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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Ten

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Thanks. I'm considering my options, and I'll come up with a rough draft for our illustrious storyteller to look over and hopefully approve.
RIP my skills XD Bren went from 72 available ranks to 48. But he's got some great new special abilities!
I'm in process of making a pretty good character, but am wondering, what gods are there in this setting for Elves/Nature?

Also, how many Signature Abilities do I start with? Shop Talk shows one, but I see on many sheets that you have two listed.
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Hi Psychie :) *woof*

I'm obviously Wolf, and I'd like to officially welcome you to the game! Also, I voted for you (okay, so did everyone else, but it still counts!). It's exciting to have a new player after so long... I'm glad you're here, and I've no doubt that you'll fit right in (^^)

Please feel free to steal the bb code template off my current character sheet, if you like it, and edit it in any way you see fit. As for gods of Elves/Nature, there is a thread for that here. Which Kaerri should fix at some point, because it looks horrible :P To help you out, you should CTRL+F these guys: Mielikki, Corellon Larethian, Solonor Thelandira. Mielikki fills your Nature requirement, while Corellon and Larethian fill the Elves/Nature condition.

Regarding the signature ability, I believe you get one. When I made a second character she started out with one as well, despite my previous one and the other players having accrued two by then.

My sorceress could use a boyfriend, by the way *rawrrr*. The only eligible bachelor in the party is Bren, and while certainly desirable, he seems like he'd be hard to get... especially now that's become a paladin <_< (too bad Oti-bear is taken) Not that this should influence your character design in any way, however! She could just as well use a girlfriend*, after all ;)

... and, except for one member, they are good-aligned (averaging out to Neutral Good).
Don't let that put you off. She's mostly good. It's just that being bad can be so fun sometimes :3

*a second girlfriend, I mean. Oh Luna <3

Oh, and while we're on the topic of paladins...

"Oh noes! Not ANOTHER paladin... T_T"
- every servant of evil from Highwind to Summerset
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As for gods of Elves/Nature, there is a thread for that here. Which Kaerri should fix at some point, because it looks horrible :P
*cries* My beautiful BBcode! Ugh, you're right. I'm just going to get to work on that now...
(Also, Purr Purr , your link is broken in the reply post. Goes to something completely unrelated now, I'm afraid.)

The only eligible bachelor in the party is Bren, and while certainly desirable, he seems like he'd be hard to get... especially now that's become a paladin
He's certainly rather preoccupied at the moment, yes. ^;3^ Actually he has dated a player character in the past, so it's not like he's celibate or anything (and a goddess of nature surely isn't going to ask that of him!). He's just got a lot distracting him right now.

Oh, and while we're on the topic of paladins...
Psychie Psychie
This may help with Signature Abilities:
Good questions, Your Sherwoodness. =) Signature Abilities are granted instead of trained. There is no "training time" or cost involved.

No worries, Your Wolfship! Real Life Always Comes First. Re: Outside. Kaerri is correct.

Concerning Signature Abilities, here's the jist, friends: A Signature Ability is a special something in a character. It is an ability that may be exclusive to that character. Whatever it is, it is not especially tied to race, class, background, etc. Here are some things to consider:

1. Teach me something about your character. Seek out something inside of them, bring it to life, with the goal of making it a possibly-permanent part of your character. Maybe it's combat-related, maybe it's not. What is important is that it is unmistakably born of your character. Luna makes for a good example: Luna of Boccob is a specialized fire evoker mage. Having her deal higher damage in her long journey to become Sharseya's greatest fire mage only makes sense. Wait. What's that? Her next Signature Ability makes her irresistibly attractive to rangers? While that would benefit her, it's certainly not in character for her, is it?

Create something that is truly born of your character. Ask me for help if you like.

2. Signature Abilities are level-dependent and they do stack, perhaps to become something more later. Example: Devanne the Do-Gooder is a natural with swords. Longswords, especially. So, let's say at 1st level, he gains his first Signature Ability: Longsword Familiarity. It grants him an additional +1 to hit and damage whenever using longswords. Come 5th level, he has not let up in his practice. He's even become known for his mastery (among other things). He has come to know the longsword so well, he can roll to Identify any longsword he comes across (including those used against he and his party). What might he achieve if he earns another Signature Ability at 10th level? Ask yourself what this means both for the player and the character. Does the ability make sense? Is it fun? What does it teach you? And where do you want to go with what you find? Wonder is one of the grand purposes of great gaming.

3. Let it be something that your character naturally practices or does all the time. I find it much easier to agree to a Signature Ability that one is constantly using or that is clearly a core ingredient of that character.

There was a guy I used to work out with. He had earned his black belt and was a natural athlete as well as the master's protege. He was so good in football in high school, colleges wanted to sign him up. He chose the lifelong way of the warrior instead.

His punches were damaging and his kicks really hurt, but his side kicks were damned good. He had practiced them to the point of... well, let's just say he could end a fight with one good one. All that practice and natural ability combined into a truly punishing technique.

Shop Talk time. In game terms, let's say he's a monk. He does d8 damage with his Improved Unarmed Attacks with everything in his considerable arsenal, except that feared side kick of his. Believe me when I tell you that damned thing never hit for 1 point of damage (plus Strength). If he grazed you with it, it still hurt you and you were left feeling fortunate. Put another way, he never rolled a 1 on damage. It was a minimum of 3. So... he counts rolls of 1 and 2 as 3.

Mathematically speaking, this ups his average damage with that particular technique. The average damage for a d8 attack is 4.5 points. His sidekick? 5.5. Every time. And remember this counts for critical hits, too. If he crits you with one of those, it's over.

Let's take this one last step. Luna has a 7-dice Fireball. Her other bonuses aside, the average damage of that spell is 24.5 (7 x 3.5) to everything it hits. Make those results of 1 count as 2? Now her Fireball can be counted on for an average of 28 (7 x 4) points. Somehow up it to 3 down the road? That same Fireball rolls for an average of 31.5 (7 x 4.5).

Here's the kicker (so punny!). This only takes place if Luna works on it. For if Luna stopped practicing her Fireball spells, how are they to improve?

Also, I just realized - I'm not the only girl player anymore! *cheers* Girl power!

And you have to check out this post here.

Purr Purr
I've searched through the other Adventurers' Table thread and found what I think you were linking to, plus a couple other tidbits on Boccob, so those are all linked in the Boccob entry.

Also, the Deities thread is now properly pretty again! With fieldsets so the pictures don't run over each other.
Well, I have a character submitted to Dannigan for approval that just needs a hit point roll to complete. Soon, you shall be joined by Merisiel Soumral, elven archer extraordinaire! My problem with making her up was that I kept using the Pathfinder Resource website, and wanting to pull in Feats that are not in the Core book. Dann set me straight, so now there shouldn't be anything on the off-limits list.
Cool. An Elf archer, huh? So, not a half Gargoyle-half Minotaur ninja assassin? Too bad.:horns:
I briefly considered a midget Storm Giant that was human sized . . . Something told me not to try that, though.
lol I can see it! Right next to the Dire Halfling!
I wonder what Wolf will have to say about that, if he ever makes it back *woof*

< was secretly hoping for a gargoyle-minotaur ninja assassin
(Note: I thought I sent this! It's still here in my Reply box. Sorry!) =)

Also, Dann remembered a playable race he forgot to mention to you, so I said I would. Wemics are a Large-sized creature, kind of like a centaur but lion instead of horse. In case you were interested :D

Thank you, darlin'. =) Psychie, I didn't have to get out of bed to type that to you because I haz a wonderful Kaerri who volunteered to do it for me. *hugs da Kaerri!*

My sorceress could use a boyfriend, by the way *rawrrr*. The only eligible bachelor in the party is Bren, and while certainly desirable, he seems like he'd be hard to get... especially now that's become a paladin <_< (too bad Oti-bear is taken) Not that this should influence your character design in any way, however! She could just as well use a girlfriend*, after all ;)

Ladies and gentlemen? I give you... Wolf. =) (I laughed throughout that whole post of yours, Wolf!) =)

Speaking of fixing, Wolf, would you mind fixing Leonard's character sheet? At this stage, I think Psychie could use as many good examples of Sharseya characters as she can get, including both of yours. =)

(Also, Purr Purr , your link is broken in the reply post. Goes to something completely unrelated now, I'm afraid.)

Oh, they all are. If it says "Adventurers' Post," it's a dead link and we have waaaaay too many OOC posts for this DM and his limited time to go through. As such, I've been fixing the ones I recognize. Otherwise... *sigh*

I've searched through the other Adventurers' Table thread and found what I think you were linking to, plus a couple other tidbits on Boccob, so those are all linked in the Boccob entry.

Also, the Deities thread is now properly pretty again! With fieldsets so the pictures don't run over each other.

Thanks again, you! =)
Heya folks! I meant to post today, but my hyperkinectivity is really acting up and I can't really think straight enough. I'll try again when I'm better. Which should be soon. Until then, have fun and chat away in OOC here with any thoughts about the game you are having? I like knowing how you feel, both as a person and as a Dungeon Master. =)
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm excited to be a part of this game. I just need my final approval to post my sheet here officially in the characters tab, then I can rock and roll with the rest of you.
I can't speak for everyone, but I can say for myself that I'm happy that you are with us. Like the Robotech one, this game is rich with role playing possibilities that I think you'll enjoy. I look forward to seeing your submission!
Thanks Sherwood! I like the way that the Robotech game is run, so if this is anything like that, I'll be enjoying myself in no time.
Purr Purr - I had tidied up Wolf's sheet shortly after the return to BB code to make sure it's readable (which it is, it just doesn't look pleasing to the eye). I wasn't going to bring it into full order unless it was to play him again, but it shouldn't be difficult to do so anyway. I'll get it done first chance I get *woof*

Psychie Psychie - I can't wait to see how your character turned out! (^^)
Heya friends! Time for an update. =)

1. Okies, first off... let's (finally) roll hit points. I waited to hear from you for your level selections and die color choices; for those I didn't, I'm using your default d20 color (the one you gave me last time I asked). =)

Psychie - See our Conversation
Sherwood - 2 on a d6 (Boooo!)
Kaerri - 9 on a d10 (Yaaaay!)
Wolf - 6 on a d6 (Yaaaay!)
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Cap'n - I don't know die to roll for you yet, because I don't know if you are taking a level in Sorcerer (d6) or Rogue (d8).
Bria - 3 on a d8 (Booo again!)
Powerpaw - 6 on a d10
Mamapaw - 5 on a d8

2. I have further fleshed out the Character Creation Guide for Sharseya.

3. Also, I've added something I somehow missed in Pathfinder - Elves and Charm spells. For what must be at least 30 years, full-blooded Elves enjoyed a 90% resistance to both Sleep and Charm effects (while Half-elves enjoyed 30%). These resistances were rolled first, and if they were not effective, the character still received a saving throw (if applicable).

At some point in Sharseya, for the sake of simplicity, I just gave Elves complete immunity to both Sleep and Charm and gave Half-Elves a +2 bonus vs. enchantment effects. I have updated Shop Talk to reflect these changes.

4. FEATS! Everyone, but especially Sherwood Sherwood , I've been juggling around this whole Luna Rapid Reload/Craft Wand thing for awhile now and I think I've finally found a solution I'm satisfied with.

Pathfinder wants you to spend gold and time to retrain a feat. I'm willing to see that happen, but given how a week in game time can be forever in Real Life, I want another option and here it is - When your character trains, you may swap out ONE Feat without the gold or time cost if you so choose. It may NOT be a prerequisite Feat. In other words, if your character has Dodge and Mobility (the latter needing the former prerequisite), Dodge has to stay. If you absolutely want to swap out Dodge, you must get rid of everything you stacked on top of it first (in this case, Mobility).

Since you have just trained for 9th level (except for Otiorin), I don't mind you doing this now. Sherwood, Luna now has the Craft Wand Feat instead of the Rapid Reload Feat. Also, because you have been all too patient, you may craft the wand you wanted when your characters settle down for the night. Your wand will be ready when Luna memorizes the next morning. This information has been added to Shop Talk. Any questions on this?

5. The Curse of Highwind. Beware! It's real!

After your time here with Mielikki, your characters will *gasp* require dinner, sleep, and recuperation from one hell of a week. So! Tomorrow morning, your characters will wake in or at EarthHome safe and sound and the railroad you guys have let me take you on will continue. This is where The Curse of Highwind comes in!

See, ever since the beginning of the game, any story we've had going has gotten seriously sidetracked or plain just taken off the rails just about every time the party has been let loose in Highwind to do as they please. I'm serious. Nearly every time!

It works like this: The party all decides to go their different ways for the afternoon and meet up at the Adventurers' Guild for dinner later.

Hours later... The leader of the party is at the Highwind Jail putting up his bail for his elf and dwarf, both of whom have been arrested for breaking & entering, drunk & disorderly, attacking a resident of Highwind, robbery, vandalism, and more...

The scholarly-types have been held up chatting away with Leopold, the Sage of Highwind, as they come upon research that the party just might use some time in the future. O.K., it's spell research on finding lost tomes, but hey! The party could wind up anywhere and get one of these babies! Hey! It could happen!

The roguish sorts are down inside Dave's, that seedy bar that only tolerates the rough and the vicious, and now they've twisted someone's tail to the point their lives are in danger. In order to throw off the baddies' trail, they certainly can't just come straight back to the Adventurers' Guild, lest they endanger the entire party, so they're just running around the city making it up as they go along...

Meanwhile, the party healer (that's Bria) has also gotten sidetracked and is now healing everyone and everything at the Adventurers' Guild while cooking and serving and is probably the only one present for the dinner the party said they'd all meet for. "Where is everyone?" she asks as the Dungeon Master shakes his head, having to go from one storyline to four in a single night...

So yeah, friends! That's The Curse of Highwind. And here the Wayward Wanderers are... most of them having their first time in Highwind... and they'd reasonably like to go buy items and sell things and prepare for their first party dungeon together....

What could go wrong?

Heh! =)
The leader of the party is at the Highwind Jail putting up his bail for his elf and dwarf, both of whom have been arrested for breaking & entering, drunk & disorderly, attacking a resident of Highwind, robbery, vandalism, and more...
I'd just like to point out, as the player and character who put up the bail in question, that this actually happened. ^;3^ So if Bren seems a little paranoid when the subject of exploring the city comes up, that's why. (He'll be happy to offer a guided tour though!)
Oh! And in other news, Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr in our Final Fantasy 14 game, our new guild house has been named "The Wayward Inn"! Wooo! =)
In all seriousness, we've already seen how just traveling down the road can take up time, and in tabletop-Sharseya we occasionally spent more than one session of realtime just wandering the city on separate errands or just general distraction. Having a definite "plan of attack" proved to be of use, like having a shopping list when you go to the grocery store. So if there's something specific anyone wants to do, let's all speak up and we can add it to the list, as it were.

Bren really would like to do that tour if people want it. He's got friends in places adventurers probably want to see anyway, like Ben & Misha's shop (they've got the good stuff, like magic items of all kinds), the aforementioned Adventurers' Guild (it's a tavern/inn that caters specifically to adventurers, and if we didn't have the wagons Bren would've suggested getting rooms there), the Sages' library, and the palace grounds. He might skip Dave's, though. It really is that rough :/: And I'm sure there won't be any need for anyone to know where the jail is!
I wish I could 'like' a post more than once. Thank you very much for the change in Feat and the finished Wand. I'm going with a Wand with the level 2 spell Scorching Ray in it. Please let me confirm: It comes fully charged with 50 spells, correct?

Now that Luna has the knowledge to make wands, Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr , keep in mind that I can start working on one for you, too. I will just need the cost of materials and I can whip it up for you.
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