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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Fourteen

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1. Thank you for not just having Oreleth run out and get spotted because of this. Yes, she'll run forward to get ahead of the others, then slow to a quieter pace to get close to the source of the shouting.

2. Thank you again!

3. Noted for future reference.
Luna thinks for a moment, then says quietly, "Perhaps we can bypass this threat a different way. What is it that this Mad Giant wants? If we find that out, we may be able to reason with it, and if not make it an ally, turn it from being an enemy. Tarros, tell me what you can about this being."

Sherwood Sherwood According to Kaerri's last post, Brendoran has taken the party away from Tarros and Count Barathus to find Nivirea. Is Luna staying to talk with Tarros or is she moving ahead with the Wayward Wanderers? She cannot do both.
I missed that we were moving away and that Tarros was not coming with us. I'll stick with the party.
Thanks for adjusting your post, bud! =)
Sorry gang, night shifts got me beaten like an old rug, but I'm catching up.

Captain Hesperus
Good to have you back, Captain!
Heya Cap'n! Welcome back, you! *hugs* =)
Heya Gang! I plan on posting sometime tomorrow. Stay safe! =)
Edited my most recent post to add some things I'd forgotten
Bren has been told, by several people of presumably reliable information (including his goddess), that our chances of winning in combat are extremely slim to none.
There is more than one way to 'defeat' a foe in this game. Perhaps we will be able to talk to it, or if not, we can always try running. Worst case scenario we fight and perhaps we level up after we defeat this giant.
Just like when we were faced with the stone golem-thing, we were not in a position to attack it and win. But we were able to stop it. Dann is not the kind of Storyteller that will never give us a way out - unless we miss all of the hints that we're making a bad decision and end up killing ourselves with our stubbornness.
Kaerri Kaerri , I don't know if you are aware of it, but I've been having trouble going into a post to edit it and use the dice roller. Not just here in this game, but in others too. Tried to use the Staff Contact option, but that wasn't letting me post a message to report this.
Incoming rant! You are welcome to reply to it, of course. Enjoy! =)

Worst case scenario we fight and perhaps we level up after we defeat this giant.

Or we end up with a few dead characters. Lets hope we can accomplish this without that happening.

I agree with Psychie, but I have to add that a worst case scenario is a party wipe in which all of your characters die (NPCs included). I don't mean to put a downer on things, but I don't run games where the PCs always automatically win and have no chance of losing (like in MMORPGs). I see little point to my running such games. I feel there must be real danger to the characters, because if there isn't, then it can easily be argued that the PCs victories come cheaply indeed. In the long run, such games tend to lose whatever edge of danger they possessed (assuming there was one) and serious roleplayers tend to move on to games where death is a very real possibility for their heroes.

Party wipes have happened in my games before (albeit very rarely). If you'll allow me to talk a bit about Sharseyan characters that you guys know, Brendoran died in battle during one such party wipe (bad decisions plus an unusual turn of events in the bad guy's favor). His remains were unrecoverable and the PCs paid one hell of a price to bring him back. Another PC died in that battle too. Bren died a second time at the hands of fate (Shalin the Sorcerer perished for the same reasons in the same scene). Bria was killed in combat during another Sharseyan gaming session (the dice got her when an enemy scored a critical hit and put her past -10 hit points in a single blow). The party redoubled its efforts and were barely victorious in that fight. They recovered Bria's body. On her way to "Ko Heaven," Bria's soul was stolen. The PCs found out about it, traveled across the planes of existence, and rescued her soul from its kidnapper - another harrowing and rewarding adventure!). Oscar of Highwind has only died in our campaign but not during our tabletop sessions because the PCs have saved his bacon in the past. Powerpaw has stayed alive in our tabletop games (to be fair, he wasn't played in our tabletop games for long). Sparkle and Mamapaw are characters that were created for this (RP Nation) version of Sharseya and you've seen that neither of them have passed through the Black Curtain (though Mamapaw came perilously close).

Character death in Sharseya usually happens when PCs get in over their heads while making poor, sometimes, hasty decisions (I'm not hinting at anything in our games; I'm just telling it the way it is). This tends to turn the campaign upside-down as Players figure out if it's worth Raising their characters from the dead (or if it is even possible!). PC death is always a game changer and that is in part because it is very possible in my games! =)

Just like when we were faced with the stone golem-thing, we were not in a position to attack it and win. But we were able to stop it. Dann is not the kind of Storyteller that will never give us a way out - unless we miss all of the hints that we're making a bad decision and end up killing ourselves with our stubbornness.

This is true. For every obstacle that I have placed in my PC's paths, I have personally thought of at least three reasonable ways they could come to a solution. That said, sometimes players take things into their own hands and create situations I never intended or saw coming. I let those play out too. Sometimes they play out for the better to ends that surprise us all in good ways. But not always. Teamwork and wisdom go a long way when you're an adventurer in Sharseya! =)
Well said, my friend. With luck, we will see the solution to this before we have squished characters.
I... certainly hope so! While I am nearly always ready to reroll or Raise characters, it is hardly ever something I look forward to! =)
On occasion in the past, I have had to deal with the untimely death of a PC. It happens, and most of the time I take no pleasure in it.
Yeah. I only like changing characters when it's the PC's idea.

On another note, I'm writing up a reply in Chapter Fourteen now. =)
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