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Fantasy Aurora - The Supernatural Continent

N E R I S S A | P E M B E R

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Gender | Female

Age | 127yr chrono; ~25yr. appearance

Species | Fairy - Changeling

Alignment | Chaotic Good, despite her insistence otherwise

El'Nathas | Birthplace




None - On her own



Rogue; Mercenary | Occupation



  • Lightness of Foot: Like all the Fae, Nerissa possesses extraordinary agility and silent step, with a weightlessness that would surely allow the wind to carry her away if allowed. To those caught unaware, she would be all but invisible.
  • Mind Manipulation: By prodding against another's conscience, Nerissa can induce a light slumber, confusion or misdirection, or even create memories or alter dreams. However, such a power does not come without limitations -- the more cautious and alert to her presence Nerissa's victim is, the less of an effect this skill would have.
  • Appearance Alteration: Not exactly shape-shifting as we know it, but the Changeling may alter her looks to resemble an older or more child-like version of herself. This skill may also be used to resemble others, so long as she has seen them at least once; the more often Nerissa interacts with the person, the better her imitation.
  • Weapons Prowess: A natural rogue, Nerissa excels with blades and short bows, and much prefers swift and subtle attacks than full-on melee combat. As such, she keeps one misericorde strapped to each hip, as well as a short sword and scout's bow at her back.


B R I E F | H I S T O R Y


As a Changeling, Nerissa had no other purpose in life except that of a replacement. Mere days after birth, she was carried to the town of Anamor where the Fae left her in place of a human babe. The parents, weary of their colic child and much deprived of rest, noticed nothing of the change; they were only more than ecstatic that the cries finally stopped. And so the little family went on and raised Nerissa as their own.

All Fae grow explosively in the first decade or two, and the Changeling was no exception, leading her parents to continue on believing that their child was their own and fully human. But she knew better. Never had Nerissa gone unaware to her true heritage and the blood of the fair-folk ran rampant through her veins. Despite this, however, she was no longer among the Fae. She had no teachers nor guides to teach her the fairy ways, and she suffered for it. Her wings never grew in and Nerissa became mortal and fallible, half-human and half-fairy, bound by the restrictions of each species. Iron remained poisonous. She could never tell a lie. Her body healed slowly and left blemishes in the wakes of wounds. Needless to say, she grew with resentment tainting her heart.

Some good did come out of the mix, though it went unnoticed by Nerissa's mind. As the years passed on, she gained the opinionated nature of a human's mind and became quick to think and act, contrasting indeed with the true neutral quality of the Fae. And despite the limitations of a human-touched body, Nerissa retained the powers of her ageless blood, diminished in strength though they may be.

On the dawn of her twentieth year, the Changeling decided a change of pace was in order. She donned a cloak and pilfered a dagger and set out without a word to those who raised her. (Even after all these years, she cared little for the humans who so selflessly called her their own--or so that's what she tells herself.) The decades passed and soon enough, the century's mark came around. She had made a name for herself along the way, judging by the whispers of a wingless fairy for hire.

With contracted deals ranging from the minions of the Dark Phalanx to the True, Nerissa couldn't seem to scratch away the itch that trouble wasn't far off the horizon...

Ravel said:

N E R I S S A | P E M B E R

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Gender | Female

Age | 127yr chrono; ~25yr. appearance

Species | Fairy - Changeling

Alignment | Chaotic Good, despite her insistence otherwise

El'Nathas | Birthplace




None - On her own



Rogue; Mercenary | Occupation



  • Lightness of Foot: Like all the Fae, Nerissa possesses extraordinary agility and silent step, with a weightlessness that would surely allow the wind to carry her away if allowed. To those caught unaware, she would be all but invisible.
  • Mind Manipulation: By prodding against another's conscience, Nerissa can induce a light slumber, confusion or misdirection, or even create memories or alter dreams. However, such a power does not come without limitations -- the more cautious and alert to her presence Nerissa's victim is, the less of an effect this skill would have.
  • Appearance Alteration: Not exactly shape-shifting as we know it, but the Changeling may alter her looks to resemble an older or more child-like version of herself. This skill may also be used to resemble others, so long as she has seen them at least once; the more often Nerissa interacts with the person, the better her imitation.
  • Weapons Prowess: A natural rogue, Nerissa excels with blades and short bows, and much prefers swift and subtle attacks than full-on melee combat. As such, she keeps one misericorde strapped to each hip, as well as a short sword and scout's bow at her back.



B R I E F | H I S T O R Y


As a Changeling, Nerissa had no other purpose in life except that of a replacement. Mere days after birth, she was carried to the town of Anamor where the Fae left her in place of a human babe. The parents, weary of their colic child and much deprived of rest, noticed nothing of the change; they were only more than ecstatic that the cries finally stopped. And so the little family went on and raised Nerissa as their own.

All Fae grow explosively in the first decade or two, and the Changeling was no exception, leading her parents to continue on believing that their child was their own and fully human. But she knew better. Never had Nerissa gone unaware to her true heritage and the blood of the fair-folk ran rampant through her veins. Despite this, however, she was no longer among the Fae. She had no teachers nor guides to teach her the fairy ways, and she suffered for it. Her wings never grew in and Nerissa became mortal and fallible, half-human and half-fairy, bound by the restrictions of each species. Iron remained poisonous. She could never tell a lie. Her body healed slowly and left blemishes in the wakes of wounds. Needless to say, she grew with resentment tainting her heart.

Some good did come out of the mix, though it went unnoticed by Nerissa's mind. As the years passed on, she gained the opinionated nature of a human's mind and became quick to think and act, contrasting indeed with the true neutral quality of the Fae. And despite the limitations of a human-touched body, Nerissa retained the powers of her ageless blood, diminished in strength though they may be.

On the dawn of her twentieth year, the Changeling decided a change of pace was in order. She donned a cloak and pilfered a dagger and set out without a word to those who raised her. (Even after all these years, she cared little for the humans who so selflessly called her their own--or so that's what she tells herself.) The decades passed and soon enough, the century's mark came around. She had made a name for herself along the way, judging by the whispers of a wingless fairy for hire.

With contracted deals ranging from the minions of the Dark Phalanx to the True, Nerissa couldn't seem to scratch away the itch that trouble wasn't far off the horizon...

Darn fine CS, accepted! :D
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Mei-ling Huang










<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/lili___mists_of_pandaria_by_annrose001-d6rajza.jpg.d15852174f92c57c414989b81f7122c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79946" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/lili___mists_of_pandaria_by_annrose001-d6rajza.jpg.d15852174f92c57c414989b81f7122c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




None, although loyal to Wu-Yishu.


Traveler and exorcist


-Energy Manipulation: Mei-ling can manipulate energy to an extent. She can't use it in long range, but at short range she can tap her energy into someone else, disrupting theirs. The effect can wary greatly. She can use this supportively, tapping in her energy in a way that heals or enhances their energy flow.

-Exorcism: Mei-ling is great at feng shui, being able to balance the energys in a location to great extent.. Although she doesn't like doing this, she can also drive out evil spirits out of homes.


-Martial Arts Master: Having studied the art for decades, Mei-ling is master of it. She has agreat knowledge of pressure pints, always knowing what spot with hurt the most. However, not every species has the same pressure, which puts her in a disadvantage against obscure species.

-Acrobacy: Mei-ling is extremly agile, and is able to jump extremly high and far. She can bend twist herself in nearly any way, and has a good balnce. Because of this, she can use almost any terrain as a foothold.


Mei-ling comes from the land of Wu-Yishu. She had always been a big fan of poetry, and was always inspired to become like the great monks in stories. She worked hard to reach her goal, studying night and day, that is, when she wasn't training or meditating. However, her studying isolated her from the world, while in the same time teaching her about all the wonders present in it. One day, she finally decided to travel all over Wu-Yishu, tired of seeing the same places every day. This wasn't enough to quench her curiousness though, ans as such, when the main continent finally found Wu-Yishu, she instantly felt a need to go explore this new world.

Secret Word




  • lili___mists_of_pandaria_by_annrose001-d6rajza.jpg
    248.6 KB · Views: 38
SdrawcabDaer said:
Mei-ling Huang










View attachment 178694




None, although loyal to Wu-Yishu.


Traveler and exorcist


-Energy Manipulation: Mei-ling can manipulate energy to an extent. She can't use it in long range, but at short range she can tap her energy into someone else, disrupting theirs. The effect can wary greatly. She can use this supportively, tapping in her energy in a way that heals or enhances their energy flow.

-Exorcism: Mei-ling is great at feng shui, being able to balance the energys in a location to great extent.. Although she doesn't like doing this, she can also drive out evil spirits out of homes.


-Martial Arts Master: Having studied the art for decades, Mei-ling is master of it. She has agreat knowledge of pressure pints, always knowing what spot with hurt the most. However, not every species has the same pressure, which puts her in a disadvantage against obscure species.

-Acrobacy: Mei-ling is extremly agile, and is able to jump extremly high and far. She can bend twist herself in nearly any way, and has a good balnce. Because of this, she can use almost any terrain as a foothold.


Mei-ling comes from the land of Wu-Yishu. She had always been a big fan of poetry, and was always inspired to become like the great monks in stories. She worked hard to reach her goal, studying night and day, that is, when she wasn't training or meditating. However, her studying isolated her from the world, while in the same time teaching her about all the wonders present in it. One day, she finally decided to travel all over Wu-Yishu, tired of seeing the same places every day. This wasn't enough to quench her curiousness though, ans as such, when the main continent finally found Wu-Yishu, she instantly felt a need to go explore this new world.

Secret Word

Accepted! Nice job!
Name: Zilfer of Shadows

Alignment: Good

Birthplace: Fel-Land

Gender: Male

Age: Ageless

Normal Form:


Dark Form:




Species: Risen Demon

Faction/Affiliation: Currently none.

Occupation: Wanderer, Demon Hunter, Werewolf Slayer, Vampire Slayer, Monster Hunter.


Darkness Manipulation: Zilfer can create, shape and manipulate shadows and darkness. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: he can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, and even teleport himself through massive distances via shadows, etc.

Dark Fire Manipulation: Zilfer can create, shape and manipulate the darker, destructive and consuming aspects of fire, which ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal fire. Dark flames do not just burn, they can incinerate everything, even normal flames, they can incinerate anything to the point of leaving absolutely no byproduct (not even ashes), and smother and "burn" normal fire and water.

Darkness Infusion: Zilfer can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with darkness, empowering and energizing them and allowing the him to manipulate their qualities and efficiency and use darkness in various ways to attack.

Dark Form: Zilfer can transform into a state of being in which his darkest intentions, emotion, and powers are fully fledged. In this form, Zilfer's powers are greatly enhanced and he is able to manipulate powerful dark forces. However, in this form, Zilfer becomes highly aggressive and very quick to anger, making him a threat to anyone around hims as well as himself. For these reasons Zilfer tries to avoid taking this form at all costs.

Darkness Solidification: Zilfer can solidify or give solid-like properties to darkness/shadows with the level of solidity going from loose jello to metal-like hardness or beyond to even create a sword from the darkness.

Night Empowerment: Zilfer becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. during the night, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers.

Dark Shield Construction: Zilfer can create shields of varying shapes and sizes out of the darkness.

Shadow Armor: Zilfer can form armor around his body and shape it from darkness/shadow for protection and physical boost, often including creation of tendrils to strike his opponents.

Dark Fire Infusion: Zilfer is able to infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with dark fire, empowering and energizing them, allowing him to manipulate their qualities and efficiency, and use dark fire in various ways to attack.

Abilities: Stealthy, Swordsman, Archer, Strong, and Fast.

History (Optional): Doesn't like sharing his history, this is a story yet to be told.

Secret Word: Warsman
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Skylerclauz92 said:
Name: Zilfer of Shadows
Alignment: Good

Birthplace: Hell

Gender: Male

Age: Ageless

Normal Form:


Dark Form:




Species: Risen Demon

Faction/Affiliation: Currently none.

Occupation: Wanderer, Demon Hunter.


Darkness Manipulation: Zilfer can create, shape and manipulate shadows and darkness. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: he can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, etc.

Dark Fire Manipulation: Zilfer can create, shape and manipulate the darker, destructive and consuming aspects of fire, which ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the normal fire. Dark flames do not just burn, they can incinerate everything, even normal flames, they can incinerate anything to the point of leaving absolutely no byproduct (not even ashes), and smother and "burn" normal fire and water.

Darkness Infusion: Zilfer can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with darkness, empowering and energizing them and allowing the him to manipulate their qualities and efficiency and use darkness in various ways to attack.

Dark Form: Zilfer can
transform into a state of being in which his darkest intentions, emotion, and powers are fully fledged. In this form, Zilfer's powers are greatly enhanced and he is able to manipulate powerful dark forces. However, in this form, Zilfer becomes highly aggressive and very quick to anger, making him a threat to anyone around hims as well as himself. This is an ability he tries to avoid using at all costs.

Darkness Solidification: Zilfer can solidify or give solid-like properties to darkness/shadows with the level of solidity going from loose jello to metal-like hardness or beyond to even create a sword from the darkness.

Night Empowerment: Zilfer becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. during the night, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers.

Dark Shield Construction: Zilfer can create shields of varying shapes and sizes out of the darkness.

Shadow Armor: Zilfer can form armor around his body and shape it from darkness/shadow for protection and physical boost, often including creation of tendrils to strike his opponents.

Dark Fire Infusion: Zilfer is able to infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with dark fire, empowering and energizing them, allowing him to manipulate their qualities and efficiency, and use dark fire in various ways to attack.

Abilities: Stealthy, Swordsman, Archer, Strong, and Fast.

History (Optional): At the beginning of Creation, when the Heavens and the Hells were still getting their bearings on existence, there was a demon that was filled with an uncontrollable, blinding rage. His body constantly burned by the embers of Hell from the pure anger that filled him. The Lord of Sin, soon adopted the demon into his realm after seeing the personification of one of his many vices and made him a lieutenant of his, representing the aspect of Wrath. However, the demon's fury was so great that he very quickly began to rebel against his own masters. He gave himself up to a small group of Angels in the Fields of Eternity, pledging his eternal loyalty to their kind for an opportunity to deny the Burning Hells his soul. In their naivete, they accepted. They took him to the High Heavens, and in secret, changed him. They shed as much of his demonic shell as their Angelic power allowed and created for him a shell similar to that of their brethren. In fear of the great demon, they managed to quiet some of the rage, but they could not, however, extinguish the fire that burned everlasting. They trained him to fight like an Angel, move like an Angel, and act like an Angel. Soon enough, he was more than just a demon in angel's clothing; he became an entity of the High Heavens itself, and pledged allegiance to the heavens. He now wanders Aurora hoping to help in the conflict that currently plagues the land.

Secret Word: Warsman
This is more my fault then mine (I haven't worked on the heaven/hell/afterlife lore kind of stuff, but it'd be preferable if he wasn't born in hell, or had all that relation to heaven, hell, and the lord of sin, and angels and such. Because a lot of that stuff hasn't been worked on yet, which again, is my fault.
Apex said:
This is more my fault then mine (I haven't worked on the heaven/hell/afterlife lore kind of stuff, but it'd be preferable if he wasn't born in hell, or had all that relation to heaven, hell, and the lord of sin, and angels and such. Because a lot of that stuff hasn't been worked on yet, which again, is my fault.
Oh ok. Other than that if I change those parts of the history, and the birthplace what do you think?
Skylerclauz92 said:
Oh ok. Other than that if I change those parts of the history, and the birthplace what do you think?
As long as the birthplace and history pieces are changed, then it's fine.
Apex said:
As long as the birthplace and history pieces are changed, then it's fine.
K got it all changed. Since the history part is optional, I'm just gonna leave that out for now. Will either work on it later, or whenever my character decides to disclose it in the rp itself.
Name: Ventrix

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Birthplace: Pivot

Gender: Male

Age: 44


Species: Human

Faction/Affiliation: Union

Occupation: Scientist, Inventor, Pataphysicist, Mutator

Powers: Pseudoscience Manipulation, numeromancy, formula manifestation

Abilities: Genius level intellect, strong minded, enhanced memory, master scientist and inventor, boundless imagination, Void pouch (A pocket dimensional pouch where he keeps all his inventions), fearlessness, Master Mutator (is able to gene splice and mutate animals and creatures using pseudoscience.)

History: Ventrix was born a know it all, and always craved and thrived knowledge and perfection, his vocabulary was also very sophisticated. He spent his life creating ineffable inventions and equations in his workshop. He began to realise it would be more interesting and it would also benefit his lust for knowledge if he became a going-out scientist. He then created the void pouch for him to put his inventions in. (Which caused him to realise that he broke the scientific method and the laws of science itself) This lead him on his journey attempting to reach omniscience (True Perfection)

Secret Word:Warsman
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Name: Xiao Bamboo

Alignment: Neutral Good

Birthplace: Wu-Yishu

Gender: male

Age: 38





Faction/Affiliation: none

Occupation(s): guardian, martial artist, cook


#Supernatural Martial Arts: 'Mist Techniques'- Xiao is an expert martial artist, adept at using Ki (which is basically mana) for his most powerful martial arts techniques. Of course, there is a limit to how many times he can use these techniques, because while his ki (mana) supplies are rather high, they are still limited.

  • Basic Ki Techniques:

    Ki Waves- Xiao can release waves of ki through his hands (paws) or feet, to double the strength of his strikes or increase the height/length of his jumps.
  • Body Strengthening- Xiao can use ki to increase his physical durability by a maximum of three times, but it also doubles his magic resistance. He can keep this up for about 30 seconds and it has a 5-minute cooldown.
  • Weapon Empowerment- Xiao can use ki to increase a weapon's durability to great levels, for a short period of time (5 minutes, with a 30-minute cooldown). His weapon of choice is a bamboo staff.

  • Way of the Earth:

    Earth's Song- Xiao absorbs the energy of the earth, then combines it with his own energy (ki/mana) and releases it as he stomps the ground, creating a powerful shockwave.
  • Living Boulder- Xiao concentrates and absorbs some energy from the earth. As long as he has his feet on the ground and doesn't move, his body becomes as hard as a rock. This technique consumes ki continuously, until Xiao decides to stop using it, or is forced to stop.

[*]Way of the Sky:

  • Gale- Xiao combines the energy of the sky with his own ki, to generate very strong winds from his hands or feet, to push back opponents, fly for a few seconds, perform huge leaps or use them as a means of jet propulsion.
  • Lightning Paw- calls upon sky energy and concentrates it towards one of his paws and combining it with his own ki. The paw will be given covered in esoteric electricity, which whill be released on impact.
  • Thunder Clap- Xiao absorbs sky energy in both of his paws, while also gathering his own ki in them, then he claps. The clap will generate a loud noise and an electrical outburst at the same time.

[*]Way of the Blaze:

  • Crimson Armor- Xiao lets crimson spiritual flames engulf his body, wearing them like an armor. He is uneffected by the temperature of the esoteric flames, but it is an active skill which consumes ki continuously, until Xiao stops using it, or is forced to stop.
  • Dragon's Breath- esoteric fire-breathing technique. Xiao concentrates spiritual fire into his ki center, then releases it through his mouth.

#Magic Resistance- Xiao is resistant to magic, because of his training, reducing its effect by 30%.


#Pandar physiology- Xiao's species is strong and, contrary to their outer appearance, quite agile. They have senses which surpass those of humans, especially the sense of smell, as well as extremelly powerful jaws, teeth and claws. As a very well trained adult Pandar, Xiao's strength level greatly surpasses that of a human in peak condition, being able to lift up to 3 metric tons and having enough strength in his legs to jump a little over 6 meters in height and 25 in length.

#Close quarter combat expertise- Xiao is an outstanding martial artist, being an expert in hand-to-hand combat and highly proefficient in using close quarter weapons, especially bamboo staffs.

#Excellent cooking & survival skills.

Secret Word: Warsman
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Beyonder said:
Name: Ventrix
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Birthplace: Pivot

Gender: Male

Age: 44


Species: Human

Faction/Affiliation: Union

Occupation: Scientist, Inventor, Pataphysicist, Mutator

Powers: Pseudoscience Manipulation, numeromancy, formula manifestation

Abilities: Genius level intellect, strong minded, enhanced memory, master scientist and inventor, boundless imagination, Void pouch (A pocket dimensional pouch where he keeps all his inventions), fearlessness, Master Mutator (is able to gene splice and mutate animals and creatures using pseudoscience.)

History: Ventrix was born a know it all, and always craved and thrived knowledge and perfection, his vocabulary was also very sophisticated. He spent his life creating ineffable inventions and equations in his workshop. He began to realise it would be more interesting and it would also benefit his lust for knowledge if he became a going-out scientist. He then created the void pouch for him to put his inventions in. (Which caused him to realise that he broke the scientific method and the laws of science itself) This lead him on his journey attempting to reach omniscience (True Perfection)

Secret Word:Warsman
Intriguing! This I can accept, as long as any inventions created by him fit into a more fantasy technological theme, and not outright sci fy stuff. If that makes any sense.

[QUOTE="Azure Sky]
Name: Xiao Bamboo
Alignment: Neutral Good

Birthplace: Wu-Yishu

Gender: male

Age: 38





Faction/Affiliation: none

Occupation(s): guardian, martial artist, cook


#Supernatural Martial Arts: 'Mist Techniques'- Xiao is an expert martial artist, adept at using Ki (which is basically mana) for his most powerful martial arts techniques. Of course, there is a limit to how many times he can use these techniques, because while his ki (mana) supplies are rather high, they are still limited.

  • Basic Ki Techniques:

    Ki Waves- Xiao can release waves of ki through his hands (paws) or feet, to double the strength of his strikes or increase the height/length of his jumps.
  • Body Strengthening- Xiao can use ki to increase his physical durability by a maximum of three times, but it also doubles his magic resistance. He can keep this up for about 30 seconds and it has a 5-minute cooldown.
  • Weapon Empowerment- Xiao can use ki to increase a weapon's durability to great levels, for a short period of time (5 minutes, with a 30-minute cooldown). His weapon of choice is a bamboo staff.

  • Way of the Earth:

    Earth's Song- Xiao absorbs the energy of the earth, then combines it with his own energy (ki/mana) and releases it as he stomps the ground, creating a powerful shockwave.
  • Living Boulder- Xiao concentrates and absorbs some energy from the earth. As long as he has his feet on the ground and doesn't move, his body becomes as hard as a rock. This technique consumes ki continuously, until Xiao decides to stop using it, or is forced to stop.

[*]Way of the Sky:

  • Gale- Xiao combines the energy of the sky with his own ki, to generate very strong winds from his hands or feet, to push back opponents, fly for a few seconds, perform huge leaps or use them as a means of jet propulsion.
  • Lightning Paw- calls upon sky energy and concentrates it towards one of his paws and combining it with his own ki. The paw will be given covered in esoteric electricity, which whill be released on impact.
  • Thunder Clap- Xiao absorbs sky energy in both of his paws, while also gathering his own ki in them, then he claps. The clap will generate a loud noise and an electrical outburst at the same time.

[*]Way of the Blaze:

  • Crimson Armor- Xiao lets crimson spiritual flames engulf his body, wearing them like an armor. He is uneffected by the temperature of the esoteric flames, but it is an active skill which consumes ki continuously, until Xiao stops using it, or is forced to stop.
  • Dragon's Breath- esoteric fire-breathing technique. Xiao concentrates spiritual fire into his ki center, then releases it through his mouth.

#Magic Resistance- Xiao is resistant to magic, because of his training, reducing its effect by 30%.


#Pandar physiology- Xiao's species is strong and, contrary to their outer appearance, quite agile. They have senses which surpass those of humans, especially the sense of smell, as well as extremelly powerful jaws, teeth and claws. As a very well trained adult Pandar, Xiao's strength level greatly surpasses that of a human in peak condition, being able to lift up to 3 metric tons and having enough strength in his legs to jump a little over 6 meters in height and 25 in length.

#Close quarter combat expertise- Xiao is an outstanding martial artist, being an expert in hand-to-hand combat and highly proefficient in using close quarter weapons, especially bamboo staffs.

#Excellent cooking & survival skills.

Secret Word: Warsman

I love it! Accepted!

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