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Atom's gonna get back into photography!


Suffers from Selective Memory
Or so I hope! :D

Anyways I'll just start off with a few of my older pictures that I've taken as well as the one I just took the other day! ^_^


One of my best pictures that I like to show off the most C:

These next three are me wishing my camera was panoramic D:


Some more Magnolia tree blooms C:


And this one is my latest picture ^_^

Gonna try to get back into photography again :P

I like these thus far. What kind of camera are you using? It may help me give you any further advice/criticism ~
I'd say most of these pics are good

Only advice so far, the lighting on the second flower photo is poor. It's in half shade half light which is rather annoying in terms of photography

I suggest in situations like that you just go from another angle to have all shade or all light

Or just wait for the sun to be at another angle xD
Hmm. It will be tricky to use a point and shoot camera for serious* photography as they often don't really allow for you manipulating the F stops, aperture size, ISO, etc. You seem to have a natural eye for composition already; such as observing the rule of thirds, so I'd suggest building on that. Consider your focal point, scale, balance, natural frames within the photos....shall I throw some tutorials at you?

Also, imma second what Roo said about paying attention to light. If you find you can't shoot manual, the paying close attention to the light will do nothing but improve your work. I'm a huge fan of playing with light sources, and you should have a "white balance" setting somewhere in the depths of your camera; that will change the colour temperature of your photos.

*A note on "serious" photography.

I put that asterisk there because I don't want to come off like some kind of kit snob. While it's true that if you want to do some polished high fashion shoots, you'd need a better camera, there is literally no reason you shouldn't continue with what you have; exhibitions of iPhone photography have been held, and were wildly successful.

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