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Fantasy Auribus Teneo Lupum CS


gay and tired
Name: Pattrick Choi
Age: 21
Sex/Gender: Male/Male
Height: 5'9" (175cm)
Discription: Average height, Pattrick has dark, shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes. His build is on the thinner side, with no visible muscles.
Personality: Sarcastic, loud, follower not a leader, likes to think he is funny, caring, tries to find the silver lining in situations.
Bio: Pattrick came from a rich but not very loving family. His parents were a doctor and CEO respectively, and held him to equally high standards. Even as a kid, he was expected to be at the top of everything he did. If it wasn't perfect, it wasn't good enough. He was sent off to Harvard with all intent and purposes of becoming a doctor like his father, only to drop out when he decided he didn't want to be a doctor. His family was ashamed of him. They kicked him out and cut off nearly all contact aside from his sister.

Name: Ignis Callum
Age: 2 millenium
Species: Fire Demon
> Can breath Fire / Fire Craft
> Trained to be Stronger and Quicker than most beings (quicker reflexes)
> Flight in his demon form
> Fear inducement
> Pizza
> Dogs (usually feral canines)
> The Night Sky when Orion is out
Dislikes: > Cold places (although he doesn't get cold easily)
> People staring or commenting about him, especially when he could hear them.
Appearance: Standing at 6'5, Ignis is dark- almost grey skinned with lean muscles and tattoos that mark a majority of his body. His pupils are glinted with ember and his incisors are as sharp as a canine's fangs (Ignis finds it a pain to floss because of this).
his human form
Personality: A sharp, perceptive mind with antagonistic ideals, Ignis is cynical individual whose personalty consists of sardonic humor and cold, hostile silences. This introverted soul prefers no more than two people at his side and has a bad habit of thinking critically of others. Despite having a sharp tongue, he does have friends (what a surprise) though even among his handful of friends, he is considered a very secretive and reticent man. Without much guard on his speech, Ignis is also considered dauntless in his actions; However, the male will not easily use violence unless it is pushed as his last or best resort. (an ideal which outcasts him from other demons)

History: Ignis grew up and spent a minority of his life in the Realm he was born in. His ideals fair differently with most of his demonic peers, leaving him an outcast (not that he minded much). After wandering around in solitude for so long, he decided he was tired of the world and sought temporary oblivion in black obsidian.

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