Avatar Meltdown

Mentally do a jig while calmly asking them to sit down and discuss deep life issues. I think it'd be an... interesting discussion. Besides; there's always a pause button.
Question my eyesight, leave to drink a glass of water, stay in that room for a good 20-30 minutes, come back, see that a cartoon pony is still in my room, leave again, drink more water, come back and see she's still there, then entertain the idea that I'm actually crazy now and start talking to her.
Sunstone Sunstone
Question my eyesight, leave to drink a glass of water, stay in that room for a good 20-30 minutes, come back, see that a cartoon pony is still in my room, leave again, drink more water, come back and see she's still there, then entertain the idea that I'm actually crazy now and start talking to her.
Sunstone Sunstone
Too bad for you this specific cartoon pony has never spoken throughout the entire series.
Never quite got that avatar, I assumed it's me dude wearing a mask. So why not rip off the mask?
Question her about the location of her shades because seeing her eyes is way too weird.
Tell him to get out of my house already. This is like the third time he's tried to offer me and everyone in the neighborhood a game controller. Enough is enough! :p
Probably compliment their coat because that is a pretty sweet coat.
Stare, pause the game, and then... well, it would depend what they said next. If I didn't like it, then, well, possibly kill.

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