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Three Thousand Club
Yuza's eyebrows cannot possibly go any higher. Scaled the walls? Too old to get to the harbour my ass! She snorts and shakes her head. This isn't going to become any less surreal if she dwells on it, and she has bigger problems right now. She listens carefully as they make their way slowly through the winding underground caverns. She would much prefer to do unto others before they can do unto her. Thankfully the darkness seems to contain no hidden dangers today.
Returned to the surface, Yuza eschews restoring her clips and jewelry, and instead simply ties her hair up and conceals mons and crests. She stands behind and slightly to the side of Zaran and watches for uninvited observers as she waits for him to decide whether to place their lives in the hands of this friend of the docks.
Returned to the surface, Yuza eschews restoring her clips and jewelry, and instead simply ties her hair up and conceals mons and crests. She stands behind and slightly to the side of Zaran and watches for uninvited observers as she waits for him to decide whether to place their lives in the hands of this friend of the docks.