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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Fifteen

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No worries, good Psychie! Between your GMing and PCing, you appear to be in many games. I'm just glad you have chosen mine to be among them! =)
It's fine! Sherwood may be a pun-loving silly goofball, but by God, he is OUR pun-loving silly goofball! =)
I will add it to the looong list of other descriptors I have thought up over the fun decades of our delightful relationship!

Or in other words, think of all the other things I could have called you! Just kidding! Ha ha ha! 8D *hugs Sherwood*
Just got done with dinner, so now I should be able to post.

Ah, the cost of being the leader! It is a heavy burden to bear!
*rubs his hands together* Oh, just waaait. It's better when you waaait.

Heh heh heh...

Okay, I'm really doing that because if I don't Sherwood or Cap'n or someone else will, so why not get the Heebie Jeebies going early? 8D
That's more than what I have with only 4 ranks.

Purr Purr , what is the needed skill in order to be able to control these constructs without running over some old lady trying to cross the street?
Psychie Psychie What?! Haven't you been looking at your Skills? Isn't this the only game you're playing in all of RP Nation?! You're not playing those other games like Champions, Exalted, or (*gasp!*) Robotech are you?!

Okay, I'll give this one to you (since we're using 2nd Edition Pathfinder Skills).

Command an Animal (the function that is used to guide the figurines) comes under the Skill... Nature!
You want Luna to play with control the new magical constructs? Sure!
I presume that I will need to succeed on at least one Nature roll to get us to Misha's and Ben's shop in one piece. I have a total of 7 ranks in the skill.
This presumption is correct! And, for reasons you probably know, your presumption is better than any assumption. =)

Please provide your total bonus and actual Ranks when using a Skill (I take it Luna purchased 7 Ranks in Nature?).

Would you like the White d20 you typically choose here in Sharseya?
I have a total of +7; 6 from Ranks bought in the skill and 1 from my Wisdom bonus.

Yes, please, the white d20 will be fine.
Excellent! I pick up the White d20 and roll a...

... 12!

12 + 7 = 19 which is good enough to make your way through the busy Highwind streets without crushing anybody, batting aside any traffic, or even failing to stop when a Highwind crossing guard commands it (yes, it's a Lawful city so they have those during certain hours)!

Go Luna! (More in-game later.) =)
Is it definitely time to start wrapping this chapter up. Get ready for, gasp, Chapter 16!
DM thoughts below.

* Brain blank moment. There's a password and some other things, but I can't remember them right now, nor find them in my notes, but Bren does know a great deal and would tell Powerpaw and anyone in the party who seems interested (but not random passersby, so he's adjusting his voice volume accordingly).

Not a password, but the maul's true name. The Light in the Dark not only recovered the Maul of the Titans, but they went through the pains of finding the maul's true name, which unlocked other powers of this one-of-a-kind weapon. This all happened before I even created Powerpaw.

As a side note, I am real big about letting a party use things they have recovered. It seems unfair to me that the party does not get to use the Maul of the Titans (a party item for Bren's Light in the Dark fellowship).

However, I went on to make a character who is based around hammers and mauls and then this returned to the scene. Now, here I am thinking, "The bad guys are in for one hell of a bad time if the party puts that in Powerpaw's hands!" And that's exactly what's happening!

Well, allow me to provide my blessing. This is perfectly fair to me. =)

There was a time when the party Kaerri's fellowship, The Last Resort) found a Staff of Power. Anyone who knows D&D knows that it is one of the most badass weapons alive!

If Luna had been present during that time, it would undoubtedly have landed in her hands. Since there was no PC magic user that the party trusted, it wound up with Shaln, and you have seen the grand results of that pairing. =)
The funny thing is, even Light in the Dark rarely had someone who could use a maul. There was Bren and another PC that could, but preferred axes, and a third PC who had a lot of fun with it for a while, but mostly they were rogues, mages, and a cleric or two. Nothing like this group, eh? ^;3^

P.S. - edited the IC post's footnote with Dann's correction.
Kaerri Kaerri Hah! We've gone this far. Please tell everyone about the rule of the maul! What is the one thing you are not allowed to do with the maul anymore? It's absolutely forbidden!
Oh. And for those of you interested in what has just become part of your party...

Kaerri looks at the other Wanderers. "We might just create a monster, but it's the bad guys that're gonna be trembling in fear!"

Monster indeed!

(Dungeon Master's Guide, page 150)
This huge mallet is 8' long and weighs over 150 pounds. Any giant-sized creature with strength of 21 or greater can employ it to drive piles of up to 2' diameter into normal earth at 4' per blow - 2 blows per round. The maul will smash to flinders an oaken door of up to 10' height by 4' width by 2 inch thickness in 1 blow - 2 if the the door is heavily bound with iron. If used as a weapon it is +2 "to hit" and inflicts 10-40 hit points of damage, exclusive of strength bonuses.

DM Notes: Of course, if only giant-sized creatures could use it, it would not be much of an item for most parties, therefore I have required that the wielder be of at least Medium-size. A Strength score of 21 in AD&D is that of a Frost Giant. This is the minimum Strength score required to use it properly; in Pathfinder, that Strength is a whopping 29. Powerpaw, of course, does not have that kind of Strength without the aforementioned Girdle of Frost Giant Strength. For the sake of gameplay, I am willing to say Kaerri has it on her person (as it is a party item).

The Maul is also a slow weapon - it can be swung a maximum of two times per Round regardless of the wielder's experience level (DM discretion - this is where Signature Abilities or special quests may come into play). Magic and Spells like Haste can still increase the user's Attacks per Round beyond this limit. It cannot affect creatures that require +3 or Greater weapons "to hit" without some kind of magical enhancement.

Without its true name, the Maul of the Titans has all of its disadvantages, but does double normal maul damage (2d10 per successful hit). Once the Maul's true name is known, its true damage is applied (1d4x10 + Strength + Feats, etc.). Special techniques by warriors skilled with hammers and mauls can then be used (like Knockback or Knockdown. Upon calling this technique, the wielder can, upon a successful hit at -3 to the Attack, require a Fortitude Saving Throw (DC damage dealt) or be knocked back a number of feet equal to hit points in damage taken or be knocked flat on the ground, losing their Dexterity bonus).
Kaerri Kaerri Hah! We've gone this far. Please tell everyone about the rule of the maul! What is the one thing you are not allowed to do with the maul anymore? It's absolutely forbidden!
Throw. It.

Please, just don't. >.> Too many Bad Things happened because someone threw the darn thing and the enemy picked it up!!
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