Asylum for criminally insane... nekos?!

White Fang~

New Member
This is the Asylum for those special nekos who have gone insane or with the intent to kill.Where you are put depends on how bad you are.Not so crazy nekos are put on the first floor and are allowed to roam around the outside and first floor ONLY.The more insane nekos are put on the second floor and are not allowed on the third or first floor.The worst kind of nekos,the ones who have the thirst for blood are on the third and finally floor,where they are put under lock down and straight jackets and padded rooms are their best friends. (I do not accept any forms having characters under the age of 15.)







How insane are you?{1-10}:

History{How did you get in here?}:



My Form(s):


Name: Jami Rainfell

Gender: Female

Age: 19



How insane are you?{1-10}: 3

History{How did you get in here?}: Rather not say..

Crush/Kids: none/none

Other: Jesse's twin


Name: Jesse Rainfell

Gender: Male

Age: 19



How insane are you?{1-10}: 4/9

History{How did you get in here?}: rather not say..


Other: Jami's brother



Nekos so far ^~^:

Name: Jami Rainfell

Age: 19

Insanity: 3

Gender: Female

Name: Jesse Rainfell

Age: 19

Insanity: 4/9

Gender: Male

Name: Alex Shade


Insanity: 5

Gender: Female

Name: Wane Moonscar/Sivart Recklaw

Age: 16

Insannity: 6

Gender: Male

Name: Vanilla

Age: 17

Insanity: 9

Gender: Female

Name: Agony ("the shrouded beast of level 3")

Age: 19

Insanity: 10

Gender: Male

Name: Karina Ialovskaia

Age: 19

Insanity: 2

Gender: Female

Name: Lily

Age: 17

Insanity: 6

Gender: Female

Name: Fin Collen

Age: 16

Insanity: 10

Gender: Male

Name: Gin Collen

Age: 16

Insanity: 3

Gender: Male

Name: Blair

Age: 18

Insanity: 3

Gender: Female

Name: Azeel Jackson

Age: 16

Insanity: 8

Gender: Male

Name: Emmy (her full name is Emily Oleander)

Age: 16

Insanity: 4

Gender: Female

Name: Tyleria McCloud

Age: 16

Insanity: 8

Gender: Female

Name: Merlayria McCloud

Age: 19

Insanity: 10

Gender: Female
Name: Alex Shade

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Apperance: View attachment 8547

How insane are you?{1-10}: 5

History{How did you get in here?}: Male personality went wild

Crush/Kids: Never

Other: Just...stay away from me
Name: Wane Moonscar and Sivart Recklaw (Same body)

Gender: M

Age: 16

Appearance: (If For some reason can't get pics up I'll post later.)

View attachment 8556View attachment 8557

Raven-haired boy with striking blue eyes. Not shown, has crescent shape scars under both eyes. (Moonscars). Wears black clothes, purple cloak, and sapphire amulet. White neko ears and fluffy white tail. Sivart lacks the scars when he's in control of the body.

How insane are you?{1-10}: 6

History{How did you get in here?}:

Wane is just weird, Narcissistic, and egocentric. He is highly flirtatious and occasionally he does have his violent spurts, but nothing too serious or life threatening. Wane can often be found trying to hit up some girls or causing a ruckus in the streets for no apparent reason. It was all of these reasons that he was labeled a public nuisance and was sent to be institutionalized.

All in all, he's pretty much a level 2 sort of guy.

Sivart Recklaw is his polar opposite, shy and to himself, and also scared very easily. If it wasn't for Wane he wouldn't be in the insane asylum. He also tends to sweet and more friendly than Wane

Crush/Kids: He has a crush on nearly every female he meets. And as for kids he'd be happy to make some ;)

Sivart on the other hand, isn't sure of what he would feel for girls...or guys.

Other: Wane and Sivart have no control over who takes control. It's random and unusual timing that causes the switch.
Both accepted! We can begin at anytime (but I can't get online very often for awhile so anyone who joins is accepted)!
Name: Vanilla

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: View attachment 8570

How insane are you?{1-10}: 9

History{How did you get in here?}: After finally snapping in her mind, she ran far, killing anyone who even saw her. When she was finally caught, they brought her to the Asylum.

Crush/Kids: None

Other: Don't cross her twice, or she'll surely kill you in cold blood
So can we start? and...

Name: Agony "the shrouded beast of level 3"

Gender: M



View attachment 8597

*Black ears and black tail, red eyes

How insane are you?{1-10}: 10

History{How did you get in here?}:

As a young child, he was the child a a wealthy and powerful diplomat. As a result, he was captured at five years oldand brutally tortured and held for ransom. But his family did nothing to regain him from the threat for years until the child was twelve, he was confined into a cage, beaten, and experienced several horrors. He become more animal than human. He grew deranged, forgetting his name and losing contact with humanity completely. At thirteen he had escaped and ran into the woods, living a solitary lifestyle and hunting raw meat. The first contact he had with humanity was a wayward human traveler, the contact evoked painful memories and he went into a rage, brutally murdering him. It was only when he when his presence was well known that he was bothered more, killing more people. The constant threat of people caused him to venture into town, instead he found more people and massacred them. Once he was finally captured he was placed in level three.

Crush/Kids: Not sure how that would work...

Other: He is barely aware of his humanity, but it's still there somewhere. Also, he hides in the shadows, earning him the nickname "The shrouded beast"

I'm also updating Wane Moonscar to the bipolar personality of himself, which is actually a double personality, the other self is Sivart Recklaw)

So are you going to post first or shall one of us begin?
Anyone can, I'm adding a new charri as well and changing my old one's name, and I won't get on very often so it is audio accept (instant).
Wane is led in handcuffs, two human officers escorting him to a large facility labeled "Mental institution for criminal nekosl a.k.a, the insane asylum.

"I suppose you two are taking me in because of my crazy good looks? I agree, it's a crime for someone as hot as I am to be roaming the streets" he purred deviously, flicking his ears and tail to accentuate his sexiness. "The men said nothing as they led him through the doors that opened automatically at their presence, they led him past the door labeled "Level 1" and led him to the elevator "You know gentlemen, I'm quite flattered but the thing is I'm not gay. So sorry to dissapoint you." They remained stony faced although one of them muttered shut up neko!" Jabbing him with an elbow.

Wane scoffed, these handcuffs couldn't hold him, he'd allowed himself to get captured because he was simply too bored. I mean, it was pretty awesome for awhile showing off his awesomeness to the whole town by burning the supermarket into one big pyre, punching fat guys in the gut (Surprisingly, your hands didn't get swallowed up in the massive folds), getting naked and streaking down the streets, it was all fun for a little while. But Wane got bored quicckly and was always searching for new ways to show his awesomeness and sexiness.

The elevator dinged and he was led through a door that said "Level 2". There was a small cell where he was sentenced into, they undid his cuffs and said "You are not authorized to leave Level 2, doing so will result..." Yeah, yeah, he went into a boring rant about a ton of things. He pretended to listen and flopped on the bunk, twitching his tail as he stared at the ceiling. "...Do you understand?"

"Sure, sure, hey are there any ladies in this joint? Neko or otherwise?" He asked. They shook their heads in disgust and left him. "Hah! Losers, they think this cell can hold me?" He hopped off the bunk and carefully toggled the cell lock with his fingers, a few seconds later he heard a click, and he was free "Now, time for some fun." He wonders what was on "Level 1" and that button on the elevator, the one that said "Level 3"
Jesse easily broke through the new straight jacket they had put him in after he had passed out from one of the nurses on the third floor, he had broken out of his cell/room and tried to make it to the first floor but having been caught and unable to make it to the door.

Jami grumbled something as she turned in the opposite direction of two of the male nekos. She looked up, squinting as if she could see through the ceiling. Hissing under her breath as she walked back toward her cell, the workers said they as rooms but they knew it wasn't true.
Name: Karina Ialovskaia

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance:View attachment 8671 She's of Russian ancestry. Pretend she has ears and a tail in the same color as her hair.

How insane are you?{1-10}: 2

History{How did you get in here?}:

Karina, despite her heinous crimes, is perfectly sane- in other words, she knows the difference between right and wrong, but chooses to do wrong for her own personal gain. So it's not exactly that she's so mentally out of whack that she can't think properly, but rather a psychopath who has complete control over her own actions. However, she may not fall under "insane," but due to the fact that it's difficult to fathom someone to commit such gruesome crimes without having some sort of mental disorder, especially someone of the female gender, that the court deemed her as insane. Years into the future, she was convicted a serial murderer and cannibal, ironically being a "man-eater." She refuses to speak of her childhood, which leads officials to believe that she may be not be 100% accurate with her experiences of homicide. As of now, it's not exactly certain what her intentions are, but assumingly to escape her current cell.Crush/Kids: None to speak of.

Other: All and all, she's a huge b****. Due to her actions, it would probably be more likely that they put her on the third floor.


I might add a picture if I find one that's suitable.

Also, would it be okay if I went ahead in jumped in? I ask this because you said it was "audio accept" so just incase.
([MENTION=3680]T o b i[/MENTION], Fang says you can just jump in at anytime, because he wont be around much to respond)

Wane avoided detection by the cameras, slinking across the walls and out of sight, he avoided the elevsator and took the stairs down to the first floor, sneaking through the door on level one. He stepped into the room and swished his tail as he inspected it. It was neat and orderly, tile floors glowed under the lighting, white walls had doors that probably led to neko rooms. His boots clacked as he walked down the halls. There were some tables and chairs at the end of the hall, what looked to be a cafeteria area. All in all, it was much more free than the jail atmosphere in Level 2. He flicked his tail "Hey, anyone home?" His voice echoed into the halls
((Okay, thank you.))

A beam of light flickered abruptly from the crack beneath the heavily secured door, briefly obscuring vision with endless amounts of utter darkness. It was daylight, Karina mused, and yet they had her confined in such a room with only a beam of light, which originates from beyond this small padded room, to accompany her. Her eyes followed the rhythm of the shadows, listening to the musical movement of tapping feet scattering across the tile surface. By the subtle swearing and vitriolic echo of heels, she assumed that another escape artists was attempting another go. However, she's been wrong before. The idea of braking loose from confinement was no stranger to her, in all actuality, since retiring here the thought has never ceased to leave her mind for any long period of time. It was highly difficult to unravel a specially made lock and when nurses had no other choice but to unlock the door to come in, she knew she could have that upper advantage if it weren't for the guards side by side with hand held guns. Using her arms as support, she lifted herself from her current sitting area and stared curiously at the door. Luckily, those on the third floor weren't forced to wear striaght jackets unless making a small trip outside of their cell or if they've been behaving inappropriately, and Karina has proven herself to be quite mild-mannered. She stared at the tiny glass slit in the door used for purposes of seeing, but couldn't witness the action going on as it seemed to be a bit on her far left. Her tail flickered like a whip, wondering if by any chance she too would be set free, but the likeliness of that seemed relatively low. She eased her hands toward the walls, brushing her nimble fingers across the soft, yet firm wall and eventually, found her whole body clinging toward the padded wall for any sense of heat or comfort. She searched through her mind; for years now Karina had always been an exceptional student in her psychology/criminology classes, so perhaps there was a chance that she could use her knowledge of the human mind to persuade one of the nut jobs to unlock her cell. Once again, that seemed unlikely due to the enormous amounts of guards, but there were plenty of options to choose from.
(Yeah, it's fine if you join)

Jami muttered under her breath, whipping around when she heard Wane, tail flicking in irritation. She didn't respond to his call, just stopped walking and leaned against the wall of the hallway.
Name: Lily

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: (I don't feel like finding a picture ATM) Lily has perfectly straight, never-a-hair-out-of-place, blonde hair, white ears and a white tail. She has a fair complexion, and bright green eyes that hint at her intelligence. Her lips are always faintly smiling in a way that could be considered friendly and sinister. She is normally dressed in the colors yellow, white, and aqua blue, and she never wears the same thing twice, yet she hates shopping.

How insane are you?{1-10}: 6

History{How did you get in here?}: First off, like Karina, Lily is more dangerous than insane. Her childhood is unknown, all she remembers is a harsh elderly lady branding math facts into her head. This unknown woman supposedly always yelled at Lily 'Education is the key to the Universe!'. She was found in a burned down mansion at the age of 12 reciting Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' and occasionally digits of Pi. Everyone who met her wanted her to take an IQ test, and she always refused. The one time she did, she broke the test. She was evidently a genius. The first of many entries in her criminal record was breaking out of a US Government Facility, of course the Government wanted to test her. After that Lily always wanted to correct people that were wrong. At first, as most geniuses, she was horrible at communicating because she could not comprehend why other people (and nekos) weren't as smart as she was. Luckily, she had an aptitude for psychology and soon was very adept at communicating. When she was 13 she committed her first murder. She is a controlled psychopath, and soon wanted to continue her education in science by conducting 'experiments'. She started her gruesome period as a mad scientist killing people in all sorts of grotesque ways. Once she was practiced enough in that field, she moved on to her soon-to-be life's work: psychology. She started playing murderous and dangerous 'mind games'…the other people and nekos becoming the 'lab rats'. After many of these 'mind games' she became a master in psychology and could read minds almost perfectly. She could predict anything anyone could do, and she could know what they were thinking. Around this period of absolute power over people the government decided she was getting way too dangerous, and despite other failed attempts to capture her, she let herself be caught. She was deposited here in the Insane Asylum unceremoniously, and no one knows exactly what she is going to do.

Crush/Kids: Despite her record, she would like to have kids, but has had no time in the past for kids or a lover, but now...

Other: Lily doesn't like to brag about her mind, and will often talk normally.
Name:Fin Collen


Age: 16


How insane are you?{1-10}:10

History{How did you get in here?}:Rather not say

Crush/Kids:Seems to think crush actually means crush them,never

Other: Is twins with Gin and speaks with him through thought,He's always talking to himself whether someone's there or not and falls asleep when he gets bored for no reason.


Name:Gin Collen




How insane are you?{1-10}:3

History{How did you get in here?}:rather not say

Crush/Kids: Seems to think crush actually means crush them,never

Other:Twins with Gin and speaks with him through thought,He looks very feminine and tends to dress that way out of habit so he's always mistaken for a girl.Also he is blind,that's the reason his eyes aren't red like his brothers.he wasn't always blind,it there father's fault.

Lily waited in the elevator with the FBI guards. She knew that were going to leave the building as soon as she was 'safely' locked in her padded cell. She tried to fake aggression at being caught just to satisfy the guards but it was a lame attempt because she was preoccupied. Her mind was swimming and she felt uneasy. Lily had always been a lone wolf (more like lone neko) and the thought of seeing other nekos was both exciting and overwhelming. The guards unceremoniously dumped her into a padded cell, and she almost hit one of them when they locked the door and she was in darkness. In search of any intelligent being, however insane, she loudly morse-code tapped 'Are you there?' into both walls. It might come out a little fuzzy because of all the padding, but even someone remotely intelligent could at least know that someone was in the other cell. Of course she got dumped on insanity island…level 3 but she could always let all of these nut cases out of their cages.

In approximately 3 seconds Lily got bored. Her one weakness was lack of mental stimulation. She wiggled out of her loose straightjacket and picked the lock in under 10 seconds. Soon she was out roaming the halls. Her tail flicked as she thought she heard someone.
both accepted! (and you don't need super-long posts, we aren't doing advanced or semi-advanced, but you can still do the, I don't expect them though since I don't really do them..)

Jesse sighed, knowing not to attempt to break out of level 3 til at least dark again. He easily got out of the cell, the same routine every time.
Lily roamed the Level 3 corridor until darkness fell.

"Hello? Any one of you nut-jobs wanna come out and play? Or are all of you good little boys and girls? Huh?"

A playful smile crossed her lips. She knew someone would respond to her call.
"Who ever said I was either? My form of the two are.. strange.." Jesse purred from behind her, not too close and not too far away.
Fin sat in his cell smiling with his tail flickering around behind him as he looked around,"Now there's always fun to do,what to do,what to do."He giggled."I want to see Gin today....Yea,like last time.He likes it when i visit."Fin had once gotten out and taking five others to there grave along the way because they got in his way,but he made it to Gin and he seemed happy to actually see Fin.Fin wanted to see him smile again so badly,he'd do anything to make Gin smile."Yes,I will see him again...I don't care,as long as I see him again.."

Gin was sitting in a chair playing with his sleeves again,he could be entertained with the simplest of things.His ears twitched as he kept hearing strange sounds everywhere,he wasn't paying any attention to what the sounds were but he knew they were there.
Alex watched as 2 female humans walked towards her with special non-conductive chains. She willing goes with them into an elevator. When it begins its ascent she sees a mirror image of herself except he has red tipped ears, tail, and eyes. He smiles seductively at the 2 women in uniform. "Come on Alex, I just want to play with them a little and I know you want too hear their screams of ecstasy and pain." Alex raises her her cold blue eyes towards him. "Damn you Shade, if it wasn't for you nobody would've died, Kiara would still love me, and I wouldn't but be in this hell." Shade's red eyes burn with fury and grief but the women are oblivious to it because only Alex can see Shade. Shade hisses," You know as well as I do that they deserved to die after what they did to us." Red electricity begins to crackle from her body as her eyes turn red. The guards turn around when they hear a deep chuckle come from Alex. They didn't know that it was a boy standing before them because Alex looks like a boy anyway due to her height, voice, and how she looks. The last thing they hear is a husky seductive voice saying,"I hope that you ladies can entertain me." When the fun began everyone could hear loud moans and screams ring throughout the building.
Agony had easily broken out of his strait jacket and shackles and he slid through the shadows, crouching low. His glowing bloodred eyes watched the cneko from his dark position, he licked his lips, waiting for the sweet taste of blood.

Wane stopped walking when he saw the girl over by the wall. He swished his tail in an eccentric manner and strolled up to her "Hey, the names Wane, but you can call me anytime" he said to the girl in level 1

(Currenly Agony is in level 3)

(Dangit! Posting too fast!)
"Make it stop, make it stop!" Jami growled, falling to her side and curling into a ball, pulling her ears down and shaking her head slowly. The constant wails and screams that always came from the floors above her almost never stopped, each day at least one nurse or neko was killed here and each day time crept closer to there being no one left on the floors above so eventually, every one of the murderous nekos above will have the oppotunity to come down here. She glared up at him, "not interested." she hissed in a hard tone.

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