Avatar: The Descend of Kings.


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The crisp morning breeze blew through the village, sending a shiver down Sakari’s spine. The day was early, but the merchants were already out on the streets. The earth kingdom amazed Sakari, the Northern Water tribe didn’t compare to its diversity and large size. Sakari could easily blend in with the crowds at the larger cities, but in a small town such as River Village she stood out. Her tan skin, blue eyes and dark hair were genetics that represented the Water Tribe. Sakari had managed to stay unnoticed by the revolutionaries during her stay in the earth kingdom, but it’d be only so long until they got word that the Chieftain’s daughter was missing. Sakari left home with a purpose and she wouldn’t return until the four nations were at peace. There was only one person who could help; the Avatar. The world believed that the Avatar was dead but Sakari had not lost faith. Somehow she knew that the Avatar was still alive, and she would find them. Since the last Avatar was an Airbender, Sakari was on the lookout for an earthbender around the same age as her. There was no telling where they’d be, or if they even knew they were the Avatar, but Sakari was not discouraged.

The last few nights Sakari had been camping in the woods until she arrived at the village, looking for a vendor that would take water tribe money. When the first two merchants shook their heads no, Sakari decided that she wouldn’t find anyone who would take her tribe’s currency. Occasionally she would find small amounts of work when she passed through a village, but she had spent the last of her earth coins in the previous village she visited. Sakari took a seat by the river, looking into the water and pondering her next move.

ooc| I apologize for the short introduction, once I get internet installed at my home I'll be able to give better responses.

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Iwaishi walked into through the River Village deep in thought. He had been walking these streets since childhood and walked them by instinct. He just wrapped up a job helping someone new move in with their family. A lot of heavy furniture and a long table made of stone. He was paid quite well considering the times, like most people in the village paid him. They all seemed to value it when they received his assistance with a job. It got done on time, reliably, and well every time. He counted his money and decided he had enough to indulge a little and still have a good chunk toward this months rent. He stroked his scar and thought about what to indulge when a couple of girls walking by giggled to each other and pointed at him. They thought he didn't notice but he always did. What was that about, he wondered. Oh well, I think i will go to Dragon Lily Tea Shop and get a cup of ginseng tea and a roll buttered and with generous amounts of gravy on it. Mmmmmm. His mouth practically watered.

He stopped outside of the shop to pet the cat outside. "Hello there Whiskers. You get any good scraps today?" The orange and silver cat purred and leaned into his hand. He entered the shop and sat at one of the 13 scattered purple tables engraved with a dragon intertwined with a flower. The owner looked up from the Mahjong game he was playing with his son and said,"Ah, Iwaishi. You must have enough to have the usual as you are here. I will start making it right away.", he said cheerily. "Thank you sir.", Iwaishi said with an upper body bow in his seat. As he waited Iwaishi had a short conversation with the owner's son Jin Miyoshi. Then about five minutes later Mr. Miyoshi came to his table and traded a large buttered roll slathered with large amounts of gravy and a large engraved mug of ginseng tea for the money. The handle made of a flower stem growing into the rim where a dragon curled around the contents of the glass. "Thanks very much mr. Miyoshi." Iwaishi began to dig in and reveled while eating and drinking his favorites. After finishing he brought the dishes to a sink and washed them for the Miyoshi's, afterwards leaving a nice tip on his table.

Iwaishi then went to the market and got a large karp and a few miniature possums plus a few other assorted groceries. He headed home and walked into to his modest apartment. There was no color scheme or any kind of random pictures on the walls. He had only carpets and rugs and all sorts of comfortable textured things everywhere. He enjoyed tactile senses more so then visual and his apartment showed it. His couches were not brand new but they were plushy and wonderfully soft and comfortable. He had a fireplace and a small yard to himself courtesy of his kind elderly landlord. He put the rest of the money he had earned into a jar he had on his only bookshelf next to the table in his dining room. It was nearly three quarters full, he had measured it perfectly and as it was completely filled it was a sign that he had his months rent for sure, with maybe a bit extra. He put all of the groceries away except the possums and fish and then headed to his back door, opening it slowly. As he did he was tackled to the ground by a giant brown ball of fur and a small black bundle. He laughed as he wrestled his bear. "Okay get off.", he laughed in his voice that was clearly headed for a deep bass tone when he was older. He tossed the possums to his pet pygmy puma Nara after he leaped up and down a few times, laughing as he devoured them. Then he gave Akota, his big shaggy brown bear, the large karp. He left the door open and went inside. He lit a fire in the fire place, put the cage around the fire that kept it from spreading, and then he sat in his big chair next to the fire place and went to sleep.

{OOC: I hope this is an ok start. But I must say that my posts will not be this long most of the time. Though I never go under a paragraph. Is this fine?}
((Everything looks great. I'll jump right in. Lux, since you say your 'net time is a bit patchy right now, I won't respond directly to you. Just jump on in whenever you're good to go. The great thing about Avatar is the spontaneity is canon! :P ))

Soon came into town that day at a jog, hood pulled up to conceal her face as she kept ahead of a group of rebel partisans on the road. The stray she had picked up was nestled in the folds of her robe, the cat's breath lightly tickling her neck. As soon as she passed the village boundary, the airbender began darting through alleys, an old habit that resulted from her multiple skirmishes with the rising order in the world. Frankly, she didn't even think she was being followed today; the ducking and weaving just helped her sleep better. Speaking of which... Soon made her way to the main thoroughfare and started taking a look at the inns and houses.

Soon often found spaces in rafters in to which she could squeeze, or unlocked windows she could subtly blow open and slip inside. A few months ago she had managed to sleep a few hours in the finest bed in one city's finest inn. The newlyweds who had booked the room and arrived in the middle of her sleep weren't too pleased, but she kindly evacuated the premises. The city watch being called certainly helped speed the process, of course...

She wasn't always so lenient with her morals. Since the loss of the Air Temples and her home, and as she progressed in her travels across the Earth Kingdom in search of the Avatar -really, how hard is it to find an earthbender in the Earth Kingdom!?- Soon found it easier and easier to take advantage of trusting Earth folk. It wasn't like she ever actually hurt anyone. But having somewhere to sleep was so much better than not. Soon had slept on the ground a few times in her years, and it wasn't an experience she really cared to replicate, even if it did cost some innkeep a bit of coin. She'd leave a little money if she had some. That just wasn't often. Or in quantities anywhere near what the room was worth. Oh well.

As it was getting later, she came to an apartment in the village and, seeing no outward signs of occupation, airbent the window open and levitated her way inside the building. It looked like a cozy enough place, and she figured she might sleep here for the night. But, taking a few steps inside, she froze. A fire crackled in the hearth, and a figure slept beside it. She could smell animals in here too. What had she done? Had she just broken into an occupied home?
Iwaishi woke with a start from the recurring nightmare he had quite often. He spread his senses the same way he did every time he woke from these nightmares. He expected same as always to have no visitors or thieves or intruders of any kind. His bear would easily sense any hostile intruder instantly, hence why Iwaishi leaves his back door open. But the sounds of both Nara and Akota sleeping outside were coupled with the light sound of a person breathing in hi entryway. Iwaishi stood quickly and turned to stand in an offensive martial arts stance and eyed the visitor. They had their hood over their face so he saw no detail of their face. But they were small enough that they were either a female or a very small male. But he knew everyone in the village from the youngest to the oldest and none of them would come in uninvited at this hour. He took a side glance to the gravel around his yard and fence and gauged how long it would take to reach it and how much property damage he might do. Not worth doing unless he knew the visitor was hostile he thought. "Who are you and what do you want?"
"Easy." Soon had been about to prepare her defences, but thought better of it. She raised her hands, and pulled back her hood. "I thought the place was empty. I was just going to squat here for the night and be on my way. So, uh, no need to bend at me." Eyeing his low stance, she could tell right away he'd been considering earthbending. "I can just find another place to go. There's bound to be plenty of rafters I can hide in."
The moment the girl took off her hood Iwaishi let go of his offensive stance, not losing is weariness but not showing offensive ideas. he looked her over and realized she was very dirty. And at the mention of staying here for a night Iwaishi realized she must be a refugee. "I am sorry you just startled me. I have lived my whole life in this village and didn't recognize you as a citizen. I thought you were trying to rob me. You must be a refugee. It is fine as long as you promise peace you may stay for a night. You could even use my shower and borrow a pair of clothes while you wash your own. It seems there are stains besides earth in those clothes that could use a good washing. But first....." Iwaishi made the motion of putting his hand in front of himself out towards her he made a claw and then closed his hand. After that he threw his hand to the ground as hard as he could. Instantly all of the dirt and mud on the strangers clothes slid to the floor. He motioned it out and tossed it into his gravel. "My name is Iwaishi what is yours?", he asked putting his hand out.
"Right. Earthbending. Good trick." She gave her head a shake, having been startled by the sudden removal of all the dirt. "I'm, uh..." she stammered, thinking for a second. This guy could easily be a revolutionary. Best not to let on too many details right now. She'd decide later if she could trust him. Or should she take a chance? This boy looked to be about the right age. He might prove a useful contact in the search for the Avatar, if she was honest with him. She gripped his hand, then bowed her head. "My name's Soon. Late of the Northern Air Temple. I appreciate your understanding, Iwaishi, and your hospitality. I'm used to less. Like having the watch called. Thanks for not throwing a rock at me. We would've messed up this little abode of yours pretty quick. Speaking of," she said, making a spiral motion with her hands, whipping the dirt into a miniature cyclone and out the window.

"Uh, I should ask, any sort of... discontent in the area? Like, rebels? If there is, I'd appreciate you not mentioning my presence here."
Iwaishi nodded as she shook his hand. "Good to meet you Soon.", he raised his eyebrows, "wait Northern Air Temple, well that sure is a long way from here. Cool your the first airbender I've ever met. As for the hospitality, well that is how i treat everyone who hasn't proven to be threatening or harmful to myself or anything or one i care about. Your very much welcome for the hospitality. As for the rebels, well they haven't ever come to this town before. I have been here since my young childhood after they killed my parents. So I must say, if they came into my town,", he said with a sudden fury and a rage-filled look in his eyes,"they would have to KILL me to take or hurt anyone or thing in this village. So worry not. So how about those clothes and shower, hmm?"
"Ah, good." She felt more than slightly relieved and was fairly certain he wasn't lying about the rebels. Earthbenders were too direct to ever be good liars, she found.

"I'll definitely take the shower. I have a change of clothes," she told him, gesturing to her pack. "I've just been saving them. Keeping the dirt of the road off them and such. Since this village isn't the hostile work environment I'm used to, I might stick around awhile. No harm in breaking them out." She unslung her pack and let the cat down by the door. He went outside without a sound to hunt. Soon went to the next room, and paused in the doorway. Without looking back, she said, "I came in this place on a whim. I wonder why."

She shut the door, washed and changed in a matter of minutes, airbending herself dry. Soon combed out the tangles from her hair and came back into the main room dressed in her Air Nomad garb of yellow and orange robes, sitting placidly on the floor as she wrenched the last tangle loose with a grunt. She looked much more serious and thoughtful than when she had gone in for her bath.

"So the rebels killed your family. We're the same in that, then. Looks like you've done alright for yourself, at least. Oh, and before you ask, no I don't have my tattoos, you couldn't see them if I did, and I don't shave my head because a bald woman in the Earth Kingdom would kind of stick out."
Iwaishi looked down and nodded as the haunting memories began to clearly plague him. He started shaking them off and laughed at Soon's bald comment. "Yes, I would imagine so. As for doing well for myself, well, I came here with no money and my landlord gave this place to me until I became healthy enough to work for it. He had been orphaned too and took pity on me. He was so kind and relaxed about the rent most of the time. It is because of him and the townspeople that I have prospered. I help just about everyone who asks or needs it, including the animals and children. Most of the adults tend to find the children's problems to be small but i understand and help them. The whole town is my new family. They are my drive." Iwaishi smiled from his eyes more so then his mouth. The truth of his words resounding as strong as a gong struck by the strongest man. "Which makes me wonder, why are you here? What has you traveling the Earth Kingdom?"
Iwaishi suddenly had a chill run through his spine. "The Avatar. What do you mean? I thought the Avatar was supposed to have died in the Avatar state and ended the line. I heard so when I was small and traveling after my parents were killed. Hasn't the Avatar been gone for years?"
Soon shook her head. "Many people in the world aren't so sure. If the Avatar Cycle were truly to end, we of the Air Nomads expected a widespread breakdown of the natural order. That's conjecture of course, but we expected something after Avatar Kyokso passed. For example: there hasn't been an increase in spirits wreacking havoc in our world. You'd think if the Avatar was really gone, there'd be more of them. Who would be there to stop them, right? But there isn't. We'd feel it if the Avatar was gone forever. I'm sure of it. The idea that the Avatar is gone is convenient for us who are looking for him or her in a way. No one... unfriendly is looking. But, no infants were able to be tested around the time Kyokso died, either. So we have no idea where the Avatar is, other than the Earth Kingdom. It's just my luck that the Avatar we can't find was born in the largest of the four nations. I don't suppose you can firebend, can you? I guess if you could, you'd be telling everyone. I know I would. I'll put a mark beside your name on the list." She made a checking motion with her fingers and shifted positions to lean toward the fire.
Iwaishi nodded, "That makes quite a good amount of sense. It must really be terrible looking for him or her in the Earth Kingdom. But as you pointed out, yes at least everyone evil and their mother uncle isn't looking for them. As for the fire bending, no, no I cannot do that. I would be using that to help people like I do with my earth bending. I have got my earth bending to the point where no one in a fifty mile radius is better, but it could still use perfecting and I love to practice. But no, no other kinds of bending. Why, you think I am the Avatar or something?", Iwaishi gives a small deep laugh and sits on the floor by the fire. "You can use my bed or couch or chair whichever suits your fancy. If you are hungry I just bought groceries and your welcome to look for a meal or something. Oh and your cat can sleep with my pets if you want."
((Sorry I'm a bit delayed. Went outside for a few.))

"Well, you look about the right age. I figured I might as well ask. It would save me a great deal of walking if you were. And if you're as good a bender as you say, that would at least save you some trouble mastering your own element. Maybe I'll have to get adventurous and give you the 'Avatar State' test sometime." She shrugged. Soon had long since given up actively hoping she'd find the Avatar with such simple questions. This boy seemed to have a good heart. It almost seemed like a shame it wasn't him. The last thing they needed was a morally bankrupt Avatar with everything else that was going on.

"I'm good to sleep right here. Beds and chairs and... well, furniture in general weren't considered part of the ascetic liftestyle we're supposed to lead at the temples. I'll just make one thing clear." Soon turned serious, setting her expression and pointing a finger at him to show she meant what she said. "No funny business. I don't physically have my arrows, but I'm an airbending master. Try anything and I'll blast you through the ceiling so fast the thought of earthbending won't even get to enter your mind."
"OK I am fine with that. But I doubt I am even in a arrows shot of ability as an Avatar would have. And as for the funny business well," he suddenly gains a look of one hundred percent seriousness,"don't you ever make a comment like that again. I do not hurt women, PERIOD, and I would appreciate such insinuations to be wiped clear now!", he said with every inch of searing anger he had in him. His bipolar making it self abundantly clear as the entire ground fifty feet square around him began to rumble. He quickly gained back his composure. "I am sorry for raising my voice. Have a good nights rest.", he sat back in his chair and started to center his thoughts gaining full control over his emotions again. He had not done anything of this sort since the time he defended the family he saved when he was a new found refugee.

[thats ok]
"And I'm sorry for saying it. I have trust issues, especially concerning my sleeping arrangements. It's not easy being a woman when you're a vagabond as well. I'm used to having to put my foot down." Soon shook her head, stretching out onto her back, savouring the feeling of having a hard surface under her back as it straightened, the tension she carried releasing bit by bit into the ground. "Thank you again for letting me stay. It's not my custom to be rude to my hosts. Some hosts have been, let us say, presumptuous. I'm sorry for my remark."
"That is quite fine, I understand. Sadly not all are kind to women and girls. There are sick and terrible people out there. You're very welcome for the place to sleep. I will have something for breakfast in the morning." After these words Iwaishi went back to sleep. Several hours later he awoke to sunlight hitting his eyes. He stretched and stood up slowly. Being careful to make sure to not accidentally step on his visitor on his way to the bathroom. After taking care of business and washing his hands Iwaishi headed to the kitchen and began boiling water and getting eggs from his large cooler to cook on his wood burning stove. He began to cook the eggs on a skillet when the water reached a boil. He put tea mix in and began making a nice middle strength peach tea. He finished the first batch of eggs and put them on a plate proceeding to cook several more until he filled the platter, covering them to keep them warm after serving himself. He poured a cup of tea and left the pot on the counter next to the eggs also covered. Then he went to his small four person dining area and sat in one of his comfortable chairs to begin eating.
"What a productive young man," Soon said sleepily as she sat up. She'd been half-awake for a few minutes, listening. She felt better about staying here now that she'd gone through one night without trouble. "I hope you don't mind if I do my exercises before I eat. It's been a while since I've had a good healthy workout that didn't involve running from the bad guys." She unfastened the top layer of her robe, a part that more or less constituted a cloak, and began stretching in front of the fireplace. "Don't worry. I'll control myself."

Soon moved through a basic circle-walk around the living area, alternating form as she dealt with unseen opponents. Clawing, dodging, kicking and twirling, she brought up gusts of air in the form of waves, blades, short cyclones and finally a spout beneath her that held her aloft. She held the spout for about a minute, then lowered herself, exhaling with satisfaction.

"It never does to eat before exercising. Bad for the digestion." She plucked an egg up between two fingers and poured a cup of tea as she seated herself cross-legged on the floor. "We never had these at the temple," she gestured to the eggs, "But I've found them most useful food since I've been travelling. Very full of energy."
"Yes they are very good indeed. I eat them quite often. They're my most repetitively used food for the morning. They helped me get to my current size and muscle mass and really energize for the days work. Cool moves by the way, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of your wrath without high bending ability to help me.", he smiled and finished his eggs and drinking his tea. "Today I have reserved my time to go down to the river and practice a bit of bending. Would you like to come?"
"I wouldn't mind." It'll give me a chance to see if you really could be the Avatar, at least. Soon wasn't sure, but she had a good feeling about this one. Maybe it was because he had a good heart and she wanted him to be the one, maybe it was partly because she was tired of looking. "I'm kind of curious to see if you're as good as you say. You certainly seem confident enough for me to believe it."
"OK then. One moment while I make some food to go." Iwaishi began preparing sandwiches and apples and a few peaches for the day outside. He added some nuts for protein and put it all in a large sports bag he used to do just such a thing. He added several bottles of water and a few filled with tea. "OK then let's go." Iwaishi went outside with Soon and locked his front door before heading for the river.
Soon followed without a word, throwing her cloak overtop of her robes to make herself less noticable. She wondered just how exactly she'd go about seeing if this boy was the Avatar. There was always throwing a torch at him and seeing if he could bend it to protect himself, or she could endanger him enough to bring on the Avatar State.

When they arrived at the water's edge, she tossed the cloak aside again. "So what did you have in mind? Did you want to spar with me or...?" she asked, waving her hand to elicit an answer.
"Hmmm, I hadn't planned that originally but that could be quite a challenge. I haven't really earth bended for battle much. And none of those times were against an air bender. It could be good training. Sure let's do that. And as the visitor to my village you may go first if you wish.", he said with a bow while maintaining eye contact.
Soon couldn't help but smirk. "What a gentleman. I'd expect no less than neutral jing from an earthbender. Very well." She struck a stance and with one fluid motion summoned a blast of air from one hand, using her other hand to propel herself sideways; this was a feint for which she had no illusions of him falling. As she careened over the ground, she unleashed numerous air-blades, taking full advantage of her mobility to go on a quick offensive.

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