man who did this kindness for him, hence the intense work. He came into his earth bending abilities when on his way to this village he saw a woman and child and their pet get attacked by a few revolutionaries. He saved them by reflex and discovered he was an earth bender. And a powerful one at that. He currently is the most powerful earth bender in his entire village and trains on his off time. He has no clue he is the avatar.

Pets: Pygmy puma names Nara and young brown bear named Akota, also has a friend badger mole on the city limits dubbed Kantath. He is also friends with every animal in the village and many outside of it.

Other: He is friends with every child in the village. Is considered the number one best bachelor by the teenage girls of the village but he doesn't know that. Has a weakness for Ginseng tea or a buttered roll with gravy.

Yay! Accepted (: I can't wait for our characters to interact with each other. I may start the the thread and let people join as they post their character sheets, if I do I'll post the link here and add it into the description. Glad you made it to the new thread


Fire Lord

Name: Katzu

Bending Element: Fire

Age: 46 (made more sense for the Fire Lord to be older; if you'd like me to change it, that's fine too)

Current Location: Royal Plaza, Fire Nation Capital

Appearance: Not a large man, Fire Lord Katzu sports black hair that is tied back, the tips just reaching his shoulders, with a top-knot in keeping with usual styles. He is a clean shaven, with grey eyes and a nose that appears to have been broken in several places. He carries several marks on his face in addition. These old injuries are a result of riots against his rule, when he thought to meet what were deemed rabble head-on, only to find himself meeting more resistance than he or his advisors deemed possible.

Brief Personality: The Fire Lord has in recent years become much more humble than he ever imagined someone of his station could become. His inability thus far to quell the rebels has left him quiet and reserved. As he struggles to hold onto his nation, Katzu ponders whether or not he should take his family into exile and leave the Fire Nation in the hands of the rebels. Genuine concern for what should happen to his people in his absence is much of the reason the Fire Lord has not yet surrendered.

Brief History: Katzu, as the only son of the last Fire Lord, was always meant to succeed to the highest office, but shortly into his reign, the peace was shattered by the threat of revolution. At first he thought little of it, as the mighty Fire Nation Army managed to put down whatever small riots first arose. But their momentum grew, and eventually Katzu faced a full-scale war. Not only this, but he could not call for help. These revolutionaries were everywhere! This was a worldwide phenomena and, save for a few Air Nomads who had fled to his lands before the tide of revolution, it became clear to Fire Lord Katzu that each nation stood well and truly alone.

Pets: None

Other: None

Airbending Master

Name: Soon

Bending Element: Air

Age: 18

Current Location: Around River Village, heading back into town

Appearance: To put it plainly, Soon is a mess. A great deal of time on the road has left her messy and unkempt. Though technically a master airbender, Soon does not sport the typical tattoos of her rank. The revolution hit the outpost in which she lived shortly after she earned her arrows and she fled into the Earth Kingdom. Soon is small, standing just under five feet, with long and ragged black hair that hangs in her gray eyes, her air nomad attire smothered in dirt and other unpleasantries that come from being in transit for an extended period.

Brief Personality: Soon has always taken the air nomad philosophy of respect and non-aggression to heart, but her impatience tends to interfere with this from time to time. While she still refuses to kill her enemies, being hounded by rebels for long enough has made her far less reluctant to harm those who attack her.

Brief History: Soon was one of the airbenders who fled their homes in search of the Avatar when the revolution began. As a young master, she and several others were thought ideal for the job of teaching the Avatar airbending and helping to end the revolution. In her travels, she has gained a name amongst the revolutionaries as a thorn in their side. Though she is in truth only a minor irritant to the revolution as a whole, Soon takes a bit of pride in whatever inconvenience she creates.

Pets: Befriended a stray cat a couple days ago. Its name is now Poof.

Other: Has a modest sum associated with her name and what she considers to be a very unflattering wanted poster.
ProgenyOfWinter said:

Fire Lord

Name: Katzu

Bending Element: Fire

Age: 46 (made more sense for the Fire Lord to be older; if you'd like me to change it, that's fine too)

Current Location: Royal Plaza, Fire Nation Capital

Appearance: Not a large man, Fire Lord Katzu sports black hair that is tied back, the tips just reaching his shoulders, with a top-knot in keeping with usual styles. He is a clean shaven, with grey eyes and a nose that appears to have been broken in several places. He carries several marks on his face in addition. These old injuries are a result of riots against his rule, when he thought to meet what were deemed rabble head-on, only to find himself meeting more resistance than he or his advisors deemed possible.

Brief Personality: The Fire Lord has in recent years become much more humble than he ever imagined someone of his station could become. His inability thus far to quell the rebels has left him quiet and reserved. As he struggles to hold onto his nation, Katzu ponders whether or not he should take his family into exile and leave the Fire Nation in the hands of the rebels. Genuine concern for what should happen to his people in his absence is much of the reason the Fire Lord has not yet surrendered.

Brief History: Katzu, as the only son of the last Fire Lord, was always meant to succeed to the highest office, but shortly into his reign, the peace was shattered by the threat of revolution. At first he thought little of it, as the mighty Fire Nation Army managed to put down whatever small riots first arose. But their momentum grew, and eventually Katzu faced a full-scale war. Not only this, but he could not call for help. These revolutionaries were everywhere! This was a worldwide phenomena and, save for a few Air Nomads who had fled to his lands before the tide of revolution, it became clear to Fire Lord Katzu that each nation stood well and truly alone.

Pets: None

Other: None

Airbending Master

Name: Soon

Bending Element: Air

Age: 18

Current Location: Around River Village, heading back into town

Appearance: To put it plainly, Soon is a mess. A great deal of time on the road has left her messy and unkempt. Though technically a master airbender, Soon does not sport the typical tattoos of her rank. The revolution hit the outpost in which she lived shortly after she earned her arrows and she fled into the Earth Kingdom. Soon is small, standing just under five feet, with long and ragged black hair that hangs in her gray eyes, her air nomad attire smothered in dirt and other unpleasantries that come from being in transit for an extended period.

Brief Personality: Soon has always taken the air nomad philosophy of respect and non-aggression to heart, but her impatience tends to interfere with this from time to time. While she still refuses to kill her enemies, being hounded by rebels for long enough has made her far less reluctant to harm those who attack her.

Brief History: Soon was one of the airbenders who fled their homes in search of the Avatar when the revolution began. As a young master, she and several others were thought ideal for the job of teaching the Avatar airbending and helping to end the revolution. In her travels, she has gained a name amongst the revolutionaries as a thorn in their side. Though she is in truth only a minor irritant to the revolution as a whole, Soon takes a bit of pride in whatever inconvenience she creates.

Pets: Befriended a stray cat a couple days ago. Its name is now Poof.

Other: Has a modest sum associated with her name and what she considers to be a very unflattering wanted poster.
Accepted! I'll have the actual thread up as soon as I can.

Here is the link!


Sorry the intro is short, I don't have internet at my house yet so I have to pull out a quick response while I'm at work lol

We still need a firebending teacher, a bounty hunter, and the revolutionary leader.

Hmm. We did have people filling two of those three roles in the old sign-up thread, but we seem to have lost them in the move. You may want to try messaging them again. They might have just missed the last one.
Canon: Bounty Hunter

Name: Koda Sogetsu

Bending Element: None

Age: 23

Current Location: River Village

Appearance: Koda is 5'6, 123lbs. She has fierce almost golden hazel eyes that pop under her side-swept jet-black bangs. Her hair is thick and wavy. The back of it stops before her shoulders and the two pieces in the front framing her face reach longer down to her chest. She's petite, fair-skinned, and usually seen wearing something with laces or ruffles.

Brief Personality: Koda is very childish, sly, and in a sense.. Evil. She has a corrupted sense of right and wrong, and is afraid of being poor. Although she can come off as quite sweet at first, she's quick to show her violent and sadistic side in battle. She likes to toy with others, and is disgusted with those who are poor.

Brief History: Koda lived a wealthy lifestyle in the Earth Kingdom. Well, until the war came. People were acting out, and her wealthy house was hit by rebel attack after rebel attack. Her family couldn't do anything to stop against the rebellious benders. Koda was sick of it, and spent all of her time and money into learning and practicing the art of chi blocking. She couldn't live poorly like most people, she wouldn't. Slowly, she started realizing her gift for the art. She was getting known, and the rebels stopped attacking her house out of fear. Of course, the damage was already done and they've lost most of their wealth. That's when Koda was confronted by the revolutionary leader. He heard of her achievements, and promised that if she could bring him the Avatar he'd make sure her family would gain vast riches and protection. She took the offer.

Other: Koda is very agile, flexible and good at fighting. There was a reason she was picked as the bounty hunter. Do not underestimate her for her lack of bending, you'll regret it.

Pets: Koda has a pet Elephant Rat and Dragon Moose. (Yes, these are from Avatar haha)View attachment 7167View attachment 7168
(Well since Lux nixed my other idea, here is another one...)

Firebending Teacher

Name: Zeke

Bending Element: Fire

Age: 17

Current Location: River Village

Appearance: Zeke has tanned dark skin like most Fire Nationers, he has brown eyes and messy dark brown hair that is always getting in his face that he blows out. He likes to keep a headband over his forehead to help keep it out of his eyes. He wears typical Fire Nation garb that is quite strong leather with black and crimson colours.

Brief Personality: Zeke is a quiet guy who doesn't talk to people he doesn't know or like. He hates stupid people and prefers to examine the situation before he attacks. However he is FireBender and has a burning soul and his temper can get the better of him causing him to attack with extreme ferocity, especially to protect one of his friends.

Brief History: Zeke's village was attacked by the Rebellion and burnt to the ground, the Fire Lord was suppose to send troops to help but didn't for an unknown reason and because of this Zeke hates both the Rebels and the Fire Lord with an extreme passion. He is the only family member to survive. He was sent to another village to live with an adopted family where he lived for a few years. He however ran away and never looked back, traveling the world.

Pet: Kira, a Lion Armadillo which he rides all the time and I mean all the time! He received her as a cub when he was living with his foster parents as a present.

View attachment 7201

Along his travels Zeke met Soon and they have become good friends, traveling together and causing trouble. They both want to help train the Avatar so he can beat the crud out of the Rebellion and he is willing to lend his Firebending skills to help.

(Now I just need to wait till she accepts and I hope you don't mind [MENTION=3248]ProgenyOfWinter[/MENTION], but it seemed to fit that our characters could be friends especially with all our pm discussions, hope ya don't mind!)

Ah, well, hello. I feel a little awkward just posting in here, but ProgenyOfWinter (a long-time RP buddy of mine) told me about this RP and said spots were open. I see that the position of a firebending teacher is being filled, so is there room for an odd-ball non-bender in Team Avatar?
I think we need a revolution leader is needed, but a Sokka type character could be a good comedic charrie.
I can't guarantee my character will be as Sokka-like as needed, but she is up-beat. As for the revolution, I can make an OC for that. :) Just give me some time to think up a good character.

Canon: Daughter of the Earth King

Name: Iseul Bai Liu

Bending Element: Non-bender

Age: 18

Current Location: ​River Village

Appearance: Black/brown hair, reaches lower back when worn down. It's unable to be tamed and thus never neat looking, appearing like a wavy mess with strands sticking out when worn down. Usually she has it pulled into a low, messy bun, but due to the stubborn nature of her hair, some thick lengths of hair fall out of the bun and reach just below the shoulders. Iseul is a bit willowy, standing at 5'5" and weighing 110lbs, and could be described as being 'all legs.' She has light green eyes and fair skin, as well, and often dresses in beige and dark green clothing.

Brief Personality: She comes off as bubbly, optimistic, and scatterbrained, and to say she's a bit eccentric and a bit of an eclectic when it comes to her interests would be a vast understatement. Her up-beat attitude, however, is a defense mechanism; she uses it to hide her inner conflicts and bitterness. Her scatterbrained behavior is also some what misleading, as it's the result of her mind always being active. As well, she is unable to filter the world around her, leading her to 'see and hear everything.' While this is useful in gathering information quickly, it makes it hard for her to focus or relax. Often she is unable to even sleep because of it.

Brief History: She is the daughter of Hyun Bai Liu, one of only two children. The other child is her twin brother, Seung. When the revolutionaries began to attack, Iseul's father had her sent away to live on Kyoshi Island. As Iseul was raised away from her family, the Earth King simply told people that Iseul was too sickly and weak to leave the palace or see anyone. Given how young Iseul was when she was sent away, and the fact that she rarely received letters from her family, she knows very little of them and grew up feeling alone and abandoned. At a young age she began to train with the Kyoshi Warriors as a way to keep herself busy and try to overcome her troubles focusing. Her guardian on Kyoshi Island, a Chi Blocker, took notice of Iseul's interest in learning to defend herself and taught her all he knew. While the training and lessons on Chi Blocking allowed Iseul to have goals to focus on, she was never able to feel a sense of belonging or purpose. Eventually, at the age of seventeen, she left Kyoshi Island in hopes of finding those things.

Pets: N/A

Other: Her training has allowed her to be able to focus intently on certain tasks, such as fighting, so long as it is the only thing she is doing. To quiet her mind, she uses that focus to draw. However, she is unable to multitask, which can lead to problems during a fight. As well, as a result of her training, she is incredibly agile.

Canon: Earth King

Name: Hyun Bai Liu

Bending Element: Earth

Age: 59

Current Location: Ba Sing Se

Appearance: Stern looking and tall, with short grey hair and a muscular build. He has light green eyes and a tanned complexion, and he doesn't dress in overly elaborate attire.

Brief Personality: He looks like someone who would be very gruff and stoic, but in actuality he is an amicable, mild-mannered man. He is fiercely loyal and does not go back on his word, and will go to any lengths to fulfill agreements, making him a good ally to have and a horrible enemy to be up against.

Brief History: He was groomed from his birth to be king, and so received both military training and an excellent education. He married twice and been left a widower both times. His first wife died of illness before they could have kids, and his second, though able to bare him twins, was killed by revolutionaries while returning from a diplomatic trip to the Nothern Water Tribe. This lead to Hyun sending his daughter to Kyoshi Island for protection. The reason he didn't send his son was because, as the male child, he was heir to the throne and needed to be trained.

Pets: N/A

Other: He's rather good at Pai Sho.
I'm not talking about mutiny, I mean we can try send her a message to ask someone to approve for her, elect someone to do approving or just ask her to quickly come in to approve if she is too busy to actually rp.
Already messaged her. Isn't a matter of her being busy; she's said she has no internet right now. So messaging her further don't exactly do much good.
We'll just have to wait a few more days, no biggie. In the mean time we can start thinking up plot points, get some work done that way, you know? Then when Lux returns, we'll run any plans we have by her and get back to RPing.

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