Attack on Beta-Sigma 7


Unlucky Member
Your basic RP rules.






Special Ability's 
I will be useing my OC from the story Cpt. Casey Williams and No using Mikasa or Master Chief or stuff like that OC's ONLY

As the Spartans approached the bunker, Casey checked his equipment, DMR, loaded and on in the chamber; check, Magnum, the same; check, Armor Lock; check, Grenades; check, Portable Electronic Warfare Suite; check. Well, He thought, Everythings ready to go better link up with the Forward Assault Team. "What's the situation down there?" I asked Jun quietly.
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Lt. Thomas Salzy.



Originally from Earth, he joined the UNSC for his father, as was their family tradition. Joined scout regiment in 2808 out of anger towards Titans...

Black medium length hair, tall and fairly built.

Prefers Snipers and quietness...

Can take out targets at VERY long distances..

Has been on many missions including taking back Oerta - 8 and fought on Reach.
SnowLeaf said:
Lt. Thomas Salzy.


Originally from Earth, he joined the UNSC for his father, as was their family tradition. Joined scout regiment in 2808 out of anger towards Titans...

Black medium length hair, tall and fairly built.

Prefers Snipers and quietness...

Can take out targets at VERY long distances..

Has been on many missions including taking back Oerta - 8 and fought on Reach.
Accepted!! Much love Snow!
Once a peaceful person and entirely against fighting has turned into a cold hearted killing machine awaiting the thrill of the next enemy in the line. From the terrible titan attack he had heard of in the previous years he decided to try to keep it from happening again and if he could not then he would help fight and join the cause that his fellow friends have longed to join. This man grew up in a majority of peaceful men and women fighting with words and never violence he tried to do the same but never understood how the real issues would ever be solved if that is all that is done, on that note he has always been a bit of an outcast throughout his family and a majority of the people he has come into contact with. With the constant fight to be loved or cared for out of his mind he will advance onto the field of battle with whatever comrades he may have and slowly realize that he can accomplish anything and that the power his friends have the few and important can make a difference.

Spartan 767 Pvt Garret Blaze




red mohawk,scar on eye,black headband,black white and red camo Armor

Special Ability's: Able to pick locks,move quietly and be unseen by many opponents/ (Stealthy)
Zyzor said:
Once a peaceful person and entirely against fighting has turned into a cold hearted killing machine awaiting the thrill of the next enemy in the line. From the terrible titan attack he had heard of in the previous years he decided to try to keep it from happening again and if he could not then he would help fight and join the cause that his fellow friends have longed to join. This man grew up in a majority of peaceful men and women fighting with words and never violence he tried to do the same but never understood how the real issues would ever be solved if that is all that is done, on that note he has always been a bit of an outcast throughout his family and a majority of the people he has come into contact with. With the constant fight to be loved or cared for out of his mind he will advance onto the field of battle with whatever comrades he may have and slowly realize that he can accomplish anything and that the power his friends have the few and important can make a difference.
Spartan 767 Pvt Garret Blaze




red mohawk,scar on eye,black headband,black white and red camo Armor

Special Ability's: Able to pick locks,move quietly and be unseen by many opponents/ (Stealthy)
Accepted! Welcome to the crew Zyzor!!

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