If Aldrin senses Otirin, Alisa, and Kaerri all running for their lives? I think Aldrin had better cast one spell maximum, use his Boots of Striding and Springing to run like heck too, and don't look back when everyone books it out of there. I'm just going to make this clear for the sake of fun and fairness here - I don't believe there is anything any single one of your characters possesses that is going to stop 14 pissed off Storm Lords with King Thund'rous at their head. =)
Delay? For maybe 1 round (6 seconds)? Maybe. Stop? All 14 of them? No way. No Wall of Stone spell is going to do that and I can't think of anything else Aldrin's packing that will. Maybe later down the road, but not today. =)
I don't mind being wrong, and maybe I am; I just want to tell you guys straight up what I'm seeing. If the rescue goes sideways, don't try to stay and pull a Gandalf the Gray on the Bridge of Khazad-dum in Moria here or I imagine you'll be rolling a new character. And who wants that, right? =)
Again, I mean it in the best way, friends! I can't be that Dungeon Master that just waves off the danger during something like this and says, "Oh yeah! Go for it! You'll be fine!" I'm just not made that way! I just love you guys and gals too much not to put out a warning like this. Ha ha! =)
Honor and fun,
Dann =)