Attack on Titan


Crimson Kiss of Death
----(( SLOTS ))----


All male slots CLOSED

1) @Braxnond as Urijah Wrobel

3) @SirDerpingtonIV as Patrick McVaughn

4) @CelticHero37 as Michael P.

5) @Yonsisac as Yuri Solotov

6) @cojemo as Kyle Cornelius


1) @CloudKitteh as Anessa Bloodrose

2) @Monokuma as Claire Lowell

3) @CrystalFalls as Allyna Rei Glade

4) @TheMasterSword as Cianna Loar

5) @Koyuki as Oliver Kaufman

6) Open

Character Sheet

(( Picture at the top. Anime or Realistic is allowed.))

(Please remove parenthesis when you fill out your sheet!))



Age: (14-16)



Residing Wall: (If your character is from Wall Maria, please include that information in parenthesis. Only a certain amount of players are allowed to come from Wall Maria.)


History: ((Optional))

Reason: (why is your character joining the 104th Trainee Squad?)

Advantages: (list. up to 5 advantages)

Weaknesses: (list. up to 5 weaknesses)

Likes: (8 max)

Dislikes: (8 max)

Regiment: (which regiment would your character like to join? only a certain amount of members can join the Scout regiment.)

Opinions: (what is you character's opinions on the three regiments? the walls?)

Survey Corps:

Military Police:


Wall Maria:

Wall Rose:

Wall Sina:


Theme Song: (2 max)


Read more about this role play... 

Character Sheet




You've probably never heard of it.

Anessa Bloodrose


Tessa is for close friends and family only, you got that?

The Crimson Kiss of Death, Tessa


I'm young.



Well, aren't you smart?



...I don't think you have the right to know that...


Residing Wall:

It really doesn't matter.

((Wall Maria)) Wall Rose


Let's just say that I don't have the best sense of humor, okay?

Anessa is an independent person who does not take lightly to others assisting her; she is calm and collected, someone who has spent their lives working and struggling to go by. The 14 year old is quiet and often harsh - many do not notice her. As a victim of Wall Maria's fall, Anessa has learned to be strong and vigilant, senses keen.


I'd rather not say.


Don't laugh or mock me. This is why I live.

To discover the outside world and help humanity regain their freedom.


I'm not one to brag.






Don't use this information against me.

-Sharp Tongue

-Disobeying Orders





I guess I have a few soft spots...


-Humanity's Victory





Hey, I have my own opinions!






I don't care what people say about my choice.

Survey Corps (Scout Regiment)​

Survey Corps: The Survey Corps are the ones that are actually fighting for humanity. I believe they should be held with respect and admiration. Curse those who think the Corps is a waste of time!

Military Police: Lazy bastards. All they do is illegally sell equipment and drink. I don't see why they're so respected and honored.

Garrison: ...I don't want to say.

Wall Maria: One day the Titans will pay for what they've done to the inhabitants of Wall Maria.

Wall Rose: It's and okay place, I guess.

Wall Sina: I hate it. So many rich merchants and lords who think they're all that.

Titans: Well, you can guess this.

Theme Song:



Other: Tea time!

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Name: Claire Lowell

Age: 16

Gender: F

Sexuality: Homosexual.

Residing Wall: Wall Rose

Personality: Since the news of her father's gruesome death at the hands of Titans, Claire has become distant and cold, often refusing to associate with people in an attempt to not form another bond she might lose. She has a no-nonsense attitude in combat and refuses to ever settle for failure. If she's ever a Squad Leader, prepare to eliminate any fear from your being as you slash Titan neck.

History: Claire Lowell was born to the Lowell family of the Utopia District in Wall Rose, child of Antoinette Lowell, a baker, and Cyprien Lowell, a respected soldier of the Survey Corps. All was well in her early life, as she had many friends to hang around. But, at the age of Eight, Cyprien Lowell hadn't returned to the Utopia district for his last mission. He was deceased, and sacrificed himself to save an entire squad from a group of three Titans. Claire herself never found out about her father's death at the time, only learning of it when she came of age Eleven. Since that time, she had changed dramatically.

Reason: To avenge the death of Cyprien Lowell.

Advantages: A sharp mind for quick strategy, superb physical ability, a knack for improvisation, superior acrobatic skills.

Weaknesses: Mentions of her father's death, her own stubbornness, incompatibility to work with others.

Likes: Solitude, Reading, Training, Repairing her equipment, Potée Lorraine, Meat buns.

Dislikes: Death, Social Interaction, Titans, Coq au Vin.

Regiment: Scout Regiment.


Survey Corps- "Brave Soldiers doing the right thing."

Military Police- "Wasted talent."

Garrison- "They aim to keep our home in check. Good people."

Wall Maria- "Unfortunate loss. May their life be avenged."

Wall Rose- "It's my home, and I'm going to protect it."

Wall Sina- "... I have to give my life and body to the King. That is my secondary duty."

Titans- "Gluttonous beasts that deserve death."

Theme Song(s)-

-Burn My Dread- Persona 3 Soundtrack.

- Honor For All - John Licht and Daniel Licht.

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Urijah Wrobel







Residing Wall:

(Wall Maria)


Urijah is the type of person who speaks mostly when the need for him to arises. He is extremely accurate and capable in hand-to-hand combat, to the point where only his speed rivals his strength. Still, the man prefers to remain the anchor of his group, using his offensive prowess in a defensive manner as opposed to being overly offensive. There are many whom have problems with the way he conducts himself on a day to day basis, mostly because of his reckless tendencies.


To be explained through RP / Genuinely unknown by all at the moment.


"I'm joining the Survey Corps because that is the division which needs the most man power, and I have nothing to lose."






Strategical powerhouse.



Maintains various loner qualities.

Can get angry quite easily.

Holds his tongue often.

Stuck in his ways.

Hard-headed from time to time.






Eating horribly greasy foods.





People with ulterior motives.

Generally, he even dislikes taking orders and does so with spite.


Survey Corps.


Survey Corps:

"The only chance for humanity's survival."

Military Police:

"Corrupt and useless."


"Try their hardest to be useful."

Wall Maria:

"It was home."

Wall Rose & Sina:

"Fight to keep both standing."


"We need to find a way to take them all out."

Theme Song:


Monokuma said:

Name: Claire Lowell

Age: 16

Gender: F

Sexuality: Homosexual.

Residing Wall: Wall Rose

Personality: Since the news of her father's gruesome death at the hands of Titans, Claire has become distant and cold, often refusing to associate with people in an attempt to not form another bond she might lose. She has a no-nonsense attitude in combat and refuses to ever settle for failure. If she's ever a Squad Leader, prepare to eliminate any fear from your being as you slash Titan neck.

History: Claire Lowell was born to the Lowell family of the Utopia District in Wall Rose, child of Antoinette Lowell, a baker, and Cyprien Lowell, a respected soldier of the Survey Corps. All was well in her early life, as she had many friends to hang around. But, at the age of Eight, Cyprien Lowell hadn't returned to the Utopia district for his last mission. He was deceased, and sacrificed himself to save an entire squad from a group of three Titans. Claire herself never found out about her father's death at the time, only learning of it when she came of age Eleven. Since that time, she had changed dramatically.

Reason: To avenge the death of Cyprien Lowell.

Advantages: A sharp mind for quick strategy, superb physical ability, a knack for improvisation, superior acrobatic skills.

Weaknesses: Mentions of her father's death, her own stubbornness, incompatibility to work with others.

Likes: Solitude, Reading, Training, Repairing her equipment, Potée Lorraine, Meat buns.

Dislikes: Death, Social Interaction, Titans, Coq au Vin.

Regiment: Scout Regiment.


Survey Corps- "Brave Soldiers doing the right thing."

Military Police- "Wasted talent."

Garrison- "They aim to keep our home in check. Good people."

Wall Maria- "Unfortunate loss. May their life be avenged."

Wall Rose- "It's my home, and I'm going to protect it."

Wall Sina- "... I have to give my life and body to the King. That is my secondary duty."

Titans- "Gluttonous beasts that deserve death."

Theme Song(s)-

-Burn My Dread- Persona 3 Soundtrack.

- Honor For All - John Licht and Daniel Licht.
Accepted, but please read the rules. (Hint: Scroll down) 

Braxnond said:


Urijah Wrobel







Residing Wall:

(Wall Maria)


Urijah is the type of person who speaks mostly when the need for him to arises. He is extremely accurate and capable in hand-to-hand combat, to the point where only his speed rivals his strength. Still, the man prefers to remain the anchor of his group, using his offensive prowess in a defensive manner as opposed to being overly offensive. There are many whom have problems with the way he conducts himself on a day to day basis, mostly because of his reckless tendencies.


To be explained through RP / Genuinely unknown by all at the moment.


"I'm joining the Survey Corps because that is the division which needs the most man power, and I have nothing to lose."






Strategical powerhouse.



Maintains various loner qualities.

Can get angry quite easily.

Holds his tongue often.

Stuck in his ways.

Hard-headed from time to time.






Eating horribly greasy foods.





People with ulterior motives.

Generally, he even dislikes taking orders and does so with spite.


Survey Corps.


Survey Corps:

"The only chance for humanity's survival."

Military Police:

"Corrupt and useless."


"Try their hardest to be useful."

Wall Maria:

"It was home."

Wall Rose & Sina:

"Fight to keep both standing."


"We need to find a way to take them all out."

Theme Song:



Name: Nuka springer

Nickname: spring

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Residing Wall: wall Rose

Personality: Nuka is a man of very few words due to his closed off lifestyle he has very little friends but many admirers, he is very aggressive when it comes to hunting down titans and will never give up on a chase.

History: talked about in the rp

Reason: To avenge the death of his parents who died in action while serving in the survey corps, he made it his mission ever since he was younger to kill of every titan in order to fulfill his parents dreams.



Amazing agility

Quick thinker

Good reflexes


Hard headed

Loses focus easily

Likes: Apples, Training, silence,Reading.

Dislikes: Loud people, Unnecessary deaths, Awkward conversation, overconfident people.

Regiment: Scout Regiment


Survey Corps- "Humanities saviors."

Military Police- "A waste of space."

Garrison- "Good people at least for now."

Wall Maria- "The fuel to our fire."

Wall Rose- "Our greatest defense against the titans."

Wall Sina- "The home of our king and I will give my all to defend him no matter what."

Titans- "A disease and plague that must me wiped out completely."

Theme songs:[media]

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EclipseRising said:

Name: Nuka springer

Nickname: spring

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Residing Wall: wall

Personality: Nuka is a man of very few words due to his closed off lifestyle he has very little friends but many admirers, he is very aggressive when it comes to hunting down titans and will never give up on a chase.

History: talked about in the rp

Reason: To avenge the death of his parents who died in action while serving in the survey corps, he made it his mission ever since he was younger to kill of every titan in order to fulfill his parents dreams.



Amazing agility

Quick thinker

Good reflexes


Hard headed

Loses focus easily

Likes: Apples, Training, silence,Reading.

Dislikes: Loud people, Unnecessary deaths, Awkward conversation, overconfident people.

Regiment: Scout Regiment


Survey Corps- "Humanities saviors."

Military Police- "A waste of space."

Garrison- "Good people at least for now."

Wall Maria- "The fuel to our fire."

Wall Rose- "Our greatest defense against the titans."

Wall Sina- "The home of our king and I will give my all to defend him no matter what."

Titans- "A disease and plague that must me wiped out completely."

Theme songs:[media]

Accepted, but you need to read the rules and get the password :)

{( name )} Allyna Rei Glade​

{( nickname/alias )} Rei

{( age )} 15

{( gender )} Female

{( sexuality )} Heterosexual

{( residing wall )} Wall Sina - Stohess District

{( personality )} When she was a child, she was a cheerful and outgoing person. But after the death of her brother, who joined the Scout Regiment, she became introvert and refused to talk to people. She refused to talk at all for almost a whole year, and only spoke in single words for many after that. When other girls her age started to play with dolls, she clung insistently to sword-fighting, the only reminder she had of her brother as he often played with her. She was often regarded as anti-social, since she did not interact with others unless forced to.

{( history )} Allyna's brother, Theodore, died when she was seven, killed by titans on an expedition. His body couldn't even be recovered. Allyna and her parents were devastated the moment her brother ran away to join the Scout Regiment. Her family became withdrawn after the incident, though Allyna was affected the most. She never recovered from that incident, even now she barely speaks. When she reached fifteen, she followed her brothers footsteps and signed up.


{( reason )} To try to finish what her brother started. She wanted to contribute to the protection of the people residing inside the walls.

{( advantages )}

  1. Instinctive reflexes when it comes to sword-fighting
  2. Battle strategy - good at traps and formations
  3. Close-ranged fighter - good at fighting with a blade or staff
  4. Acute hearing - able to hear small disturbances around the environment
  5. Determined - does not give up until she's completed something

{( weaknesses )}

  1. Not the best at aiming - rifles are just not her forte
  2. Cannot stand useless talking - in other words, short attention span unless it is something important
  3. Does not function extremely well on a team - will end up exploding at the other team members if annoyed
  4. Cannot fight long-ranged to save her life - or anyone elses's. She's more likely to injure her teammate instead of the enemy
  5. Anti-social - no interaction with other humans unless necessary

{( likes )}

  1. Peace and Quiet
  2. Blades (almost an obsession)
  3. Organized spaces
  4. Libraries

{( dislikes )}

  1. Loud noises
  2. Annoying people
  3. Religious acolytes (Who worships a wall?)

{( Survey corps )} - the soldiers who gamble their life

{( Military police )} - annoying people, but the safest

{( Garrison )} - the guards of the walls

{( Wall Maria )} - the tragedy of humanity

{( Wall Rose )} - home of the normal people, where they don't have to act like something foul is always under their nose. Also the last hope of humanity, since most in Sina wouldn't stand a chance

{( Wall Sina )} - depressingly, the home to the rest of her snobby and idiotic relatives. (Especially the one that worship a wall...)

{( Titans )} - Mutations that should be put out of their misery
{( regiment )} Garrison or Military Police

{( theme song )}

{( other )}

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/MyStyle-4.jpg.01fe1131cb69b6fff9d249b0d3132dd7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26643" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/MyStyle-4.jpg.01fe1131cb69b6fff9d249b0d3132dd7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: McCrimmon, Michael P.

Nickname/Alias: Well, some of my friends call me Mac.

Age: I'm 16.

Gender: What are you saying? I'm a guy of course!

Sexuality: I was told to sign up for the military here. I'm not some prostitute! I'm a normal straight guy.

Residing Wall: I was hoping you wouldn't ask that. I live behind Wall Rose. The Hermina district. But I was… visiting my girlfriend behind Wall Maria when… it happened.

Personality: Mac is joining the military because he's pissed. When it comes to respect, he can't tolerate anyone making fun of him. Overall he's just a confused kid with a messed up story. Just one of many that appeared after the Wall Maria incident.

History: Mac was a pretty normal kid for most of his life. He didn't think much about the military, and was actually pretty popular among the kids his age. He was even lucky enough to have a girlfriend. However, his luck ended there. She resided behind Wall Maria. Mac had been visiting her when the incident happened. He hasn't disclosed much of what happened, but no one has heard of his girlfriend since the event.

Reason: To squash the vile titans of course! Why'd you join huh?

Advantages: Driven, Loyal, Witty, Independent.

Weaknesses: Depressed, Easily Angered, Independent, Secretive

Likes: Food, Instruction Books, Martial Arts, Survey Corps, Dogs.

Dislikes: Arrogance, Disrespect, Overly Happy People, Love Stories, Military Police.

Regiment: Survey Corps of course. They're the only ones who get anything done.

Survey Corps: They have the guts and the skill. The only ones to get anything done.

Military Police: They have the skill, but not the guts. Screw them.

Garrison: They have the guts, but not the skill. They end up as fodder. I respect them for trying.

Wall Maria: No comment.

Wall Rose: That's were I'm from.

Wall Sina: Bureaucrats and sissies.

Titans: Kill 'em.

Theme Song: [media]





  • MyStyle-4.jpg
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(( She wears her hair in a ponytail when fighting/killing Titans.))

Oliver Kaufmann | Oli | 15 years old | Female

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Residing Wall - ((Wall Maria)) Wall Rose

Personality -

Oliver's a very selfless person and never goes back on her word. She always

feels guilty when telling a lie but most of the time it's for others own good.

She's careful to watch her back wherever she goes and watches other people's

behaviors and actions towards different situations to see how she can help them

when she needs to. When she does make an occasional friend she tries her best

not to upset them. She always has her doubts in herself and others at times. She

likes having everything perfect but when she does it best she can all she sees is

her messing up again and again even when she gets it right.

History -

Oliver grew up on the streets as an orphan. She never had anywhere to go and

always struggled to make it through the night. She never had much help from

anyone and prefered to help others instead of them helping her. That's another

reason she lived on the streets. She lived on the streets until the attack but even

after she was fourced to be homeless because no one wanted to help her. She decided

to join the scouts when she was 14 but only did so when she was 15 because she wanted

to help in the fight and return back home.

Reason - She wants to go back home

Advantages -




Light Weight ((Helps with speed))




Weaknesses -


Short Stature

Small Frame



Emotionally Fragile

Physically Weak

Likes -


Helping people even when the don't need help





Dislikes -

Not being able to help


Meat ((She's a vegetarian. Is that allowed?))

Watching conrads die

Being teased for her height

Regiment - Scout Regiment

Opinions -

Survey Corps - " Only made for the bravest and strongest."

Military Police - " What's their job again?"

((She thinks they're useless cowards but doesn't want to say it a loud.))

Garrison - " Keeps the citizens safe. Their so kind."

Wall Maria - " My one and only home."

Wall Rose - " I pray the civilians in Wall Rose can keep their homes."

Wall Sina - " Filled with good for nothing rich people" ((Even though that's not entirely true.))

Titans - " They're absolutely terrifying. I hate them."

Theme Song -

Stripped - Depeche Mode


Save The World (Tonight) - Swedish House Mafia


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Name: Patrick McVaughn

Nickname/Alias: Pat

Age: 15

Gender: Are you stupid or something? I'm clearly a rhinoceros. Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Residing Wall: Wall Rose.

Personality: Witty, sarcastic, brutally honest, joking, loyal and supportive of friends, kind when he chooses to be. Awkward in romantic situations. Enjoys pranks and stealing.

History: Father wrote fantasy novels, (That's illegal, right?), mother did something, Pat never found out, as his mother died shortly after his birth. his father raised him, giving him his love of books. His father's depression kept his attention away from Patrick, who became the person he is on his own.

Reason: Hoping to make some friends, and kill some titans. To fight for a world worth living in.

Advantages: Skill with maneuver gear, incredibly agile, a fast runner,

Weaknesses: Stubborn, sometimes refuses to listen to orders, low pain threshold.

Likes: Food, sleeping, insulting people, running, reading, pineapple

Dislikes: Stupid people, Titans, corruption, wasted food

Regiment: Garrison Regiment, (Unless you're ok with him being in the Scouts. :D )


Survey Corps: Badass.

Military Police: Sissies. Disgraceful scum who care only for themselves.

Garrison: Cannon Fodder. But, they are pretty damn good at it.

Wall Maria: Meat Shield

Wall Rose: Second Meat Shield

Wall Sina: Asshole King lives here

Titans: Pieces of shit.

Theme Song: (2 max)

(No idea. Please don't hurt me)

Other: ((Cursing is allowed right?))


Name: Ciana Loar

Nickname: CiCi

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Sexuality: Straight

Residing Wall: Wall Sina

Personality: Ciana can become very manic depressive when she is overwhelmed, but can usually keep her emotions in control due to medicine and self-discipline. She is usual reserved but is outspoken when it is best for herself and her team mates. She is an over-achiever most if not all of the time due to her parents high maintenance attitude while she was younger. She has a bad tendency of acting upon impulse in the worst situations, which usually causes bad impacts (Although there have been a few incidents where it turned out good).

History: Ciana grew up in Wall Sina with her wealthy parents which causes people to have bad impressions of her. She never really enjoyed being wealthy as she saw how money and power corrupted her parents and everyone around her. Around five or six she watched the Survey Crop march through her district and she decided she wanted to part of the solution. Many people in her community looked down on her as they believed the only types of people allowed in the Survey Crop (or any military base jobs) were rather poor citizens.

Reason: Ciana wants to be in the Survey Crop to be part of the solution and not the problem, but mostly to prove to her parents that she doesn't need money to define her.

Advantages: Flexible, Keen eyesight, Impulsive actions, Strong Willed, Loyal

Disadvantages: Hard-Headed, Impulsive actions, Change, Her need to over-achieve, A little slow with some things

Likes: Chocolate, Sleeping, Exercising, Food, Reading, Being Alone

Dislikes: Change, Titans, Cats, Socializing, Waking up early, Her parents

Regiment: Scout Regiment or Garrison (If there is no more spots open for Scout Regiment)


Survey Crops: "The real role models throughout the whole military system."

Military Police: "Easy pass to free booze and NO labor!"

Garrison: "At least they are trying... Right?"

Wall Maria: "The beginning of the end."

Wall Rose and Wall Sina: "Our only hopes to keep humanity from becoming a myth."

Titans: "Foul creatures that have been putting on this earth to do nothing but take."

Theme Song(s):

Papa Roach: Scars

3 Doors Down: Kryptonite
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SirDerpingtonIV said:
((Can I reserve a spot as well?)
You may :)  

CrystalFalls said:

{( name )} Allyna Rei Glade​

{( nickname/alias )} Rei

{( age )} 15

{( gender )} Female

{( sexuality )} Heterosexual

{( residing wall )} Wall Sina - Stohess District

{( personality )} When she was a child, she was a cheerful and outgoing person. But after the death of her brother, who joined the Scout Regiment, she became introvert and refused to talk to people. She refused to talk at all for almost a whole year, and only spoke in single words for many after that. When other girls her age started to play with dolls, she clung insistently to sword-fighting, the only reminder she had of her brother as he often played with her. She was often regarded as anti-social, since she did not interact with others unless forced to.

{( history )} Allyna's brother, Theodore, died when she was seven, killed by titans on an expedition. His body couldn't even be recovered. Allyna and her parents were devastated the moment her brother ran away to join the Scout Regiment. Her family became withdrawn after the incident, though Allyna was affected the most. She never recovered from that incident, even now she barely speaks. When she reached fifteen, she followed her brothers footsteps and signed up.


{( reason )} To try to finish what her brother started. She wanted to contribute to the protection of the people residing inside the walls.

{( advantages )}

  1. Instinctive reflexes when it comes to sword-fighting
  2. Battle strategy - good at traps and formations
  3. Close-ranged fighter - good at fighting with a blade or staff
  4. Acute hearing - able to hear small disturbances around the environment
  5. Determined - does not give up until she's completed something

{( weaknesses )}

  1. Not the best at aiming - rifles are just not her forte
  2. Cannot stand useless talking - in other words, short attention span unless it is something important
  3. Does not function extremely well on a team - will end up exploding at the other team members if annoyed
  4. Cannot fight long-ranged to save her life - or anyone elses's. She's more likely to injure her teammate instead of the enemy
  5. Anti-social - no interaction with other humans unless necessary

{( likes )}

  1. Peace and Quiet
  2. Blades (almost an obsession)
  3. Organized spaces
  4. Libraries

{( dislikes )}

  1. Loud noises
  2. Annoying people
  3. Religious acolytes (Who worships a wall?)

{( Survey corps )} - the soldiers who gamble their life

{( Military police )} - annoying people, but the safest

{( Garrison )} - the guards of the walls

{( Wall Maria )} - the tragedy of humanity

{( Wall Rose )} - home of the normal people, where they don't have to act like something foul is always under their nose. Also the last hope of humanity, since most in Sina wouldn't stand a chance

{( Wall Sina )} - depressingly, the home to the rest of her snobby and idiotic relatives. (Especially the one that worship a wall...)

{( Titans )} - Mutations that should be put out of their misery
{( regiment )} Garrison or Military Police

{( theme song )}

{( other )}


Koyuki said:



(( She wears her hair in a ponytail when fighting/killing Titans.))

Oliver Kaufmann | Oli | 15 years old | Female

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Residing Wall - ((Wall Maria)) Wall Rose

Personality -

Oliver's a very selfless person and never goes back on her word. She always

feels guilty when telling a lie but most of the time it's for others own good.

She's careful to watch her back wherever she goes and watches other people's

behaviors and actions towards different situations to see how she can help them

when she needs to. When she does make an occasional friend she tries her best

not to upset them. She always has her doubts in herself and others at times. She

likes having everything perfect but when she does it best she can all she sees is

her messing up again and again even when she gets it right.

History -

Oliver grew up on the streets as an orphan. She never had anywhere to go and

always struggled to make it through the night. She never had much help from

anyone and prefered to help others instead of them helping her. That's another

reason she lived on the streets. She lived on the streets until the attack but even

after she was fourced to be homeless because no one wanted to help her. She decided

to join the scouts when she was 14 but only did so when she was 15 because she wanted

to help in the fight and return back home.

Reason - She wants to go back home

Advantages -




Light Weight ((Helps with speed))




Weaknesses -


Short Stature

Small Frame



Emotionally Fragile

Physically Weak

Likes -


Helping people even when the don't need help





Dislikes -

Not being able to help


Meat ((She's a vegetarian. Is that allowed?))

Watching conrads die

Being teased for her height

Regiment - Scout Regiment

Opinions -

Survey Corps - " Only made for the bravest and strongest."

Military Police - " What's their job again?"

((She thinks they're useless cowards but doesn't want to say it a loud.))

Garrison - " Keeps the citizens safe. Their so kind."

Wall Maria - " My one and only home."

Wall Rose - " I pray the civilians in Wall Rose can keep their homes."

Wall Sina - " Filled with good for nothing rich people" ((Even though that's not entirely true.))

Titans - " They're absolutely terrifying. I hate them."

Theme Song -

Stripped - Depeche Mode


Save The World (Tonight) - Swedish House Mafia


TheMasterSword said:

Name: Ciana Loar

Nickname: CiCi

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Sexuality: Straight

Residing Wall: Wall Sina

Personality: Ciana can become very manic depressive when she is overwhelmed, but can usually keep her emotions in control due to medicine and self-discipline. She is usual reserved but is outspoken when it is best for herself and her team mates. She is an over-achiever most if not all of the time due to her parents high maintenance attitude while she was younger. She has a bad tendency of acting upon impulse in the worst situations, which usually causes bad impacts (Although there have been a few incidents where it turned out good).

History: Ciana grew up in Wall Sina with her wealthy parents which causes people to have bad impressions of her. She never really enjoyed being wealthy as she saw how money and power corrupted her parents and everyone around her. Around five or six she watched the Survey Crop march through her district and she decided she wanted to part of the solution. Many people in her community looked down on her as they believed the only types of people allowed in the Survey Crop (or any military base jobs) were rather poor citizens.

Reason: Ciana wants to be in the Survey Crop to be part of the solution and not the problem, but mostly to prove to her parents that she doesn't need money to define her.

Advantages: Flexible, Keen eyesight, Impulsive actions, Strong Willed, Loyal

Disadvantages: Hard-Headed, Impulsive actions, Change, Her need to over-achieve, A little slow with some things

Likes: Chocolate, Sleeping, Exercising, Food, Reading, Being Alone

Dislikes: Change, Titans, Cats, Socializing, Waking up early, Her parents

Regiment: Scout Regiment or Garrison (If there is no more spots open for Scout Regiment)


Survey Crops: "The real role models throughout the whole military system."

Military Police: "Easy pass to free booze and NO labor!"

Garrison: "At least they are trying... Right?"

Wall Maria: "The beginning of the end."

Wall Rose and Wall Sina: "Our only hopes to keep humanity from becoming a myth."

Titans: "Foul creatures that have been putting on this earth to do nothing but take."

Theme Song(s):

Papa Roach: Scars

3 Doors Down: Kryptonite

CelticHero37 said:
View attachment 71310
Name: McCrimmon, Michael P.

Nickname/Alias: Well, some of my friends call me Mac.

Age: I'm 16.

Gender: What are you saying? I'm a guy of course!

Sexuality: I was told to sign up for the military here. I'm not some prostitute! I'm a normal straight guy.

Residing Wall: I was hoping you wouldn't ask that. I live behind Wall Rose. The Hermina district. But I was… visiting my girlfriend behind Wall Maria when… it happened.

Personality: Mac is joining the military because he's pissed. When it comes to respect, he can't tolerate anyone making fun of him. Overall he's just a confused kid with a messed up story. Just one of many that appeared after the Wall Maria incident.

History: Mac was a pretty normal kid for most of his life. He didn't think much about the military, and was actually pretty popular among the kids his age. He was even lucky enough to have a girlfriend. However, his luck ended there. She resided behind Wall Maria. Mac had been visiting her when the incident happened. He hasn't disclosed much of what happened, but no one has heard of his girlfriend since the event.

Reason: To squash the vile titans of course! Why'd you join huh?

Advantages: Driven, Loyal, Witty, Independent.

Weaknesses: Depressed, Easily Angered, Independent, Secretive

Likes: Food, Instruction Books, Martial Arts, Survey Corps, Dogs.

Dislikes: Arrogance, Disrespect, Overly Happy People, Love Stories, Military Police.

Regiment: Survey Corps of course. They're the only ones who get anything done.

Survey Corps: They have the guts and the skill. The only ones to get anything done.

Military Police: They have the skill, but not the guts. Screw them.

Garrison: They have the guts, but not the skill. They end up as fodder. I respect them for trying.

Wall Maria: No comment.

Wall Rose: That's were I'm from.

Wall Sina: Bureaucrats and sissies.

Titans: Kill 'em.

Theme Song: [media]


SirDerpingtonIV said:
Wuz I accepted? D:
Check the character list :) Yes, you were accepted 

SirDerpingtonIV said:

Name: Patrick McVaughn

Nickname/Alias: Pat

Age: 15

Gender: Are you stupid or something? I'm clearly a rhinoceros. Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Residing Wall: Wall Rose.

Personality: Witty, sarcastic, brutally honest, joking, loyal and supportive of friends, kind when he chooses to be. Awkward in romantic situations. Enjoys pranks and stealing.

History: Father wrote fantasy novels, (That's illegal, right?), mother did something, Pat never found out, as his mother died shortly after his birth. his father raised him, giving him his love of books. His father's depression kept his attention away from Patrick, who became the person he is on his own.

Reason: Hoping to make some friends, and kill some titans. To fight for a world worth living in.

Advantages: Skill with maneuver gear, incredibly agile, a fast runner,

Weaknesses: Stubborn, sometimes refuses to listen to orders, low pain threshold.

Likes: Food, sleeping, insulting people, running, reading, pineapple

Dislikes: Stupid people, Titans, corruption, wasted food

Regiment: Garrison Regiment, (Unless you're ok with him being in the Scouts. :D )


Survey Corps: Badass.

Military Police: Sissies. Disgraceful scum who care only for themselves.

Garrison: Cannon Fodder. But, they are pretty damn good at it.

Wall Maria: Meat Shield

Wall Rose: Second Meat Shield

Wall Sina: Asshole King lives here

Titans: Pieces of shit.

Theme Song: (2 max)

(No idea. Please don't hurt me)

Other: ((Cursing is allowed right?))



Name: Kyle Cornelius

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Residing Wall: Wall Rose


Kyle has a deep and rather disturbing fascination with the abominations many people call Titans. Their very existence and ambiguity fascinates him, and he wishes to learn everything about them. He is also a very unsympathetic person who doesn't care about the weaknesses of those who don't affect him unless he is looking at them from a psychological perspective, in which case he is enthralled by it. He is a risk taker and gives complete disregard for his own safety, being more reckless than most. To him, intelligence always beats strength, and will often show this by deliberately messing around during a fist fight, toying with his opponent. Kyle doesn't like to be underestimated, and will prove he is the best if anyone questions him. Lastly, he is an extremely curious fellow who will often go out of his way to figure something out.


To learn more about how things work by being right in the middle of everything, whether that be Titans or people.





Not easily frightened

Very skilled at reading movements





Disobedient at times




Sour food





Wasted potential






Survey Corps or Military police


Survey Corps: "The ones who get to be up close and personal with the Titans."

Military Police: "Misunderstood if you ask me. A few bad apples shouldn't spoil the whole bunch. They do their jobs...sort of."

Garrison: "What about em'? They're very unremarkable but get the job done."

Wall Maria: "An interesting event that showcased the capabilities of the Titans."

Wall Rose: "If we don't learn about our enemies soon, the next Wall Maria."

Wall Sina: "Our king. Loosing this piece is checkmate."

Titans: "Oh, don't even get me started. Let's just say they pique my interest and leave it at that, shall we?"

Theme Song: (Can't think of one)


cojemo said:


Name: Kyle Cornelius

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Residing Wall: Wall Rose


Kyle has a deep and rather disturbing fascination with the abominations many people call Titans. Their very existence and ambiguity fascinates him, and he wishes to learn everything about them. He is also a very unsympathetic person who doesn't care about the weaknesses of those who don't affect him unless he is looking at them from a psychological perspective, in which case he is enthralled by it. He is a risk taker and gives complete disregard for his own safety, being more reckless than most. To him, intelligence always beats strength, and will often show this by deliberately messing around during a fist fight, toying with his opponent. Kyle doesn't like to be underestimated, and will prove he is the best if anyone questions him. Lastly, he is an extremely curious fellow who will often go out of his way to figure something out.


To learn more about how things work by being right in the middle of everything, whether that be Titans or people.





Not easily frightened

Very skilled at reading movements





Disobedient at times




Sour food





Wasted potential






Survey Corps or Military police


Survey Corps: "The ones who get to be up close and personal with the Titans."

Military Police: "Misunderstood if you ask me. A few bad apples shouldn't spoil the whole bunch. They do their jobs...sort of."

Garrison: "What about em'? They're very unremarkable but get the job done."

Wall Maria: "An interesting event that showcased the capabilities of the Titans."

Wall Rose: "If we don't learn about our enemies soon, the next Wall Maria."

Wall Sina: "Our king. Loosing this piece is checkmate."

Titans: "Oh, don't even get me started. Let's just say they pique my interest and leave it at that, shall we?"

Theme Song: (Can't think of one)



Name:Yuri Solotov





Residing Wall: Wall Rose

Personality:He is serius most of the time but wen with companions or team mates he is a very friendly man and a joker somtimes but wen in duty onli 1 ding in minde "Get it done nomater the cost"

History:Soon will tell

Reason:"Mi father...died in action and mi mother and sister still alive atleast...and i whant too follow mi fathers foot steps and take back what we deserve"


  • Acrobatic skills
  • Brave in any means
  • Close quarte Combat
  • Fast Alert (Or basacli sees somthing going towards him he knows what too do quickly)
  • Quick Thinking


  • Tempermental
  • Can go over bord somtimes
  • can be a joker somtimes
  • Can somtimes go in Blank for no reson
  • Forgetfull somtimes



Being in a grupe

Being in Action

A good meal befor going and kill titans

Dislikes: (8 max)




Sombody geting him mad

Regiment: Scout regiment/Survay corp



Survey Corps:"Real Brave people that have the guts too take titans head on"

Military Police:"they think there ready but wen a titan comes in they coward like cats and Look at the Brave...Cowards"

Garrison:"Brave soldiers that protect the people wen titans atack...brave indeed"

Wall Maria:"Indeed i remember and that wall was what kept us safe"

Wall Rose:"Mi home....were i was born...and it still stands"

Wall Sina:"were the "Rich" stay and eat wille the see the others die"

Titans:"The plague that is killing us bit by bit"

Theme Song: Imagen Dragon:Radioactive

(Oops forgot)



Read more about this role play...

--- Double Post Merged, Yesterday at 9:18 PM, Original Post Date: Yesterday at 8:16 PM ---
Yonsisac said:

Name:Yuri Solotov





Residing Wall: Wall Rose

Personality:He is serius most of the time but wen with companions or team mates he is a very friendly man and a joker somtimes but wen in duty onli 1 ding in minde "Get it done nomater the cost"

History:Soon will tell

Reason:"Mi father...died in action and mi mother and sister still alive atleast...and i whant too follow mi fathers foot steps and take back what we deserve"


  • Acrobatic skills
  • Brave in any means
  • Close quarte Combat
  • Fast Alert (Or basacli sees somthing going towards him he knows what too do quickly)
  • Quick Thinking


  • Tempermental
  • Can go over bord somtimes
  • can be a joker somtimes
  • Can somtimes go in Blank for no reson
  • Forgetfull somtimes



Being in a grupe

Being in Action

A good meal befor going and kill titans

Dislikes: (8 max)




Sombody geting him mad

Regiment: Scout regiment/Survay corp



Survey Corps:"Real Brave people that have the guts too take titans head on"

Military Police:"they think there ready but wen a titan comes in they coward like cats and Look at the Brave...Cowards"

Garrison:"Brave soldiers that protect the people wen titans atack...brave indeed"

Wall Maria:"Indeed i remember and that wall was what kept us safe"

Wall Rose:"Mi home....were i was born...and it still stands"

Wall Sina:"were the "Rich" stay and eat wille the see the others die"

Titans:"The plague that is killing us bit by bit"

Theme Song: Imagen Dragon:Radioactive

(Oops forgot)



Read more about this role play...

--- Double Post Merged, Yesterday at 9:18 PM, Original Post Date: Yesterday at 8:16 PM ---



Maria Jahner









Residing Wall

Wall Rose


Maria has a very carefree, outgoing, and flamboyant personality. She despises Titans, but she loves to fool around with them! People would look at her as a "helpless child", but she is incredibly strong(physically and mentally) and quick. She is very intelligent and generous. She usually worries about everybody else and hates it when somebody worries about her.


She'd rather not tell.


Maria's older brother was killed on an expedition outside the walls. She had been looking up to him ever since she was four years old and promised herself to work alongside him in the Scout Regiment. When she heard the news that her brother had died when she was eleven, she was very devastated; nevertheless, she still wanted to enter the Scout Regiment to fulfill her promise. She desires to live in a better world.


~Akita is very quick and flexible. She could dodge anything by the nick of time.

~She already has been taught and knows the basics of sword handling from her older brother.

~Her sixth sense is her ability to know that something would happen ahead of time.

~Completely fearless.


~Sometimes goofs around too much.

~Very stubborn.

~Although she is very sweet and kind, she can be very unsympathetic at times.


~Learning about anything.


~Making a lot of friends.

~Fooling around.




~Grouchy or mean people.


~People looking down upon her.

~Harming people.


Scout Regiment

((I hope there are still spots left for Scout Regiments!))


Survey Corps

"Courageous people. Very Courageous."

Military Police

"I can only think of one word: Cowards."


"Eh, at least they're more brave than Military Police."

Wall Maria

"Hey! I just realized that Wall Maria and I have the same name! Anyway, I give my sympathies to those who died in Wall Maria."

((I literally just realized the name Maria!))

Wall Rose

"I'm just really glad that my home is not ruined."

Wall Sina

"Ugh... Rich bastards."


"Obviously, I depise them! Although they're stupid so it's really fun to fool around with them... Hehe!"

Theme Song

Guren no Yumiya-Attack on Titan


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