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Realistic or Modern Athletica Academy OOC

I don't mind :) If you want, Gabriel could always act as a sort of 'protector', or maybe some sort of assurance (since he's big and strong) because I know Seong had been bullied as a kid assumingly for his sexuality, so he'd feel a lot safer around Gabriel.

Haha okay thanks! Maybe they'll end up doing that. It's just that my guy has this unhealthy obsession with manly men with muscles and tattoos lol. As a guy who likes asthetics all those tattoos on Gabriel would certainly draw Seong's fascination.
I dont know how to resend the link from my phone so you will have to wait till I get back home, sorry :S
Skita Skita

Hey, I think your and my characters should be friends. They BOTH enjoy taking risks when it comes to performances and I think they might both admire eachother for it.
Oh I can see it!! Like I can see them on the ice trying to out do or impress the other.
jul jul

How does your character feel about flamboyant homos on ice lol? Idk they might either be friends or they might not interact at all lol.

hey!! haha I'm sure she would find him entertaining and they would definitely interact (they're both figure skaters!), but it might take a lot for Fiona to consider anyone her friend. she will probably be super critical of the way he skates at first, but I can definitely see them growing to be acquaintances (that is, if Seong can put up with her)!
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uuuffI got so much to read up on in the IC xD

Well you know how it is when you've got such descriptive and in depth writers on hand. I've never actually had rp friends with such long and descriptive posts before. Your guys's dedication to detailed back stories is touching actually. Thanks guys. This seems like it's gonna be a great rp.
cherub. cherub.

Hey so I was thinking Cael and Seong could be friends. I don't want to spoil it because we should rp it but I think they'd both have some very interesting things to talk about. They've got a commonality that is worth mentioning.

(And yes. In case you noticed, I DID kind of name him Seong after your old username. I'd like to pretend for a moment you named Danny Chai after me lol)
xpstitch xpstitch
( Yeah, I did figure that you named him after my old user. And I did name Danny after you! )
Yeah, Cael and Seong can be friends, of course~!
i am angery ):<
continue immediately!!
hah, joking~

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