Story Audacium in Colubrum - TheLastKiss’ work in progress.


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Chapter One

21st March 2004

If anyone had told Harry Potter at the ripe age of 11 that in just 12 and a half years time he was a wizard, that he would have defeated the almighty Dark Lord, completed his Education at a Wizarding School, started as an apprentice Auror and would now be groomsman for two of his best friends at their wedding he would have laughed, or fallen off his chair in shock. But as it turned out, here he was.

Watching the Groom nervously sip from a flask of Firewhisky hidden in his coat pocket awaiting the arrival of a particularly flustered Hermione. Harry had spoken with Ginny just this morning, and she confirmed that Hermione was in hysterics over the possibility of the floral centrepieces wilting before the guests arrived at Reception. Harry couldn’t help but stifle a snigger. Typical Hermione. Concerned about an insignificant detail that was completely out of her control.

He glanced around the garden, the grounds were incredibly beautiful and with it being such a pleasant spring day he couldn’t think of a better location for the ceremony. He smirked noticing their shared House colours dotted smartly around the decor. The ribbons on the backs of the chairs, now filled with friends and relatives, Even Harry was wearing his house colours proudly for all to see in the form of a tie around his neck, Harry had been told that emerald green suited him.

Harry smirked as Draco fidgeted with his own white tie. Harry nudged him, as expected Draco had finished his entire flask of fire whisky already and was gulping down air in an attempt to steel his nerves. Harry whispered “She loves you” Draco nodded in response, still restless with worry so Harry continued “Last I heard she was worrying about the flowers wilting” Draco just shook his head and smirked, his shoulders finally relaxed a little and he stopped fidgeting. His timing was impeccable as always, the band had just struck up for the Bride’s entrance.
Chapter Two New
12 and a half years years prior….

1st September 1991

Harry sat beneath the sorting hat, more thoughts than he could process whipped through his mind. The sorting hat debating whether to place him in Slytherin or Gryffindor. Ronald Weasley, who he had met on the train ride from London, had told him briefly of the houses. There were four, and the sorting hat would place each student into one based on their attributes and personalities.

Ron was sure he would make Gryffindor, the red house, brave and courageous and friendly. As all of his family before him had been placed there. He mentioned the other houses with not quite as much enthusiasm, Ravenclaw, the blue house, were mainly smart well-organised people with flair for creativity. Hufflepuff the kind, gentle people who would rather assist another in need that gain power for themselves. The final house was Slytherin, the green house. They were cunning and power-hungry, as Ron had described them, he didn’t seem very keen on the members of that house. Hermione Granger didn’t seem to mind which house she would be sorted into, but from conversations held on the train perhaps Ravenclaw suited her best.

Draco Malfoy, whom Harry had the displeasure to meet at Madam Malkin’s in Diagon Alley was expecting to be placed into Slytherin, Though Harry had noticed the tension already between the red-headed Weasleys and the Fair Malfoy’s.

And now the Sorting hat was on Harry Potter’s head and conflicted between choosing between Red and Green. Harry didn’t know what it was inside him that hoped for Red. Perhaps it was the way his friend spoke about the Green house that turned Harry off it. But alas, it wasn’t to be. The Sorting Hat called out for the entire hall to hear “Slytherin!”.

Harry sat quite rooted to the spot as he suddenly heard a loud cheer from the Slytherin Table. He took the hat from his head, placing it back on the stool and slowly wandered over to the table of Slytherin’s that beckoned him. He couldn’t make eye contact with Ron. He didn’t want his judgement. He felt the eyes of every student and Professor following his every footstep towards the Green shrouded Table. The weight on his heart made him ache, the disappointment, he was sure, was evident on his face. Wasn’t his father and mother both in Gryffindor? Why would the sorting hat place him in Slytherin? Ronald warned Harry that Slytherin had a reputation for holding the monopoly on Dark Witches and Wizards. Did that make Harry a dark wizard? A bad wizard? Was there something in Harry that the sorting hat knew about? A darkness waiting to come through? Too many questions, and no answers. Well, none that he would like to admit.

He slouched down on the bench beside two other first years who had been called previously; Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass. They were pleasant enough, Theodore slapping him on the back to congratulate him and Daphne smiled civilly but wouldn’t stop staring at Harry’s scar. Harry focused his green eyes back on the sorting hat, as though his fiery gaze into it may make it change its mind, or burst into flames, at this point Harry would accept either.

He watched as the rest of his year was sorted between the four houses, only turning away when Ronald Weasley was, predictably, sorted into Gryffindor.

His gaze moved to the elderly Wizard gliding to the pulpit at the front of the Great Hall. After a short welcome, and a bizarre warning about the fourth floor, he invited everyone to eat. Harry turned again to face the table, feeling his heart lighten slightly as he saw food materialise before them. There was more food than Harry had ever seen in his lifetime, piled high for him to help himself. His eyes widened as he reached tentatively for some Shepherd’s pie. “So” came a familiar droning voice “The famous Harry Potter has joined Slytherin.” Harry turned to glare at Malfoy, without a witty retort he remained silent. “All the best wizards and witches are sorted into Slytherin. You’ll see. No blood-traitors here, Potter. Just good old fashioned Pure Blood. Strange that you would be sorted here then, Potter. Your mother was a muggle-born was she not?” Malfoy smirked.

Harry continued serving himself dinner. “What of it Malfoy?”. “Well, it’s not as bad as a Mudblood, like your little Granger friend.” The other Slytherins let out snorts of laughter. Harry stared decidedly at his plate as he stabbed the mashed potato with far more force than necessary trying to calm himself before he started a fight on his first day.

Though Harry hadn’t been informed as to what a Mudblood was, Malfoy’s meaning hadn’t been lost on him. Malfoy continued “You’ll soon learn Potter. There are rules. If you want to fit in you will learn who to befriend and who isn’t worth your time.” Harry gritted his teeth before replying as level-headed as possible “I think I can work out the wrong sort for myself thank you.” and returning to his dinner.

Theo Nott smiled at his mate, amused by Draco being put in his place so quickly. “Let him be, Drake.” before turning to Harry “Theo Nott, pleased to make your acquaintance.” Theo extended a hand to Harry. Harry shook it and smiled awkwardly, as his mouth was still over-stuffed with potato. This was going to be a long night.

After the feast the students were directed to bed, following their Head Boy and Girl. Harry’s eyes flickered over to the Gryffindor table helplessly, watching as Ron and Hermione went off with a group of others in red-lined robes heading up the huge staircases as Harry was led down towards the dungeons. What a School had need of dungeons for was beyond Harry, but he gathered from grabs of conversation he over-heard that the Potions Classroom was located here, along with the office of the Potions Master, Professor Snape, Harry’s new head of house.

Harry walked along with his new classmates, finally reaching a dead-end. Harry looked strangely at the wall before the Head Boy spoke “Purity” and the wall opened to a passage. Harry followed the first-years down the passage and found himself in an eerily green room. The light filtered through the windows was distorted, Harry found himself staring at the window before Daphne Greengrass came up beside him “We’re under the black lake. I read it in Hogwarts: A History. Apparently one of the ex-students once swore they saw the Giant Squid glide past.” Daphne smiled at Harry before floundering off towards the girls dormitory’s. Harry sighed before turning to see Draco, Theo and a handful of other first year boys head towards the boys side. Harry followed, keen for bed and no more conversation. Harry walked past the first two rooms, and found himself in the third sighing as he noted he would be sharing the room with Draco Malfoy. Theo Nott also seemed to be in the room and gave Harry a cordial smile. Blaise Zabini, Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe soon introduced themselves and Harry politely nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Harry was exhausted. Today had been strange, and not at all how he had hoped it would turn out. Hogwarts though, somehow felt familiar. He had his own bed, his trunk had been brought to his room and his owl, Hedwig, was happily in the Owlery, he had been informed. Regardless of being sorted into Slytherin. Harry was determined to make the most of a bad situation. He would not let Draco Malfoy or anyone else ruin it for him. He changed quickly into his pyjamas, and tucked himself into bed. A wave of tiredness washed over him, and he succumbed into slumber.
Chapter Three New
In the morning Harry was not feeling much brighter. He woke up to the iridescent light streaming through the green windows. With a moan he turned over and tried putting a pillow over his head to save himself from Goyle’s snoring. With a sigh and great exertion Harry dragged himself up from his bed and fumbled to find his way to the shower.

On his way back to the Dormitory, Harry found himself colliding with a familiar white-blonde boy. “Oh Sor..” Harry began as Draco simultaneously started “Watch where you’re…” The boys glanced at each other, as if taking the others measure. Harry shrugged “Sorry Malfoy.” “No harm done, Potter.” Draco responded as the two of them continued in their appraisal before continuing on their different paths. Draco was dressed and ready for breakfast in the great hall, so continued down the passage to the main halls of the dungeons. Harry turned towards his dormitory. On returning to his bed, he found his Robes laid out for him on his bed with new Green lining inside them. Unsure of how his robes would have been changed so quickly, he put it down to magic, most probably the same magic that made the food appear last night. Harry was sure by now that he would be attributing a lot of strange things to magic.

What has he got himself into? Harry fingered his wand, this strange wooden object that was supposed to enable him to channel his own gift of magic through it to become concentrated and he hoped one day he would learn to perfect it. Harry had no idea what kind of classes he was expected to take, or how indeed he would learn to make magic. Would it be like a movie? Where the wizard says strange words and make things dance or sing or create a coach out of a pumpkin? Harry somehow doubted it, but a new feeling was stirring in him now, one he hadn’t felt since being sorted into Slytherin.
He was excited.
With a more upbeat swagger Harry quickly dressed, shoved his wand into his robe pocket and marched smartly up to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Arriving at the Great Hall Harry suddenly remembered that he was no ordinary Wizard, the murmurs and pointing started up again with whispers of “..Harry Potter..” and “..You-know-who..” and “..Parents died..”. Harry tried his best to ignore the whispers as he was suddenly aware he had company. “Alright, Harry?” Red hair, fraying robes. It was Weasley. “Yeah, alright. You?” Ron nodded “Oh yeah, I’m fine. I’m in Gryffindor. What about you? How are the…well, you know… Slytherin dorms?” Ron winced at the word Slytherin. Harry replied casually “They’re fine. Goyle snores, but that’s the worse of it really. We are apparently underneath the Black Lake, someone even said they saw the Giant Squid once. Is there a Giant Squid?” Ron shrugged “I don’t know. but under the lake.. that’s wicked!” They were both interrupted “Of course there’s a Giant Squid! Don’t you two read? It’s in Hogwarts: A History. It’s one of our text books you know? We’re meant to have read it already. I’ve read it a few times, it’s very fascinating.” Ron rolled his eyes just so Harry could see and Harry suppressed a smile “Looks like you’ve done your homework, Hermione.” Hermione beamed. Harry couldn’t help but notice the crimson lining in his friends robes. A pang of jealousy washed over him, but abated once he realised how hungry he was. “I’ve got to go and eat, What lesson do you have first?” Ron looked towards Hermione and with a roll of her eyes Hermione replied “Potions, with Professor Snape in the Dungeons with Slytherin. Looks like we’ll be spending it together.” Ron smiled cheerfully before patting Harry on the back and taking his seat at the Gryffindor table with Hermione. Harry was left to make his way to Slytherin on his own.

He sat himself down beside Theodore Nott, without failing to notice Malfoy sat on Nott’s other side. “Morning Potter” smiled Theo. Harry nodded as he took a piece of toast. “Morning”.

With breakfast completed they were instructed to go off to their first lessons. Harry hurried back downstairs to get his text books and cauldron for Potions. Harry had to smirk when he was first told he would need a cauldron. Surely that was for cartoon witches? Using frogs and snails and puppy dogs tails? Not real Witches and Wizards? Harry gathered his things and rushed into class, hoping not to be late. He found a seat next to a female Slytherin opposite Hermione and Ron. Ron sent Harry an apologetic glance, one that Harry decided to ignore. He did not need Ron’s pity.

Snape turned out to be quite a frightful man. He didn’t seem to appreciate Hermione’s enthusiasm, but did seem to take a particular dislike to Harry already. Harry didn’t understand what he had done, unless he, too, had a prejudice against Muggle borns and half-bloods? Harry continued to stare at the contents of Magical Draughts and Potions which contained a simple cure for boils that they were instructed to brew. One poor Gryffindor, Neville somebody, kept getting yelled at. Something about a porcupine quill being added at the incorrect time.

Harry worked with Pansy Parkinson, as it turned out. A strange pug-nosed girl with dark hair. She didn’t speak much, but they managed to turn out an acceptable cure. Well, Harry could only gather that it was acceptable as Snape did not throw it out or yell at him some more.

The rest of the day went by smoothly enough, the classes weren’t half as tough as their first Potions, nor the professors quite so intimidating. Professor Quirrell was an oddity though, their Defence against the Dark Arts Teacher. He stuttered a lot and prattled on about nothing of significance, and had a nervous laugh that made Harry feel on edge.

They were also to learn Astronomy, which occurred usually in the middle of the night which Harry thought quite irregular for a school.

Herbology which made Neville cheer up and Flying Lessons. Harry’s eyes lit up at the sight of it on his timetable. Flying lessons. As a wizard, Harry learnt, they were supposed to ride around on brooms. But not just silly old cleaning brooms. Racing brooms. Ron had shown Harry his Quidditch books and posters and enthused about the Chudley Cannons. Harry thought it sounded like the Football Premier League, though he didn’t expect Ron to understand that. Harry longed for Flying lessons, but he would have to get through Charms, History of Magic and Transfiguration first. After his first day of lessons, he was exhausted and very glad he did not in fact have Astronomy this evening.

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