[Astrum: Heavens] [R-9] The Ladarian Confederation

The Ladarian Confederacy




Heradan Worowen



The main inhabitants of The Ladarian Confederacy. Tall (averaging 2 meters) humanoids with long tails and bronze skins. At first glance they would remind you of lizards standing on 2 feet but make no mistake, they are very dangerous and violent when provoked. Their nails are extremely tough and the long claws of their legs will tear apart anyone unfortunate enough to enraged them, making them excellent fighters.


Racial Ability

  • Tough Skin: The Ra'ndurs evolution progress gave them thick, leathery skins that not only protect them from the climate but also the high levels of radiation on the planet. As a result they are less affected by alien planet's weather as well as radiation, allowing them to survive on very hostile environment (for humans).
  • Brute Strength: Ra'ndurs are very strong creatures. Their muscles are highly evolved and are genetically programmed for lifting heavy objects. Their bones are also very thick and very tough. This allows them to easily lift tonnes of material on their backs. They are also strong enough to punch right through thick slabs of (human) concrete, making them brutal melee fighters.

Residual Ability

  • Berserker's Rage: The Ra'ndurs have a tendency to fight in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury when provoked. An enraged (actually more like deranged) Ra'ndur will strike fear into the heart of bravest soldier, and inspired even the most cowardly of allies.

Nation Bonus

  • Work! Work!: Ra'ndurs are workaholics and can work non-stop when the situation calls for it. The workaholic culture of the Ra'ndurs is why they can rebuild so quickly after the Uprising (see History).

Confederate Aristocracy

The Ladarian Confederacy is ruled by a ruling class known as the "Hierarch Caste". The Hierarch caste consists of important families and officials prior to the Uprising (see in History). A member of the family (usually the head) will be chosen to represent their families in the Confederate Council (a parliament), which is headed by a Leader.

The Ladarian Confederacy are divided into 6 "Fiefs" and families are elected by the Council to the Seat Of Governance of each Fiefs. They may then select Senates (basically, officials) to run the key offices of the Fiefs.

Now you can't simply "fire" anyone that holds the Seat Of Governance. However, if necessary, a Family Tribunal may be summoned to banish any "rogue" family members from the Hierarch Caste- only if the Tribunal Judges vote in favor of banishment. The Leader himself heads the Tribunal.

Due to the nature of the government, the Confederacy is rule efficiently as long as the Seat Of Governance is held. However when faced with a common threat such as war, all the Fiefs will band together and fight together-often to the death, willingly. As such, most, MOST members of the Hierarch Caste are held with great respect.

Important Officials

Heradan Worowen- Leader of the Confederate Council

Hestor Library- The head of the Librarian Family.

Admiral Kirk Heinrich- Chief Admiral of the Confederate Pioneer Fleet

General Warren Heinz- Head of the Homeworld Security Council

Albert Parsons- Guildmaster of the Merchant Guild

Economic System (Fair Value)

The Confederacy currently uses the system of "Fair Value", first introduced by economist Ecthelion Turgon. Fair Value is based on the Labour Theory of Value which states that an item or service is only related to the labour needed to produce or obtain that commodity and not to other factors of production except as those elements can be regarded as embodied labour.

Here's a simple model illustrating the concepts and workings of Fair Value (from Wikipedia)

In a village in Somewhereia, everyone shares a set of skills and their produce is derived from local natural resources. Through custom or inclination each person pursues a particular trade, but is capable of pursuing any other in the village.

These people exchange their products on a regular basis. Each would know how long it took their fellow to produce their good, and how long it would take them to make it themselves. They would also know how much of their own product they would produce in the same amount of time and how much they would be able to exchange for that product.

If anyone tried to overcharge for a good, people would stop buying and make it themselves (or a competitor could enter the market and undercut them). Each person would thus be able to calculate whether it would be better for them to buy a good or make it themselves.

In this scenario prices and values would be equal.

The Merchant Guild determines the "basic" price of the items. Anyone trying to sell higher would end up without customers. Selling lower meant that they won't get much profit. This is used to control inflation and ensure the quality of goods.

Economic Tier

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Nation Bonus


This records the key events that led to the formation of the Confederacy.

The Annexing of Ladar (3000 SA(Space Age)

Before the formation of the Confederacy, the Ra'ndur lived in separate nations, with the Republic being the largest due to its military might. During the rule of Consul M'vence, the research of space exploration is heavily funded. To obtain mineral ores that are needed to build space-faring vessels cheaply (primarily caledite and siphomore), the Republic invaded the region of Ladar and took control of its mines.

Soon, space travel became economically feasible and the Republic establishes a colony on planet Virdunai. However, the citizens of Ladar are often mistreated and riots are commonly held to protest the harsh working conditions- long hours, lack of safety, low pay and constant abuse by "superiors". Riots are brutally put down, often use of deadly force is the go to option for the local militia stationed there.

The First Strike (3004 SA)

Four years after the Annex, a region wide strike was held. All the mines in the Ladar region stopped working and put up barricades using the mining equipment. As usual, the local militia attempts to put them down using force. The militia fought the miners using simple "charge and shoot" tactics. It works against riots that are out in the open yelling and shouting while holding banners. But against the determined and prepared resistance however, the militia sustained heavy casualties. Soon afterwards the local population joins the miner's strike, and the entire region is in open revolt. The Ladar region quickly descends into a state of anarchy.

The Republican military intervenes and puts down the revolt, but the miners would not relent. They are prepared for a long fight, and have established strongholds in the mines. Assaulting the mountains would be a daunting task, and no doubt an expensive, long campaign. Starving the miners is impossible because of the massive year long stockpile of food stashed in the mines by the Republic and the miners own preparations. The fight goes on for a month before the Senate decides that mining operations must resume as soon as possible.

Orbital strikes and mass aerial bombardment are authorized, and miner's mines, once a impregnable fortress, became their tombs. The miner's resistance was soon crushed, and mining operations resumed.

The Strike took a heavy toll on the Ladarians and the Republic. Negotiations are soon held between the miners (represented by Hirgun Worowen) and the Republic (represented by Senator Lance Horosten). They signed the Treaty of Equality, in which the Republic promises to treat the Ladarians as Republican citizens. The miners agree not to hold "any form of gathering which may result in the disturbance of peace and order within the region. If so, the treaty will be held null and void".

Vulcan-Rufus War (3005 SA-3014SA)

At the beginning of the year 3005, Vulcan Loyalist Troops (VLT) drove out the Republican Army from Vulcan State and declared themselves as an sovereign country. The VLT are publicly backed and financed by the Rufus Empire, who claimed Vulcan State are under their protection. The Rufus Empire declares that any act of aggression towards Vulcan State would result in immediate retaliation.

Undaunted, the Republic declares war on the Rufus Empire and launched a massive attack on them. At this time, being citizens of the Republic under the Treaty of Equality, Ladarian citizens and miners are drafted into war. The First Ladarian Battle Corp was formed, and they participated in several key battles during the war.

The war lasted 9 years and the Republican Army suffered many casualties. The war finally ended with the taking of Rufous City, and the Empire surrendered several days later. Vulcan State was however utterly devastated when the VLT detonates several stolen Republic Tetron nuclear warheads to stop the Republic's advance. Vulcan State was declared a No-Ra'ndur-Land and may only be visited under government supervision.

After the war, the First Ladarian Battle Corp, despite serving with distinction, was designated for disbandment. The Senate were worried that they would revolt and launch a coup d'etat to overthrow the Senate. A decision is quickly passed to disband them to prevent it from happening.

Immediately, there was backlash by the Ladarians. Hirgun Worowen (who now officially represents the Ladarians in negotiations) claims that the disbandment is in direct violation of the Treaty of Equality, as the Ladarian soldiers were not given equal credit with their Republican counterpart. Despite protests by Hirgun, the First Ladarian Battle Corp was disbanded. The soldiers were upset and angry over the disbandment. In return, they smuggled weapons out of the amoury and stashed them away in secret places. The Army,however, failed to notice the missing weapons.

Crowning of Emperor Technocious (3020SA)

The Morning Coup (it was named so because an Army sniper shot Consul M'vence right before he began breakfast) succeeds in overthrowing the Consul M'vence in a violent and bloody coup. The head of the Morning Coup, General Wes, demands that the Senate and Ruling Family acknowledge him as the legitimate leader of the Republic. Not wanting further bloodshed and civil war, they agree and complied with his demands.

Further wanting to consolidate his power, General Wes (known for being ma- .. Eccentric) decided to abolish the Senate and reduce the power and influence of the Ruling Families. To do this however he'll need more than just the entire Army at his fingertips.

3 days after the coup, General Wes crowns himself as the first Emperor of the Republic, taking the name Technocious for his title. Now having the entire country under his grasp, he announces a New World Order, in which all nations would comply his authority and orders- or face death. Anyone against the New World Order, are brutally tortured and trialed- often killing them. Nations that resisted are invaded, the population often massacred as a "message to other nations" and to "instill civil order and control over the turbulent regions". Any form of local resistance movement are brutally crushed before they can take root.

A timeline of events before the Uprising

3021: The Treston Commonwealth finally declared open hostilities against the Republic. It was soon followed by Omhara. Against his general's will, Emperor Technocious personally led a fleet of bombers and drop gas bombs on Treston's capital. It only did superficial damage.

3022: The Helcion Mining Colonies are establish on the Helcion Mining Belt. The Emperor moved most of the Republic Space Fleet there. At this time, the Librarians issues a petition to improve living conditions of the Ladarian Miners. The Emperor ignores them. The Librarians became the first Ruling Family to support the Ladarians.

3024: As the war escalates, the Emperor declares himself God of all Ra'ndur and demands that "all that walked on this planet worship me as their supreme deity." On that day, Aldrean Union declares war. The government however dissolves the next day after massive rioting and civil war took place between Union Supporters and Emperor Loyalist. Order was restored after the Republic annexed them.

3025: Klayton-7, while transporting miners to Plant Virdunai, suffers engine problems and crashed. The Ladarian miners shows up at the Emperor's house demands compensation. The Emperor refuses and orders soldiers to pacify the unruly miners.They were taken away and shot for being "traitors".The Second Strike was held to protest the Emperor's decision. The Ladarian Miners Resistance (LMR) was formed. Using the stashed weapons, they quickly overthrow the local militia and began training the local population for war. The Army marches in and was ordered to shoot "any Ladarian in sight"- including innocent woman and children. Wanting to avoid further bloodshed, Hirgun went and meet the Emperor for negotiations. The Emperor took a quick look at him, drew his gun out, and shot him. In the head. His son Heradan swore to avenge his father's death.

3026: The Crown of Caligari refuses to acknowledge the Emperor's legitimacy and declares war. They were joined by 3 other neighbouring nations and quickly formed the Caligari Pact. The Emperor unleashes a series of lab-bred genetically mutated creatures upon the Pact's Army. Most retreat in terror when they encounter the beasts. They were quickly nicknamed Wraiths.

3027: Treston Commonwealth officially surrenders. Guerrilla forces however continues fighting them. The LMR suffers heavy casualties from constant gassing by the Republicans. Wraiths continue to wreck havoc on Pact's forces.

3028: Heradan meets up with nation leaders to plead for their help. He proposes that all the remaining nations merge into a single confederacy to fight against the Republic. The meeting was cut short when Republican bombers bomb the meeting place. Heradan escapes unharmed.

The Caladrian Confederacy was soon formed, consisting of 13 independent nations, in an effort to overthrow the Republic. 3 fronts were open up : East ,West and South.

The colony on Planet Virdunai were hit by several large size asteroids. The colony was almost wiped out. The Emperor decides against evacuating the survivors. Most of the Ruling Families are disgusted by his actions and secretly begins to fund the Confederacy. The Uprising has begun.

It was called the Uprising as the other nations merges into a confederacy to challenge and overthrow the Republic. Key events of The Uprising are listed here.

3030: As the war bogs down into a bloody stalemate, 6 nations broke off from the Confederacy and form the Gunawald Alliance. They claimed that the Confederates are merely using them to achieve world domination, taking command of all the world's nation after they were weakened by the war.

The Gunawald Alliance withdrew their troops, leaving the Western Front relatively empty. Instead of pulling troops out of the West and moving them to the East (where the Republicans are suffering heavy casualties and needed reinforcements), the Emperor overrules his generals and attacks the retreating troops.

Caught off-guard, the withdrawal turned into a rout. The Gunawald Alliance soon dissolves and the Republican annexed them. However, the remaining forces that regrouped forms the Gunawald Guerrilla Troop (GGT). Faced with stiff resistance, the Republicans reluctantly withdraws.

Lt. Wallace of the GGT then forms the Xindarian State with what's left of the former Alliance. They fired 6 nukes at Republican cities as retaliation of their actions. However 1 nuke was programmed with the wrong coordinates and instead hits the Calver Parliament Building, killing 9 heads of state of the Confederacy. The Confederacy was outrage by the act and attacked the Xindarian State- against the wishes of Heradan.

Meanwhile the 9 nations, bereft of their leaders, plunged into a state anarchy. In the ensuing chaos, nukes were exchanged between the 9 nations, utterly devastating them. Order was finally restored when the LMR intervenes, and they soon rejoined the Confederacy.

Eventually, an uneasy truce was finally declared between the Confederates and the Xindarian States.

3033: As Heredan continues to persuade Lt Wallace to join the Confederates, Usolf City State and 7 other nations, feeling the time is right, revealed their true colours and left the Confederacy to form the South-West Bloc. They proceed to attack the Xindarian States instead of the Republic.

Outraged, the Xindarian States attempts to nuke the Bloc, but they were overthrown before it could be done. The South-West Bloc then attacked both the Confederates and the Republic. At this time, 3 Republican Space Ship arrives and began to orbit the planet.

3034: The remaining fragments of the Xindarian States rejoins the Confederacy. Feeling betrayed by the Bloc, they decided to retaliate by nuking them. Both sides exchange nukes for awhile until they both ran out of nukes.

With the Confederates and Bloc busy fighting each other, the Republican Army began gaining ground. They make full use of the orbital bombardment and soon gaps are open in the Southern and Western Fronts.

Eventually, the South-West Bloc collapse after a large portion of the Bloc joins the Confederates. With the Confederacy now back in one piece, they began to focus on overthrowing the Republic.

3035: The Helcion Mining Colonies declares themselves as an independent state and broke off from the Republic. At this time several more ships return from the Colony and starts bombarding the Confederates. Admiral Heinrich, Commander of the Republican Fleet however detests the Emperor's "scorch earth" tactics and refused to comply with his orders. At this time, Independent State of Helcion was formed and cuts off all contact with the Republic.

Nuclear winter starts taking it's toll on both sides. The cold weather and radiation is NOT the major issue. The ash from the fallout causes severe respiratory problems and clogs weapons. Refugees from the Republic pours into the Confederacy. Among the refugees are members of the Ruling Families, who were escaping "witch hunts" by the Emperor, who was reported to be so furious after discovering the treason of the Ruling Families, burned his own house, killing several unfortunate servants. Afterwards he descended into a state of paranoia and began killing (sometimes with his own hands) anyone whom he suspects to be disloyal- including his wives and 3 mistresses.

Confederate forces also discovered Laboratory 4, a secret Republican research facility. What was discovered was never disclosed. It was rumoured to be harbouring details of the Wraith Project, extremely mutated creatures bred for war.

Emperor Technocious orders the capital city of Kleningrad to be burned down. The capital was then moved to a newly built city known as Keiser Byen (Emperor City).

3037: After losing several key battles, the Confederates surrounded Keiser Byen and prepares for the final attack, thinking that the Emperor will do anything to stop them. A deranged Emperor Technocious instead soaks himself in oil and burns himself. Several days later, the remainder of the Republican Army issues an official surrender.

After the surrender of the Republican Army, there was much celebration. However there is still much to be done before they can begin rebuilding.

After the celebrations ended, there a serious issue- who now rules who and where. The Confederacy has achieved its goal of toppling the Republic, yet there's never a plan for its purposes after they achieved their goal.

Larger nations simply return to governing their respective countries after the war. Smaller nations however are often leaderless. Those that have legitimate leaders are quickly replaced by partisans or militant groups, who claims that they were independent fighters resisting the Confederates from "installing a puppet leader to colonize them".

Many small nations merely "vanish" while some merge with the larger countries.

There's also issue with sovereignty. Almost all countries have problems dealing with criminals and having difficulties enforcing law and order. Particularly, the Zkon Cult, who promises its followers "redemption" runs amok across the planet, killing "non-believers" and taking control of smaller nations who can't resist them. Larger nations face problems containing them, and despite taking military action they could not contain the Zkon Cult.

Heradan Worowen urges that the Confederacy should be maintained in an effort to enforce world peace. The first Confederate Principality was drafted. Talks are held between nation leaders to further amend the Principality so that it protects the interest of other countries.

Second Principality was drafted. Using the LMR, Heradan forms the Confederate Defense Force (CDF) to defend the Confederates against the Zkon Cult and other rogue nations. By now, most nations agree that the Confederacy is needed to tackle the many problems they're facing.

The third and final Principality was drafted and the Confederacy is now an official government. The Zkon Cult was black-listed immediately and was hunted down. The remaining rogue nations were "made" to join the Confederacy.

In 3038, with the Confederacy now in power, comes the Restoration Period- a time of rebuilding the planet devastated by nuclear warfare and orbital bombardment.

Contact was finally made with the Pelargir Spacedock on the homeworld moon of Lune, where the former Republican Space Fleet now docks after defying their leader. After several brief talks, Admiral Heinrich joins the Confederates.

The last remnants of the Zkon Cult was weeded out.

The Restoration Period lasted 2 years. In 3040, the priorities of the Confederates turns to beyond their planet. Third generation FTL Drive are made available, and the Confederate Pioneer Fleet (CPF) was founded.

The main purpose of the CPF is to establish space mining colonies and to facilitate exploration of deep space. Some also spoke of the Helcion Mining Colonies, claiming that it rightfully belongs to the Confederates. While others spoke of Vidrunai, which was more promising as it could also double as a test-bed for terraforming and constructions of bio-domes.

Culture (Caste System)

The Ra'ndur's life are dictated by which caste they belong to. There's a total of 4 caste, which is arranged from the top to the bottom.

Hierarch Caste

The ruling class of the Confederates. Rich, powerful and influential, they are responsible for governing the many souls that live on Ra'sul.

Meliorisque Caste

The upper half of society. The rich merchants, industrialists, prospectors. To be a part of the Meliorisque caste one must accumulate significant wealth or made significant contributions to the society. It's the equivalent to a knighthood.

Commoner Caste

The common people of the Confederacy. They represent more than half of the planet's population and it's where the Confederacy draws most of their skilled labourers from.

Slav Caste

The bottom rung of society. Criminals and law breakers forms the Slav caste. They will have to work their way out of the Slav caste. Slavs plays a pivotal role in rebuilding the Confederates, which mainly consists of POWs and war criminals.

The only way to ascend the caste system is by adoption, or if the Confederate Caste Guild permits it under specific circumstances.
Nation Goals

Re-explore Planet Vidrunai

Retake the Helcion Mining Colonies, preferably without using force.
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Home System Name


Home System Coordinates


Celestial Bodies

The closest planet to the Star. It's barren world that resembles a molten rock more than a planet. The planet has barely any atmosphere and constant seismic activity makes the planet inhospitable.

Due to the planet's small size, the gravitational pull of it is next to none. Whenever volcanoes erupt tonnes of volcanic materials were ejected out of the planet and into orbit. Prospectors believe that these materials floating around Airon's orbit can be mined safely and cheaply.

Once colonized by the Republicans, it was wiped out by an asteroid strike.

The planet is unusual, for it has a green-pinkish sky, and a very uneven atmosphere. It's thickest at the poles while gradually thinning as it approaches the equator. The situation also creates intense winds that blows across the planet in speeds excessive of 300 km/h. At the equator stands a long mountain range that stretches around the equator. Astrologist named it Encircling Mountains.

The planet is rich with various kinds of minerals. It has 2 moons. Lhaw and Hen.

The homeworld of the Ra'ndur. The 6 fiefs of the planets are:







The planet itself is relatively warm with a massive ecosystem with many various plants and animals in it. The North pole is actually extremely hot due to the extreme amount of seismic activity and tectonic movement there; unlike the South where it's freezing cold. This massive difference in temperature between the poles creates a unique situation: extreme ocean currents.

Ra'sul has one moon: Lune, where the Pelargir Spacedocks are located at. It's also home to the Laboratory for Scientific Discoveries (LSD).

A massive blue-ish gas giant with a large ring of debris encircling it. It became a place for an experimental form of mining known as ice-gas mining.

Despite being a gas giant, Conneth has a relatively stable weather and a very highly pressurized atmosphere. This condition allows ice-gas mining to be carried out rather safely and economically feasible, as not much armour is need to shield against harsh weather.

The furthest planet away from the Star, also the second smallest, being only slightly larger than Airon. Halcyth is described as a "cold, frozen, barren rock with just about nothing on it."

It also has a extremely erratic orbit. Instead of a regular elliptical orbit, it's almost a perfect circle. Scientist are still unsure how such an orbit is achieved without artificial means. Although several theories exists, the most common ones generally involved the Helcion Asteroid Belt guiding its orbit.

A massive ring of asteroids and mini-moons that borders Arith, which is also sometimes referred to as the Edge Line.

The Republic once establish a mining colony at the Edge Line. During the Uprising, they revolted and declared themselves as the Independent State of Helcion.

The Helcion Asteroid Belt is full of asteroids that are rich in various kinds of exotic minerals. Hence came the need for the Confederates to take control of it.

Neighboring Systems


Colonized Systems


Government Popularity
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Unique Unit

The Praetorian Shield System is mounted on a standard IFV chassis for mobility. Its primary function is to generate a strong nanite-photon energy shield umbrella to stop incoming projectiles. The umbrella distance and arc can be adjusted by an operator.

The Praetorian also has a secondary function, which can be used in conjunction with it's primary one: Active Kill Defense Protocol (AKDP). Using a system of lasers and micro-kinetic impact weapons, it disables incoming missile and artillery shells before they can harm troops on the ground.

The Praetorian Shield System also includes a back-up battery power core as well as the standard power core that's powered by the engine. Smaller Praetorian Shield System are also being developed for Heavy infantry.


(DISCLAIMER: Due to me being a horrible artist, the images below are taken from EVE Online. I do not own or create the follow images. All copyright reserve to it's respective owners.)

Archer Class Frigate



The Archer class frigate is a Venture class transporter adapted for the use of the CPF. It was commissioned during SA3039, and after several intense testing session it was pressed into service as the first CPF combat frigate.

The engineers at Pelargir Spacedock plated the hull of the Archer with Neosteel to give it extra armour. To further increase its survivability in hostile environments, Draximor-Carbonite alloy plates were used instead, for these plates are 35 time stronger and harder than Neosteel, but are much more expensive to produce than Neosteel.

After stripping away the seats in the front (claw-like) compartment, there was plenty of space to fit sophisticated sensor arrays, giving the Archer the ability to explore celestial objects of interest. For the ship's radar, DRADIS is fitted at the front most part of the ship to optimize its range and detection capability, making it useful as a scout.

The Archer is armed with 2 Galadhrim II Auto-cannon turrets, which were fired remotely from within the ship to protect the crew. It also comes with 2 Harpoon torpedo tubes for ship to ship combat.

The Archer has a crew of 15, though it can be operated with a skeleton-crew of just 5.
Tirith Class Destroyer


The Tirith class destroyer is originally a Republican ship issued in SA3000 as part of a program by the Republic to colonize outer space. After the Uprising, Admiral Heinrich joins the Confederates with a fleet of 6 Tirith destroyers as well as the engineers at Pelargir Spacedock.

The ship was combat ready from the get-go and there isn't much to be done to it. After upgrading the equipment of the ship (primarily the sensors and DRADIS), it's officially pressed into CPF service in 3040.

The Tirith class destroyer has a crew of 100, though only a minimum of 15 can operate this ship.
Cruiser (N/A)

Battleship (N/A)

Carrier (N/A)


Admiral Klint Howard


Appearance: An up-sized Tirith Class Destroyer, it's the flagship of the Confederate Pioneer Fleet and is commanded by Admiral Kirk Heinrich. The Admiral Klint Howard is much more heavily armoured than the regular Tirith class, and boasts a larger array of sensors. It can also carry aircraft, a trait that no other CPF ship shares.



Point-Defense Guns:5

Anti-Ship Guns:5

Ballistic Missiles:5

Anti-Ground Guns:0

Sublight Engines:5

Aircraft Capacity:10



Perks: N/A
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