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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Fourteen

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This is true, but I'm just following the description of the spell, really. That's not a "Danniganism" if you like the word. =)
Kaerri Kaerri Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

I'm in the process of updating when I noticed some characters have 3 Signature Abilities while others have 2. I cannot remember how or when the 3rd one was received, but it is perfectly in sync with the way I run my tabletop games (where I typically hand one out at 1st level, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th generally speaking). I remember Psychie saying something about already receiving a Signature Ability recently, but I believe that was Oreleth's 2nd, not her 3rd.

Whatever the case, every one of you have three Signature Abilities to use if and when you see fit. =) Put another way, since your characters are now all 11th level (regardless of when you joined), you should all have 3. (Yes, I'm trying to refer back to the old, wonderful rule of "Keep it Simple, Stupid!" =) ).

*Goes back to updating* =)
I don't believe that I ever decided on what Luna's third signature ability was. Can I go with an increase of my Extra Powerful one, giving me 1's and 2's count as a '3' with fire magic?
Oooh! A third ability! What should I go for? Hmmmm. I need to look over Oreleth's sheet a bit and see what jumps out.
I don't suppose I could go with an extra +1 enchantment on my arrows from my Arcane Archer training for a total of +2, instead of just the +1 I get from the class?
Nope. See Shop Talk and try again. Signature Abilities are things the character does well because of experience or natural talent. It isn't just a +1 class bonus. Luna has been casting Evocation spells for her entire career, hence the 1s and 2s counting as 3s on the die. Same for Bria with Healing spells.

What does Oreleth do well?
Well, her top skills are Stealth and Perception. She already has a signature ability allowing her no stealth penalty while in armor . . . Lets see what I can come up along that line.
I have the Feat of Wind Stance. It gives 20% Concealment when you move 5 feet or more in a turn. Could I expand on that? Either a effect of Blur when on the move, or just increase the percentile of the Concealment?
Honestly? I'm not 100% sure. I'd have to crack open the books and read up on it. I just took the Feat to give me as much protection as I could line up.
I have the Feat of Wind Stance. It gives 20% Concealment when you move 5 feet or more in a turn. Could I expand on that? Either a effect of Blur when on the move, or just increase the percentile of the Concealment?

Toph has yet to use that Feat. Give me something she's practiced?
Well, her other skill that she's used is relating to the bow. Could I extend the range of her Point Blank Shot?
I could always go for being able to 'vanish' in plain sight since my Stealth roll is so high. A limited invisibility?
Sort of a 'almost impossible to spot' kind of thing? Not a bad idea.
Pardon my distraction - I'm doing lots of DMing-related things for Sharseya while juggling Sherwood's Rifts game and cooking dinner. Ain't multi-taskin' fuuun, fun, fuuuuuun! =)

Extending the range of Point Blank Shot (a Feat she's had for some time) is a neat choice. There is no Feat that I know of that can do that plus it's definitely something Oreleth has been using for quite some time.

As for the Stealth, it's not something I've seen Oreleth doing a great amount of. She's been sneaking here and there, but I think she's been making use of her Perception skill more than her Stealth, wouldn't you agree?

A Signature Ability is all about the character so let me use Kaerri (the Half-Elven Rogue) an example for a great Signature Ability - Kaerri Elvenheart automatically Takes 10 for Move Silently checks (because she forever being quiet well before she was an adventurer, plus Kaerri the PC used that Skill all of the time when she was adventuring!). Above all, that Signature Ability is really a signature of Kaerri's. When she uses it, it's so very her! That's the kind of thing I'm looking for here. =)
The "Hide in Plain Sight" trick is actually a cornerstone ability of a Prestige Class called the Shadowdancer (out of the Pathfinder Core Book). Psychie Psychie I'm cool with Oreleth adding 50% to her Point Blank Shot range (out to 45 feet) if that is how you would like to go? Mind, I don't know how often that will come up.

Here's one thing she's been good at and doing a lot of - being very ready to fire her bow and arrow while she lurks around for danger. Right? Heck, I think Oreleth has been doing that since you joined us here! Hmm. How about yet another option - "Hunter's Readiness - If while Oreleth is in Exploration mode she enters Encounter mode while on the alert with her bow and arrow at the ready, she gains an additional +2 to Initiative rolls."
Obviously it won't work if someone gets the jump on her, but otherwise, I think that might be useful?

Use it or toss it as you please. Just throwing ideas out there. =)
I am in the process of updating, too -- updating my computer to Windows 10. It's going... frustratingly. (I have a friend who's helping, we just keep finding new problems, and I've only got a couple hours to play with it once I get home from work.) So I haven't posted IC in a while, and I probably won't post tomorrow either, but I will try to post Saturday or Sunday so as not to hold things back.
Yeah, the sooner that is done, the happier I think you and I will be. I'm only of limited help there, but I'm glad we've buddies who know more about these things than we do! =)
I am liking the idea of the bonus to initiative with the bow at the ready. Lets go with that! I'll add it to Oreleth.
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