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Fandom Avatar: Balance from Within


Lucky Laki Malakis

Team Avatar:

Avatar: @rikunobodyxiii

  1. @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Airbender
  2. @xEmoBunnehx Earth bender.
  3. @Little Lozy Non bender.
  4. @Hanjizoe Firebender
  5. @AlbaGuBrath Nonbender
  6. @NightFlame waterbender

Must have at least one of each bending and at least one nonbender

Other roles: This can be instructors, soldiers and politicians from all sides outside team avatar. This incudes canon characters that are vital to the story like:






These character can be claimed by players or act as NPCs

Character Sheet

Now the fun part, feel free to present the sheet anyway you like but please put all information asked. Bare in mind Metal bending and blood bending have not been discovered yet, they may be discovered during the story but character cant start with them.




Appearance: (happy with picture and/or written description)


Bending art: (if applicable have profeciency as well)




Personality: (At least one paragraph)

Likes: (optional but encouraged)

Dislikes:(optional but encouraged)

Bio: (At least one paragraph)

Extra: (For anything else you want to add e.g. Current relationships)

A like indicates acceptance.
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Tera Ting-Fei


  • Name:

    Tera Ting-Fei





    Birth Date:

    July 11th


    Earth Nation - Ba Sing Se

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L I N - R E I

  • N I C K N A M E


    A G E

    15 1/2

    G E N D E R


    N A T I O N

    Earth Kingdom

    B E N D I N G S T A T U S


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Making a play for the Avatar.

Name: Neela

Age: 16

Gender: Female



Nation: Fire Nation

Bending art: Trained in Fire Bending, displayed Air Bending.


Strength: Extremely talented at all bending and inventive in their use.

Weakness: Somewhat foolhardy and resistant to change.

Personality: Like many Fire Benders, Neela is fueled by her passion. She loves life, she loves meeting new people. She tends to be a free spirit, and even delights in causing small annoyances for her father. Though she doesn't conform to the usual disciplined life style of the Fire Nation, she holds the nation's core tenets of loyalty and duty as the highest priority. While generally light hearted and funny, Neela is not blind to the world around her. She has a hidden iron core that is willing to do what ever it takes to protect the people she cares about, no matter the cost to her. She has also learned from her father that a leader must sometimes make the hard decisions so that others do not have to. Neela is also mischievous, intelligent, and somewhat foolhardy.

Likes: Tea with honey, meeting new people, sketching, sparing, exploring, and parkour..

Dislikes: Change, saying goodbye, lemurs, formal environments, rigidity, and getting unduly wet.

Bio: Neela was raised by her father, Cosan, in a coastal city in an occupied Earth Kingdom, where he was the governor. She grew up a little wild, though her father had limits she knew not to cross. As she grew, she noted how other children of the Fore Nation acted and how her father never spoke of her mother. After confronting her father about it, he told her that he met her mother when he was young and that they had a whirlwind romance, which he described literally because she was an Air Bender. After she was nearly captured by the Army, Cosan helped her escape, knowing he would never see her again. Much to his surprise, Neela appeared on his door step one morning 10 months later. Determined to not let his daughter down, he tried to inject what he could of Air Bender teaching and sensibilities with a more traditional Fire Bender education. With her mixed heritage known to her, Neela began to more actively try to learn more about Air Benders, with the help and guidance of her father. While visiting an abandoned Air Temple, Neela's curiosity got the better of her as she climbed on the outside of the temple to see a lemur nest. A vine she had been using snapped suddenly, causing her to plummet to the ground. Clawing desperately for a way to save herself, Neela entered the Avatar state for the first time to Air Bend to the ground. Shocked by this, Neela and her father returned to their home to decide what to do about this revelation.While frightened at the prospect of being the Avatar, Neela did take great pleasure in actually learning some air bending from old scrolls. It was while doing this that she unfortunately blasted herself out of her home and flew down the street, revealing her abilities to all. With her outed as the Avatar, she has been summoned to the Fire Nation Capital to meet with the Fire Lord before beginning the Avatar's pilgrimage.

Extra: Neela's father is well respected in many circles for his stern, but fair governing. He treats all under his command alike, even the subjugated citizens of the Earth Kingdoms. He has had to do many things he didn't like to rebellious Earth Benders, but he did them to ensure that others would not be punished.

Unbeknownst to Neela, her father is a member of the White Lotus.
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Are none-benders still being accepted? If so, I'm working on a character from the Earth Kingdom. If they're not, then they will probably be a water bender. Gender ratios are still unknown at the moment, right? I can write for either one if necessary.
Name: Rirrin

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Medium build, long-ish (or medium? It falls just below the shoulder blades.) brown hair, usually braided, green eyes

Nation: Earth Kingdom

Bending art: none

Weapons: A bow, small knife for emergencies

Strength: A skilled survivalist

Weakness: Not the best social skills

Personality: Rirrin is not really a people person, greatly preferring her own company or that of animals. She tends to be somewhat sarcastic and oblivious regarding other people, especially with the little unspoken niceties like tact and diplomacy, though if she realizes she has hurt someone she is genuinely sorry. There was little need for this in her home, where she was taught to say what she meant and mean what she said, or in the company of beasts. Living in the city has smoothed some of the rougher bits of her nature, but has also awakened an increased dislike for the false smiles and composed bearings of the people around her. She has a bit of a rebellious streak and is very stubborn, but also loyal to a fault and protective of the ones she cares for.

Likes: Animals (especially her cat-owl, Kalin), being outside, singing, her family

Dislikes: Crowds, liars, tight spaces, loud noises

Bio: Rirrin was born in the Earth Kingdom countryside on her mother's farm, where she grew up roaming the fields and nearby forests. Her father was a soldier who was sent away when she was young, though he often wrote letters home to his wife and daughter. Rirrin cherished these letters and kept every single one of them. While he was gone, she learned how to care for the earth and animals and how to use it to survive. A year later, her father returned and later that year welcomed a baby girl into the world. Rirrin loved her little sister dearly and tried to teach her everything she had learned, but the two were very different from one another. Finally, their father was called into the city by his superiors, so the family had to sell their farm and move. Her sister was excited about the adventure and enjoyed the city, but Rirrin hated everything about it and began slipping out whenever possible, to the displeasure of her family. Sometimes she would be gone for days, but always reluctantly returned when she felt they worried about her. During this time, she honed the skills her mother taught her and learned how to survive off the land almost indefinitely alone.

Extra: Lin-Rei (@Little Lozy)is her younger sister by a few years.

She carries a pouch containing basic survival supplies, a few medicinal herbs, and letters from her father. She has a bow and knife, but is nowhere near as skilled with them as her sister and mainly uses them for hunting or emergencies of self-defense. She wears a copper bracelet featuring woven vines on her left wrist, a gift after her father returned home.

(Uhmm... Avatar Roku was pretty neat... ( :)

{This is all very WIP, but I haven't made an ATLA character in forever, so I'll be posting my progress as I go so y'all can let me know what I need to do to improve it. I figure that would be easier than typing everything up and then finding out that there were so many problems I basically had to start over. I'm not super attached to any of this, so it can be edited as necessary for character improvement or demographics.}
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Age: 16

Gender: Male



Nation: Fire nation

Bending art: Airbender, beginner

Weapons: Mother's staff modified for melee combat


  • Agile and acrobatic
  • Quick to make a plan
  • good melee combatant


  • Early in his air bender training
  • Jealous of his sister.
  • Often uses his staff as a weapon rather than an airbending tool


Like his sister, he is a free spirit with a humorous and light-hearted enjoying life and learning of the other cultures beyond the fire nation. But while his sister is bold and brash, he is more relaxed rather hanging back and making a plan. Also despite his gregarious and helpful natures he is emotionally closeted, never showing any of his troubles and doubts, like his jealousy of his twin sister. So may comfort someone about their doubts but may be more internally.

Likes: Jasmine tea, noodle soup (in fact any hot food), pranks, airbending, legends, exploring, his sister.

Dislikes: Feeling inferior next to his sister, bland food, cold, tight spaces, being stuck in one place.

Bio: Twin to the avatar brought along with her to their father's door step. He displayed his air bending at a young age but forced to keep it a secret by his father lest he brought trouble to the family. Due to this he had only a few chances to practice beyond trips to the air temple by comparison his sister seemed like a fire bending prodigy in their early years. Despite being close to her sibling he couldnt help feel jealous of his sister causing a small drift between them. The discovery of his sister being the avatar while he was trying to show of an airbender move didnt help matters especially with the invitation to see the firelord. Still he cared for his sister and when their father attempted to discourage his sister from visiting the fire lord, he was task to go with her and keep her from trouble also to contact a friend within the fire lords court.


Basic Information









Bending art

Fire (Intermediate)


A dager, and katana


- Can last long in a fight

- Never gives up

- Better fighting in the summer


- Poor Stratigist, but makes up for it.

- Underestimates his opponents

- Lacks Reaction Speed


Shiba is stubborn, short-tempered, strong-willed, and impulsive. Despite claiming not to care about what other people think about him, he attempts to maintain a detached and "cool" image. He generally keeps his face set in a near-permanent scowl, with his eyebrows drawn together. His outspoken, hot-headed demeanor is a trait Shiba himself has acknowledged, and if somebody picks a fight with him, he cannot help fighting back.



Shiba was born and raised within the fire nation, as his birthday is the 16th of may having him being born in the midist of summer. He was always the stubborn boy in his family as he has over five brothers total. Shiba was only the second talented and gifted among the others, but still struggles due to his personality differences, he's always recived good notes as he's always caring for others, and his people, however somtimes he hates the looks of smugglers and jerks.

There's many things that shiba needs to learn which is becoming a better stratigist, he's always a head on guy, and rarely thinks things through before doing it.

Name: Ancient Soldier Varg

Age: Unknown, he is from an unknown time period. His armor design is unrecognizable by any living person.

Gender: Masculine, assumed to be Male.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/undead.jpg.a6b973bac624a9568f9be89d36109837.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/undead.jpg.a6b973bac624a9568f9be89d36109837.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nation: Fire Nation

Bending art: Proficient at the basics of Firebending


Blade of Trials- The ancient blade is black as night and appears to have been eaten away by insects. The various grooves and holes however and designed to channel firebending and hurl out wafts of flame with each swing of the blade.

Ghoustwalker's Shield- A shield that is translucent and glows a slight dark purple. While the shield seems useless against melee weapons and attacks, it entirely blocks any sort of bending with ease and can even disrupt one's bending ability should they be struck with it.


Immortality- Through unknown methods, possibly through manipulation of the spirit realm the Ancient Soldier Varg has achieved immortality. He can only be destroyed if his body is destroyed entirely. He does not age, nor bleed, nor fall ill.

Restless- In his undead state, Varg requires no sleep.


Light Sensitivity- In broad daylight or in the presence of intense flames, Varg seems sluggish and weary.

Insatiable Appetite- Despite his immortality, Varg is ever hungry and will devour anything that falls before him.


A professional and cold-hearted soldier, Varg shows very little interest in anything that isn't a blind obsession in collapsing the Earth Kingdom. He will cast aside all things if given the chance to kill/capture/ or destroy Earth Benders or their buildings and architecture. It is assumed this behavior comes from the war that existed in his time, whenever that may have been. He is a strong willed individual who will ruthlessly pursuit anything he wants and will not stop until he has achieved his goal or has been destroyed.

Bio: Born in an unknown time, virtually nothing is known about the Ancient Soldier, but a certain Avatar could likely identify him if the current Avatar spent the time to hunt one down from a time far behind their own. If such a thing was done, Ancient Soldier Varg could be identified as the infamous Fire Nation soldier; Colonel Harzan Varg, a brutal and cruel military leader that led a vicious assault against the Earth Nation in a time long before Ozai and Sozin's comet.

During sometime of his life, he became obsessed with the Spirit realm and believed it to be a way for him to achieve immortality. Such a thing was accomplished when he made contact with the spirit realm and gave away his skin and flesh to a spirit in order to be made immortal. However, he was tricked and without his muscles he could not move and only when found by a forgiving and loving Spirit was he able to move his body. From then, Varg spent an immeasurable amount of time trapped in the spirit world until finally he found his way out.



  • undead.jpg
    54.7 KB · Views: 74
Anaxial said:
Name: Ancient Soldier Varg
Age: Unknown, he is from an unknown time period. His armor design is unrecognizable by any living person.

Gender: Masculine, assumed to be Male.

View attachment 277276

Nation: Fire Nation

Bending art: Proficient at the basics of Firebending


Blade of Trials- The ancient blade is black as night and appears to have been eaten away by insects. The various grooves and holes however and designed to channel firebending and hurl out wafts of flame with each swing of the blade.

Ghoustwalker's Shield- A shield that is translucent and glows a slight dark purple. While the shield seems useless against melee weapons and attacks, it entirely blocks any sort of bending with ease and can even disrupt one's bending ability should they be struck with it.


Immortality- Through unknown methods, possibly through manipulation of the spirit realm the Ancient Soldier Varg has achieved immortality. He can only be destroyed if his body is destroyed entirely. He does not age, nor bleed, nor fall ill.

Restless- In his undead state, Varg requires no sleep.


Light Sensitivity- In broad daylight or in the presence of intense flames, Varg seems sluggish and weary.

Insatiable Appetite- Despite his immortality, Varg is ever hungry and will devour anything that falls before him.


A professional and cold-hearted soldier, Varg shows very little interest in anything that isn't a blind obsession in collapsing the Earth Kingdom. He will cast aside all things if given the chance to kill/capture/ or destroy Earth Benders or their buildings and architecture. It is assumed this behavior comes from the war that existed in his time, whenever that may have been. He is a strong willed individual who will ruthlessly pursuit anything he wants and will not stop until he has achieved his goal or has been destroyed.

Bio: Born in an unknown time, virtually nothing is known about the Ancient Soldier, but a certain Avatar could likely identify him if the current Avatar spent the time to hunt one down from a time far behind their own. If such a thing was done, Ancient Soldier Varg could be identified as the infamous Fire Nation soldier; Colonel Harzan Varg, a brutal and cruel military leader that led a vicious assault against the Earth Nation in a time long before Ozai and Sozin's comet.

During sometime of his life, he became obsessed with the Spirit realm and believed it to be a way for him to achieve immortality. Such a thing was accomplished when he made contact with the spirit realm and gave away his skin and flesh to a spirit in order to be made immortal. However, he was tricked and without his muscles he could not move and only when found by a forgiving and loving Spirit was he able to move his body. From then, Varg spent an immeasurable amount of time trapped in the spirit world until finally he found his way out.
Sorry no, plz try a different character.


Name: Hyorei Kös

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Nation: Northern Water Tribe

Bending art: Water Bending

(Somewhere near but not in master)

Hyorei carries around a jug that can hold about 1.6 liters of water as she likes to use bending mostly. If by some point she does not choose to use bending, she will simply result to twin medium daggers. She is quite skilled in using, and is fairly good in handling short swords as well.

Typically anywhere with water, even more on a full moon. Hyorei can manipulate her surroundings easier with bodies of water around. She has a sort of strategicness despite her reckless 'act-before-think' personality. She prefers to fight in close-combat, having mastered hand-to-hand in her years. Her reaction speed is remarkably fast as well, and same goes forher hearing. Other than that, Hyorei is an exceptional liar.

I can't say Hyorei is best at long range,mbut she's not the worst. Her aim has some decency at least. Sadly, I cannot say the same for her temper. Hyorei holds a very short fuse, well, most of the time. This seemingly depends on her mood and can affect the battle. When it comes to decisions, Hyorei may not be the most decisive, so best not to ask her.

Personality: Hyorei likes to be honest about her thoughts, but lies just as much. Her honesty may seem brutal, but whoever said the truth didn't hurt? And with this, she likes to manipulate people to create conflict as it amuses her. Sadistic as it seems it is true. With her so called honesty, Hyorei can lie perfectly, not that she needed the situation but it helps. She keeps an air of secrecy around her. Her secrets are secrets to this day. And with major trust issues I'd doibt it'd get revealed. Now on to the more positive sides. Although she is manipulative, she does have a heart, and a big one at that. She helps those in need, be it the people on the streets or whoever, though she may have strange ways in doing so.


-Warmth in the cold




-Fantasy/Romance/Comedy Books



-Being interrupted from reading



-Her past

Bio: Born into the family of a high ranking officer of the Northern Trine at the date of March 8, Hyorei was expected to be perfect. She was able to keep up the image with ease, but as she grew, so did her want for freedom. At times she would go sneak out and watch the boys bend and do it as well. She went by it with ease, as bending came naturally to her. While watching the commoners come and go, Hyorei envied. She envied their ability to travel across the seas. At dinner that day, the albino asked if she could go travel. Her father absolutely went mad and refused, stating it was too dangerous there. At the age of 15, the want became a dream, a dream that became on hold till the day she became brave enough to disobey her father. Little did she know that was near. On that fated day, Hyorei was called upon their dining room. As she did, she saw a boy. Strange red hair and blue green eyes. They sat down for a meal. Her father attempted to engage Hyorei into a conversation with the boy but the efforts were futile. At dessert, he told Hyorei that she would be marrying him. Absolutely enraged at that thought, Hyorei jumepd out of her window and stormed off to the docks after packing her things, surprising the others who tried to stop her by freezing their feet that a girl could water bend. Jumping into a boat, she rowed her way, which leads us to today.

Extra: Has a necklace with a standing infinite sign hanging on it from her mother.



  • Name: Fayher Kitosii

    Age: 40

    Gender: Male

    Birth date: 5 June

    Nation: Air Village

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