[Astrum: Heavens] The Soforaz Alliance

Atrius Night

One Thousand Club
Nation Name; Soforaz Alliance

Flag; A black background with a Carbon Atom in blue upon it, representing the unification of Carbon based life, The perfection of the numeral 8, and the Home system of the Soforaz with it's 8 planets around a single sun.

Leader; Caliph Zenrox, the 4th, Descendant of te Zenrox the 1st hero of the Robot wars and unifier of the Soforaz species.


The Soforoz are a blue and black Otopodal race of cepholopods.

Though any limb can be used as leg or arm...

The second and fourth sets of limbs are primarily for locomotion and the first and third setsare designed for manipulation.

Racial Ability) Work Smarter,Not Harder: While Physically Weak and small, Standing only 1 meter at their tallest, the Soforaz are possessed of a keen and adaptive mind. they are quick to analyze their surroundings and comprehend how things work together.

Racial Ability) Multi-Tasking: Evolved to manipulate 8 arms at once a Soforaz can maintain upon numerous things at once depending on the individual, The simplest of citizens able to focus in two places, Leaders are often judged by their Focus rating. Rumors abound that Zenrox manually balances the government's budget in his mind

Residual Ability) Amphibious: A Soforaz can breath underwater, and do to swimming adaptions function well in Zero G as well. Soforaz ships often having no gravity, except for 'spin sections' for scientific work.

Form of Government

Hereditary monarchy.

Important Officials

List as few or as many as you want. Have them be available for play or keep it private, that's up to you.

Economic System

Reward oriented communism.

Each is provided for at a basic level.

Populaion control measures prevent over population.

Success within a profession is rewarded with bonuses.

Corruption and Anti-social tendencies are often dealt with most harshly as the system breaks down with 'cheaters'.

Economic Tier



the Datum; The first Big Bonuses were granted during the martial law of the Robot wars, to researchers that made the first successful advances in interpretting the robot codes. The Datum is often considered an information-backed currency.

Nation Bonus

Publish Or Perish: Soforaz learn from an early age that it is by research and discovery that their race continues to advance. Scientific professions. Science is a respected career with noted scientist revered much as a great warrior might be in another culture.


The Soforaz developed upon a Blue-Green world, the sorts commonly inhabited by Carbon based oxygen respiring oranism though with a pair of moons. Amphibious in nature they no longer required the ocean's embrace beyond a short period after hatching. They had developed as many races do, through tribal warfares and into kingdoms and civilizations. It was when some few fleeing the oppression of kings beneath the sea took to the land upon a permanent basis that the Sciences of the Soforaz people began to develop rapidly...

Even so intersteller spacetravel was centuries away yet as they had only recently launched their first forays to the larger of the two moons. The Direction of the entire race changed upon the day of the crash. who the aliens were is unknown, their ship was caniblized by worked drones almost before the natives could register it's arrival. The drones built a factory, and began to seek out raw materials to feed into it, building more drones from the parts. What had seemed a perhaps joyous occassion, First contact and proof that the Soforaz were not alone, turned deadly as the Von Neauman Invasion began.

The Robot war led to grand jumps in Soforaz Technology, as the robot's adapted to the humid and watery conditions of the world. Were the Soforaz any slower they would have succumbed under the evolving and ever more deadly assaults. As it was one Scientist, Zenrox the first, discovered the source code to the invading drones. Slowly the war began to change, and then suddenly... Victory..!

Then there came the question. What now?

The soforaz race had found that the universe was indeed inhabited by other inteligences.. but in the same instant found those same inteligences to be hostile. As one the race began to construct defences, and fortifications... they would be ready when the next race decided to assault their world.

Many people sacrificed much to build the planetary fortifications. and many more to then expand those to moon based forward bases...

the soforaz home system possessed 8 planets, one readily habitable, 4 more that might have been with Alien inspired terraforming techniques Two gas giants, and a half shattered and pummeled world that formed an outer ring of asteroids around the system, its nature such that had it not been a battered wreck from millenia of collisions with it's own spun off asteroids, it would have been a massive world....

The cepholopodly folk set to fortifying, the secret of the stars was theirs, but first things were first, all science and research focused on the fortification of their home world and system....

Now it is three Generations later and the great project is over, now with the people of the Allied Planets of Soforaz gathered and feeling safe, they have begun setting work to build a fleet... Ships to see the stars and see what;s out there... Ships to expand Soforaz reach in all 8 directions..

CultureThe soforaz experienced a near brush with extinction only a very short time ago in the memories of it;s people, as such they are a careful folk, posessed of a mighty intellect and a desire to sit back and reason out the situation before leaping into the fray...

They often rely upon Robotic assistance when physical might is needed. Even to the point where some of their military wire themselves permenantly into some of the equipment.

The Saving grace of Science left a vast impression upon an impressionable racial psyche when they turned the war in their facvor. A proper Scientist is a cause for celebration, with major victories being heralded by state sanctioned days of rest and recreation....

Nation Goals

The soforaz are a young race, they seek to explore the galaxy. to widen their own scientific breakthroughs, and ensure they are never again caught unawares...
Home System Name Jor is the Star at the center of the Joran System, A yellow star of stable build,

the civilization has a few billion years before it needs to worry over much about moving.

Closest to Jor is Az, it is a tiny Zippy planet, Almost a planetoid, with .5 the gravity of Sofor

It rotates with a speed that is dizzying to the colonist at the Joran research centers upon it's surface.

One day on Az takes a mere 4 hours, with a year of over 1,000 days.

Next is the turbulent world of Baggar, Storms rage constantly over this world, such that it's surface and the acidic seas that lie there were not discovered until the first probes were sent down beneath the cover.

A natural envirment for Volatile chemicals, Rather than terraforming, the Soforaz harvest the fluids for industrial usage as well as shifting much of the more dangerous research or production to Baggar.

baggar has 1 moon and it is a populated by a trade depot for the products of the planet below. This planet gravitation is approximately even with Sofor

Torrik is next, this orange world is one of the Sofor's nearest neighbors.

With the surge in technology since the robot wars It has been Terraformed.

Shifting from a dessert world slowly to a more habitable clime, Now it is dotted with oasises that grow by the year and immigrants move in a constant flow for the ability to reproduce without government sanction.

This planet gravitation is approximately even with Sofor

Sofor is the Homeworld of the Soforaz.

This world is covered over slightly more than half of it;s surface by Water.

The native populous bearing the full advantages of amphibousness, Live all across this world, though of course fewer in the Icey Polar regions

See above entry for more details on this world.

2 small moons orbit this world, both heavily populated.

Rune is a massive world, with a gravity readily 2 times that of Sofor.

Despite this it's habitable regions are wide and in need of little terraforming,

although the gravity leads to numerous health problems..

It is hoped that in a few generations the populace of this world will have adapted and be able to live without trouble upon the surface of the giant world.

The solid giant is possessed of a single Large move almost as big as Az, additionally, a half dozen small Asteroids a few miles on a side orbit this world with a myriad of smaller nearly cloaking the world in a haze of dust.

Some relatively recent cosmological event created this nimbus perhaps a planetary paring like the gas giants in minature?

Or some collision from a wandering planet?

At any rate Rune is possessed of what amounts to a localized asteroid field

Two gas giants Orbit Jor, the pair orbiting what could be called almost a secondary binary system. The duo have no moons though 'scars' in their weather patterns are thought to date back to ancient collisions with such. A few upper atmospheric research centers and 'cloud cities' have been formed here.

finally the system is ringed by an asteroid field seen by to be a failed 'super-Rune', a massive solid core world, that would have been uninhabitable due to the tremendous Gs placed upon it;s natives..

The Asteroids in this day and time are filled with mining and listening stations, carefully attuned to the tell-tale signs of a new Robotic probe.

Home System Coordinates I-7 Celestial Bodies See System above

Neighboring Systems None, despite proximity to the core, there are no reasonably close habitable systems to Jor

Colonized Systems Jor

They are only just now taking there first steps into the cosmos beyond their system...

Population Decided by moderator
Military ? Unique Unit Although most troops are remotely operated or even automated drones,

Field commanders are equipped with one of the Standard forms of the robot invaders.

Armed with powerful scanners, drone control antennae, a singular multiuse manipulator limb and a disruption ray device.

The cylindrical body is possesed of both a multi-terrain tread as well as a gravitic repulsion lift system, the principles of operation for which even the best Soforaz scientists have yet to figure out.

The armored and shielded body was able to withstand some of the most advanced weaponry of the pre-War Tech level.


Benthic Class Capital Ship

Within the oceans of Sofor the swims a peaceful seagoing saurian,

the Benthic is a floating ecosystem in and of itself.

tiny crusteceans armor it's hide, Even forming mobile reefs with time.

Scavengers hitch reminds upon the great beasts and even protect it from it's few enemies.

Like it's namesake, the Benthic class is designed with minimal affront capability.

It's key feature lies in it's ability to shrug off the attack of lesser ships with it's mighty armor and shields

as well as it's keen sensors able to detect nearly anything within it's range.

It's Aircraft Stowage capability is designed for it's interface with other ships of the line,

docking points that allow the Benthic to rely upon other ships for enhanced protection as well as offense when the time comes.

Of particular note is due to the expense and size of the Robot race's FTL Engines, only the benthic and some rare few battleships are possessed of the critical drive.

The entire fleet relies upon being docked to the Benthic in order to travel the vast gulf of space.

(I.E. the Aircraft potential below is reduced by 5 as it is almost entirely consumed with the docking ports of the joined fleet..)

the Benthic is possesed of three primary docks, into which a Hiveship, Frez, or Remore may dock.

A fleet traveling in formation, will generally consist of a Benthic with two Frez upon it's back and a Hiveship at it's belly, Each frez in turn possessing two Remore with the Hiveship holding one last remore.

Armor: 17

Point-Defense Turrets: 0

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 0

Ballistic Missiles: 0

Anti-Ground Cannons: 0

Aircraft Capacity: 6

Sublight Engines: 5


Hiveship class

The Benthic is infamously protected my myriad types of small fish, but of those some are more voracious than others.

The Hiver Carp is one such, living in the reef of the eldest Benthics a predator or parasite is doomed before it's begun once the Hivers set out to swarm it.

The Hive ship docks into the belly of the Benthic class, It's Aircraft doors always facing out and away. Ready to discharge swarms of fighters at a moment's notice.

Of particular note is the design of the hive ship fighters, Each one merely a scaled up and heavily armed and armored version of the field commander Armor worn by their troops.

The Aircraft doors are designed in such a way that in an emergency or if extra defenses are needed, the Hiveship can block off half it;s capacity in order to allow a remore to dock with it.

Armor: 10 Point-Defense Turrets: 8 Ballistic Missiles: 0 Aircraft Capacity: 20 Sublight Engines: 5 DRADIS: 5

Frez Class Battleship

Of the gaurdians of the Benthics, one that is often a surprise is the Frez, a great predator almost half the size of the Benthic.

This sleek predator uses the various symbiotic relationships of the Benthic for it's own benefit while chasing off other threats and paying a 'toll' in bloody scraps. The Frez Class is the key offensive vessel of the line, Capable of hosting two remores or docking into a remore sized dock.

Armor: 10
Point-Defense Turrets: 0 Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 5 Ballistic Missiles: 15 Anti-Ground Cannons: 3 Aircraft Capacity: 5 Sublight Engines: 5 DRADIS: 5

Remore ClassCruiser Remores are seagoing fish with suckers upon their heads, allowing them to ride upon nearly any large sea creature, not merely the Benthic, though some do that.

Like the Remore who strives to keep the benthic clean of parasites, remore class cruisers are little more than mobile lasser batteries, bristling with point defense lasers that they use to protect themselves and any ship to which they are docked.

Despite this they are capable of dishing out a surprising amount of damage even to other large class ships.

Armor: 5 Point-Defense Turrets: 25

Anti-Ship Gun Turrets: 8 Sublight Engines: 5 DRADIS: 5






The makers of the Robots that propelled the Soforaz into space.


I joined the game! :)
Looking good, but before I can approve this there's a few things that need attention;

1) Could you reformat your System information, according to the template? I rarely bring up shoddy formatting or bad grammar, but to me (and it could be just me) your System info was a little difficult to read.

1b) List 5-10 major cities of your peoples' homeworld, and indicate which is the capital city.

1c) "A few upper atmospheric research centers and 'cloud cities' have been formed here.": No, even small research outposts have to be built afterwards.

2) While autonomous combat drones are possible, no player starts with them.

2b) "Disruption ray device" ...as in?

3) You've got your spacecraft wrong, firstly it's not a Capital ship, it's a Flagship. Secondly, only the Flagship has 'stats'. (Also, your starting ships have to be the classes listed in the main guide)

4) "the Benthic is a floating ecosystem in and of itself.": Large ecosystem bearing ships are something that must be developed over time, no one starts with them.

I think that's everything. Post here once you've completed the changes and I can get to approving you! ;)

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