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Avatar Designer


Interesting indeed...If you are thus not busy i would Gladly would like one....If you accept i just have a simple request:

I would need my CRAZY SIDE!!!-....sorry for that...Ignore my sudent Burst...But i would enjoy having a Crazy Ninja as the one i have right now,But more..."Crazy" In to the mix if you dont minde yes? Just ya know...make him RUNNING!!!!-....sorry..but you know what i mean yes?...a Upgrade for my avatar My dear
Whoa! You seem to be pretty busy now. I have an idea for an avatar for myself, but if you're all booked, I understand. I really like the work by the way, very unique stuff.

Okay, if you say so!

I want a picture, for my avatar, someone riding a warg. Anyone who's watched the Hobbit or read the book knows what a warg is, but if you don't, look it up.

Draw the warg how you want to, but I want the rider to be wearing a full suit of armor and wielding a spear.

Is that to hard?

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